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Exam 1
Version #1
Name _________________________
1. Physiology
*A. emphasizes cause-and-effect mechanisms.
B. ultimately strives to understand the structures of individual cells.
C. ignores the scientific method.
D. includes the fields of chemistry and psychology.
2. The term homeostasis was coined by Walter Cannon to describe the constancy of the internal environment of the human body.
*A. True
B. False
3. Negative feedback results in a response that opposes that of the original deviation from normal.
*A. True
B. False
4. Blood clotting is an example of positive feedback since the action of the effector amplifies that of the stimulus.
*A. True
B. False
5. The secretion of many hormones is regulated through negative feedback inhibition.
*A. True
B. False
6. Homeostasis is best described as a static, unchanging state of the internal environment.
A. True
*B. False
7. The normal range of arterial blood pH is
*A. 7.35-7.45.
B. 6.95-7.05.
C. 6.50-7.50.
D. 7.15-7.25.
8. An integrating center sends information to a(n)
A. sensor.
B. thermostat.
C. brain region.
*D. effector.
9. The endocrine regulation of blood glucose concentration is an example of a(n)
A. negative feedback loop.
B. antagonistic effector.
C. positive feedback loop.
*D. Both antagonistic effector and negative feedback loop are correct.
10. _________________ homeostatic regulatory mechanisms are "built-in" to the organs being regulated.
A. Extrinsic
B. Passive
*C. Intrinsic
D. Exothermic
11. A decrease in mean arterial pressure is detected by
A. an effector.
B. an integrating center.
C. a chemical messenger.
*D. a sensor.
12. In positive feedback mechanisms, the action of an effector is
A. decreased, then increased.
B. decreased.
*C. increased.
D. unchanged.
13. Which of the following systems is NOT primarily involved in maintaining homeostasis?
A. the nervous system
*B. the reproductive system
C. the endocrine system
D. both the endocrine system and the nervous system
14. The primary stimulus for insulin secretion is
A. increased exposure to sunlight.
B. increased body temperature.
C. increased blood calcium concentrations.
*D. increased blood glucose concentrations.
15. Homeostasis is best thought of as being a state of
A. stasis.
*B. dynamic constancy.
C. inconsistency.
D. constant fluctuation.
16. Tissues are groups of cells that have similar functions.
*A. True
B. False
17. Which of the following is NOT a primary tissue of the body?
A. epithelium
B. muscular
C. nervous
*D. osseous
18. Intercalated discs would be found in muscles attached to the skeleton.
A. True
*B. False
19. Contraction of ____________ muscle can be consciously controlled.
A. cardiac
*B. skeletal
C. smooth
20. Nervous tissue is specialized to produce and conduct electrical impulses.
*A. True
B. False
21. Which of the following is NOT one of the three main parts of a neuron?
A. dendrites
B. axon
*C. neurofibrils
D. cell body
22. The ____________ is the protein and polysaccharide layer attaching an epithelial tissue to the underlying connective tissue.
A. goblet cell
B. epidermis
*C. basement membrane
D. plasma membrane
23. Epithelial tissue will bleed profusely when cut.
A. True
*B. False
24. _______________ glands secrete chemicals through a duct that leads to the outside of a membrane.
*A. Exocrine
B. Endocrine
25. Which of the following is NOT a type of connective tissue?
*A. neuroglia
B. bone
C. cartilage
D. blood
26. Bone-forming cells are known as
A. chondrocytes.
*B. osteoblasts.
C. osteons.
D. osteocytes.
27. Cartilage cells are known as
A. osteoblasts.
B. osteocytes.
C. osteons.
*D. chondrocytes.
28. The main body compartment that is inside cells is the ____ compartment.
A. interstitial
*B. intracellular
C. intercellular
D. extracellular
29. During a chemical reaction, an enzyme increases the rate at which the reaction occurs.
*A. True
B. False
30. The rate at which a chemical reaction can be increased is by either ______________ the temperature or ______________ the
activation energy.
A. decreasing, increasing
B. decreasing, decreasing
C. increasing, increasing
*D. increasing, decreasing
31. Which of the following statements about enzymes is NOT true?
A. Enzymes have unique pH and temperature optima.
B. Enzymes increase chemical reaction rates.
*C. Enzymes are consumed during a chemical reaction.
D. Enzymes decrease the free energy of activation of specific reactions.
32. An enzyme elevated in the plasma of men with prostate cancer is
A. alkaline phosphatase.
B. catalase.
C. creatine kinase.
*D. acid phosphatase.
33. Enzymes which remove hydrogen atoms from their substrates are referred to as
A. peroxidases.
B. hydrolases.
*C. dehydrogenases.
