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1.- When dissecting the thoracic limb what nerve can you observe under the lateral head of the
Triceps Brachii muscle?
a) Axillary nerve
b) Musculocutaneous nerve
c) Radial nerve
d) Ulnar nerve
2.- From Lateral to Medial, what is the topographic location of the following muscles?:
a) Trapezius-rhomboideus-splenius
b) Splenius-rhomboideus-trapezius
c) Trapezius-splenius-rhomboideus
d) Rhomboideus-splenius-trapezius
3.- The tendons of the Common Digital Extensor muscle attach:
a) Only on digit IV, on the extensor process of the distal phalanx
b) On digits III and IV, on the extensor process of the distal phalanx
c) On digits III and IV, on the extensor process of the middle phalanx
d) On digits III and IV, on the extensor process of the proximal phalanx
4.- In relation to the joints of the thoracic limb, select the INCORRECT statement:
a) The elbow joint has collateral ligaments
b) The shoulder joint has collateral ligaments
c) The interosseous medius muscle can be found attached to the caudal face of the metacarpus
d) All the statements are INCORRECT
5.- The saphenous nerve branches from the?
a) Femoral nerve
b) Sciatic nerve
c) Peroneal nerve
d) Tibial nerve
6.- In relation to the Triceps brachii muscle, select the INCORRECT statement:
a) Receives innervation by the Radial nerve
b) The intermediate head it is the smallest component in the bovine
c) It extends the elbow joint
d) In the caudal border of its long head, it is possible to visualize the tensor of fascia antenrachii
7.- The lateral circumflex femoral artery supplies:
a) Gastrocnemius muscle
b) III peroneous muscle
c) Gracilis muscle
d) Quadriceps femoris muscle
8.- Select the INCORRECT statement:
a) The musculocutaneous nerve originates a proximal and a distal muscular branch
b) The ulnar and median nerves have a common origin in the braquial plexus
c) The long thoracic nerve receives anastomosis from the intercostal nerves
d) The lateral thoracic and caudal pectoral nerves have a common origin
9.- In relation to the lateral saphenous vein, select the INCORRECT statement:
a) The medial circumflex femoral artery distally becomes the lateral saphenous vein
b) The lateral saphenous vein divides itself into a cranial and caudal branch
c) The cutaneous sural nerve runs close to the lateral saphenous vein
d) The lateral saphenous vein runs close to the saphenous artery and vein
10.- What nerves from the braquial plexus innervate the digits?
a) Radial, median and ulnar
b) Radial, axila and median
c) Musculocutaneous, axila and median
d) Median, axilar and ulnar
11.- The cephalic vein branches from:
a) Median vein
b) Radial vein
c) Braquial vein
d) median cubital vein
12.- From cranial to caudal: What is the right order of the following muscles of the thoracic
a) Common Digital Extensor – Lateral Digital Extensor – Carporadial Extensor – Carpoulnar
b) Lateral Digital Extensor – Carporadial Extensor – Carpoulnar Extensor – Common Digital
c) Carporadial Extensor – Common Digital Extensor – Lateral Digital Extensor – Carpoulnar
d) Carporadial Extensor – Carpoulnar Extensor – Common Digital Extensor – Lateral Digital
True (T) or False (F). If False, correct the statement:
13.- The popliteal artery is located in a caudal manner in relation to the stifle joint ________
14.- The popliteal limphnode has a superficial location in relation to the gluteobiceps muscle
15.- The craneal mesenteric artery supplies approximately the 80% of the intestines _______
16.- The celiac artery supplies the stomach, the spleen and the liver ______
17.- The gracilis muscle is innervated by the obturator nerve ______
18.- The pectineus muscle is located in between the gracilis and sartorius muscle ______
19.- The spinal accessory nerve can be found underneath the trapezius muscle _____
20.- The greater omentum attaches to the greater curvature of the abomasum ______
21.- The sympathetic trunk branches form the cervicothoracic ganglion (stellate ganglion)
22.- The right azygos vein tribute in the coronary sinus ______
23.- The cranial and caudal vena cava travel to the left atrium of the heart ______
24.- The bovine has “left dominance” for the coronary irrigation ______
25.- Name the hepatic lobes:
26.- Name the components of the Deep Digital Flexor muscle of the thoracic limb:
27.- Name the components of the Quadriceps femoris muscle: