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Review Sheet – Photosynthesis, Cellular Respiration, Circulatory,
Respiratory & Lymphatic Systems
(Turn in the day of the exam for 10 bonus points)
Use Photosynthesis Notes or Flowchart to answer the following questions.
1. Fill in the missing parts of the chemical equation below.
-------> _____glucose________
+ 6O2
2. What process is the equation above showing?
3. Where does the process you answered in #2 occur (what organelle in the
cell?) chloroplast
4. Define:
Autotroph organism that can make its own food (plants)
Heterotroph organism that cannot make its own food (animals)
5. Explain how you see the color of an object.
The color you see an object is the wavelength that is reflected
6. What is the chief (main) energy storing molecule in the cell (is the energy
to drive chemical reactions in cells)?
7. Which molecule in the equation below stores the greatest potential energy
(which molecule has the most energy stored in its bonds)? C6H12O6
6CO2 + 6H2O
C6H12O6 + 6O2
8. What is the main function of leaves? To provide an environment where
photosynthesis can occur
9. Define stomata.
Pores (openings) in the epidermis of a leaf that allow for gas exchange to
10. What gas do the stomata take in from the air during photosynthesis?
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
11. What gas do the stomata release during photosynthesis?
Oxygen (O2)
12. When we did the Waterweed Simulation, when we counted the bubbles
being released from a plant doing photosynthesis, what molecule did the
bubbles represent? Oxygen (O2)
Use Cellular Respiration Notes to answer the following questions.
1. Fill in the missing parts of the chemical equation below.
------> 6CO2 +
6H2O + __ATP (energy)____
2. What process is the equation above showing?
Cellular respiration
3. Where does the process you answered in #2 occur (what organelle in the
cell?) mitochondria
4. Draw (trace) what a molecule of ATP looks like below.
Use the equation below to answer questions 5 & 6.
ATP ADP + P + Energy
5. When ATP loses a phosphate it ___releases____________ energy.
6. When ADP gains a phosphate it __stores_______________ energy.
7. What is required for aerobic respiration to take place?
8. What is absent during anaerobic respiration?
9. What is the type of fermentation that takes place in yeast cells?
Alcoholic fermentation
10. What is the type of fermentation that takes place in muscle cells?
Lactic acid fermentation
11. What builds up in muscle cells that don’t have enough oxygen?
Lactic Acid
Use the Comparison of Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration Notes to answer
the following questions.
State whether the following statements pertain to photosynthesis (P) or
cellular respiration (R) by writing the correct letter next to each statement.
1. Occurs in all cells. R
2. Energy is released from the food organisms consume. R
3. Affected by light and temperature. P
4. Uses light to make ATP. P
5. Breaks down (uses) glucose to make ATP. R
6. Requires pigment molecules to occur. P
Use the chemical equation below to answer the questions below.
6CO2 + 6H2O
C6H12O6 + 6O2
1. What are the reactant(s) of the equation above? Carbon dioxide & water
(6CO2 + 6 H2O)
2. What are the product(s) of the equation above? Glucose & oxygen
(C6H12O6 + 6O2)
3. In the equation above, how many molecules of carbon dioxide are there? 6
4. In the equation above, how many atoms of oxygen are in the carbon
dioxide? 12
5. In the equation above, how many molecules of glucose are there? 1
6. In the equation above, how many atoms of oxygen are in the glucose? 6
Use Circulatory, Respiratory & Lymphatic System Notes to answer the following
1. Label all of the parts of the heart below.
Superior Vena Cava
Pulmonary Arteries
Right Atrium
Inferior Vena Cava
Right Ventricle
Pulmonary Veins
Left Atrium
Left Ventricle
2. Give a description for each of the following parts:
a. Arteries carry blood away from the heart
b. Capillaries smallest blood vessels; connect arteries & veins
c. Veins carry blood back to the heart
3. List the 4 functions of blood.
a. Transports nutrients, dissolved gases, enzymes, hormones and
waste products
b. Regulates body temperature, pH and electrolytes
c. Protects body from invaders
d. Restricts loss of fluid
4. Label the parts of the respiratory system on the picture below.
1. nose
2. mouth
3. larynx
4. lung
5. right bronchus
6. diaphragm
7. pharynx
8. trachea
9. left bronchus
10. bronchiole
11. alveoli
5. Where in the lungs does gas exchange occur? alveoli
6. Give a description/definition for each of the following:
a. inhalation pulling of air into the lungs
b. diaphragm large flat muscle responsible for inhalation & exhalation;
located along the bottom of the rib cage
What is the function of the lymphatic system?
Collects the fluid that is lost by the blood and returns it back to the
circulatory system
8. What is the name of the fluid that is collected when lost by the blood?