D. catalases.
34. Which of the following does NOT affect the activity of an enzyme?
A. pH and temperature
B. concentration of enzyme and substrate molecules
*C. the organ the enzyme is in
D. concentration of cofactors and coenzymes
35. In the reaction (H2O + CO2  H2CO3), increasing the concentration of H2O would
A. decrease the concentration of H2CO3.
B. increase the concentration of CO2.
C. have no effect on either CO2 or H2CO3 concentrations.
*D. increase the concentration of H2CO3.
36. In an enzymatic reaction, when temperature is increased past the point of "optimal temperature," the enzyme starts to
A. increase product formation.
B. increase its catalytic activity.
*C. reduce its catalytic activity.
D. increase its allosteric properties.
37. Coenzymes are organic molecules that are required for proper function of some enzymes.
*A. True
B. False
38. Metal ions such as magnesium or calcium can serve as enzyme
*A. cofactors.
B. coenzymes.
C. ribozymes.
D. substrates.
39. End-product inhibition usually involves allosteric inhibition of an enzyme.
*A. True
B. False
40. Energy transformations result in a(n) ______________ in entropy.
*A. increase
B. no change
C. decrease
41. Cellular respiration results in a(n) ______________ in entropy as glucose is broken down to form carbon dioxide.
*A. increase
B. no change
C. decrease
42. Energy transformations increase the entropy of a system is a statement of the
A. law of mass action.
B. law of conservation of energy.
C. first law of thermodynamics.
*D. second law of thermodynamics.
43. Energy can change forms, but cannot be created or destroyed is a statement of the
*A. first law of thermodynamics.
B. second law of thermodynamics.
C. third law of thermodynamics.
D. law of mass action.
44. A ______________ is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one cubic centimeter of water one degree on the
Celsius scale.
*A. calorie
B. specific heat
C. meter
D. boiling point
45. ______________ is the universal energy carrier.
C. Glucose
46. A reducing agent donates electrons to a molecule.
*A. True
B. False
47. An atom or molecule that is oxidized is also a reducing agent.
*A. True
B. False
48. A molecule that gains a hydrogen is also oxidized.
A. True
*B. False
49. Reduction and oxidation are always coupled.
*A. True
B. False
50. NAD is derived from the vitamin
A. B-2, riboflavin.
B. B-12, cobalamin.
C. B-6, pyridoxine.
*D. B-3, niacin.
51. FAD is derived from vitamin
*A. B-2, riboflavin.
B. B-12.
C. B-6.
D. B-3, niacin.
52. If NAD becomes reduced it is a(n)
A. reducing agent.
B. zymogen.
C. allosteric inhibitor.
*D. oxidizing agent.
53. During oxidation, a molecule or atom
A. gains electrons.
*B. loses protons.
C. loses electrons.
D. gains protons.
54. During reduction, a molecule or atom
A. loses protons or gains electrons.
B. loses protons or loses electrons.
*C. gains protons or gains electrons.
D. gains protons or loses electrons.
55. A common oxidizing agent used to couple chemical reactions in cells is
A. riboflavin.
C. niacin.
56. A common reducing agent used to couple chemical reactions in cells is
A. riboflavin.
B. niacin.
*D. FAD.
57. Metabolism is a term that refers to all of the reactions in the body that involve energy transformations.
*A. True
B. False
58. The final electron acceptor in aerobic cell respiration is
*A. oxygen.
C. water.
D. carbon dioxide.
59. Glycolysis converts glucose into two ______________ molecules.
*A. pyruvic acid
B. lactic acid
C. acetyl CoA
D. glycogen
60. A net total of ______________ molecules of ATP are produced by glycolysis.
A. 3
B. 4
*C. 1
D. 2
61. Lactic acid fermentation is also known as aerobic respiration.
A. True
*B. False
62. ________ muscle is better adapted to anaerobic conditions than cardiac muscle.
*A. Skeletal
B. Smooth
63. ______________ is the opposite of glycogenesis.
A. Glycolysis
B. Gluconeogenesis
*C. Glycogenolysis
D. Glyconeogenesis
64. Blood glucose concentrations can be maintained by hydrolysis of glycogen in the
A. kidneys.
*B. liver.
C. skeletal muscle.
D. smooth muscle.
65. Which of the following cells relies solely on anaerobic metabolism of glucose?
*A. red blood cells
B. liver cells
C. kidney cells
D. skeletal muscle cells
66. The Cori cycle converts ______________ to pyruvic acid.
*A. lactic acid
B. glucose
C. acetyl CoA
D. alcohol
67. Each turn of the Krebs cycle produces
A. 2 FADH2, 1 ATP, and 3 NADH.
*B. 1 FADH2, 1 ATP, and 3 NADH.
C. 3 FADH2, 2 ATP, and 1 NADH.
D. 1 FADH2, 3 ATP, and 2 NADH.
68. The electron transport system is a series of _________ reactions.
A. reversible
B. composition-decomposition
*C. oxidation-reduction
D. dehydration synthesis-hydrolysis
69. The actual yield of ATP from 1 glucose is
*A. 30-32 ATP.
