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Pathology of the Heart
Dr. Winokur
The Heart as a Pump
• Pump parts
Powersource Motor
Pump with valves Control circuit -
Cardiac equivalent
Blood supply/oxygen
Cardiac valves
Conducting system and
neurohumoral control
Pathologic consequences of
pump failure
• Blood vessels/Oxygen supply - Ischemic heart disease
• Myocardium - Cardiomyopathy
• Valves - Inadequate forward flow/Increased back
• Conducting system - Arrythmias
• Neurohumoral system - Inadequate compensation for
pathologic processes
Failure of any of these components can result in
inadequate oxygen delivery to peripheral tissues
otherwise known as HEART FAILURE
Case 1
• 65 yo man with past medical history
significant for diabetes mellitus,
hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia
presents to the ED complaining of crushing
substernal chest pain that radiates to the
• Physical Exam
• Tachycardia
• Diaphoretic
• Abnormal with Q-wave
• Labs
• Elevated troponin I and CK-MB
• Myocardial infarct
Ischemic heart disease
• Mismatch between oxygen supply and
• Typically results from atherosclerotic
narrowing of the coronary arteries
• Other causes include vasculitis, intramyocardial
coronary arteries
• Can result from unusual oxygen demand
• Thyrotoxicosis
• Tachycardia
Presentation of ischemic heart
• Chest pain with exertion - Angina pectoris
• Myocardial infarct
• Many MI s are the initial presentation
• Sudden death
• Cardiac failure-chronic disease
Note that in women the presentation is
frequently atypical ie decreased exercise
tolerance rather than pain with exercise
• Typically occurs in men in their older than
60 and in women about 10 years later
• Risk factors
Hyperlipidemia, especially LDL cholesterol
High blood pressure
Coronary pathology of MI
• Coronary arteries are partially to completely
occluded by atherosclerosis
• Significant changes of blood flow occur with
>75% narrowing of the arteries
• Plaques rupture resulting in thrombosis
• Complete occlusion
• Myocardial necrosis
Pathology of myocardial
• Early changes occur in the 1st .5-1hr and are seen
only at the ultrastructural level
• Early intervention with thrombolytics or angioplasty
can save myocardium
• Over the ensuing half day irreversible necrosis
occurs and can be identified by the light
• By 24 hours there is clear necrosis and neutrophils
begin to invade the infarct
• This is the first time the infarct is identifiable by gross
Serum enzymes in MI
24 hrs
48 hrs
72 hrs
• Over the ensuing week the infarct is overrun
by neutrophils, then the dead tissue is
removed by macrophages
• The infarct is repaired by granulation tissue
followed by fibrosis
Complications of myocardial
Cardiac arrhythmias
Cardiac failure/cardiogenic shock
Extension of infarct
Ventricular rupture
Papillary muscle rupture
Ventricular aneurysm
Post MI pericarditis
Other presentations of ischemic
heart disease
• Sudden death
• Frequently cause cannot be determined but
there is a strong association with coronary
• Chronic ischemia with heart failure
• Poor oxygenation results in myocardial atrophy
and some myocyte loss resulting in poor
cardiac performance
• Revascularization can help in large vessel
• Can be caused by infections
• Viral
• Bacterial
• Fungal
• May be secondary to infections resulting in an
autoimmune inflammation of the myocardium
• Post viral
• Post bacterial- Rheumatic heart disease
• Autoimmune diseases-Lupus
Motor failure/cardiomyopathy
• The heart muscle can fail from primary or
secondary causes
• Primary dysfunction is related to genetic
• Secondary cardiomyopathies result from toxic,
infectious and degenerative diseases
Three types of cardiomyopathy
• Cardiomyopathy is a primary disease of the heart
muscle (excludes myocardial changes resulting
from hypertension, valvular disease, ischemic
disease and pericardial disease)
• Dilated
• The ventricular chamber is dilated and the myocardium is
modestly thickened
• Hypertrophic
• The myocardium is markedly thickened especially the septum
• Restrictive
• The myocardium is can be of normal thickness but it is stiff
and unable to relax in diastole
Dilated cardiomyopathy
• Causes include genetic, viral/autoimmune and
toxic insults
• Many cases are idiopathic and are thought to be
secondary to previous viral infections
• Alcohol is the most common toxic cause
• Patients frequently present in heart failure with
huge hearts and poor contractility
• The prognosis of this condition is poor
• 5 year survival is <50%
• Patients die from heart failure and arrhythmias
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
• Primarily a genetic disease and may persist
• Patients present with dyspnea, syncope or
sometimes with sudden death
• Echocardiography is the best diagnostic modality
but may be detected on ECG and physical exam
