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Mr. Grossmann
Intro to Psychology
What are we looking for?
• Is there more than one type of memory?
• What causes forgetting?
• How can memory be improved?
• What are some disorders affecting memory?
What is memory?
• Memory: The mental system for receiving,
encoding, storing, organizing, altering, and
retrieving information.
– Encoding: Converting info into retainable form
– Storage: Holding info in memory for later use
– Retrieval: Recovering info from storage in memory
Sensory Memory
• First stage of memory
• Holds exact record of incoming information
(think five senses)
• Only lasts a few seconds or less
• What did you say?
• Holds info just long enough to transfer it to
secondary system
Short Term Memory
• Second stage of memory
• Used to hold small amounts of info for brief
• Controlled by selective attention
• Stored by sound (phonetically)
• Provides an area for working memory
• Sensitive to interruption/interference
Long Term Memory
Final stage of memory
Contains info we consider important
Relatively permanent storage
No limit to the amount you can store
Stored on the basis of meaning
Dual Memory: Removal of memories from
LTM to STM temporarily in order to make
meaning of something
With hocked gems financing him, our hero bravely
defied all scornful laughter. “Your eyes deceive,” he had
said, “An egg, not a table, correctly typifies this
unexplored planet.” Now three sturdy sisters sought
proof. Forging along, days became weeks as many
doubters spread fearful rumors about the edge. At last
from nowhere welcome winged creatures appeared,
signifying momentous success.
Columbus Discovers America
With hocked gems financing him, our hero bravely
defied all scornful laughter. “Your eyes deceive,” he had
said, “An egg, not a table, correctly typifies this
unexplored planet.” Now three sturdy sisters sought
proof. Forging along, days became weeks as many
doubters spread fearful rumors about the edge. At last
from nowhere welcome winged creatures appeared,
signifying momentous success.
Model of Memory
Long-Term Memory: In Depth
• So we know the stages of memory, but are all
memories created equal?
• Memories are maintained in short-term or
transferred to long-term through:
– Maintenance rehearsal: Repeating or mentally
reviewing info silently. STM  STM
– Elaborative rehearsal: Linking new info to old info.
Many Types of Memory
• Within LTM there are several types of memories
that are stored and recalled, many without our
• Nondeclarative Memory: Conditioned responses
and learned actions (skills) without much thought
required. Also called implicit memory.
• Declarative Memory: Specific information like
names, faces, dates, ideas (facts) that requires
recollection. Also called explicit memory.
Declarative Memory
• Declarative (factual), also called explicit memory,
can be further separated into categories
• Semantic Memory: Basic factual knowledge
about the world that is nearly immune to
– “There are things you know for sure…I know what that's going to sound
like when I knock on it. I know what that's going to feel like when I pick it
up. See? Certainties. It's the kind of memory that you take for granted.”
• Episodic Memory: “Autobiographical” record of
personal experiences
Nondeclarative Memory
• Nondeclarative (skill), also called implicit memory,
can be further separated into categories.
• Procedural Memory: Basic conditioned responses
and learned actions (skills and tasks).
• Priming: Automatic process that enhances the speed
and accuracy of a response due to past experiences
– More likely to recall the word “nurse” if you just read “doctor”
• Conditioning: Associations formed between stimuli
– Something in the past triggers a memory, then a specific action
Final Types of Memory
• Working Memory: Lasts 2-8 seconds as a part
of short-term memory, involves the
information we are working with at a given
– Used when doing a math problem or
remembering a specific name or date.
• Prospective Memory: Memory for tasks to be
completed in the future.
– Requires working memory.
Exceptional Memory
• Some individuals have what is deemed
“exceptional memory”
• There are several different types of
exceptional memory.
• This memory can be learned or natural.
• Hyperthymesia: The ability to remember specific
events from personal experience with perfect detail
(autobiographical memory).
• Eidetic Memory: Ability to accurately recall a large
number of images, sounds and objects in an
unlimited volume (photographic memory).
• Mnemonists: Individuals with the ability to recall
long lists of information like names, numbers, etc.
• Savants: People with developmental disorders but
can are exceptional in one or more areas.
What Affects Memory
Based on trying to memorize the dialogues and
hearing others attempt to perform them, what
factors do you think affect memory?
State of mind
Prior Knowledge/Familiarity
Repressed Memory
• Repression is motivated forgetting of certain
• Usually these memories are painful,
embarrassing or threatening.
– Example is soldiers coming back from war and
witnessing terrible events.
• Different from suppression, which is conscious
avoidance of a memory.