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Climate change effects and Agriculture in Italy:
a stochastic frontier analysis at regional level1
January 2015
Climate changes, associated to atmospheric accumulation of greenhouse gases, could alter level of
temperature at the surface, rainfalls and regional water supplies. There are many areas of the
Earth that will cope with a rapid increasing of warming at the surface and with an extremization of
weather conditions. Although many economic sectors are influenced, agriculture is the most
susceptible as weather heavily affects crop production trends, yield variability and reduction of
areas suitable to be cultivated. Climate change effects represent a “challenge” that European
agriculture has to face in the immediate future. The aim of our work is to analyze the economic
impacts of climate change on agricultural sector in Italy at regional scale (NUTS2). Using the
stochastic frontier approach, we investigate on the Italian Regions technical efficiency in the
period 2000-2010. Considering that technical inefficiency could be influenced by two main
meteorological factors – rainfall and minimum temperature– we find that the rainfall variable has
a positive impact on technical efficiency while the deviation of minimum temperature from the
1971-2000 mean value reduces the technical efficiency of harvested production.
JEL classification: Q10, Q54
Keywords: Climate change effects, agricultural sector, Italian Regions efficiency, stochastic
frontier approach.
Support from the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (Scientific Research Program of
National Relevance 2010 on “Climate change in the Mediterranean area: scenarios, economic impacts,
mitigation policies and technological innovation”) is gratefully acknowledged.
1. Introduction
Empirical evidences show changes in world’s climate, principally caused by the growing
concentration of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere induced by socio-economic
development and human activities over time. Concentrations of GHG, mainly carbon
dioxide (CO2), increased by 70% since 1970. Climate changes (CC), associated to
atmospheric accumulation of greenhouse gases, could alter the level of temperature at the
surface, rainfalls and regional water supplies. Most of the heating occurred in the last fifty
years (IPCC, 2013), predicted by several climatologists and geologists, is only the
beginning of further and more consistent climate changes all around the word. There are
many areas of the Earth that will cope with a rapid increasing of warming at the surface
and with an extremization of weather conditions.
Europe recorded a warming of about 1°C during the last century, faster than the global
average. Although the impacts of climate change are detected through many climatic
variables, the mainly considered are: changes in precipitation, temperature and higher
variability degree of climatic conditions. In these recent years, the focus has primarily been
the evaluation of the pathways of climate change impacts on economic activities and
human health. Although many economic sectors are influenced, agriculture is the most
susceptible as weather heavily affects crop production trends, yield variability and
reduction of areas suitable to be cultivated. CC effects represent a “challenge” that
European agriculture has to face in the immediate future, being subject to relevant risks
generated by new local meteorological conditions. In many countries, in fact, temperatures
have become more extreme and economic losses, due to extreme weather events and
decreased water availability, have risen considerably in the last decade. The intensity of
rainfalls and snowfalls has increased with more frequent floods in Northern Europe, while
in Southern areas rains have decreased substantially and drought periods are more frequent
than in the past.
While a rising length of spring and summer periods, and the related increase of
temperatures could favor crop production at northern temperate latitude sites, conversely,
higher temperatures could heavily reduce yields and threaten some crops in areas at
southern latitude. In those areas in fact, as summer temperature is already high, water
scarcity would make impossible to deal with the effects of CC. In this context, farmers
have to handle these risks in presence of more competitive global market conditions and
European policy support programs are finalized to make follow adaptation measures to
face CC negative effects.
Many specialized studies have been conducted to estimate CC impacts on agricultural
sector in different areas of the world (Elbakidze, 2006, Easterling et al. 1993; Chang 2002;
Peiris et al. 1996; Brown and Rosenberg 1999, Craigon et al. 2002; Jones and Thornton
2003, Shrestha et al. 2013). The literature underlines that the CC effects on crop yields are
strongly related with the geographical location of the agricultural cultivation and shows
that some regions of the Earth would benefit (Cuculeanu, et al., 1999; Ghaffari, et al.,
2002) while other regions would be damaged by the effects of new climatic conditions
(Batts et al., 1997; Morison and Lawlor, 1999; Jones and Thornton, 2003; Parry et al.,
The existing literature relating to CC effects on agriculture focuses on the impacts in small
restricted geographical areas or in particular regions (Sweeney et al., 2003; Walker and
Schulze, 2008; Quiroga and Iglesias, 2009).
