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Series A
Question 2. The right answer is Phosphorus-32
Link 1:
No. IOM-2794-04-001
Health Effects of Phosphorus-32
is a synthetic radionuclide whose synthesis was first established in the mid-1930s
Ernest Lawrence, Enrico Fermi, and George de Hevesy. (de Hevesy) The first published
report of the synthesis of 32P was by Chiewitz and de Hevesy, who bombarded carbon
disulfide with neutrons. They also reported its use as a tracer element in animal studies.
De Hevesy was among the first to realize the power of tracer elements in studying both
chemical and physiological reactions and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in
1943. The first medical use of 32P was performed shortly thereafter in late 1936 by John
Lawrence, the brother of the physicist Ernest Lawrence. Dr. John Lawrence, after
successful studies with mice, treated a woman suffering from leukemia with sodium
phosphate prepared using Ernest Lawrence’s cyclotron. (Anonymous)
This was the first use of any synthetic radionuclide for a medicinal purpose. Sodium
[32P] phosphate is still a treatment of choice for polycythemia vera, a myeloproliferative
disorder which results in abnormal proliferation of hematopoietic bone marrow cells and
an absolute increase in red cell mass and total blood volume. (Berlin)
As noted in the previous sections, sodium [32P] phosphate was the first synthetic
radionuclide ever used in medical therapy. It is currently a treatment of choice for
polycythemiavera (PV) and essential thrombocythaemia (ET) in the elderly and is also
used for the treatment of bone pain associated with skeletal metastases. The initial
dosage range for polycythemia vera (PV) is 1-5 mCi dependent on the severity, stage
and size of the patient. (Baker)
In addition to PV, ET, and bone pain, sodium [32P] phosphate has been used to treat
chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), chronic lymphocyte leukemia (CLL), multiple
myeloma. Sodium [32P] phosphate displayed activity against both CML and CLL but
[32P] therapy but was eventually superceded by treatment with alkylating agents.
Link 2:
Link 3 :
Radioactive P-32
Radioactive P-32 is a material approved for use in the treatment of elevated blood
counts from diseases such as polycythemia vera. It is given as an outpatient as an intravenous
injection. It can be used in patients who no longer respond to chemotherapy, plasmapheresis, or
phlebotomy, or in patients who cannot tolerate other treatments. It is NOT effective in any site
except bone marrow. The main side effect of P-32 is to lower the blood counts. It cannot be
given if either the white count or platelet count is too low. If a patient has had repeated doses of
P-32, he or she may not be able to receive additional chemotherapy because of low counts.
Question 5 : ThisQuestion should be deleted
Link 1:
One large whole egg contains 6.28 grams of protein, containing all nine essential amino acids: histidine,
isoleucine, leucine, lycine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine. Of the four
nonessential amino acids, eggs have alanine, aspartic acid and glutamic acid. The semi-essential amino
acids arginine, cysteine, glycine, proline, serine and tyrosine are also present in eggs. In all, eggs have 18
amino acids. The yolk and white each contain the same 18 amino acids; to avoid the cholesterol in yolks,
use only the whites, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture Nutrient Database.
Milk is available as whole milk, reduced fat or 2 percent fat, low fat or 1 percent fat and nonfat or skim
milk. Some milk manufacturers add milk solids and protein to the lower fat varieties. One cup of whole
milk has 8 grams of protein, 7.93 grams of fat and 24 milligrams of cholesterol,where as 1 cup of nonfat
milk has the same amount of protein, no fat and only 5 milligrams of cholesterol, according to the U.S.
Department of Agriculture Nutrient Database. All types of milk, from whole to nonfat contain 18 amino
acids: all nine of the essential amino acids; six semi-essential: arginine, cysteine, glycine, proline, serine
and tyrosine; and three nonessential: alanine, aspartic acid and glutamic acid. These are the same amino
acids found in eggs. The 2010 U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that you replace whole
milk with 1 percent or nonfat milk, which has the same nutrient and calcium values.
Link 2 :
Which Amino Acids Are Contained in Milk & Eggs?
Last Updated: Jun 05, 2014 | By Melodie Anne
Which Amino Acids Are Contained in Milk & Eggs?
Milk and eggs are both complete protein foods. Photo Credit Visage/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Amino acids are tiny building blocks in the body. They stick together to form tissues, cells and organs.
Your body even uses amino acids for digestion, growth, hormone production, brain signaling and other
everyday biological processes. Since amino acids are essential for basic life functions, you need an array
of them in your daily diet. Both milk and eggs are rich sources of amino acids, giving you healthy doses
of each one.
Essential Amino Acids
Foods from animal sources, including milk and eggs, are known as complete proteins and have adequate
levels of all of the essential amino acids. The nine essential amino acids include lysine, methionine,
leucine, histidine, isoleucine, threonine, tryptophan, valine and phenylalanine. These amino acids are
essential or necessary because they have to come from the foods in your daily diet. The body can’t make
these amino acids, which isn’t the case for all types of amino acids.
