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Glycolysis reaction (Investment phase)
1. Take one glucose (6 blue together).
2. Take one ATP (white stem with three
yellow beads) and remove one P (yellow)
and attach it to the end of the glucose.
3. Place the ADP on the table.
4. Take another ATP and do the same thing
but attach the P to the other end of the
5. Take glucose with two phosphates and
break it in half.
6. Pass blue and yellow beaded molecule to
Glycolysis Reaction Payoff Phase.
Glycolysis reaction
(Payoff Phase #1)
1. Take one of the 3-C blue molecules with a
single yellow bead from Glycolysis
Reaction Investment Phase.
2. Pick up one inorganic phosphate (loose
yellow beads) off of the table and attach to
free ends of 3-C molecules.
3. Pass blue and yellow molecule down to
Payoff Phase #2.
4. Immediately after you pass the blue and
yellow molecule, take two paper clips out
of box and clip one H to one NAD with both
paper clips for each molecule.
5. Give NADH to Diffusion.
Glycolysis reaction
(Payoff Phase #1)
1. Take one of the 3-C blue molecules with a
single yellow bead from Glycolysis
Reaction Investment Phase.
2. Pick up one inorganic phosphate (loose
yellow beads) off of the table and attach to
free ends of 3-C molecules.
3. Pass blue and yellow molecule down to
Payoff Phase #2.
4. Immediately after you pass the blue and
yellow molecule, take two paper clips out
of box and clip one H to one NAD with both
paper clips for each molecule.
5. Give NADH to Diffusion.
Glycolysis reaction
(Payoff Phase #2)
1. Take blue and yellow molecule from Payoff
Phase #1.
2. Remove one yellow bead and attach to
ADP (white stem with two yellow beads).
3. Remove the second bead and attach to
4. Pass the 3-C pyruvate to the Transition
Glycolysis reaction
(Payoff Phase #2)
1. Take blue and yellow molecule from Payoff
Phase #1.
2. Remove one yellow bead and attach to
ADP (white stem with two yellow beads).
3. Remove the second bead and attach to
4. Pass the 3-C pyruvate to the Transition
Transition Reaction
1. Take the 3-C pyruvate and attach them to
white stem (CoA). remove one blue bead
(this is carbon dioxide). Put on table for
2. Take two paper clips out of box and clip
one NAD to one H (use two clips). Give
NADH to Diffusion.
3. Pick up acetyl CoA and walk to the Citric
Acid Cycle at the back table. Wait for Citric
Acid Cycle #1 to remove Acetyl Group.
Take CoA back to Glycolysis.
Citric Acid Cycle 1
1. Take one acetyl CoA (white stem with two
blue beads) from Transition reaction.
2. Attach 4-C molecule (red beads) to the
endo of the Acetyl CoA.
3. Remove the Coenzyme A and give back to
Transition Reaction.
4. This 6-C compound (4 red and two blue) is
now Citric Acid.
5. Pass the 6-C compound to CAC #2.
Citric Acid Cycle 2
1. Take 6-C Citric Acid from CAC #1 and
remove one blue bead and place it on the
table (Carbon dioxide).
2. Take one NAD from table and one H.
3. Take two paper clips out of box and clip
the NAD and H together.
4. Give NADH to Diffusion.
5. Pass 5-C compound to CAC #3.
Citric Acid Cycle 3
1. Take 5-C red and blue beads from CAC #2
and remove the one blue bead and place it
on the table (Carbon dioxide).
2. Take one NAD from table and one H.
3. Take two paper clips out of box and clip
the NAD and H together.
4. Give NADH to Diffusion.
5. Pass the red beads to CAC #4.
Citric Acid Cycle 4
1. If you have the red beads, there is enough
energy to make one ATP.
2. Take a white stem with two yellow beads
(ADP) and add one yellow bead from table
to the two. This is now ATP.
3. Place the ATP on the table.
4. Pass the red beads to the CAC #5
Citric Acid Cycle 5
1. If you have the red beads, there are
electrons to be removed from the 4-C
2. Take two electrons (paper clips) out of the
box and attach TWO H’s to an FAD. Use
one paper clip per H.
3. Give the FADH2 to Diffusion.
4. Pass the red beads to CAC #6.
Citric Acid Cycle 6
1. If you have the red beads, there are
electrons to be removed from the box.
2. Take two electrons (paper clips) out of the
box and attach one H to an NAD. Use both
paper clips to attach them.
3. Give NADH to diffusion.
4. Pass the red beads back to CAC #1.
1. Take NADH from Diffusion (they came
from Matrix and Cytoplasm.
2. Remove two(2) electrons (paper clips)
from NADH and only NADH.
3. Give NAD back to diffusion and hold the
4. Push the H through the Proton Pump #1
into the Intermembrane Space.
5. Immediately after you push the H across
the membrane, give the two paper clips to
Proton Pump #2.
1. You are to get two(2) electrons (paper
clips) from Proton Pump #1 or from the
2. If there is an FADH2 available, it enters the
ETC through you.
3. Take the FADH2 and remove the two
paper clips.
4. Give the FAD back to Diffusion and hold
the paper clips.
5. Push one (1) H through Proton Pump #2
into the Intermembrane Space.
6. Pass the paper clips to Proton Pump #3.
1. Take two(2) electrons (paper clips) from
Proton Pump #2 and only Proton Pump
2. Now that you have two paper clips, you
must take one H from the matrix and move
it across the inner membrane through the
proton pump into the intermembrane
3. Once you push the H across, pass the paper
clips to Cytochrome A3.
Cytochrome A3
1. Take an oxygen molecule (two O’s on
paper), tear it in half.
2. Take two electrons from Proton Pump #3.
3. Take two H’s (from Cytochrome A3 or
Matrix table) and clip each one on to the
single O with each paper clip (one per H).
Put the water molecule in the bin labeled
*** This is the final resting place for the
electrons from the glucose.
ATP Synthase
1. Reach into the intermembrane space and
remove one H.
2. Give your H to Cytochrom A3.
3. Now take one ADP (white stem with two
yellow beads) and attach one loose yellow
bead to the end. This is now ATP. Place
the ATP on the table.
4. Repeat as long as there are H’s inside of
the intermembrane space.
ATP Synthase
1. Reach into the intermembrane space and
remove one H (only if there are H’s INSIDE
the intermembrane space from Proton
2. Give your H to Cytochrome A3.
3. Now take one ADP (white stem with two
yellow beads) and attach one loose yellow
bead to the end. This is now ATP. Place
the ATP on the table.
4. Repeat as long as there are H’s inside of
the intermembrane space.
1. Your job is to move NADH from Matrix and
Cytoplasm to Proton Pump #1.
2. You are also responsible for moving
FADH2 from Matrix to Proton Pump #2.
Enzyme Reaction
1. Your job is to Recycle ATP back into ADP
and P in the Matrix and Intermembrane
Space when and only when the ATP is
building up and the ADP is running out.