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Document related concepts
 Bacteria species are everywhere!
 Due to:
 Billions of years of existence
 Large populations
 Short generations
 Rare, but regular mutations
 Size: 0.5-5µm
 Genome:
 Singular chromosome (primary DNA)
 Many plasmids: small circular DNA (secondary DNA)
 No membrane-bound organelles
 Cell wall & membrane
 Cytoplasm
 Nucleoid region
 Ribosomes
 Flagellum
 Common Shapes
 Spherical: cocci
 Rod-shaped: bacilli
 Spiral: spirilla
 Rapid Asexual Reproduction
 Binary Fission
 Bacteria species are everywhere!
 Due to:
 Billions of years of existence
 Large populations
 Short generations
 Rare, but regular mutations
 Mutations during replication
 Transformation
 Transduction
 Conjugation
 Transposition
 Project Time!