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AM. ZOOLOGIST, 8:529-539 (1968). Aspects of Lipid Metabolism in Crustaceans JOHN D. O'CONNOR AND LAWRENCE I. GILBERT Department of Biological Sciences) Northwestern University) Evanston) Illinois 60201 SYNOPSIS. Lipid is the predominant organic reserve of many crustaceans and is important in the metabolism of many of these animals. Ingested lipid is digested by gastric lipase and apparently absorbed into depot-lipid as .a-monoglycerides. The variation in the content and composition of the depot-lipid is a function of both the external environment and internal control systems. Evidence suggests that lipids from marine organisms contain more long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids than does the lipid of fresh water organisms which in turn have a high proportion of ~6 and C18 fatty acids. The fatty-acid composition of the sub-tropical land crab, Gecarcinus lateralis, resembles that of the fresh-water crustaceans. In addition, our studies indicate that aspects of lipid metabolism filay be under endocrine control. The induction of premolt by destalking markedly increases the synthesis of lipid from metabolic precursors and its subsequent incorporation into the depot-lipid of the hepatopancrease In the late premolt stages there is a decrease in the lipid content of the hepatopancreas. This occurs as the lipid is mobilized from the hepatopancreas to meet the energy demands of all those processes resulting in ecdysis. This sinusoidal variation in the lipid metabolism of the hepatopancreas is influenced by an eyestalk factor (s), Until recently, studies regarding the function and metabolism of lipids in invertebrates have been restricted for the most part to insects (cf. Gilbert, 1967). This is partly a consequence of the current in teres t in mechanisms of synthesis, catabolism, and transport of insect hormones and pheromones, the majority of which appear to be lipoidal. In addition, there is little doubt that extraordinary precautions must be taken in the analysis of lipids, which unlike proteins, carbohydrates; and nucleic acids, are extremely pron,e to auto-oxidation and rarely yield a crystalline product when purified. These properties have for many years. discouraged the physiologist and biochemist from studying lipids. Particularly with the advent of thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatography, a renascence in lipid bioThis work was supported by Grants AM-02818 from the National Institutes of Health, and GB6366 from the National Science Foundation. The senior author was a Pre-doctoral Fellow (NIH Training Grant GM-903). We would like to thank members of the staff of the Bermuda Biological Station for Research for their help in collecting G. lateralis and providing facilities for some of the experiments conducted there. chemistry has taken place, and the role of lipid in the life of an organism can now be studied with routine techniques. The importance of lipids to the life of the organism is without question. Not only do they play a metabolic role and provide energy for almost all endergonic processes, but they are of utmost importance in maintaining the structural and physiological integrity of cellular and sub-cellular membranes. Their role in transport of substrates uia the circulatory system in both vertebrates and invertebrates is a vital one. Since it now appears that the hormones controlling metamorphosis (Costlow, 1968) and molting (Gilbert, 1963) in crustaceans may be similar to those controlling analogous phenomena in insects, we have turned our attention to crustacean lipid metabolism to lay the groundwork for studies of crustacean endocrinology at the biochemical level. A byproduct of this research has been a comparison of the lipid composition and metabolism of terrestrial and fresh water crustaceans in order to determine whether, indeed, there has been adaptation a t this level. The purposes of this pa per are to generally review the little that 529 530 JOHN TABLE D. O'CONNOR AND LAWRENCE 1. Mean corn-position of hepatopancreas (Cancer pagurus), Substrate % Fresh weight % Dry weight Protein Glycogen Lipid 6.22 0.80 8.23 Modified from Vonk Renaud (1949). 