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North Carolina Science Essential Standards
Resource Pack 4.P.1
Essential Standard:
4.P.1 Explain how various forces affect the motion of an object.
Clarifying Objectives:
4.P.1.1 Explain how magnets interact with all things made of iron and with other magnets to produce
motion without touching them.
4.P.1.2 Explain how electrically charged objects push or pull on other electrically charged objects and
produce motion.
Vertical Strand Maps:
Force and Motion:
Atlas of Science Literacy Volume 2 Electricity and Magnetism, page 27.
Online Atlas map
North Carolina Unpacking:
Framework for K-12 Science Education:
What underlying forces explain the variety of interactions observed?
All forces between objects arise from a few types of interactions: gravity, electromagnetism, and strong
and weak nuclear interactions. Collisions between objects involve forces between them that can change
their motion. Any two objects in contact also exert forces on each other that are electromagnetic in origin.
These forces result from deformations of the objects’ substructures and the electric charges of the
particles that form those substructures (e.g., a table supporting a book, friction forces). Gravitational,
electric, and magnetic forces between a pair of objects do not require that they be in contact. These forces
are explained by force fields that contain energy and can transfer energy through space. These fields can
be mapped by their effect on a test object (mass, charge, or magnet, respectively). Objects with mass are
sources of gravitational fields and are affected by the gravitational fields of all other objects with mass.
Gravitational forces are always attractive. For two human-scale objects, these forces are too small to
observe without sensitive instrumentation. Gravitational interactions are nonnegligible, however, when
very massive objects are involved. Thus the gravitational force due to Earth, acting on an object near
Earth’s surface, pulls that object toward the planet’s center. Newton’s law of universal gravitation
provides the mathematical model to describe and predict the effects of gravitational forces between
distant objects. These long-range gravitational interactions govern the evolution and maintenance of
large-scale structures in the universe (e.g., the solar system, galaxies) and the patterns of motion within
Electric forces and magnetic forces are different aspects of a single electromagnetic interaction. Such
forces can be attractive or repulsive, depending on the relative sign of the electric charges involved, the
direction of current flow, and the orientation of magnets. The forces’ magnitudes depend on the
magnitudes of the charges, currents, and magnetic strengths as well as on the distances between the
interacting objects. All objects with electrical charge or magnetization are sources of electric or magnetic
fields and can be affected by the electric or magnetic fields of other such objects. Attraction and repulsion
of electric charges at the atomic scale explain the structure, properties, and transformations of matter
and the contact forces between material objects (link to PS1.A and PS1.B). Coulomb’s law provides the
mathematical model to describe and predict the effects of electrostatic forces (relating to stationary
electric charges or fields) between distant objects. The strong and weak nuclear interactions are
important inside atomic nuclei. These short-range interactions determine nuclear sizes, stability, and
rates of radioactive decay (see PS1.C).
Grade Band Endpoints for PS2.B
By the end of grade 2. When objects touch or collide, they push on one another and can change motion
or shape.
By the end of grade 5. Objects in contact exert forces on each other (friction, elastic pushes and pulls).
Electric, magnetic, and gravitational forces between a pair of objects do not require that the objects be in
contact—for example, magnets push or pull at a distance. The sizes of the forces in each situation depend
on the properties of the objects and their distances apart and, for forces between two magnets, on their
orientation relative to each other. The gravitational force of Earth acting on an object near Earth’s
surface pulls that object toward the planet’s center.
PS3 Energy
How is energy transferred and conserved?
Interactions of objects can be explained and predicted using the concept of transfer of energy from one
object or system of objects to another. The total energy within a defined system changes only by the
transfer of energy into or out of the system.
What is energy?
That there is a single quantity called energy is due to the remarkable fact that a system’s total energy is
conserved. Regardless of the quantities of energy transferred between subsystems and stored in various
ways within the system, the total energy of a system changes only by the amount of energy transferred
into and out of the system.
At the macroscopic scale, energy manifests itself in multiple phenomena, such as motion, light, sound,
electrical and magnetic fields, and thermal energy. Historically, different units were introduced for the
energy present in these different phenomena, and it took some time before the relationships among them
were recognized. Energy is best understood at the microscopic scale, at which it can be modeled as either
motions of particles or as stored in force fields (electric, magnetic, gravitational) that mediate
interactions between particles. This last concept includes electromagnetic radiation, a phenomenon in
which energy stored in fields moves across space (light, radio waves) with no supporting matter medium.
Electric and magnetic fields also contain energy; any change in the relative positions of charged objects
(or in the positions or orientations of magnets) changes the fields between them and thus the amount of
energy stored in those fields. When a particle in a molecule of solid matter vibrates, energy is continually
being transformed back and forth between the energy of motion and the energy stored in the electric and
magnetic fields within the matter. Matter in a stable form minimizes the stored energy in the electric and
magnetic fields within it; this defines the equilibrium positions and spacing of the atomic nuclei in a
molecule or an extended solid and the form of their combined electron charge distributions (e.g.,
chemical bonds, metals).
