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(Chapter 5 & 6 Health: A GUIDE TO WELLNESS)
NAME ________________________________________ BLOCK _____________ DATE_________________
Do the self-inventory questions on page 95 (ansewers127)
Results _____________________________
Food in your life; why do you eat?
• Nutrients •
Hunger -
Appetite -
Your Environment:
Culture –
Family and Friends –
Advertising –
Time and Money –
Emotions –
Your eating habits may cause chronic diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure, high blood
cholesterol, heart disease, stroke and cancer. _______________is the process by which the body takes
in and uses food.
The six basic nutrients are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water
• Are _______________ and ______________found in food
• Provides the body with __________ ___________ __________(less than 24 hours)
• Provides ___calories per gram consumed
• _______ percent of your daily caloric intake should come from carbohydrates
• There are two main classifications of carbohydrates which are called __________and ___________
____________ carbohydrates or sugar are present in natural foods such as fruits, some vegetables and milk.
Sugar found in fruit is called ____________. Sugar found in milk is called ___________. Sugar found
in table sugar is called ____________. Sugar added to manufacture food products includes candy, cookies,
and soda. Food manufacturers have begun to add _______ _________ and other forms of sugar to soups,
salad dressing, and breads.
_______________ carbohydrates also know as starches are found in rice, other grains, seed, legumes (dried
peas and beans) tubers (potatoes and yams). During digestion starches break down into __________.
The role of carbohydrates:
• _____________ is a simple sugar and the body’s chief fuel. Glucose that is not used right away is
stored in the liver and muscles and is called glycogen. When glucose is needed, the glycogen is
converted back into glucose. If the body consumes more carbohydrates than it needs for energy this
excess is stored as adipose tissue or body fat.
• ___________ is found in stringy part of vegetables, fruits and grains. It is a special form of complex
carbohydrate that helps move waste through your digestive system; helps prevent constipation,
appendicitis and other intestinal problems. It is recommended that you eat ______ grams of fiber a day.
Are nutrients that help build and maintain _______ __________
Muscle, bone, connective tissue, teeth, skin blood and vital organs all contain protein
Provides _____ calories per gram consumed
Excess protein calories are converted into _______ for storage
Amino Acids are substances that make up _________ proteins
There are ___________ different amino acids, your body can make all but nine of these amino acids and
they are called ________________ amino acids.
Protein rich foods are categorized into ______________protein or _______________ protein
____________ proteins are foods that contain all the essential amino acids that the body needs and in the proper
amounts. These include animal products such as fish, meat, poultry, eggs, milk, yogurt and soybeans.
________________ proteins are foods that lack some of the essential amino acids. They are foods that are
derived from the seed of plants: legumes, nuts, whole grains and seeds.
The role of proteins:
• Throughout life, new proteins form constantly to replace damaged or worn out body cells.
Fats are a type of ____________ which is a fatty substance that does not dissolve in water
Supplies the body with ________ _______ ______________
Provides ____ calories per gram consumed
There are two classifications of fats called saturated fat and unsaturated fat
_________ ______are fatty acids that hold all the hydrogen atoms it can and come from _________
products and tropical oils such as palm oil and coconut oil. Also know as the bad fat or bad
cholesterol (LDL). They are ___________ at room temperature and a high intake of saturated fats is
associated with an increase of heart disease.
_________________ ______ are fatty acids that are missing one or more parts of hydrogen atoms.
Most vegetable fats including olive, canola, soybean, corn, and cottonseed oils contain a higher
proportion of unsaturated fatty acids. They are in liquid form at room temperature. Also known as the
good cholesterol (HDL).
The role of fat:
Fats are integral to other important health functions. They carry vitamins A, D, E, and K into
your blood and serve as sources of ________ ________. Which is an essential fatty acid not
made in the body but which is essential for growth and healthy skin. Fats add ________ to
food, they help satisfy hunger because they take longer to digest. Body fat _________ your
vital organs, protecting them from injury and insulates your body against excessive heat or
Cholesterol –
• Are compounds that help regulate vital body processes, including the digestion, absorption, and
metabolism of other nutrients.
• Vitamins are known as micronutrient because they are needed in small amounts
• Vitamins do not supply the body with calories or energy
• Of the 13 vitamins that play a key role in proper nutrition, the body manufactures only one
Vitamin D. The other 12 must come from the food that we eat.
• There are two classifications of vitamins called ________ _______vitamins and ______
_________ vitamins.
Water-Soluble Vitamins include Vitamin _____and all the vitamins in the Vitamin ______ complex.