23.81 2.34 29.02 (1960) after data from is known of lipid content and metabolism in crustaceans, present some of our unpublished data on the subject, and point out the many gaps in our knowledge in this most important area of research. LIPID CONTENT Although lipid was shown to be an organic reserve in the crustacean digestive gland 75 years ago (Cuenot, 1893), only a few studies on the regulation of lipid metabolism have since been conducted, (e.g.) Scheer, 1957; Vonk, 1960). The im~ portance of lipid to the crustacean is suggested by its percentage contribution to the fresh weight of the organism and particularly to the hepatopancreas. Although the average lipid content of Cancer pa .. gurus is 2.96% of the fresh weight, lipid constitutes almost 30% of the dry weight of the hepatopancreas (Table 1). This is about double the relative quantity found in the liver of several species of mammals (Altman and Dittmer, 1964). Although measurements of total lipid content point to its importance as a metabolic reserve, they give little definitive data. Perhaps a qualitative analysis of the fatty acid composition of these lipids will suggest a role in terrestrial adaptation. COMPOSITION OF FATTY ACIDS Fatty acids are most commonly composed of an even number of carbons in a straight chain, and when unsaturated, usually have a double bond between C, and C 1 .O • Of all the known fatty acids, oleic acid is the most abundant in nature. Typically, oil extracted from marine organisms contains a relatively high proportion of long chain, polyunsaturated fatty I. GILBERT acids, whereas the lipid of fresh water forms characteristically yields a relatively larger quantity of saturated C I 6 and CIS fatty acids. Table 2 reveals that the marine crustaceans, P. borealis and M. norvegica, do indeed contain significant quantities of highly unsaturated (polyenic) fatty acids. The saturated fatty acids account for 21.5% of the total content of fatty acids of P. borealis and 22.7% in M. noroegica, while the monoenic and polyenic fatty acids constitute 45.8% and 32.6%, respectively, of the total fatty acids in P. borealis and 52.3% and 24.7% in M. norvegica (Ackman and Eaton, 1967). The terrestrial form, Gecarcinus latera lis, possesses a pattern of fatty acids more closely related to that of the fresh water species than of the marine forms. That is, the hepatopancreatic lipid of Gecarcinus contains a relatively high percentage of C I S : 1 and C 18 : 2 fatty acids. In addition) whereas the fatty acid composition of phospholipids and glycerides is dissimilar in marine crustaceans (Ackman and Eaton, 1967), they are remarkably similar in Gecarcinus. Unfortunately, for the various fatty acids we know little about the adaptive significance of their structural features (Rhodes, 1964). The more unsaturated a fatty acid is, the more it tends to remain in the liquid state at low temperatures. Differences between the fatty-acid composition of marine and fresh-water organisms may not be due to the salinity of the environments, but to the size of the body of water (Farkas and Herodek, 1964). One consequence of smaller, fresh-water ecosystems is that they show a greater rise in temperature in the summer than does the ocean and thus inhabitants of such an environment would profit from utilizing a more saturated fatty acid as depot and structural lipid. Fresh water forms depend to a greater degree on food originating on land and thus have "more in common" with terrestrial forms than do marine organisms. Gecarcinus itself is a semi-tropical terrestrial organism not subjected to very low Ackman and Eaton, 1967 4.8 2.0 15.3 4.9 8.9 Ackman and Eaton, 1967 0.2 4.8 0.6 15.2 11.8 0.7 1.3 15.3 1.3 Trace Trace 10.5 1.1 9.3 13.1 8.1 0.3 2.9 0.5 14.9 14.1 0.3 2.6 20.2 0.8 1.0 ...... Total lipid Zandee, 1967 1.6 1.4 17.7 10.3 5.8 3.9 29.9 0.1 Trace Trace 10.7 Trace Hepatopancreatic lipid M. noroegica H. gammarus Total lipid P. borealis Zandee, 1966a Wolfe, et al., 1965 O'Connor and Gilbert O. virilis Hepatopancreatic lipid NL PL O'Connor and Gilbert G. lateralis Hepatopancreatic lipid NL PL' Terrestrial =II: NL == neutral lipid; PL == phospholipid. Values are those of winter animals. t Carcass lipid without exoskeleton. t Number preceding the colon represents the number of carbons in fatty acid. The number following the colon represents the number of unsaturated carbon-to-carbon bonds. The hepatopancreas of o. virilis and G. lateralis was extracted with chloroform-methanol (2: 1). The extracted lipid was fractionated by column chromatography using activated silicic acid. The neutral lipids were eluted with chloroform