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The Hip Joint
Type of Joint
Articulating bones
1. Femur
2. Coxal bone
Acetabular labrum
1. Structure
2. Attachment sites
3. Function
Fibrous articular capsule
1. Attachment on acetabulum
2. Attachment on femur
3. Zona orbicularis fibers
4 intrinsic ligaments of the fibrous joint capsule
a. thickenings in fibrous joint capsule
b. Formed from longitudinal fibers of joint capsule
c. Strengthen the hip joint
d. Limit movements of the hip joint
1. Iliofemoral ligament: Y-ligament of Bigelow
a. Strength
b. Proximal attachment
c. Distal attachment
d. Functions
i. When weight-bearing
ii. Screw-home action
1. hyperextension
2. rotation
2. Pubofemoral ligament
a. Strength
b. Proximal attachment
i. Blends with medial iliofemoral ligament
c. Distal attachment
d. Function
i. Overabduction
3. Ischiofemoral ligament
a. Part of hip joint covered:
b. Proximal attachment
c. Orientation of fibers
d. Distal attachment
e. Function
i. Screw-home mechanism
1. Hyperextension
2. Medial rotation
4. Ligament of the head of the femur
a. Location
b. Role in hip stability
i. Adult
ii. Fetus and newborn
c. Length
d. Wide end
e. Narrow end
f. Artery (branch of obturator artery)
g. LHF stretched during:
Blood supply to the hip joint (articular arteries)
1. Medial and lateral circumflex femoral arteries
2. Deep division of inferior gluteal artery
3. Artery to head of the femur – branch of obturator artery
Nerve supply to the hip joint
1. Femoral nerve via nerve to the rectus femoris muscle
2. Obturator nerve via its anterior division
3. Sciatic nerve via the nerve to the quadratus femoris muscle
4. Superior gluteal nerve
Muscles of the hip and thigh
Anterior Thigh Muscles
Iliacus muscle
Psoas major muscle
Tensor Fascia Latae muscle
Sarorius muscle
Quadriceps femoris muscles
Rectus femoris muscle
Vastus lateralis muscle
Vastus intermedius muscle
Vastus medialis muscle
Medial Thigh Muscles
Pectineus muscle
Adductor longus muscle
Adductor brevis muscle
Gracilis muscle
Adductor magnus muscle
Obturator externus muscle
Posterior Thigh Muscle
Gluteal muscles (includes 5 deep hip lateral rotator muscles)
Gluteus maximus muscle
Gluteus medius muscle
Gluteus minimus muscle
Piriformis muscle
Obturator internus muscle
Superior gemellus muscle
Inferior gemellus muscle
Quadratus femoris muscle
Posterior thigh muscles
Semitendinosus muscle
Semimembranosus muscle
Biceps femoris muscle