• Pathology- marked hypertrophy of the left
ventricle with septal thickening
• Septal hypertrophy causes outflow tract
• These patients can frequently be successfully
Restrictive cardiomyopathy
• Fibrosis or infiltration of the myocardium
causes marked stiffness and poor relaxation
• Causes include fibrosis, amyloid deposition,
sarcoidosis, hemochromatosis, storage
• Cardiac filling is impaired and patients
present with diastolic heart failure
• Poor prognosis unless the underlying cause
can be treated
Cardiac hypertrophy
• There are two patterns of hypertrophy
• Concentric hypertrophy
• Caused by pressure overload ie hypertension, valvular stenosis
• Results in marked wall thickening with a smaller chamber
• Good contractility but poor relaxation
• Eccentric hypertrophy
• Caused by volume overload ie valve regurgitation or septal
• Results in wall thickening with dilation of the chamber
• Good contractility and acceptable relaxation
Cell length
New sarcomeres
added lengthwise
Cor Pulmonale
• Right sided hypertrophy secondary to
pulmonary hypertension followed by
dilatation and right heart failure
• Acute - 2° to pulmonary thromboembolism
• Chronic - Secondary to primary pulmonary
hypertension or chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD)
Valvular disease
• All of the four valves are subject to disease
• Left sided valves are more commonly affected
and produce more problems
• Diseases include degenerative, infectious
and autoimmune
Infectious endocarditis
• Damage to the valve surface provides a site for
bacterial adherence
• Chronic valve disease
• Prosthetic valves
• Bacteria in the blood stream adhere to the surface
and proliferate
• Bacteria can be derived from oral cavity, other bacterial
infections or the GI tract during procedures
• Bacteria can be injected by IV drug abusers and result
in right sided endocarditis
• Infection can be indolent growth of bacterial
colonies or highly destructive infection with valve
destruction and incompetence
• Strep viridans typically results in an indolent infection
• Staph aureus is highly destructive
• Prosthetic valves are frequently infected by coagulase
negative Staph species
• Aggressive and indolent bacteria can embolize and
produce peripheral abcesses including the CNS
Non bacterial thrombotic
endocarditis (NBTE)
• Small vegetations usually occuring at the
valve closure lines
• Associated with other diseases especially
adenocarcinomas and cachexia
• Usually asymptomatic and discovered
• Can undergo bacterial colonization leading to
infectious endocarditis
Rheumatic fever
• An acute, immunologically mediated,
multisystem inflammatory disease that
follows an untreated episode of group A
streptococcal pharyngitis after an interval of
a few weeks
• Relatively rare in developed countries
• Peak incidence is 5-15 yo.
• Inflammatory infiltrates may occur in a
wide range of sites including the heart
Acute Rheumatic Carditis
• Inflammatory changes in all three layers of
the heart
• Pericardium – fibrinous pericarditis; effusions
• Myocardium – heart failure
• Endocardium – valvular damage
Rheumatic endocarditis
• Repeated episodes of damage eventually damage
the valve and associated apparatus
• Results in valve stenosis with or without regurgitation
• Mitral and aortic valves are most affected
• 99% of mitral stenosis is secondary to rhd
• Virtually the only cause of simultaneous mitral and
aortic stenosis
• Can be the substrate for infectious endocarditis
Calcific aortic stenosis
• Most common cause of aortic stenosis
• Irregular calcium deposits behind valve
• Congenitally bicuspid valves
• Normal valves as an age-related
degenerative change
Mitral valve prolapse
• Most frequent valvular lesion (7%)
• Young women
• Stretching of posterior mitral valve leaflet
• Systolic murmur with midsystolic click
• Can result in mitral insufficiency
• Predisposes to infective endocarditis
• Normal cardiac automaticity requires
coordination of the SA node, AV node and
the intervening myocardium
• Disruption of any players can result in
• Common causes of arrythmias include
infarcts, alter chamber geometry (dilation
and hypertrophy), viral infections affecting
the pacemakers
Congenital Heart Disease
• Left to Right Shunts
• Right to Left Shunts
• Tetralogy of Fallot
• Transposition of the Great Arteries
• Obstruction
• Coarctation of the aorta
Right to Left Shunts
•Cyanosis at or near birth
Pericardial Diseases
• Pericarditis – inflammation of pericardium
• Primary – viruses
• Secondary
• Acute MI, cardiac surgery, uremia, acute rheumatic fever
• Pericardial Effusions
• Serous – heart failure
• Serosanguinous – trauma, malignancy
• Chylous
• Hemopericardium
• Cardiac tamponade
Cardiac Tumors
• Metastatic neoplasms
• Lung and breast
• Primary neoplasms
• Myxomas
• Cardiac rhabdomyomas