and the phospholipids with 100% methanol. The methyl esters of the fatty acids were obtained by methanolysis and were analyzed with an' F & M gas chromatograph equipped with a flame ionization detector. The samples were injected at a port temperature of 200°C onto a 6% DEGS column at 170°C. The carrier gas was argon delivered at 30 ml /rnin from an outlet pressure of 40 psi. Reference: upto 14:0t 14:0 15:0 16:0 16:1 17:0 18:0 18: 1 18:2 18:3 20:0 20:1 20:4 20:5 22:1 22:6 Fatty acid (number of carbons) 2. Percent fatty acids in lipids from crustaceans living in different environments. Marine TABLE "'"""" ~ ~ en > Z ~ ~ en C ~ o Z a:: C en o ~txl t%1 ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ 532 JOHN D. O'CONNOR AND LAWRENCE temperatures and thus would be expected to have less polyenic fatty acids if the above hypothesis is correct. We wish to stress that this is speculation and in fact there is good evidence that the environmental temperature has no effect on the character of lipid synthesized (ct. Van Handel, 1966). There have been suggestions that the fatty-acid composition of crustaceans varies with the stage of the molt cycle. For example, a greater relative quantity of C I S : I was found in Astacus lipid in December than in April (Zandee, 1966a). Of course this may be a consequence of a change in the composition of the diet rather than biosynthetic mechanisms, but our data do. indicate a rise in CIS:1 of the phospholipid fraction of the hepatopancreas from destalked Gecarcinus compared to controls. This suggests the possibility of endocrine control. The fattyacid composition of an animal is a conseqllence of both biosynthesis and diet. What is known about digestion and absorption of lipids in the Crustacea? DIGESTION AND ABSORPTION OF LIPIDS I. GILBERT been demonstrated in both the gastric juice and the hepatopancreas of Astacus astacus and Cambarus affinis (Kleine, 1967). Although four esterase fractions have been electrophoretically separated from Astacus hepatopancreatic tissue, only one of these fractions appears to be present in the gastric juice, and' its exact function is unknown. The pH optimum of the crustacean gastric lipase falls in the acidic range in all cases studied· (Agrawal, 1964; Kleine, 1967; Vonk, 1960): In the case of hepatopancreatic lipase.Q.owever, there is a shift in optimal pH to the alkaline range (pH 8 to 9) (Kleine~ 1967). As in the case of insects, there are few data available regarding absarption of lipid in crustaceans. Van Weel (1955) suggested that lipid droplets observed in the L cells of the hepatopancreas were not phagocytized but rather resynthesized from the fatty acid and glycerol products of gastric digestion. Recently, an elegant experiment by Brockerhoff and Hoyle (1967) demonstrated that the digester' lipid is finally absorbed into the depotIipid in the form of p-monoglycerides and fatty acids. In this experiment the triglyceride containing oleic-D, 10-3 H acid in the fi position and 0Ieic-I- I4C acid in the a position was fed to lobsters and the distribution of label in the depot-lipid then analyzed. The original ratio o£3H/14C at the f3 position was to a large extent retained while the ratio at the. a position was randomized, indicating retention of the original p-rn;onoglyceride structure during triglyceride digestion and absorption. Once lipid is stored, it is then available for catabolism, and the energy released can be captured in the form of high energy compounds such as ATP. Digestion of dietary lipids occurs in the pyloric region of the crustacean stomach. The major digestive enzyme acting upon lipids in the gastric juice appears to be a Iipase hydrolyzing the esteric bonds of triglycerides. Release of fatty acids from olive oil by the digestive juices of Astacus was demonstrated almost 100 years ago by Hoppe-Seyler (Vonk, 1960). Thereafter, crustacean enzymes capable of splitting the esteric bonds of lipids were studied in some detail (Yonge, 1924; Hasler, 1935, 1937). Mechanisms of lipid digestion In METABOLISM OF LIPIDS crustaceans appear to be the same as those known in mammals and insects The organ of central importance in a (Brockerhofl, et al., 1967; Gilbert, 1967). discussion of crustacean metabolism is the For example, the gastric lipase of the lobhepatopancreas, which is analogous to ster attacks the primary esteric bond of the vertebrate liver and insect fat body. the triglyceride