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adductor longus
Anterior. It’s medial to the pectineus, lateral to the gracilis,
and superficial to the adductor magnus
*adducts thigh
adductor magnus
Anterior. It’s deep to the gracilis.
*adducts and extends thigh
biceps femoris
Action of muscle
*flexes knee joint; extends thigh
calcaneal (Achilles) tendon
Combined tendons of the gastrocnemius and soleus.
extensor digitorum longus
Action of muscle
*extends toe #2-5 ; dorsiflexes and everts foot
extensor hallicus longus
Muscle is deep.
Action of muscle
*extends big toe; dorsiflexes and inverts foot
extensor retinaculum of the ankle
Thickened fascia that binds tendons in place as they cross the
external abdominal oblique
Outer layer that is closest to skin.
Action of muscle
*compresses abdomen, rotates and flexes trunk
fibularis (peroneus) longus
Only found on fibular side. Lateral! (The “P” in Get Some
Physical Ed Tonight).
Action of muscle
*plantar flexes and everts foot
flexor digitorum longus
Medial to tibia.
Action of muscle
*flexes toes; plantar flexes foot; inverts foot
flexor hallicus longus
“Hallex” means big toe so anything with “hallicus” means that
the big toe is involved. This is a large muscle beneath the
gastrocnemius and soleus.
Action of muscle
*flexes big toe; plantar flexes foot; inverts foot
The “calf” muscle. Posterior. (The “G” in Get Some Physical
Ed Tonight).
Action of muscle
*plantar flexes foot; flexes leg
gluteus maximus
Butt cheek.
Action of muscle
*extends, laterally rotates, and aBducts thigh
gluteus medius
Underneath the gluteus maximus but more lateral. The part
that follows the tendonous line.
Action of muscle
*aBducts thigh
gluteus minimus
Underneath the medius. Lateral.
Action of muscle
*aBducts and medially rotates femur
gracilis (gruh-SIL-iss)
Medial. One of the inner thigh muscles.
Action of muscle
*adducts thigh; flexes leg
iliopsoas (ILL-ee-oh-SO-az)
Made up of two different muscles; the iliacus and the psoas.
Action of muscle
*flexes and laterally rotates thigh
iliotibial band
Tendons of the gluteus maximus and tensor fasciae latte from
the iliac crest to the lateral condyle of the tibia.
internal abdominal oblique
Middle layer of muscle, underneath the external abdominal
oblique and on top of the transverse abdominis.
Action of muscle
*compresses abdomen; rotates and flexes trunk
linea alba
Literally means “white line”. It is the white line separating the
rectus muscles and runs vertically. Fibrous strip that connects
left/right rectus sheaths.
obturator internus
Muscle in between the “twins” (gemellus muscles).
Action of muscle
*lateral rotation of thigh
Medial to iliopsoas, underneath the nerves, arteries, and veins
of the femoral triangle.
Action of muscle
*adducts thigh
Above the sciatic nerve.
Action of muscle
*lateral rotation of thigh
popliteal fossa
Contains sciatic nerve and branches, popliteal artery and
popliteal vein. “Knee pit” on back of knee.
quadratus femoris
Rectangular muscle next to femur.
Action of muscle
*lateral rotation of thigh
rectus abdominis
The six or eight pack muscles of the stomach. Two separate
muscles; one on right and the other on left side. Separated by
the linea alba.
Action of muscle
*compresses abdomen; flexes trunk (sit-ups)
Longest muscle in the body. Runs lateral to medial.
Action of muscle
*flexes, abducts, and laterally rotates thigh; flexes leg
sciatic nerve
Refers collectively to the tibial and fibular nerves.
Muscle of the hamstring group. Medial and underneath the
Action of muscle
*flexes knee joint; extends thigh
Muscle of the hamstring group. Medial and on top of the
Action of muscle
*flexes knee joint; extends thigh
Underneath the gastrocnemius. ( The “S” in Get Some
Physical Ed Tonight).
Action of muscle
*plantar flexes foot
superior AND inferior gemellus
These are the “twin” muscles. The superior gemellus is above
the obturator internus and below the piriformis. The inferior
gemellus is above the quadratus femoris and below the
obturator internus.
Action of muscle
*lateral rotation of thigh
tensor fasciae latae
Merges with the gluteal tendons.
Action of muscle
*flexes, aBducts and medially rotates hip joint
tibialis anterior
Next to tibia laterally in front.
Action of muscle
*dorsiflexes and inverts foot
tibialis posterior
Action of muscle
*plantar flexes and inverts foot
transversus abdominis
The inner layer of muscle closest to the guts.
Action of muscle
*compresses abdomen
rectus femoris (2)
Muscle of the quadriceps femoris. Front muscle that runs
straight up and down.
Vastus lateralis (3)
Muscle of the quadriceps femoris. Lateral part of thigh.
Vastus medialis (4)
Muscle of the quadripceps femoris. Medial part of thigh.
Action of muscles
*extends leg; flexes thigh
*Thanks to Eric Evans for the picture*
vastus intermedius (1)
Muscle of the quadriceps femoris. Muscle found underneath
the rectus femoris. This picture shows the muscle being
covered with a tendonous sheath, but the plastinate shows it as
a regular muscle.
Action of muscle
*extends leg; flexes thigh
*Thanks to Eric Evans for the picture*