Link 3:
This page describes the properties of milk protein. There is a brief introduction to General Protein
Definitions and Chemistry, followed by sections on Milk Protein Chemistry, Milk Protein Physical
Properties, Deterioration of Milk Protein, and the Influences of Heat Treatments on Milk Protein
Properties. For more details on milk protein properties see references by Fox and McSweeney (1998),
Jelen and Rattray (1995), Singh (1995), and Walstra et al. (1999).
General Protein Definition & Chemistry
Proteins are chains of amino acid molecules connected by peptide bonds.
There are many types of proteins and each has its own amino acid sequence (typically containing
hundreds of amino acids). There are 22 different amino acids that can be combined to form protein
chains. There are 9 amino acids that the human body cannot make and must be obtained from the diet.
These are called the essential amino acids.
The amino acids within protein chains can bond across the chain and fold to form 3-dimensional
structures. Proteins can be relatively straight or form tightly compacted globules or be somewhere in
between. The term “denatured” is used when proteins unfold from their native chain or globular shape.
Denaturing proteins is beneficial in some instances, such as allowing easy access to the protein chain by
enzymes for digestion, or for increasing the ability of the whey proteins to bind water and provide a
desirable texture in yogurt production.
Milk Protein Chemistry
Milk contains 3.3% total protein. Milk proteins contain all 9 essential amino acids required by humans.
Milk proteins are synthesized in the mammary gland, but 60% of the amino acids used to build the
proteins are obtained from the cow's diet. Total milk protein content and amino acid composition varies
with cow breed and individual animal genetics.
There are 2 major categories of milk protein that are broadly defined by their chemical composition and
physical properties. The casein family contains phosphorus and will coagulate or precipitate at pH 4.6.
The serum (whey) proteins do not contain phosphorus, and these proteins remain in solution in milk at
pH 4.6. The principle of coagulation, or curd formation, at reduced pH is the basis for cheese curd
formation. In cow's milk, approximately 82% of milk protein is casein and the remaining 18% is serum, or
whey protein.
The casein family of protein consists of several types of caseins (α-s1, α-s2 , ß, and 6) and each has its
own amino acid composition, genetic variations, and functional properties. The caseins are suspended in
milk in a complex called a micelle that is discussed below in the physical properties section. The caseins
have a relatively random, open structure due to the amino acid composition (high proline content). The
high phosphate content of the casein family allows it to associate with calcium and form calcium
phosphate salts. The abundance of phosphate allows milk to contain much more calcium than would be
possible if all the calcium were dissolved in solution, thus casein proteins provide a good source of
calcium for milk consumers. The 6-casein is made of a carbohydrate portion attached to the protein
chain and is located near the outside surface of the casein micelle (see Figure 2 below). In cheese
manufacture, the 6-casein is cleaved between certain amino acids, and this results in a protein fragment
that does not contain the amino acid phenylalanine. This fragment is called milk glycomacropeptide and
is a unique source of protein for people with phenylketonuria.
Link 4 :
McKinley Health Center
Protein is necessary for almost all bodily functions including tissue growth and repair,
maintenance of muscle structure and the creation of several important enzymes (i.e.
digestive enzymes) and hormones like insulin. Dietary protein can also be used as an
energy source when needed. Adequate protein is especially important for athletes and
individuals with weakened immune systems due to the increased need for cell and
tissue repair. The richest sources of protein include meats, beans and milk, while grain
products and vegetables contain small to moderate amounts of protein. Consuming
protein-rich foods enables our bodies to get proper amounts of essential amino acids.
Protein from soy and animal sources such as eggs, milk, fish, and meat contain
all of the essential amino acids in high amounts and are therefore called complete
proteins.All other plant sources of protein such as beans, nuts, and grains are lacking at
least one essential amino acid and are therefore are incomplete proteins. It is the
position of the American Dietetic Association that: "Plant protein can meet requirements
when a variety of plant foods is consumed and energy needs are met. Research
indicates that an assortment of plant foods eaten over the course of a day can provide
all essential amino acids and ensure adequate nitrogen retention and use in healthy
adults, thus complementary proteins do not need to be consumed at the same meal."
Vegetarians and vegans who are concerned about their protein and amino acid intake
can consume soy products and a variety of beans, nuts, and grains in order to ensure a
complete amino acid profile. Protein requirements vary per person depending on body
weight, age, and activity level. Protein recommendations for the average adult are 1035% of daily calories - about 50-175 grams of protein per day for a 2000 calorie diet.
Americans typically do not have a problem meeting the protein requirement. It is a
common misconception that consuming large amounts of protein will lead to increased
muscle mass. Remember that excess calories from protein that are not used for daily
energy needs will lead to weight gain in the form of fat not muscle.