so that the hydrolytic pro- . The early work of Smith (1915) and Paul ducts are first a,. ,a-diglycerides followed by and Sharpe (1919) demonstrated the p-monoglycerides. Esterase activity has sinusoidal variation in hepatopancreatic LIPID METABOLISM IN CRUSTACEANS 533 tivity of both the neutral lipid and the phospholipid fractions following destalking. Sixteen days .after removal of the 400 eyestalks, the specific activity of the neuPhospholipid Neutral Lipid tral lipid fraction is close to that of the controls, whereas the specific activity of ~300 :.J the phospholipid fraction remains at an E increased level in the destalked animals. "f> 200 I t should be noted that the specific activity of the neutral and phospholipids from destalked animals decreases dramatically 100 from day I to day 16 after the operation, while that of the control group' is more constant. Along with the decrease in spe16 7 7 16 I cific activity from day I to day 7 is an Days After Destalking increase in the quantity of hepatopanFIG. 1. The specific activity of neutral lipid and creatic lipid in the destalked land crab. phospholipid fractions of hepatopancreatic lipid From day 7 to day 16, however, there is from normal and destalked G. lateralis. Animals were sacrificed 4 hr after the injection of 10 P.c of no appreciable increase in hepatopanHe-I-acetate into the hemocoel through the arthrocreatic lipid, and the decrease in specific dial membrane. Solid bars, destalked animals. Open activity represents either a decrease in net bars, control animals. synthesis of lipid or possibly an increased lipid during the 'molting' cycle. These ear- rate of lipid catabolism. These data sugly observations were extended by Renaud g-est that a factor (s) in the eyestalks influ(1949) who demonstrated a rise in hepa- ences lipid metabolism. To test this hypothesis, a saline extract topancreatic lipid content until midpremolt, followed by a decrease after of eyestalks was administered to crabs and ecdysis. This variation in the hepatopan- the incorporation of labeled acetate folcreatic lipids of Cancer differs from the lowed in the hepatopancreatic lipids data of Neiland and Scheer (1953) work- (Fig. 2). The total incorporation of 14C_ ing with Hemigrapsus nudus. They found acetate into lipid is ag-ain appreciably no decrease in the lipid content of inter- higher in animals destalked for 10 days than in normal animals. Administering molt animals after 23 days of fasting. However, removing the sinus gland led to eyestalk extract partially reverses the a marked decrease in the content of lip- effect of destalking while administering- a id. The histochemical data of Travis saline extract of gills to controls is with(1955) on the lobster, Panulirus argus, out effect, This supports the postulate confirmed the stage-dependent variation that an eyestalk factor (s) is involved in the regulation of lipid metabolism in Geof hepatopancreatic lipid. The effect of destalking upon the meta- carcinus. bolism of lipids has been investigated in Additional studies on incorporation of our laboratory using several crustacean substrate have been performed using- 14C_ species. The results of a typical experiI-palmitate and 14C-glycerol as lipid prement performed with G. lateralis are il- cursors. The results of these experiments lustrated in Figure I. Four hours follow- support our earlier results in that de,ing the injection of 14C-I-acetate, the ani- stalked animals incorporate these labeled mals were sacrificed, the total lipid ex- substrates into lipid at a much greater tracted from the hepatopancreas, chroma- rate than controls. Experiments in vitro tographed into neutral and phospholipid utilizing the isolated hepatopancreas of components, and radioassayed. The re- both G. latera lis and o. v irilis also suI ts reveal an increase in the specific ac- demonstrate a dramatic increase in the 500 01 ~ JOHN 140 ~ 120 l- D. O'CONNOR AND LAWRENCE .... '~2 100 if(J .... - If) f- .... - 80 ~ 60 40 - ~ f- I 2 3 4 r. 234 A B FIG. 2. Total counts per minute (CPM) incorporated into the hepatopancreatic lipid of male G. lateralis following the injection of 10 p'c of HCl-acetate. Group I, normal animals. Group 2, animals destalked 10 days prior to injection of isotope. Croup . 