Electromagnetic radiation (such as light and X-rays) can be modeled as a wave of changing electric and
magnetic fields. At the subatomic scale (i.e., in quantum theory), many phenomena involving
electromagnetic radiation (e.g., photoelectric effect) are best modeled
as a stream of particles called photons. Electromagnetic radiation from the sun is a major source of
energy for life on Earth. The idea that there are different forms of energy, such as thermal energy,
mechanical energy, and chemical energy, is misleading, as it implies that the
nature of the energy in each of these manifestations is distinct when in fact they all are ultimately, at the
atomic scale, some mixture of kinetic energy, stored energy, and radiation. It is likewise misleading to call
sound or light a form of energy; they are phenomena that, among their other properties, transfer energy
from place to place and between objects.
Grade Band Endpoints for PS3.A
By the end of grade 2. [Intentionally left blank.]
By the end of grade 5. The faster a given object is moving, the more energy it possesses. Energy can be
moved from place to place by moving objects or through sound, light, or electric currents. (Boundary: At
this grade level, no attempt is made to give a precise or complete definition of energy.)
Science for All Americans:
The two kinds of forces we are commonly aware of are gravitational and electromagnetic. The
electromagnetic forces acting within and between atoms are immensely stronger than the gravitational
forces acting between them. On an atomic scale, electric forces between oppositely charged protons and
electrons hold atoms and molecules together and thus are involved in all chemical reactions. On a larger
scale, these forces hold solid and liquid materials together and act between objects when they are in
contact (for example, the friction between a towel and a person's back, the impact of a bat on a ball). We
usually do not notice the electrical nature of many familiar forces because the nearly equal densities of
positive and negative electric charges in materials approximately neutralize each other's effects outside
the material. But even a tiny imbalance in these opposite charges will produce phenomena that range
from electric sparks and clinging clothes to lightning.
Depending on how many of the electric charges in them are free to move, materials show great
differences in how much they respond to electric forces. At one extreme, an electrically insulating
material such as glass or rubber does not ordinarily allow any passage of charges through it. At the other
extreme, an electrically conducting material such as copper will offer very little resistance to the motion
of charges, so electric forces acting on it readily produce a current of charges. (Most electrical wires are a
combination of extremes: a very good conductor covered by a very good insulator.) In fact, at very low
temperatures, certain materials can become superconductors, which offer zero resistance. In between
low- and high-resistance materials are semiconducting materials in which the ease with which charges
move may vary greatly with subtle changes in composition or conditions; these materials are used in
transistors and computer chips to control electrical signals. Water usually contains charged molecular
fragments of dissolved impurities that are mobile, and so it is a fairly good conductor.
Magnetic forces are very closely related to electric forces—the two can be thought of as different
aspects of a single electromagnetic force. Both are thought of as acting by means of fields: an electric
charge has an electric field in the space around it that affects other charges, and a magnet has a magnetic
field around it that affects other magnets. What is more, moving electric charges produce magnetic fields
and are affected by magnetic fields. This influence is the basis of many natural phenomena. For example,
electric currents circulating in the earth's core give the earth an extensive magnetic field, which we detect
from the orientation of our compass needles.
The interplay of electric and magnetic forces is also the basis of much technological design, such as electric
motors (in which currents produce motion), generators (in which motion produces currents), and television
tubes (in which a beam of moving electric charges is bent back and forth by a periodically changing magnetic
field). More generally, a changing electric field induces a magnetic field, and vice versa.
Benchmarks for Science Literacy:
The main notion to convey here is that forces can act at a distance. Students should carry out
investigations to become familiar with the pushes and pulls of magnets and static electricity. The
term gravity may interfere with students' understanding because it often is used as an empty label for the
common (and ancient) notion of "natural motion" toward the earth. The important point is that the
earth pulls on objects.
Without touching them, a magnet pulls on all things made of iron and either pushes or pulls on other
magnets. 4G/E2
Without touching them, an object that has been electrically charged pulls on all other uncharged objects
and may either push or pull other charged objects. 4G/E3
Big Ideas:
Forces can act at a distance.
Essential Questions:
How do forces affect the motion of object?
How do magnets interact with other objects?
Why do electrically charged objects interact with other objects?
Enduring Understandings:
 Magnets pull on all things made of iron and either push or pull on other magnets.
Objects that are electrically charged pull on all other uncharged things and may either push or pull
other charged objects.