The aim of our work is to analyze the economic impacts of CC on agricultural sector in
Italy at regional scale (NUTS2). In particular, we investigate the Italian Regions efficiency
in terms of crop yields during the period 2000-2010 when the negative effects of CC has
been increasing. Using the stochastic frontier approach to estimate the production functions
of the Italian Regions, we are able to separate the effects of production inputs such as
labor, and physical capital from inefficiency meteorological factors – rainfall and
minimum temperature – described as causes of risk among others in agriculture.
To assemble a dataset of inputs and output of a production function and some proxies of
climate change for the agriculture sector at regional level for the period 2000-2010, official
statistics, mainly produced by Istat, have been used. In particular, to consider the effects of
CC on the efficiency of agricultural harvested crop, we collect data on agricultural yields,
on inputs such as irrigated areas, fertilizers and seeds used, and labour force measured by
days of work in the farms and finally on meteorological factors as the deviation of annual
total rainfall average from 1971-2000 rainfall average value and the deviation of annual
minimum temperature average from 1971-2000 minimum temperature average value.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we briefly analyse the CC effects and
threats on the agricultural sector. In section 3, we focus on data source both for CC and for
regional agricultural measures at regional level. In Section 4, we present our empirical
model and data used, and in the following section, results of our regression analysis are
presented showing also the ranking of the Italian regions on the basis of estimated
technical inefficiencies. Finally, we summarize the findings of our research.
2. Climate change impacts and threats for agricultural sector
Since it is very likely that most of the warming and the extremization of weather
conditions is due to the observed increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) atmospheric
accumulation, CC is becoming the main cause of threat for human and natural systems.
Moreover, these weather changes will continue in the next future resulting in more
frequent and intense hazards for human activities of production and consumption. Impacts
and vulnerabilities for nature, the economy and human health will differ across regions,
territories and economic sectors in Europe. Agricultural sector is one of the most
susceptible as weather heavily affects crop production trends, yield variability and
reduction of areas suitable to be cultivated, as well as in the Mediterranean countries.
Many studies have evaluated the effects of climate change on agriculture in Europe taking
into account important regional differences (Reidsma, et al., 2007, Olesen and Bindi, 2002;
Iglesias et al., 2009, Gornall et al., 2010). As a whole, in Europe a lengthening of growing
season – defined as frost-free period – was observed in the last thirty years (Figure 1).
While some of the envisaged consequences could be beneficial for agriculture in the
Northern areas of Europe (lengthening of the growing season and improvements in
agricultural production due to milder weather conditions), most of them will be negative
and will bring economic losses in the countries of the Mediterranean basin (EEA, 2013b).
In particular, in Italy, Portugal, Greece, southern France and Spain a significant reduction
of cumulated values of rain during winter was recorded. Moreover, Italy and southern
France show a reduction of rain in summer time. The combined effect of significant
increase in temperatures and reduction in rainfalls has determined an increasing irrigation
demand and has contributed to rise water deficit (Rosenzweig and Tubiello, 1997). Water
shortage represents the most important consequence of these meteorological phenomena on
EU Southern countries’ agricultural production. For these reasons, increased plant heat
stress was recorded in Spain, Italy and in the Black Sea area like Turkey. In these
countries, agricultural sector must absolutely improve its water efficiency use to counter
the costs associated with the increased use of this input.
On the other side, in Scandinavia, eastern EU, Balkans and Austria a significant increase of
cumulated rain both during winter and summer was recorded. For this reason, in Balkans,
Austria, Czech Republic, The Netherlands, Denmark, southern Sweden and northern
Poland a reduction of irrigation demand took place, mainly due to the increase of rain
during the growing season.