3, destalked animals injected with three eyestalk equivalents in saline on alternate days during a 6-day period. Group 4, destalked animals injected with a saline extract of gill tissue following the same protocol used for the eyestalk injection. Experiment A: animals sacrificed 2 hr after injection of acetate. Experiment B: animals sacrificed 8 hr after injection. capacity of the hepatopancreas of destalked animals to synthesize lipid (Fig. 3). The rise in the specific activity of the hepatopancreatic lipid of destalked G. lateralis from day 20 to day 40 is due, at Ieast in part, to a decrease in lipid content. When similar in vitro studies are performed with o. virilis hepatopancreas using differentially labeled glucose as substrate, the results indicate that the rate of incorporation into hepatopancreatic lipid decreases after destalking (Table 3). Similar results have been reported by Zandee (1966 b) for Astacus. In addition, it has been reported that the induction of premolt activity by removing eyestalks leads to a reduction in the activity of the pentose phosphate pathway with a concomitant increased rate of glycolysis (McWhinnie and Chua, 1964). The data in Table 3 support this thesis by demonstrating a decrease in the ratio of 14C0 2 originating from 14C- I. GILBERT 1-glucos'ej14C-6-glucose from 1.68 in inter.. molt to 1.50 in premolt. However, such an increase in the glycolytic activity of the hepatopancreas should not a priori suggest a subsequent increase in the incorporation of label from glucose into hepatopancreatic lipid. It has been shown that less than 1% of the label administered as 14C-glucose can be recovered in intermediates of the Krebs cycle (Huggins, 1966). Most of the 14C recovered from 14C-glucose appears in alanine and to a lesser extent in lactic acid. These data suggest that the degradation of glucose via the glycolytic pathway terminates principally in the transamination of pyruvate to alanine or in its reduction to lactic acid rather than by oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate to acetate. The observation that the lipid of the hepatopancreas is labeled when incubated in the presence of radioactive glucose indicates either that some small percentage of the glucose is oxidized to acetate and then synthesized into fatty acids, or that the label from the glucose finds its way into lipid via a-glycerophosphate. The former suggestion is supported by our data demonstrating the evolution of .-----------------~ I 4.5 I I I 4.0 I 3.5 2.5 -I 01 1.0 0.5 01 E 40 :2 .... .9..J I 2.0 ~ a. 1.5 0 50i at I I .~ s i I I I I I I '0 - 3.0 :'S! T 6Ol. I I I If) 70 .~ 300 e I I I I 20 • o----~------------------~ i J 10 ~ 0 0 10 20 30 40 DAYS FIG. 3. The in vitro incorporation of HC-I-acetate into the hepatopancreatic lipid of G. lateralis. The solid lines refer to the left ordinate which expresses the data as specific activity. The dashed lines refer to the right ordinate which expresses the incorporation as a function of fresh weight. Open circles (0), normal animals; solid circles (.), animals destalked at zero time. 535 LIPID lVIETABOLISM IN CRUSTACEANS TABLE 3. The metabolism of and 1~C-6-glucose by the hepatopancreas of the crayfish, '0. virilis, in vitro. l~C-'l-glucose . 14C02 CPM! mg fresh wt. EC-I ~gl ucose 14C-6-g1 ucose Stage CS-4 (Intermolt) D0-3 (Premolt) 131 (6) 51 (12) CPM! mg lipid HC-I-gI ucose 14C-6-g1ucose 78 (8) 34 (11) 7590 (8) 2501 (16) 9908 (8) 3149(16) CPM in totalli pid/ mg fresh wt. HC-I-gl ucose 14C-6-g1ucose 183 (6) 144 (12) 215 (6) 190 (11) The excised tissues were incubated for one hour at 30°C in the presence of 1.5 P.c of the labeled substrate. - Both types of labeled glucose molecules possessed equal specific activities. In every experiment the hepatopancreas from each animal was divided equally. Identical halves from each animal were then incubated in the presence of either 14C-l-glucose or 14C-6-glucose. The numbers in parentheses indicate the number of samples. 