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T/F Energy is the ability to do work.
T/F One way cells use energy is to maintain
T/F ADP is recharged into ATP by adding a
phosphate group.
Where do autotrophs get their energy?
Cell Energy Notes
Photosynthesis and
Cellular Respiration
 Energy
= the ability to do work
 Energy is usually released when bonds are
broken and needed to put bonds together
 All living organisms must be able to produce,
store, and use energy.
 Our food energy must always be converted
to ATP energy to be useful to our cells
types of organisms
 Autotrophs- use energy
from sun or inorganic
compounds to make
organic compounds
(like sugar). They use:
 Heterotroph- organisms
that get energy from
 The
main source of cell energy is called ATP
(adenosine triphosphate)
 ATP is made of an adenosine molecule with
three (tri =3) phosphate groups attached.
 The energy is stored in the bonds of the
molecule as “potential energy” (energy
available for potential, or future, use)
 The
energy of ATP is
released when the
covalent bond between
the 2nd and 3rd P
(phosphate group) is
 Energy is released and the
resulting molecule is ADP or
adenosine diphosphate;
and P can form
ATP again when
energy is added back
in and the P bonds to
the ADP
 Cells can make more
when needed
 ATP is a short term
energy storage
molecule- once it is
made, it is used pretty
quickly (the bonds are
How do cells use the Energy
stored in ATP?
 When
ATP is broken down and the energy is
released, cells must have a way to capture the
energy and use it efficiently or it will be wasted
Cell proteins have specific sites where ATP can bind,
then the phosphate bond is broken and energy is
The cell can use the energy for activities such as
making a protein or transporting molecules through
the plasma membrane (active transport)
How do cells use the Energy stored
in ATP?
 Nerve
cells transmit signals by using ATP to
power the active transport of certain ions
 Making enzymes that help carry out
chemical reaction
 Build membranes and cell organelles
 Kidneys use energy to move molecules and
ions in order to eliminate wastes while
keeping needed substances in the blood
 Cells use energy to maintain homeostasis
 All
of the chemical reactions that occur in
your body are called your metabolism.
 Most of these reactions require energy
 Enzymes lower the amount of energy needed
for a reaction to occur
 This means more reactions can happen in a
shorter amount of time because they need
less energy
 Without enzymes, our metabolism would be
too slow for us to live!!
•Key terms
•Substrate = substance enzyme acts on
•Active site = region where enzyme binds
•“Lock and Key” Model = one specific
enzyme for one reaction
 Enzymes…
 Are
proteins that act as catalysts
 Speed up reactions without being
changed (so one enzyme can catalyze
many reactions)
Ex: break down toxins in liver, digest your
food in your stomach
Enzyme reactions happen at an
average rate of 1000 reactions per
 Only work with ONE TYPE of reaction
What can affect the
functioning of Enzymes?
 Heat
Higher temps increase the collisions of substrates
and enzymes, which makes the reactions happen
lower temps DECREASE reaction
BUT, if temp is too high, enzymes can be denatured
(change shape) and not work
Our enzymes work best at 35-40OC (body temp is
normally 37OC)
What can affect the
functioning of Enzymes?
 pH
 Large
changes in pH also denature enzymes
 Some enzymes, like the ones in our stomachs,
work best in acidic conditions
 Best pH for our enzymes is 6-8
 So, heat and pH can denature (change the shape
of) enzymes, which makes them no longer able to
 Other factors:
 Radiation, Electricity, Chemicals
 Cell
 Stomata
 Chloroplasts
 Electron carriers
 Light Reactions
 Calvin Cycle
(also called
Dark or light
Equipment for Photosynthesis
 Stomata
are like pores, plants use them to take in
CO2 and release O2
 Water is also be released when they are open
Electron Carriers
 Used
in many places
photosynthesisthere job is to carry
electrons from one
place to another
Light Reactions
 Require
light to happen
 Also called light dependent reactions
 Light is absorbed by the chloroplasts
Light Reactions
 There
are pigments in the thylakoid
membrane of the chloroplasts that absorb
 The color you SEE is NOT the color absorbed,
all other colors are absorbed
 When you see a green leaf, it is because
the leaf absorbs all other colors and
REFLECTS green (so that green hits your
Light Reactions
 There
are several pigments found in the
membrane of the thylakoids, the most prominent
is chlorophyll a and b which absorb most colors
except green.
 Chlorophyll a is directly involved in photosynthesis,
and other pigments assist it in absorbing other
colors of light.
 More colors absorbed
means more energy!
 Pigments
are called
Light Reactions
what happens in the fall?
 Normally, the green color of chlorophyll
masks all other colors
 In the fall, many plants lose their chlorophyll
 So you are able to see the colors of the
carotenoids instead (yellow, brown, and
Light Reactions
 Turns
light energy into chemical energy
 Involves
 Takes
an enzyme called ATP synthase
place in the thylakoid membranes
 H2O molecules and light energy make
ATP, an e- carrier, and O2
 The oxygen leaves the cell, the ATP and
e- carriers move to the Calvin Cycle
Calvin Cycle
 Powered
by ATP & e- carriers made by
light reactions.
