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19.7.2010 Insight into microbial world – molecular biology research in environmental microbiology Aleksandra Ziembi ska The Silesian University of Technology, Environmental Biotechnology Department [email protected] MICROBIAL WORLD Ziembi ska A., SUT, Insight into microbial world… Mikkeli, Finland, July, 2010 1 19.7.2010 Ziembi ska A., SUT, Insight into microbial world… Mikkeli, Finland, July, 2010 A few reasons why we need to look into microbial world… Which we can use for biotechnological purposes (e.g. wastewater purification, bioremediation)? How to name the uncultured ones? Which possess patogenic features and how to distroy them? Ziembi ska A., SUT, Insight into microbial world… Mikkeli, Finland, July, 2010 2 19.7.2010 MICROBIAL DIVERSITY – possible to estimate? Ziembi ska A., SUT, Insight into microbial world… Mikkeli, Finland, July, 2010 BIOCENOSIS Ziembi ska A., SUT, Insight into microbial world… Mikkeli, Finland, July, 2010 3 19.7.2010 uncultivable microbes >95% Ziembi ska A., SUT, Insight into microbial world… Mikkeli, Finland, July, 2010 Why molecular methods? analysis without previous cultivation repeteable fast sensitive Ziembi ska A., SUT, Insight into microbial world… Mikkeli, Finland, July, 2010 4 19.7.2010 Universal bacterial molecular marker - what is that? Particle present in every bacterial cell in abundance; large molecule; functionally stable; if it is possible, it should belong to the housekeeping genes; Possess both, evolutionary conservative and changeable fragments, that enables identification and evolutionary relationships research. Ziembi ska A., SUT, Insight into microbial world… Mikkeli, Finland, July, 2010 Why 16S rRNA gene is universal? protein translation: universal no horizontal transfer convenient length : 1500 bp highly conserved regions as well as species-specific regions large databases 16S rRNA ribosome Ziembi ska A., SUT, Insight into microbial world… Mikkeli, Finland, July, 2010 5 19.7.2010 Housekeeping genes vs functional genes – what is the difference? AmoA gene-based 16S rRNA gene-based monitoring of monitoring of bacterial bacterial community community Ziembi ska A., SUT, Insight into microbial world… Mikkeli, Finland, July, 2010 Molecular methods Based on nucleic acids hybridization Based on PCR amplification Ziembi ska A., SUT, Insight into microbial world… Mikkeli, Finland, July, 2010 6 19.7.2010 Fluorescent in situ hybridisation - FISH Particular sequence searching using fluorescently labelled probe. DNA isolation not necessary. Samples are fixated before the procedure. Ziembi ska A., SUT, Insight into microbial world… Mikkeli, Finland, July, 2010 FISH Observation in fluorecent or confocal microscope and particular sequence searching without DNA isolation. Ziembi ska A., SUT, Insight into microbial world… Mikkeli, Finland, July, 2010 7 19.7.2010 PCR – useful molecular biology tool for „xeroxing” genetic material Ziembi ska A., SUT, Insight into microbial world… Mikkeli, Finland, July, 2010 DGGE – Den Denaaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis DGGE is based on PCR products separation due to its sequence, not DNA fragment size. DNA isolation before the procedure is necessary. It enables fingerprints obtainment, useful in different samples comparison. Cutting DNA band off the gel in order to sequence and identify it is also possible. Ziembi ska A., SUT, Insight into microbial world… Mikkeli, Finland, July, 2010 8 19.7.2010 DGGE enables sequence identification and phylogenetic research. Ziembi ska A., SUT, Insight into microbial world… Mikkeli, Finland, July, 2010 Combination of DGGE and FISH - complementary results DGGE Helps in changeability and biodiversity research. Samples can be compared among the group and the dominants can be identify by sequencing. FISH Estimates the character and location of particular bacteria (e.g. activated sludge nitryfiers); enables quantitative analysis (percentage of particular groups of bacteria). Community qualitative analysis Community quantitative analysis Ziembi ska A., SUT, Insight into microbial world… Mikkeli, Finland, July, 2010 9 19.7.2010 Restriction enzymes – molecular scissors for bacterial diversity analysis Restriction enzymes based methods examples: RFLP (ang. Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) - ARDRA (ang. Amplified Ribosomal DNA Restriction Analysis) - AFDRA (ang. Amplified Functional DNA Restriction Analysis) T-RFLP (ang. Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) Ziembi ska A., SUT, Insight into microbial world… Mikkeli, Finland, July, 2010 10 19.7.2010 Aleksandra Ziembi ska The Silesian University of Technology, Environmental Biotechnology Department Akademicka 2. 44--100 Gliwice, Poland 44 E-mail: [email protected] 11