Identify Misconceptions:
Before instruction, many elementary- and middle-school students are not aware of the bipolarity of batteries and light bulbs; do not
recognize the need for a complete circuit to make a bulb light; and do not succeed in making a lamp light when given a battery and a number
of connecting wires. [1] This suggests that they also do not understand or cannot apply the concept of a complete circuit. [3] Students of all
ages have difficulty reasoning that all parts of a circuit are interrelated and influence each other. Instead, they think of circuits in terms of
electric current traveling around the circuit meeting each component in turn. They think of a change in the circuit affecting only those
components that come after the change. This "sequential" reasoning underlies many problems that students have in understanding electric
circuits and is highly resistant to change. [5]
Elementary-school students are usually aware of the behavior of magnets but may not explain the behavior in terms of forces (i.e., they may
think of a magnet sticking to or moving towards another magnet but may not recognize this as the effect of a pull or force). [13] Students of all
ages may think of gravity and magnetism interchangeably. They may refer to magnetism as a "type of gravity," but they may also explain
gravity in terms of the earth acting like a magnet on objects. Students may think that magnets do not work in a place where there is no air,
just like they think about gravity. [14] Students of all ages may also confuse electrostatic and magnetic effects. [15] For example, they may
predict that north magnetic poles repel positively charged objects. [16]
Students do not readily recognize the magnetic effect of an electric current. Some think of the wire, rather than the electric current as being
the cause of the magnetic effect. Students may think that insulation around the wire prevents the existence of magnetic forces when current
flows. [17]
Science and Children Article
Science in a Nutshell
Teacher Content Knowledge
Formative Assessment Probe information:
Use the alignment guide for formative probes:
Formative Assessment Probes (articles, how-to, free-online) by Page Keeley, et al
Annotated TEACHING Resources:
Magnets 1: Magnetic Pick-ups
This lesson provides students with an understanding that certain materials are attracted to magnets
while others are not. It is the first in a two-lesson series on magnets. In Magnets 1: Magnetic Pick-ups,
students will look at various objects, make predictions about whether they are magnetic, and then test
their predictions. This exploration is an introductory activity to magnets and magnetism.
Magnets 2: How Strong is Your Magnet?
In this lesson, students will experimentally measure the strength of a magnet and graph how the strength
changes as the distance from the magnet increases, and as the barrier (masking tape) is built between the
magnet and an iron object. This lesson is the second in a two-lesson series on magnets.
Charge It! ...
Students use balloons to perform several simple experiments to explore static electricity and charge
Get Charged! ...
Students are introduced to the idea of electrical energy. They learn about the relationships between
charge, voltage, current and resistance. They discover that electrical energy is the form of energy that
powers most of their household appliances and toys. In the associated activities, students learn how a
circuit works and test materials to see if they conduct electricity. Building upon a general ...
Take Charge! ...
Students come to understand static electricity by learning about the nature of electric charge, and
different methods for charging objects. In a hands-on activity, students induce an electrical charge on
various objects, and experiment with electrical repulsion and attraction.
Carrying Charges
Learners are challenged to create solutions that conduct electricity and make a buzzer buzz (or an LED
light up). They are given water, salad oil, alcohol, and vinegar as liquids, salt and sugar as solids, and a
conductivity tester to see which combinations conduct electricity. Some liquids conduct by themselves
(vinegar), and others can be made to conduct when salt, but not sugar, is added.
Holding Charge
In this trick, learners discover how to stick a straw to the palm of their hand, window door, or anywhere
using static electricity. This activity introduces learners to negative and positive charges and shows how
opposites attract. Note: this trick works best in low humidity (dry air).
Build a Charge Detector ...
In this hands-on activity, students explore the electrical force that takes place between two objects. Each
student builds an electroscope and uses the device to draw conclusions about objects’ charge intensity.
Students also determine what factors influence electric force.
Do It: Get Charged Up
In this science experiment, kids create electrical charge in pieces of tape.
Do It: Charged Comb and Water
In this science experiment, kids use a comb to discover the positive and negative charges in hair and
water molecules.
Teachers Domain
Free digital media for educational use.
This video segment from IdahoPTV's D4K explains some electrical vocabulary and follows the route of
electricity from its generation to the home.
Physics4Kids – magnetism and electricity
Electricity – free power points
Electricity and magnetism Demonstrations
Electricity & Magnetism Websites for Kids & Students
Use these 18 websites to help kids and teens to explore electricity and magnetism. They include
interactive games, lessons, experiments, videos, and activities.
Video Resources:
Video Game for Magnets, Electrical Conductors, Electrical Circuits
Circuit games
Magnet Games
Build your own electromagnet
Identifying Magnets
Text Resources:
Physics4Kids – magnetism and electricity
Kidipede Magnets
Kids Research Express
Static Electricity
Writing Prompts:
1. You are being sent to the local department store to go on a treasure hunt for materials that are
attracted to a magnet. The only ‘catch’ is - you are not allowed to take a magnet with you. Choose
five items to buy that you think will be attracted to your magnet. Make sure you explain why you
believe this will be true for each item.
2. Write a story about the day that magnetism went on vacation.
3. Think of one item in your home that uses magnetism. Write a short essay describing the item and
how it uses magnetism to perform a useful function.
4. Develop an emergency plan for what your family would do if the electrical power in your home
were to go off for a week.
5. You are going to get a renovated room! New paint, new power, new décor! No more electrical
extension cords, ever. Describe how many power receptacles you are going to ask to have
installed on each of the four walls, and explain how each will be used.