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J . Cell Sci. Suppl. 10, 11-27 (1988)
Printed in Great Britain © The Company o f Biologists Limited 1988
Multi-lineage ‘stem’ cells in the mammalian embryo
R . L . G A R D N E R AND R . S . P. B E D D IN G T O N
Imperial Cancer Research Fund, Developmental Biology Unit, Department of Zoology,
University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford 0X1 3PS, UK
The term ‘stem’ cell has acquired a rather more restricted meaning in cell biology than in
embryology as a result of studies on the growth kinetics of renewing tissues in mature organisms. It
is normally used in an embryological context as a synonym for ‘progenitor’ cell.
Methods of establishing the existence of multi-lineage progenitor cells in mammals are examined
briefly before the occurrence and properties of such cells in both embryonic and extra-embryonic
tissues of the mouse conceptus are reviewed. Various attributes of ‘stem’ cells that can be obtained
from outgrowths of blastocysts in vitro are also discussed.
Use of the term ‘stem’ cell has become rather more restricted in cell biology than in
embryology in recent years. The term is generally used in an embryological context
simply as a synonym for ‘progenitor’ cell (Balinsky, 1960; Hay, 1974). E. B. Wilson
(1928), for example, referred to the blastomere which does not undergo chromatin
diminution during cleavage in Ascaris megalocephala as the ‘stem’ cell of the germline. Restriction of the use of the term in cell biology has resulted from work on the
growth kinetics of renewing tissues in adult organisms in which maintenance of a
balance between loss of cells and their production is of central concern. In such
tissues the task of making good all losses is believed to depend ultimately on the
mitotic activity of a discrete subpopulation of relatively undifferentiated cells. A key
attribute of these ‘stem’ cells is that they normally include among their progeny, cells
which retain the same position as themselves in a particular lineage, together with
those which progress further along it. The latter may, however, be capable of limited
proliferation prior to differentiation (Wright & Alison, 1984). As discussed in one of
the society’s earlier symposia (Papaioannou et al. 1978), the ‘stem’ cell concept is not
applicable to the early embryo when interpreted in this narrower sense. This is not
due simply to the fact that the embryo is composed of expanding rather than
renewing cell populations, but because one of the hallmarks of early development is a
continuous, albeit often gradual, change in the status of cells. This is true even
during cleavage where differences may be discernible between successive generations
of blastomeres. In addition, early embryonic tissues typically display very high
growth fractions and, particularly in those of the extra-embryonic membranes, there
is no obvious partitioning of cells into dividing versus differentiating subpopulations.
The aim of this contribution is to consider the properties of the various types of
Key words: embryo, stem cells, mammal, clonal analysis, cell lineage.
R. L. Gardner and R. S. P. Beddington
multi-lineage ‘progenitor’ cells that have been identified in the early mammalian
embryo, principally that of the mouse. Haemopoietic lineages are not discussed
because they are dealt with specifically elsewhere (see Dieterlen-Lievre et al. 1989).
Unlike the situation in Ascaris and certain other metazoa, tissues of the
mammalian conceptus and adult evidently originate from the progeny of more than
one cell (Mintz, 1972; McLaren, 1976a; Gardner, 1978). This means that a clonal
approach to fate mapping is needed to demonstrate the existence of multi-lineage
progenitor cells in mammals. Strictly speaking, the normal lineage of cells can be
established only by following their fate in situ in conditions in which cellular
relationships within the embryo are not perturbed. This can often be achieved by
intracellular injection of enzymes or fluorochrome-containing molecules in cases
where it is not practicable to observe the division and deployment of cells directly in
living embryos (Weisblat et al. 1978; Gimlich & Braun, 1985; Dale & Slack, 1987;
Kimmel & Warga, 1987). Unfortunately, such cell labelling techniques are of rather
limited value in mammalian embryos because of the rapidity with which the various
molecules are diluted or degraded. It has therefore been necessary to rely mainly on
the use of genes as cell markers in mammals. Until recently, the only way this could
be done was by transplanting cells between embryos which differ in genotype at
suitable ‘marker’ loci (Gardner & Lyon, 1971). The validity of this approach
obviously rests on the assumption that the fate of donor cells is approximately
normal, notwithstanding their isolation and transplantation. While this is probably
the case when orthotopic grafts are made between synchronous embryos, it is less
likely where there is marked disparity in age between the donor and host. Such
disparity is inevitable using donor cells from post-implantation embryos since the
blastocyst is the most advanced host stage which will develop normally in vivo
following manipulation in vitro.
Recently, a novel stratagem has been devised whereby genes can be harnessed as in
situ cell markers for clonal analysis of lineage in mammals. It depends on the use of
recombinant retroviruses to mediate the transfer of foreign genes into cells. Viruses
that are unable to replicate are used so that, whenever integrated, their genome
should be transmitted only to the clonal descendants of the infected cell (Sanes et al.
1986; Price et al. 1987). This viral stratagem looks most promising at present as a
solution to the hitherto intractable problem of the long-term study of cell lineage in
the post-implantation conceptus. It has, indeed, already been used to investigate
lineage in the mesoderm of the visceral yolk sac and epidermis in the mouse, as well
as in the rat neural retina (Sanes et al. 1986; Price et al. 1987). Nevertheless, more
work needs to be done before its potential can be fully assessed. For example, it
remains to be established whether all cells are susceptible to such virally mediated
alteration in genotype.