Even though understanding the nature and quantifying the magnitude of adaptations are
critical issues, what is certain is that in the long term the cultivation of different crops
could shift to latitude further north. Moreover, in Europe, regional differences will increase
in terms of natural resource availability and agricultural productivity also because in this
context, small farmers will be particularly affected as they have less capacity of adaptation
(EEA, 2013a, and Cucuzza, 2008).
Figure 1: Projected impacts from climate change in different EU regions
Source: EEA, 2013a
Nowadays, mitigation and adaptation represent the double challenge in response to CC at
international level. These two strategies for addressing CC present some important
differences relating to their objectives, the scale of benefits and the sectors involved. In
particular, mitigation is an intervention to reduce the “causes” of CC while adaptation
addresses the “impacts”. For this reason, mitigation is crucial to limit changes in the
climate system by aiming to reduce the sources or enhance the sinks of greenhouse gases.
On the other hand, adaptation represents an adjustment in natural or human systems in
response to actual or expected climatic changes or their effects, which moderates damage
or exploits beneficial opportunities. Although CC is a global issue, mitigation and
adaptation measures to meet set targets also differ in terms of sectors, spatial and time
scale. Mitigation is a priority in the energy, transportation, industry and waste management
sectors and provides global benefits with a long-term effect on climatic system. Adaptation
is a priority in the water and health sectors and provides benefits at the local scale that can
have short-term effect on the reduction of vulnerability. Both mitigation and adaptation
measures are relevant to the agriculture and forestry.
In April 2013 the European Commission adopted an EU Strategy on Adaptation to climate
change that aims to make Europe more climate-resilient. The Commission will encourage
all Member States to adopt comprehensive adaptation strategies to respond to the impacts
of climate change and will provide funding to help them build up their adaptation
capacities and make decisions at different governance levels especially about some
vulnerable sectors such as agriculture and fisheries.
In the wake of the literature on climate change effects on the agricultural sector that
focuses on the impacts in restricted geographical areas (Sweeney et. al., 2003; Walker and
Schulze ,2008; Quiroga and Iglesias, 2009) we analyze the economic impacts of CC on
agricultural sector in Italy at regional scale (NUTS2) in the period 2000-2010.
3. Evaluating Climate Change economic effects on Italian agriculture at regional
As Italy is strongly affected by the negative consequences of CC, weather conditions could
lead to inefficiency in the agricultural sector. This inefficiency is mainly due to Italian
geographical location and to its agricultural sector structure which includes many small
firms with a low capability to adapt themselves to a new situation, in term of temperatures
and climate extreme events (rainfalls). Moreover, in this framework national institutions
did not improve environmental management and governance on the agricultural sector to
deal efficiently with climate change negative effects through time.
In the last twenty years, a growing number of extreme weather events occurred and a rising
shortage of water in several areas, traditionally suited to agriculture activities, threatened
crops and areas suitable for cultivation with substantial losses. In particular, in some areas
of South of Italy, desertification has continued to increase since 1970 forcing the
abandonment of local crops and the choice of new cultivations more resistant to heat in
summer time. However, it should be not forgotten that Italy has a historic high agricultural
vocation and is the second largest producer of “fruit and vegetable” in Europe - following
Spain - offering a wide range of high quality products, a lot of typical Mediterranean
products, officially recognized as IGP and DOP.
To evaluate climate-related impacts on the agricultural sector across Italian regions, long
run time series of data should be necessary. Forced by data availability, the focus of our
analysis is mainly on the Italian regions’ efficiency in the period 2000 to 2010. Thus, the
aim of our work is to analyze the short-term effects of CC on Italian agriculture in the
period 2000-2010, on the basis of data available, by considering that the predominant
production is represented by typical cultivations. These plants need more water and
microclimatic conditions and could suffer for long drought periods and “out of season”
meteorological events.