B. 36-38 ATP.
C. 18-20 ATP.
D. 26-28 ATP.
70. Which of the following can undergo metabolic conversion to acetyl CoA and enter the Krebs cycle?
A. glucose
B. fatty acids
C. protein
*D. All of these choices are correct.
71. Fatty acid metabolism
A. occurs via the Cori cycle.
B. occurs via oxidative deamination.
*C. occurs via beta-oxidation.
D. occurs via glycolysis.
72. What type of tissue is especially dependent on adequate plasma glucose levels?
A. liver
*B. nervous
C. skeletal muscle
D. cardiac muscle
73. ______________ reactions require energy to synthesize large molecules from small molecules.
A. Catabolic
*B. Anabolic
C. Decomposition
D. Combustion
74. Catabolic reactions use energy to hydrolyze large molecules into smaller ones.
*A. True
B. False
75. How much of the total body water content is in the intracellular compartment?
A. 50%
*B. 67%
C. 80%
D. 33%
76. Proteins that extend from the cytoskeleton within the cell, through the plasma membrane, and into the extracellular matrix are
A. receptor proteins.
B. metallo proteins.
C. lysosomal proteins.
*D. integrin proteins.
77. ____________________ is a term which describes a membrane that allows only certain molecules to penetrate it.
A. Porous
*B. Selectively permeable
C. Permeable
D. Countertransport
78. Passive transport of water is known as
A. filtration.
B. a water pump.
*C. osmosis.
D. facilitated diffusion.
79. Active transport
A. utilizes energy to move molecules along their concentration gradient.
B. cannot transport molecules against a concentration gradient.
C. requires cofactors.
*D. utilizes energy to move molecules against their concentration gradient.
80. A solution consists of a ____________ which dissolves the ____________.
A. solvent, solid
B. solute, solvent
C. liquid, solid
*D. solvent, solute
81. Hydrophobic (non-polar) molecules usually enter a cell via __________.
A. protein channels
B. active transport
C. osmosis
*D. diffusion
82. The rate of diffusion increases as the concentration gradient increases.
*A. True
B. False
83. Osmotic pressure is a measure of the force needed to
A. open aquaporins.
B. cause osmosis.
C. stop edema.
*D. stop osmosis.
84. The osmotic pressure of a solution is directly related to its ___________ concentration.
*A. solute
B. solvent
C. matrix
D. water
85. Hypertonic solutions stimulate cellular lysis.
A. True
*B. False
86. Cells placed in hypotonic solutions will
A. decrease in volume.
B. lose water to the solution.
*C. increase in volume.
D. increase intracellular solute concentration.
87. Facilitated diffusion of a molecule into a cell would be more rapid if
A. the cell was isotonic.
B. the concentration of the molecule in the cell increased.
*C. the concentration of the molecule outside the cell increased.
D. the concentration of water in the cell decreased.
88. Active transport carriers are also called
A. vesicles.
B. receptors.
*C. pumps.
D. channels.
89. What type of junctional complex will prohibit paracellular transport?
A. gap junctions
B. desmosomes
C. adherens junctions
*D. tight junctions
90. Bulk transport is required for the transport of large polar molecules into or out of cells.
*A. True
B. False
91. The Na+/K+ pump transports _______ into the cell and ________ out of the cell per cycle.
*A. 2K+, 3Na+
B. 2Na+, 3K+
C. 3K+, 2Na+
D. 3Na+, 2K+
92. The primary intracellular cation is
A. Na+.
*B. K+.
C. Mg2+.
D. Ca2+.
93. The resting membrane potential is closest to the equilibrium potential for
A. sodium ions.
B. chloride ions.
*C. potassium ions.
D. calcium ions.
94. Which of the following is NOT a general category of cell signaling molecules?
*A. enzymatic signaling
B. paracrine signaling
C. endocrine signaling
D. synaptic signaling
95. What molecules pass information from the polar regulatory molecule receptor to activate the enzymes that produce cAMP?
A. paracrines
*B. G-proteins
D. None of these choices are correct.
96. Which of the following is NOT a G-protein?
A. beta
B. alpha
*C. delta
D. gamma
97. What type of cell signaling uses chemicals called neurotransmitters to innervate its target organ?
A. paracrine signaling
*B. synaptic signaling
C. gap junctions
D. endocrine signaling
98. What type of intravenous fluid would be given to reduce edema?
A. hypotonic
B. isotonic
*C. hypertonic
99. What is necessary for a target cell to respond to a cell signaling molecule?
A. being close together
B. a second messenger
*C. specific receptor proteins
D. All of these choices are necessary.
100. Diffusion is more rapid in cells with microvilli compared to cells lacking microvilli.
*A. True
B. False