 Needs CO2
 Happens in stroma of a chloroplast
 Sugars are mainly built in this cycle, but
lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids can also
be made
Other paths
 When
stomata are open, water is lost
 This is BAD for desert plants which need
to conserve water
 C4 plants keep there stomata half closed
during the hottest part of the day
 They are able use the small amount of
CO2 that enters
 CAM plants keep there stomata closed
during the day.
 They hold on to the CO2 that they get at
night and use it during the day
Photosynthesis- Summary
Photosynthesis has 2 main parts
1. Light
reactions - where light energy is
absorbed and converted into ATP and
e- carriers
2. Calvin Cycle – where organic
compounds are formed using the
chemical energy in ATP and e- carriers
6CO2 + 6H2O + light  C6H12O6 + 6O2
PhotosynthesisSummary Reactants (what is
Products (what
is produced?)
1. Light
1. O2
2. Water
2. e- carrier
3. ATP
Calvin Cycle 1. CO2
2. e- carrier
3. ATP
1. Organic
2. e- carrier
3. ADP + P
Cellular Respiration
 The
energy stored in
the chemical bonds
of organic molecules
(carbs, lipids, etc)
must be released
and turned in to ATP
to be useful to your
 The process by
which this is done is
called cellular
Cell Respiration
 Cell
 Cytoplasm
 Mitochondria
 Electron carriers
 Glycolysis
 Krebs Cycle
for Cellular
Equipment for Cellular Respiration
 Electron
Carriers- Cell respiration has them
too, they are just different kinds of
Anaerobic Respiration-Glycolysis
 Anaerobic
means WITHOUT oxygen
 Takes place in the cytoplasm
 Uses 2 ATP & glucose, to make a
total of 4 ATP (net gain of 2 ATP), 2
pyruvate, & e- carriers.
 Since few ATP are produced, only
VERY SMALL organisms can live by
glycolysis alone
Anaerobic Respiration- Fermentation
 When
oxygen is not present, fermentation
occurs after glycolysis
 It occurs in the cytoplasm
 Fermentation allows glycolysis to continue
 So, SMALL amounts of ATP can continue to
be produced without oxygen
Anaerobic RespirationLactic Acid Fermentation
 This
type of respiration is used by
many kinds of bacteria and is
responsible for cheese,
buttermilk, sour cream, and
 During strenuous activity, lactic
acid fermentation is used by our
muscle cells.
 Produces lactic acid and CO2
 The build up of lactic acid in
our muscle cells is what causes
pain, fatigue, and cramps after
strenuous activities
Anaerobic RespirationAlcoholic Fermentation
 Creates
ethyl alcohol and
 This type of fermentation is
used in plants and some
microorganisms, such as yeast.
 This type of fermentation is
used in the beer and wine
 It is also used in the bread
industry, because yeast give
off CO2 when they ferment
(this creates fluffy bread)
Aerobic Respiration
 Happens
glycolysis IF OXYGEN
 2 major stages
 Krebs Cycle
 Pyruvic acid created
in Glycolysis diffuses
into the mitochondrial
Aerobic RespirationKrebs Cycle
 Occurs
within the
mitochondrial matrix
 Starts with pyruvate
molecules from
 Produces ATP, ecarriers, & some CO2
molecules (CO2 is
released from the cell).
ETC (Electron Transport Chain)
 The
ETC is in the inner membrane of the
mitochondrion in the folds called cristae
 It uses the e- carriers made by Krebs
Cycle and O2 to make H2O and 32 ATP.
 Lots of energy! 32 ATP just from 1
glucose using these ETC reactions.
 Produces way more ATP than any of
the other reactions.
Cellular RespirationSummary
C6H12O6 + 6O26CO2 + 6H2O + ATP
 In the anaerobic process of glycolysis,
organic compounds are converted into
pyruvic acid, producing a small amount
of ATP and e carriers in the process
 In aerobic respiration pyruvic acid is
broken down using oxygen into CO2 and
water, which produces a large amount of
 This process is 39% efficient (means 39% of
the stored energy in your food is used)
Respiartion- Summary
1. 2 ATP
1. 4 ATP
2. Glucose
2. e- carrier
3. Pyruvate
Krebs Cycle
1. Pyruvate
1. CO2
2. e- carrier
2. 2 ATP
3. ADP
3. e- carriers
1. e- carriers
1. Water
2. Oxygen
2. 32 ATP
3. ADP
Cellular RespirationSummary
 But
remember that 2 ATP were used in Glycolysis,
so cellular respiration produces 36 NET ATP
CO2 + H2O + energy  C6H12O6 + O2
animals, plants
C6H12O6 + O2  energy + CO2 + H2O
Cellular Respiration