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Study Guide 2 – Bio11 Sp13
Note: This is the updated study guide.
2-1 DNA and protein synthesis
• Understand the following terms: replication, transcription, translation
• Be able to describe DNA structure and base pairing.
• How does the DNA molecule make copies of itself? What is the scientific term for
this process?
• How are DNA and RNA similar and how are they different?
• Understand how genetic information is passed from DNA to RNA to protein.
• What is RNA splicing (also called RNA processing)?
• Be able to transcribe and translate a sequence of DNA bases.
• Know the role of codons, ribosomes, mRNA and tRNA in protein synthesis.
2-2 DNA and cancer
• What are mutations? What are some types of changes in DNA?
• Know the key features of mutations
• Why are mutations important for evolution? Understand the role of mutations in
sickle cell anemia, lactose intolerance and antibiotic resistance.
• Know the characteristics of cancer cells.
• How does cancer progress? What is a malignant tumor?
• Understand the role of mutations in causing cancer. Is cancer inherited?
• How is cancer diagnosed and treated?
2-3 Control systems: Nervous system
• Know the functions of the cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem and spinal cord.
• What structures protect the CNS?
• Describe the three types of neurons and their roles in the nervous system. What
are glia cells?
• Describe the structure of a neuron (dendrites, cell body, axon). What is the
function of the myelin sheath? Know the direction the nerve impulse travels.
• Understand the organization of the nervous system. What is the difference
between the central and peripheral nervous systems? a neuron and a nerve?
• What is a nerve impulse (or action potential)? What is the role of the ion (or Na+)
channels in the nerve membrane?
• How does the nerve impulse cross the synapse between cells? What are
2-4 The brain: drugs and disease
• How do recreational drugs and alcohol affect the brain?
• What different ways do drugs affect neurotransmitter levels?
• Which drugs affect the dopamine pathway? How does the brain adapt?
• Understand how Alzheimer’s disease affects the brain.
• Which groups/ages of people are most affected by mental illness?
• How do drugs like Prozac work?
2-5 Control systems: Endocrine system
• Compare and contrast the nervous and endocrine systems.
• How do hormones recognize their target cells?
• Describe the difference between steroid and peptide hormones. How do their
receptors and mechanisms of action differ?
• What parts of the brain secrete hormones? Why are they called “master”
endocrine glands?
• Most hormone secretion is regulated by negative feedback. How does this work?
• Describe a) the functions of human growth hormone and thyroxine (T3/T4) and b)
diseases associated with under- and over-production of these hormones.
• How are blood glucose and calcium levels controlled? Which hormones are
involved? Why are they called antagonists?
• Understand the differences between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.
• Know the different ways that hormone levels are controlled.
2-6 Cardiovascular System
• What are the functions of blood and of the different types of blood cells?
• Where are the blood cells produced? What are blood stem cells?
• Understand the blood disorders discussed in lecture.
• Describe the flow of blood through the heart. Why is the heart a double pump?
• What is the role of the heart valves?
• Describe the cardiac cycle (diastole and systole). How does blood pressure
relate to the cardiac cycle?
• How is contraction of the heart muscle cells synchronized?
2-7 Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems
• What are the 3 types of blood vessels? Describe the structure and function of
these vessels.
• How do arteries differ from veins? How is blood “pumped” in veins?
• Distinguish between the 3 cardiovascular pathways discussed.
• What is blood pressure and why is it important? What is pulse rate?
• What are some common cardiovascular disorders in humans and how can they
be prevented?
• What is the difference between a heart attack and a stroke?
• Understand how oxygen and CO2 are exchanged in the capillary beds of the
lungs and body tissues. How is oxygen used in the cells?
• How are these gases transported in the blood?
• Be able to describe the mechanics of breathing. What is the role of the
diaphragm? The brain stem?