In the economic literature, many studies have investigated the economic effects of CC on
agricultural sector (CEDEX, 2000; Christensen and Christensen, 2002; Giupponi and
Shechter, 2003) based on long-term analyses at the aggregate level, i.e., continental or
national scales (Xionget et al., 2010). In contrast, few studies have performed short-term
analyses at a sub-regional level. In the case of agriculture, models based on Discrete
Stochastic Programming2 (DSP) model have been used to forecast the effects of changes in
DSP models allow the representation of a sequence of choices that are made under conditions of uncertainty
(McCarl and Spreen, 1997). In particular, it allows the representation of decision-making concerned with
water availability on agriculture due to CC (Dono and Mazzapicchio, 2010a and 2010b). A
three-stage discrete stochastic programming model has been used to represent the choice
process of the farmer based on the expectation of possible scenarios of rainfalls and higher
minimum temperatures for a specific irrigated area of Italy in the next future. These
variables affect the availability of water for agriculture and the water requirements of
irrigated crops (Dono et al., 2011).
Thus, rainfalls and minimum temperatures deviations could imply an increasing water need
and use in the agricultural sector. In Italy, irrigated agriculture is the major water user,
accounting for more than 60% of total abstractions (OECD, 2006). CC is expected to
intensify problems of water scarcity and irrigation requirements in all the Mediterranean
regions and thus in Italy (IPCC, 2013; Goubanova and Li, 2006; and Rodriguez Diaz et al.,
To evaluate the CC effects on the efficiency of agricultural yields at Italian regional level
(NUTS2) in the period 2000-2010, a dataset of CC and agriculture sector at regional level
for the period examined has been collected by using official statistics, mainly produced by
Istat. These data regard both the inputs and the output of the production function and the
inefficiency characteristics as proxies of climate change. In particular, we collect data on:
i) agricultural harvested production and production areas, from the Istat survey of Estimate
of Crop, Flower and Plot Plant Production and Area, ii) irrigated areas, seeds and fertilizer
used, days of work of farm employees, from both Istat Survey on Agricultural Holding
Structure and Output and V and VI Agricultural Census, and finally iii) temperatures and
rainfall drawn by Meteo-Climatic and Hydrological Istat Survey. In particular, we use the
deviation of annual total rainfall average from 1971-2000 rainfall average value and the
deviation of annual minimum temperature average from 1971-2000 minimum temperature
average value, assumed in the model as proxies of the CC.
It would be consistent with our aim to take into consideration the use of water in the
agriculture sector measured by physical units. In the production model, we could have
included the variable “volumes of irrigation water used” instead of “irrigated areas” but
official statistics on volumes of irrigation water used in Italian agriculture do not exist until
Istat Agricultural Census 2010. To show the importance of this variable in agricultural
analysis, we compare volumes of irrigation water with irrigated areas and total harvested
production, jointly available for Italy only for the year 2010, as in Figure 2.
The chart underlines the multifaceted situation for each Italian region. As regards the
volumes of irrigation water required, we note that Lombardy and Piedmont claim for a
very large amount of quantity, respectively more than 4.5 billion and 1.8 billion. They are
used to irrigate a lot of hectares for the cultivations respectively more than 580 thousands
and 366 thousands of hectares for Lombardy and Piedmont. What is the most amazing
consideration is that Lombardy uses about the 42.26% of the total of irrigation water used
in Italy to obtains only the 4.39% of the harvested production with respect to the total
production. More or less is the same for Piedmont in which, using the 16.64% of water to
irrigate the land, the harvested production represents only the 2.93% of the total harvested
crops produced in 2010. While, in the opposite case, we find Emilia-Romagna and Puglia,
where respectively they use only the 6.84% and 5.90% of total volume of irrigation water
to obtain a harvested production of 11.17% and 15.13% with respect to the total harvested
crops produced in Italy in the same year.
production activities conducted at certain times (stages), which are influenced by certain conditions (states of
nature) that are not known with certainty.
Figure 2: Volumes of irrigation water, irrigated areas, harvested production Italian Regions,
Year 2010 (thousands of cubic meters, hectares, hundreds of quintals)
thousands of cubic meters
hundreds of quintals and hectares
irrigated areas
harvested production
volumes of irrigation water
Source: our elaboration on data of ISTAT Agricultural Census 2010.