These vitamins ___________ in water and pass easily into the bloodstream in the process of digestion.
Excess amounts of vitamins are excreted in urine. These vitamins are not stored in the body; you
need to replace them everyday.
Fat-soluble Vitamins are vitamins that are absorbed and transported by fat they include vitamins A,
D, E and K. Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the body’s fatty tissue, the liver and kidneys.
• Are ________________ _____________ that the body cannot manufacture but that act as
catalysts, regulating many vital body processes.
• The different kinds of minerals include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium,
sulfur, chloride, iron, iodine, zinc, selenium, copper, fluoride and manganese.
• _________ of your body weight is water
• Regulates and is vital to every ________ ___________
• Your body uses ________ or 2.4 liters every day
• You need to drink _________ glasses of water every day or about 2 liters.
Guidelines for a Healthful Eating Style:
What are recommended dietary allowances (RDA)?
Eat a variety of foods and balance the foods with physical activity
• Balance the amount of energy in food with the amount of energy your body uses
• Be aware that controlling body fat is more important to health than controlling body weight
• Keep in mind that all calories add up in the same way, no matter what their source
• Choose plenty of grain products, vegetable and fruits
• Choose an eating style low in fat, saturated fat and cholesterol
Choose an eating style moderate in sugar
Choose an eating style moderate in salt and sodium
Being a smart consumer:
Food additives Enriched foods –
Fortification Aspartame –
What do these terms mean on the food product label?
Healthy –
Light –
Less –
Free –
Fresh –
Natural –
Expiration date –
Freshness date –
Pack date –
Sell date –
Shelf labeling:
_________ _____________ – a strategy for recognizing the relative cost of a product based on the cost
of a standard unit, such as an ounce or gram. Example: An 8 ounce can of corn that costs $.88, has a
unit price of $.11 per ounce.
Chapter 6 – food and Your Health
Do the self-inventory questions on page 131 (answers on page 157)
Results ___________________________
Managing your weight:
• Overweight • Obesity Obesity: A hazard to health
People who are obese have a higher risk of health problems, including hypertension, diabetes, high
blood cholesterol, arteriosclerosis and some cancers.
Two reasons why people gain too much weight?
_____________ _______________and ____________ ________ __________
______________ or being 10 % or more below normal weight
_______________ is not consuming enough essential nutrients or calories for normal body
Body mass index is the ratio of weight to height
Determining your body mass index
1. Multiply your weight in pounds by 703.
(For a person weighing 149 pounds this would be 149 X 703 = 104,747)
2. Multiply your height in inches times itself.
(For a person 65 inches tall this would be 65 X 65 = 4,225)
3. Divide the answer in step 1 by the answer in step 2
(104,747 divided by 4,225 = 24.8 or 25)
What is your BMI?
Result __________________________
Starting a weight control plan
Target your weight
BMI Category
Under 25
40 and higher
Health risk
Very high
Extremely high
Smart weight loss strategies
Define nutrient –
Advice for everyone
Smart Weight-gain strategies
Physical activity and weight management
Fad diets:
Fad diets –
Weight cycling Other risky weight loss strategies
Fasting Liquid protein diets Diet pills -
Eating Disorders:
Anorexia Nervosa –
List of warning signs of anorexia nervosa
• Abnormal weight loss of 15 % or more with no known medical illness
• Reduction in food intake, denial of hunger, and decrease in consumption of fat containing foods
• Continued dieting
• Distorted body image
• Prolonged exercise despite fatigue and weakness
• Peculiar patterns of handling food
• Amenorrhea
• Extreme sensitivity to cold
• Hair and skin problems and skin dryness
• Anemia
• Mental confusion
• Lower skin and body temperature
Bulimia Nervosa List of warning signs of bulimia nervosa
• Concern about weight and attempts to control weight by diet, vomiting or laxative and diuretic
• Eating pattern that alternates between binges and vomiting
• Consumption of high calorie food during binges
• In most cases, individuals are within normal weight range, some may be slightly underweight
or overweight
• Occurrence of depressive moods
• Amenorrhea (loss of period)
• Irregular heart beat
• Kidney and bladder damage and ulcers
• Tearing of esophagus or stomach and weakness of muscles
• Enamel of teeth is wearing away
Nutrition for individual needs:
• Electrolytes •
Rehydration –
Carbohydrate loading –
Vegetarianism –
Lacto-ovo vegetarians –
Vegans –
Nutrient supplements –
Megadoses -
Protecting yourself from food problems
• Foodborne illness –
Pasteurized –
Foodborne illnesses –
Botulism –
Food allergy –
Food intolerance –
Lactose -