Question 22 : The right answer should be C and D both
Link1 :
MaharshiDhondoKeshavKarve (Devanāgari: महषडॉ. धडोकेशवकव) (April 18, 1858 - November 9, 1962)
was a preeminent social reformer of his time in India in the field of welfare of womankind.
Before Karve's time, Hindu social mores used to discourage education of girls, and parents routinely
married off their daughters often before their puberty usually to young boys, but at times even to grownup widowers. Social mores also disallowed remarriages of widows so that if a breadwinning man died, his
widow's remaining life would turn bleak because, lacking education, she could not support herself. The
widow had to spend her life serving the household of her late husband's relatives.
MaharshiKarve was one of the pioneers in India in breaking with extraordinary fortitude and perseverance
the above harsh social mores against womankind. He promoted education of women and freedom for
widows to remarry if they wished to do so. The Government of India recognized his reform work by
awarding him its highest civilian award, BhāratRatna in 1958, (the year in which, incidentally, he
completed his 100 years of life. He lived for four more years.)
The appellation, Maharshi, which the Indian public often assigned to Karve means “a great sage”. Those
who knew Karve affectionately called him as AnnāKarve. (In Marāthi-speaking community, to which Karve
belonged, the appellation Annā is often used to address one's either father or an elder brother.)
Early life
AnnasahebKarve was born on April 18, 1858 at Sheravali, KhedTālukā of Ratnāgiri district in
Mahārāshtra. He was a native of Murud in the Konkan region. He was born in a lower middle-class
Chitpāvan Brahmin family. His father's name was KeshavBāpunnāKarve. In his autobiography, he wrote
of his struggle to appear in a certain public service examination, walking 110 miles in torrential rain and
difficult terrain to the nearest city of Sātārā, and his shattering disappointment at not being allowed to
appear for the examination because he looked too young.
Karve studied at Elphinstone College in Bombay (Mumbai) to receive a bachelor's degree in
First Marriage
Karve's parents arranged his marriage when he was 14 to an 8 year old girl named Rādhābāi. Karve had
written in his autobiography:
"… I was married at the age of fourteen and my wife was then eight. Her family lived very near to ours,
and we knew each other very well and had often played together. However, after marriage, we had to
forget our old relation as playmates and to behave as strangers, often looking toward each other but
never standing together to exchange words…. We had to communicate with each other through my
sister…… My marital life began under the parental roof at Murud when I was twenty…".
Radhabhai died in 1891 during childbirth at age 27, leaving behind a young son named RaghunathKarve.
Raghunath became a visionary social reformer.
Second Marriage
Reformatory thoughts concerning the then prevalent harsh social mores against womankind, stated
above, were already stirring up the mind of Karve by the time Radhabai died. Implementing his own
reformatory thoughts with extraordinary courage, two years later he chose as his second wife a widow --a
23 year old widow named Godubāi-- rather than an unmarried girl whom he could have easily arranged to
secure as his new wife according to the prevalent social mores. Godubai, who had been widowed at age
8 within three months of her marriage even before she knew, as she would say later, what it was to be a
wife. Before marrying Karve, Godubai had started studying in her early twenties at PanditāRamābāi’s
pioneering ShāradāSadan as its first widow student, and had also displayed equal courage, like Karve, in
defying social mores against remarriages by widows.
Concerning his marriage to Godubai, Karve described in his autobiography how he had asked for her
hand in marriage to her father:
"I told him…..[that] I had made up my mind to marry a widow. He sat silent for a minute, and then hinted
that there was no need to go in search of such a bride".
Career as a college professor
During 1891-1914, Karve taught mathematics at Fergusson College in Pune, Mharashtra.
The work of PanditaRamabai inspired Karve to dedicate his life to the cause of female education, and the
work of PanditVishnushāstri and PanditIswar Chandra Vidyāsāgar inspired him to work for uplifting the
status of widows. Writings of Herbert Spencer had also highly influenced him.
Social work
In 1893, Karve founded Widhawā-WiwāhottejakMandali, which, besides encouraging marriages of
widows, also helped the needy children of widows. In 1895, the institution was renamed as
Widhawā-Wiwāha-Pratibandh-NiwārakMandali (Society to Remove Obstacles to Marriages of
In 1896, Karve established a Hindu Widows' Home Association and started in Hingane, a village
then in the outskirts of Pune in Maharashtra, Mahilāshram, a shelter and a school for women,
including widows. He started MahilāVidyālaya in 1907; the following year, he started Nishkām
Karma Math (Social Service Society) to train workers for the Widows Home and the
Later, Widows Home was renamed as HinganeStreeShikshanSamsthā. Still later, as the institution
flourished by leaps and bounds, it was renamed as MaharshiKarveStreeShikshanSamstha[6]. When
Karve had started his shelter and school for women, including widows, in 1896, he had to start it in the
remote village of Hingane outside the city of Pune because the dominant orthodox Brahmin community in
the city had ostracized him for his reformatory activitities. (Karve himself belonged to the Brahmin
community.) With his meager resources, for many years Karve would walk several miles from Hingane to
the city of Pune to teach mathematics at Fergusson College and also collect in his spare time paltry
donations from a few progressive donors, even as some others from the orthodox community would
openly hurl insulting epithets at him when he went around to spread the word of his emancipatory work
and collect donations.
