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Chapter 6 Study Guide
Name _______________________
Date __________
 Every two hours you get a five-minute break.
The type of learning that is acquired by watching and imitating others.
You ask several people out before you get a date.
Something that produces a reaction.
The type of learning that remains hidden until it is needed.
You have to pump the gas pedal three times to start the car.
A learned response to a stimulus that was previously meaningless.
The type of learning based on the consequences of an action.
Every so often your parents take you out to dinner.
Multiple Choice:
 A conditioned response is triggered …
Who pioneered research in classical conditioning?
When “Little Albert” became conditioned to fear all furry objects, he demonstrated the principle
of …
A person’s mouth watering at the thought of a meal is a(n)…
What is the proper order of operant conditioning?
A form of classical conditioning that can help people avoid illness is …
In operant conditioning, the basic principle is …
Things that meet people’s basic needs, such as food, are examples of …
The type of reinforcement which occurs after a correct response is …
Reinforcement of a behavior each time the behavior occurs is called …
What are the conditions that have to exist for extinction to occur?
What describes a fixed-ratio schedule of reinforcement?
Dave is learning to drive a car. This skill is best learning by which process?
What are the techniques of operant conditioning?
Three-year-old Jamie is pretending to read the newspaper like her father. This best illustrates
the principle of …
What type of learning involves cognitive factors?
Cognitive maps help us to …
The increase of violence as a result of expose to violence in the media is an example of …
What does PQ4R stand for?
 In an operant conditioning experiment, the subject is active.
 Albert Bandura stated we learn from watching the actions of others.
 Mary Cover Jones did research on how to overcome phobias.
 Secondary reinforcement always involves some type of primary reinforcement.
 Learning from the consequences of one’s actions is operant conditioning.
 The gradual loss of an association over time is referred to as discrimination.
Short Answer:
 How is the method of flooding used to reduce people’s fears?
What is shaping?
What type of response is demonstrated when a child says “Mom” only to her mother?
Critical Thinking:
 Describe how you would apply the PQ4R method of learning to your psychology class.
Provide an example of how a positive reinforcer and a negative reinforcer can be used to
encourage behavior to occur again.