14C0 2 from glucose labeled in the 6 position since it can only be oxidized by way of acetate and the Krebs cycle. The second suggestion is supported by the high rate of incorporation of 14C-glycerol into hepatopancreatic lipid. Decrease in the rate of incorporation of label from glucose in to lipid as the animals pass from intermolt to premolt could then be the effect of dilution of isotope resulting from an increased glycolytic rate. The oxidation of lipid sU'bstrateshas also been investigated in the shore crab, Carcinus maenas, where the oxidation of 14C-Iabeled fatty acids has been demonstrated (Munday and MUl\n, 1962), and the presence of fatty acids has been shown to cause an increase in Q02 (Munday and Munn, 1965). No quantitative differences in the rate of oxidation of fatty acids have been demonstrated during different stages of the molt cycle although such variations have been implied (Bliss, 1953). In order for lipid to be utilized at different body sites it must be transported to them from the storage depot. How is this accomplished in crustaceans? -and Scott. {I966) reported that' almost 65% of the total1ipid present in thehernolymph of rhe lobster is phospholipid and the remainder is almost equally divided between triglycerides and sterols, with only a small amount .(2.4%) of free fatty acids. We have extended these findings to Cardiosoma guanhumi and Gecarcinus lateralis. The virtual lack of partial glycerides (mono- or diglycerides) in the hemolymph of these crust.aceans contrasts sharply with the lipid composition of insect hemolymph, in which there is an abundance of diglycerides (Chino and Gilbert, 1965). Our 'experiments with G. lateralis have demonstrated an increase in the specific activity of lipid in hemolymph following destalking (Fig. 4). This occurs despite the decrease in the total concentration of lipid in the hemolymph of animals destalked 10 days previousiy (O'Connor and 500 5OOs:; 0.. ~ "0 E :! ~ l"""- 400~ :.J 1 I-- TRANSPORT OF LIPID Any hypothesis involving the mechanism of lipid transport must be based on knowledge of the lipids present in the hemolymph. The paucity of· information available on lipids found in the hemolymph of crustaceans did not even permit a discussion of the subject in one review (Florkin, 1960). Recently, however, Bligh 100 300 J ~ Q. o ~ FIG. 4. The specific activity of hemolymph lipid of male G. lateralis following the injection of. 10 P.c of He-I-acetate. Animals were des talked 10 days prior to the injection of isotope. The right ordinate expresses the radioactivity present per unit volume of hemolymph. Solid bars, destalked animals, Open bars, control animals. 536 JOHN D. I. O'CONNOR AND LAWRENCE P"-4~ ~ ]bS:a a 0./'0 • 0..., ° ~c:c:~ ~ .... P"-4 Cl:S ""O~C: ..., Cl:S GILBERT V,) ~.0-4 ~~~~ ..... O"'l:f4CC') t-o:~ "'l:f4CC') ~ c..~"" n A It')lt)CO tO~lL"i ocuQj] ~~ M = ~ o o .5 n - B }I'IG. 5. Ratio of the specific activity of the hepato- pancreatic lipid to the specific activity of the hemolymph lipid in normal and destalked G. lateralis. .Animals were injected with 10 p'c of He-I-acetate and sacrificed at 2 (A) and 4 (B) hours. Solid bars, destalked animals. Open bars, control animals. oa~ ..., =0 V,) =.0-4 • Cl:S ....."t:S ..., cu "Ocua:1-I ~ Cl:S S..d I V,) v.g~g 1-1 ~ 00 co e-.i"";lt')(O ... ~g~ ~ .......... C'fCC') lC)"'¢l ~"l:f'Io) oooc.o CC')CC')(I(') ~..oS~ ~=I-Icu U U cu...c:: .5 ~ • "0 Gilbert, unpublished) . This decrease coupled with an increase in the specific activity of the lipid results in similar cpm values for equal volumes of hemolymph from normal and destalked animals. The ratio of the specific activity of hepatopancreatic lipid to the specific activity of lipid in hemolymph is a measure of the relative rate of release of the 14C-lipid from the hepatopancreas into the incubation-medium. The fact that this ratio is higher in destalked animals indicates that although the hepatopancreas of destalked animals synthesizes lipid at a greater rate than controls, it releases this newly synthesized lipid at a relatively lower rate (Fig. 5). Therefore, the increase in synthesis of lipids in the early stages of premolt is probably not compensated by a more rapid release of lipid into the hemolymph. Preliminary in vitro experiments with prelabeled hepatopancreas support the above, since the release of lipid from the hepatopancreas into the medium is not increased in destalked animals (Table 4). In fact, the amount of lipid released from the hepatopancreas of destalked animals is actually less than from controls when adjustments are made for the amount of labeled precursor incorporated into lipid. The rate of release of lipid from the hepatopancreas increases in the later stages of premolt (stage D 3 ) . This ~ Cl:S cuC:~c.. . B·a~ a:.::..d ].~ ~ =Cl:S~ .0-4 cu bO ~tJs 00 00"l:f'l 00 CNlr)~O ..... O')OO~ ..... ~C(')~ 0C'f C'f(o~ 00 CC') lr)ooCN ~oo ~ei .......... :b~g ~l:1M U ~~ ~ o.~ >."" ..., cu .