Quite certainly, this situation could be the consequence of the different typologies of crops
cultivated in each region. Some of which could be more sensitive to longer period of
drought due to higher minimum temperature phenomena or to the “out of season” events
such as huge rainfalls. Also, it should be taken into consideration the hydrological and
geological characteristics of the different areas considered and the ability of adaptation of
each region to CC in the short run. In conclusion, to evaluate the CC effects on irrigation
water used in the long run we should have analyzed long time series on the impacts of CC
on agriculture but unfortunately we are bounded by the availability of data from national
official institutions.
4. The SFA model: our empirical aims.
Italy, belonging to the Mediterranean area, could be influenced by the CC negative effects
in the agricultural sector. To test whether a statistical relation exists between regional
technical inefficiency and the CC effects, we apply the stochastic production frontier
technique to our sample. According to the neoclassical paradigm, production is always
efficient if several hypotheses are stringent. It is unrealistic that two regions – even if
identical – can have a similar income with the same endowments. The difference between
two regions can be explained through the analysis of efficiency and some unforeseen
exogenous shocks (Kumbhakar and Knox-Lovell, 2000). A simple OLS regression is not
sufficient to estimate the relationship between output and inputs because it has several
limits (e.g. does not discriminate between rent extraction and productive efficiency; does
not simultaneously take into account distances from the efficient frontier for a given
production function). To measure regional (in)efficiency, we estimate individual
production functions using the stochastic frontier approach developed mainly by Aigner et
al., (1977) and Meeusen and Van den Broeck (1977). The advantageous of this
methodology could be summed up in to two aspects. First, production inputs and efficiency
or inefficiency factors are separated in two distinct functions and second distances from the
efficient frontier between those due to systematic components and those due to noise are
disentangled. The main idea is that the maximum output frontier for a given input set, is
assumed to be stochastic in order to capture exogenous shocks beyond the control of
individuals. Since all individuals are not able to produce the same frontier output, an
additional error term is introduced to represent technical inefficiency.
Using the stochastic frontier approach to estimate Italian Regions’ production functions,
we are able to separate the effects of production inputs (labour and physical capital) from
inefficiency factors as the main causes of CC (rainfalls and temperatures). We can also
disentangle distances from the efficient frontier dividing the error component in two
aspects: the systematic and the noise component. Finally, we can rank the Italian Regions
on the basis of these estimated technical inefficiencies.
The Battese and Coelli (1995) specification is a SFA in which individual effects are
assumed to be distributed as truncated normal random variables:
ln y it  ln f (x it ;  )  vit  uit
where the unobserved random noise is divided into a first component vit which are random
variables following the assumption of normally distributed error terms [independent and
identically distributed (iid) N(0, )], and a second independent component defined as uit
which are non-negative random variables. These variables are assumed to capture the
effects of technical inefficiency in production and to be independent identically distributed
as truncations at zero of the N(
) distribution. The mean of this truncated normal
distribution is a function of systematic variables that can influence the efficiency of a
where zit is a p1 vector of variables that may have an indirect effect on the production
function of a region; and  is a 1p vector of parameters to be estimated. Assuming that the
two components are uncorrelated, the parameters can be estimated using the maximum
likelihood estimator.
Considering that the production function takes the constant returns-to-scale log-linear
Cobb-Douglas form, we estimated the following two specifications of the stochastic
frontier production model. The production function is represented by:
ln(Y )it   0  1 lnKseedit   2 lnKfert it 
 3 lnKirrig _ areait   4 lnL i  vit  uit
where Y is the agricultural yield measured by the ratio between production harvested (in
kilos) and cultivated areas (in hectare), physical capital is measured by Kseed which
represents the amount of seeds used for the cultivations, Kirrig_area which means the
hectares of irrigated areas and Kfert which stands for the tons of fertilizers used in
agriculture, and labour force (L) which is measured by the days of work in farms.
