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AP Biology – Chapter 23
The Evolution of Populations
Population Genetics
AP Biology
Smallest Unit of Evolution
  Natural selection acts on individuals
  BUT…..the evolutionary impact of natural
selection is only apparent in the changes in a
population over time
  It is always a population that evolves NOT
an individual
  Microevolution – change in allele
frequencies in a population over generations
  Natural selection
  Genetic drift
  Gene flow
AP Biology
Forces of evolutionary change
  Natural selection
traits that improve survival
or reproduction will accumulate
in the population
  adaptive change
  Genetic drift
frequency of traits can change
in a population due to
random chance events
  random change
AP Biology
AP Biology – Chapter 23
Causes of MicroEvolution
1.  Genetic Variation – great amount of
genetic variation can only be determined
with biochemical methods (Darwin unaware
of much variation)
Genetic variation can only be observed at the molecular
level. Ex: cannot identify blood type from his or her
Characters that vary within a population may be discrete or
Discrete – ex: color of Mendel’s pea plants (purple or white
flowers) classified on an either-or basis
Quantitative – influence of two or more genes on a single
phenotypic character. Vary along a continuum within a
AP Biology
Average Heterozygosity
  The average percent of loci that are
Two different alleles for a single locus
Fruit fly example
  Nucleotide variability
  Gene variability (average
AP Biology
Variation Between Populations
  Geographic Variation – differences in the
genetic composition of separate
mice population – evolved in isolation
Karyotype differences
  Variation resulted from chance events
  Cline
Other types of variation occur as a cline
Graded change in a character along a geographic
AP Biology
AP Biology – Chapter 23
  Ultimate source of new alleles
Change in the nucleotide sequence of an
organism’s DNA
  Only mutations in cell lines that produce gametes
can be passed to offspring
  Point Mutations
Change in one base in a gene
Unlikely that a mutation will improve the
  Increases variability
  HIV viral mutations
  Sexual reproduction
AP Biology
Evolution of Populations
AP Biology
5 Agents of evolutionary change
Gene Flow
Changes to DNA
AP Biology
Non-random mating
Sexual Selection
Genetic Drift
Small population
Natural Selection
Differential Survival
AP Biology – Chapter 23
Gene Pools and Allele Frequencies
  Population – group of individuals of the same
species that live in the same area, interbreed,
producing fertile offspring
  Gene Pool – consists of all the alleles for all the loci
in all individuals of the population
  If only one allele exists for a particular locus in a
population that allele is fixed in the gene pool
  Each allele has a frequency (proportion) in the
  p and q allele frequency representations
  Sum of all allele frequencies must equal 1 (100%)
AP Biology
Hardy-Weinberg Theorem
  Mathematical principle that attempts to determine the
current allele frequencies in a population
  The frequencies of alleles and genotypes in a
population will remain constant from generation to
Provided that only Mendelian segregation and
recombination of alleles are at work
  Sets up the necessary conditions for a population to
NOT evolve
  Focus is on the combination of alleles in ALL of the
genetic crosses in a population
AP Biology
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
  Hypothetical situation
serves as null hypothesis
non-evolving population
REMOVE all agents of evolutionary change
1.  no genetic drift (very large population size )
2.  no gene flow (no migration in or out)
3.  no mutation (no chemical change to DNA)
4.  random mating (no sexual selection)
5.  no natural selection (equal survival)
AP Biology
AP Biology – Chapter 23
HW Conditions
  No mutations
  Random mating
  No natural selection
  Extremely large population size
  No gene flow
Departure from any of these conditions
usually results in evolutionary change!
  It is also common for natural populations
to be in HW equilibrium for specific genes
AP Biology
Hardy-Weinberg Equation
p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1.0
and p + q = 1.0
p2 = frequency of individuals homozygous dominant
2pq = frequency of individuals heterozygous
q2 = frequency of individuals homozygous recessive
AP Biology
Example of strong selection pressure
  Tay Sachs
primarily in Ashkenazi Jews & Cajuns
recessive disease = aa
  lysosomal storage disease
  lack of one functional digestive enzyme in
  build up undigested fat in
brain cells
  children die before they
are 5 years old
So where do new cases of
come from?
AP Biology – Chapter 23
Example of heterozygote advantage
  Sickle cell anemia
inherit a mutation in gene coding for one
of the subunits in hemoglobin
  oxygen-carrying blood protein
  normal allele = Hb
  mutant allele = Hs
  recessive trait = HsHs
low oxygen levels causes
RBC to sickle
  clogging small blood vessels
  damage to organs
AP Biology
often lethal
Sickle cell frequency
  High frequency of heterozygotes
1 in 5 in Central Africans = HbHs
  unusual for allele with severe
detrimental effects in homozygotes
  1 in 100 = HsHs
  usually die before reproductive age
Why is the Hs allele maintained at such high
levels in African populations?
Suggests some selective advantage of
being heterozygous… HbHs
AP Biology
Single-celled eukaryote parasite
(Plasmodium) spends part of its
life cycle in red blood cells
AP Biology
AP Biology – Chapter 23
Heterozygote Advantage
  In tropical Africa, where malaria is common:
homozygous dominant (normal)
homozygous recessive
heterozygote carriers
  reduced survival or reproduction from malaria: HbHb
  reduced survival & reproduction from sickle cell anemia: HsHs
  survival & reproductive advantage: HbHs
In malaria-infected
cells, the O2 level is
lowered enough to
cause sickling which
kills the cell & destroys
AP Biology
Frequency of sickle cell allele &
distribution of malaria
Any Questions??
AP Biology