~ tJ "0 .0-4 ~ ~ ~·a U ~.0-4 C:=OP'"""l ..... ..., u 0<000 C(')OC'l'oo OO~ CiQl!1l!1 ~~ <Nl.."')1:'-o~ ~C(') (I(') .... (1(') ..... oll'i' 0')(0 CN~ It) ......... ~ C'I' ..... ~~~ ool''''t4 OO')CN CN..... ~ ~ cu~ c..cu CJ'.)..d V,) ~ o co;S cu ~ ...J °tJ= ~ ~~a "t:S..do .~~ ~ ~~ e ...c:: ----- --- -..------.... C'I' C'I' C'f C'I' C'I' C'I' <N..... P"-4 000 <00<')00 cN~~ ~~lf?~ ..... C(')CX")~1:'-o ~~ LIPID METABOLISM IN CRUSTACEANS 537 til very late in stage D, just prior to ecdysis (Adelung, 1967). Our data demonstrate an increase in synthesis of lipid immediately after removing the eyestalks. This increase reaches a plateau in mid-premolt. In late premolt stages there is a decrease in synthesis of lipid coupled with an increase in the rate of their release from the hepatopancreas. Studies in which we have attempted to stimulate an increase in synthesis of lipids by the addition of crustecdysone both in vivo and in vitro have so far been unsuccessful. Thus; the possibility remains that removing the eyestalks alters metabolic events by removing the sources of molecules that normally regulate or inhibit specific metabolic steps. It is possible, therefore, that removing the eyestalks resul ts in the dramatic increase in synthesis of lipids that is characteristic of the early premolt stage, while an increasing titer of molting hormone during the later premolt stages stimulates a marked release of lipid from the hepatopancreas and general catabolism of lipid. Past literature in crustacean endocrinology favors the interpretation that removing CONCLUSIONS AND SUMMARY the eyestalks stimulates the v-organs, which in turn secrete molting hormone There is a factor (s) in the eyestalks of several decapod crustaceans that appears and thus bring about various metabolic to restrain or regulate the biosynthesis of alterations that culminate in ecdysis. Yet lipids. When this factor is absent due to the possibility of a direct effect of an extirpation of eyestalks, there is a resul- eyestalk factor (s) upon the hepatopan.. ting increase in the synthesis of lipid from creas and perhaps upon other organs as precursor molecules. Extirpation of eye- well cannot be ruled out. stalks results in numerous other metaIf the polyhydroxy steroid, crustbolic alterations as well. These effects may ecdysone (possibly the molting hormone be due to the absence of an eyes-talk of crustaceans), can be termed a lipid, hormone (s) or to an increase in the ac- then the study of the biosynthesis of molttivity of the Y-organs. Present data do not ing hormone is a problem in the bioallow us to distinguish between these al- chemistry of lipids. In addition, the ternatives. Although molting is inhibited crustacean eyestalk is a rich source of maby removing both the eyestalks and Y-or- terial with the activity of juvenile horgans (Passano, 1960), there is no evidence mone when assayed on insects (Schneithat such surgical procedures inhibit the derman and Gilbert, 1958). The juvenile induction of metabolic events characteris- hormone in silkmoths has been shown to be a terpene derivative (Roeller, et al, tic of the early premolt stages. On the other hand, there is some indication that 1967). Thus, we can predict exciting dethe titer of molting hormone in Carcinus velopments in the study of the biochemistry of lipids in crustaceans. maenas does not increase appreciably un- increase correlates with the decreased rate of incorporation of 14C-palmitate into hepatopancreatic lipid. Thus, immediately following destalking and in the early stages of premolt there is an increase in synthesis of lipid in the hepatopancreas that is not coupled with an increased rate of release. The result is an accumulation of lipid. In the late premolt stages there is a decrease in the rate at which lipid is synthesized and an increase in the rate at which .it is released, resulting in a net decline in the content of lipid in the hep,atop'ancreas. This decline continues until the enforced starvation-period of the molt cycle ends in stage C (Renaud, 1949). Numerous questions remain unanswered concerning the release and transport of lipids in crustaceans. What is the chemical nature of the released lipid? Is the transported lipid bound to a specific protein? Are transport and release of lipid hormonally mediated? These questions are currently being studied in this laboratory. 538 JOHN D. O'CONNOR AND LAWRENCE REFERENCES Ackman, R. G., and C.-A. Eaton. 1967. 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