While the error function is characterized by several observable explanatory variables as
u it   0   1 Rainfall it   2Temp_min it   3 North  westit   4 North  east it 
  5Centreit   6 Southit   it
Rainfall is determined as the deviation of annual total rainfall average from 1971-2000
rainfall average value and Temp_min is defined as the deviation of annual minimum
temperature average from 1971-2000 minimum temperature average value. The Dummy
macro-areas are as usual: North-west, North-east, Centre, South while Islands is missing
due to collinearity.
The stochastic frontier estimation allows us to measure the value of productive efficiency
of harvested production in each Italian region. The technical efficiency of the i-th region in
the t-th time period is given by:
TEit  e( uit )  e(  zti  ti )
The technical in/efficiency values will oscillate between 0 and 1, being the latter the most
favourable case. If TEit<1 then the observable output is less than the maximum feasible
output, meaning that the statistical unit is not efficient. Following Battese and Corra
(1977), the simultaneous maximum likelihood estimation of the two-equation system is
expressed in terms of the variance parameters 2=2v+2u and =2u/(2v+2u) to provide
asymptotically efficient estimates3. Hence, it is clear that the test on the significance of the
parameter  is a test on the significance of the stochastic frontier specification. (The
acceptance of the null hypothesis that the true value of the parameter equals zero implies
that 2u, the non-negative random component of the production function residual, is zero.)
5. Empirical results
The maximum-likelihood method is used in our analysis to estimate the parameters of the
stochastic frontier of production and of the inefficiency model for 20 Italian regions in the
period 2000-2010. We restrict our analysis to the period 2000-2010 for lacking of data
availability. Results are presented in Table 1 where both the Cobb-Douglas production
function’s estimated coefficients and the inefficiency equation’s estimated coefficients are
Because in all specifications we reject the null hypothesis of the insignificance of the
variance parameter (), the inefficiency models are likely to be highly significant in the
analysis of the effect of CC on agricultural yields. Moreover, the parameter () also
indicates the proportion of the total variance in the model that is accounted for by the
inefficiency effects. This parameter, which is significant at the 1% level in all estimations,
is 0.97 indicating that 97% of the variance is explained by inefficiency effects, confirming
that inefficiency effects are important in explaining the total variance in the model.
Results compare three different estimations. In the first and second estimation, Rainfall and
3 The log-likelihood function and the derivatives are presented in the appendix of Battese and Coelli (1993).
Temp_min are considered separately, while in the last model the two variables are included
jointly. The production function performs rather well. Physical capital measured by
fertilizers used (Kfert) and irrigated areas (Kirrig_area) shows always positive and
significant signs, while physical capital measured by seeds used (Kseed) shows a negative
sign albeit insignificant. Labour force measured by days of work in the farms (L) shows a
negative and significant coefficient.
Focusing more on the inefficiency model, we observe that the signs of the two CC
variables are not sensitive to the model considered because Rainfall variable shows always
a negative and significance sign, while Temp_min variable is always positive but
insignificant with respect to inefficiency.
The negative sign of Rainfall variable means that if the annual total rainfall average
decreases with respect to 1971-2000 rainfall average value, then the technical inefficiency
increases and thus the technical efficiency decreases. Therefore, Italian regions in term of
agricultural yields become more inefficient when the annual rainfall diminishes. This
seems in line with the European Commission analysis reported above, where in the
Mediterranean area the annual rainfall will tend to decrease in the next future.
Table 1: Estimates of the Cobb-Douglas production function and of the inefficiency model
Dependent variable: Prod/L
Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
Inefficiency model
sigma squared
Note: *, ** and *** indicate significance at 10%, 5% and 1% levels
Source: our estimations are based on ISTAT - Annual Agricultural Crops Survey, V and VI Agricultural Census, Structure and
Production of Agricultural Farms SPA sample Survey, Annual Census Survey on fertilizers allocation and ISTAT - Survey of Seasonal
climate-weather trend in Italy
As far as minimum temperature variable (Temp_min) concerned, the positive sign implies
that the more is the minimum temperature with respect to 1971-2000 minimum
temperature average value the more is the technical inefficiency of the Italian regions and
thus the less is the technical efficiency in terms of agricultural yields. As a result, the
Italian regions’ agricultural yields decrease due to more inefficiency caused by an increase
of annual minimum temperature. Moreover, this negative effect has been foreseen and
analysed by the European Commission, when it expect that in the Mediterranean area the
increase in temperature will influence negatively crop yields.