Karve's 20 year old widowed sister-in-law, PārwtibāiĀthawale, was the first widow to join his school. After
finishing her education, she joined him as the first lady superintendent of the then Hindu Widows' Home
After reading information about Japan Women's University in Tokyo, Japan, Karve felt inspired to
establish in 1916 in Pune the first university for women in India, with just five students. The
curriculum was tailored to the aptitudes of women.
During 1917–1918, Karve established a Training College for Primary School Teachers and another
school for girls, named KanyāShālā.
In 1920, an industrialist and philanthropist from Mumbai, Sir VithaldāsThāckersey, donated
Karve's university 1.5 million Indian rupees --a substantial sum in those days-- and the university
was then renamed as ShreematiNāthibāiDāmodarThāckersey Indian Women’s University or SNDT
Women's University.
In March 1929, Karve left for a tour in England. He attended the Primary Teachers' Conference at
Malvern, and spoke on Education of Women in India at a meeting of the East India Association at Caxton
Hall, London. During 25 July - 4 August 1929, he attended an educational conference in Geneva, and
spoke on The Indian Experiment in Higher Education for Women. During 8 - 21 August, he attended in
Elsinor the international meeting of educationists under the auspices of the New Education Fellowship.
During his subsequent tour of America, Karve lectured at various forums on women's education and
social reforms in India. He also visited the Women's University in Tokyo. He returned to India in April
In December 1930, Karve left for a fifteen-month tour in Africa to spread information about his work for
women in India. He visited Mombasa, Kenya, Uganda, Tanganayika, Zanzibar, Portuguese East Africa,
and South Africa .
In 1931, the SNDT university established its first college in Mumbai, and moved its headquarters to
Mumbai five years later.
In 1936, Karve started the Maharashtra Village Primary Education Society with the goal of opening
primary schools in villages which had no schools run by the District Local Boards. He also encouraged
maintenance of reading habits of adults in villages. In 1944, he founded the SamatāSangh (Association
for the Promotion of Human Equality).
In 1949, the Government of India recognized SNDT University as a statutory university.
The SNDT University and other educational institutions for women started by Karve currently cover the
spectrum ranging from pre-primary schools to colleges in humanities, sciences, engineering, architecture,
and business management.
Besides dedicating his life to the emancipation of women in India, Karve stood for the abolition of the
caste system and the curse of untouchability in the Hindu society.
Question 51: The right answer should be A
Link 1 :
Designer Carbon Materials, an Oxford-based scientific startup, has recently sold its first 200
micrograms of nitrogen atom-based endohedral fullerenes for £22,000 ($33,400)—or about £110
million ($167 million) per gram.
This valuation likely makes the material the second most valuable on Earth, preceded only by
antimatter, which is estimated by NASA to cost some £41 trillion per gram.
The material, which essentially is a cage of carbon atoms with a nitrogen atom inside, could be used
for very small and very accurate atomic clocks, which are currently of the size of a room.
“Imagine a minaturised atomic clock that you could carry around in your smartphone,” the company's
founder Dr. KyriakosPorfyrakis told The Telegraph. “This is the next revolution for mobile.”
Soccer ball-shaped carbon molecules match the spectra of interstellar material.
One of the problems a miniature atomic clock can solve is the positioning of driverless cars. With
normal GPS navigation offering an accuracy to within a few yards, it could be tricky to properly track
and control the vehicles. Throw an atomic clock into the mix, however, and you can get the accuracy
resolution down to around 1mm.
These tiny atomic clocks, however, won't be around any time soon. Porfyrakis told ArsTechnica in a
phone interview that the first batch of the material was sold to a consortium of researchers in the UK
and US, including those from Oxford University, who "work on the production of atomic clocks based
on this material."
"It will take them a few years to finalise this research project," he added. "If there will be a final
product, it should be miniature enough to go into portable devices."
Link 2 :
Californium was first synthesized at the University of CaliforniaRadiation Laboratory in Berkeley, by the
physics researchers Stanley G. Thompson, Kenneth Street, Jr., Albert Ghiorso, and Glenn T. Seaborg on
or about February 9, 1950.[26] It was the sixth transuranium element to be discovered; the team
announced its discovery on March 17, 1950.