The estimated coefficients of geographical dummies indicate that regions located in South,
Centre, North-east and North-west of Italy tend to have more efficient agricultural yields
than the two island regions.
To deepen our analysis, we consider the estimation values of technical inefficiencies for
each Italian region, basing on the third model previously described. In Table 2, to better
compare Italian regions’ position in terms of efficiency, we rank them showing only three
years (2000, 2004, and 2009). We then order the Italian regions according to the position
reached in 2000 in terms of technical inefficiency.
The results show that the inefficient regions are Sardinia and Valle d’Aosta as we expected
because these two regions are the less agricultural-sector-oriented. On the other extreme
we find Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, and Emilia Romagna, in which agriculture is very
relevant. This characteristic is more or less the same in the other two years especially for
the worst regions (Sardinia and Valle d’Aosta). While even if in 2004 the most efficient
regions remain Emilia-Romagna and Friuli-Venezia Giulia, in 2009 surprisingly at the top
of the ranking we find Calabria and Campania.
Table 2: Ranking of inefficiency effects among Italian Regions, Year 2000-2004-2009
Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Trentino-Alto Adige
Valle d’Aosta
6. Conclusions.
In these last decades CCs, due to atmospheric accumulation of greenhouse gases, have
caused several impacts such as the higher level of temperature at the surface, rainfalls and
regional water supplies. A rapid increasing of warming at the surface joined with an
extremization of weather conditions has influenced agriculture production because it is the
most susceptible to climate variability and extreme weather events. While some of the
envisaged consequences could be beneficial for agriculture in the Northern areas of
Europe, it is not the case for the Mediterranean countries. Considering that almost half of
the EU land is used for agricultural production, CC effects represent a “challenge” that
European agriculture has to face in the immediate future. Impacts of CC are detected
through many climatic variables such as rainfall, temperature, extreme weather events,
river runoff, floods and heat waves. In many countries, economic losses due to these
weather events have risen in last decades.
Our empirical analysis represents a short term CC effect analysis as bounded by the
availability of long time series data. We analyse the economic impacts of CC on
agricultural sector in Italy at regional scale (NUTS2). Using the stochastic frontier
approach (SFA), we investigate the Italian Regions efficiency in the period 2000-2010.
Since data come only from official statistics, mainly produced by Istat surveys and
agricultural censuses, we have had some problems with the availability of data both for
production function and for the inefficiency model. As CC measures we prefer to use the
deviation of annual total rainfall average from 1971-2000 rainfall average value and the
deviation of annual minimum temperature average from 1971-2000 minimum temperature
average value.
Considering that inefficiency could be influenced by two main meteorological factors,
rainfall and minimum temperature, as empirical result we find that Rainfall variable has a
negative impact on inefficiency while the positive relationship of Minimum Temperature
variable reduces the efficiency of harvested production. These results respect the analysis
of the European Commission, because in the Mediterranean area it is foreseen a decrease
of annual rainfalls while temperature will tend to increase in the next future. CC effects in
terms of decreasing in rainfalls and increasing in minimum temperatures seem to
contribute to decrease technical efficiency in agricultural crops yields. As we performed a
short run CC effects analysis, this does not exclude that, in the long run, the extremes of
weather could lead to serious irreversible damages in the agricultural sector.
This analysis represents a very preliminary study needing further investigations to evaluate
CC effects on agriculture at regional level by using: i) harvested production disaggregated
by typologies of crops; ii) time series suitable for a medium-term CC effects analysis; iii)
data on mitigation policies undertaken by Italy, in accordance with EU Policy related with
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