The problems of lineage analysis in mammals have been considered at some length
because an awareness of them is essential for critical evaluation of the findings
discussed below.
At least some descendants of most, if not all, cells of the early mammalian embryo
participate in the development of extra-embryonic tissues. These are a structurally
Multi-lineage ‘stem’ cells
Table 1. Types o f trophoblasts found in the mouse conceptus
Primary trophoblastic giant cells
Secondary trophoblastic giant cells
Tertiary trophoblastic giant cells
Ectoplacental cone (core)
Extra-embryonic ectoderm
Chorionic ectoderm
Labyrinthine-layer I (cellular)
Labyrinthine-layer II (syncytial)
Labyrinthine-layer III (? syncytial)
and functionally diverse collection of tissues which, while playing vital roles in
establishing and maintaining intra-uterine conditions necessary for development of
the foetus, are discarded entirely at birth. They have attracted increasing attention
lately both by virtue of marked expression of various so-called ‘proto-oncogenes’
(Adamson, 1987a,b) and because of growing evidence that some of them may differ
from foetal tissues in the regulation of gene activity (Chapman, 1986; Surani, 1986;
Monk et al. 1987). All components of the later conceptus originate from one of 3
tissues, the trophectoderm, primitive endoderm or primitive ectoderm, which have
differentiated by the late blastocyst stage in the mouse. The aim of this contribution
is to review the occurrence and properties of multi-lineage progenitor cells in each of
these tissues in turn.
The trophectoderm is the first extra-embryonic tissue to differentiate. It is a ‘tight’
attenuated epithelium forming the outer cell layer of the blastocyst. Its differen­
tiation is presaged by the polarization of blastomeres at the 8-cell stage (Johnson &
Ziomek, 1981), approximately 2-cell cycles before it matures as a transporting
epithelium in the mouse (Borland et al. 1977). The trophectoderm is generally held
to be the precursor tissue for all types of trophoblast cell encountered later in
development both in the chorioallantoic placenta and elsewhere in the periphery of
the conceptus. A list of the various trophoblasts found in the mouse is presented in
Table 1. The classification of these cells is not ideal at present because it depends
almost entirely on morphological and topographical criteria. It is, for example, not
clear whether the successive generations of trophoblastic giant cells are functionally
equivalent or not. Similar reservations apply to the two syncytial cell layers forming
part of the exchange surface of the placental labyrinth (Table 1). However, with
increasing use of specific molecular probes to study the placenta (Hall & Talamantes,
1984; MacPherson et al. 1985; Zuckerman & Head, 1986; Sasagawa et al. 1987), a
more satisfactory system of classification will undoubtedly emerge.
Notwithstanding the present uncertainties, there clearly are several distinct types
of trophoblast cells. If most or all of these do, indeed, originate from the
trophectoderm, this tissue is a likely source of multi-lineage progenitor cells. In the
mouse it is, in fact, only in the polar region of the trophectoderm to which the inner
R. L. Gardner and R. S. P. Beddington
cell mass (ICM ) is attached that cell division continues beyond the blastocyst stage.
Beginning at implantation a terminal process of primary giant cell formation occurs
throughout the remaining, mural trophectoderm. This process is accompanied by
repeated endoreduplication of DNA whereby the cells become polytene rather than
polyploid (Brower, 1987; Varmuza et al. 1988). Therefore, it is with the origin and
fate of the polar trophectoderm that the following discussion is primarily concerned.
The distinct fates of mural and polar trophectoderm are not due to intrinsic
differences between them but rather a consequence of their disposition with respect
to the ICM . This is evident from two experimental findings. First, mural
trophectoderm can substitute for polar providing ICM tissue is placed inside it
before giant cell formation begins (Gardner et al. 1973; R .L . Gardner, unpublished
observations). Second, polar trophectoderm behaves like mural when deprived of
contact with the ICM (R. L . Gardner & J. Nichols, unpublished observations).
These findings imply that close contact with ICM cells is essential for maintenance of
trophectoderm proliferation in the mouse. As will be mentioned later, this is
evidently not the case in all mammals.
It is very likely that the entire trophectoderm of the early blastocyst is derived from
cells occupying an external location in the morula (Johnson & Maro, 1986; Pedersen,
1986). What is more contentious at present is whether the ICM contributes cells to
the polar trophectoderm thereafter (Handyside, 1978; Cruz & Pedersen, 1985). ICM
tissue can undoubtedly form trophectoderm in vitro following its isolation from early
blastocysts (Hogan & Tilly, 1978; Handyside, 1978; Spindle, 1978; Rossant &
Tamura-Lis, 1979; Nichols & Gardner, 1984). The conclusion that it also does so
during normal development is based principally on the results of experiments in
which central polar trophectoderm cells were marked by injection with horseradish
peroxidase (H RP). Labelled cells were found consistently to have been displaced
towards or into the mural trophectoderm when injected blastocysts were examined
following culture for 4 8 h (Cruz & Pedersen, 1985). Dyce et al. (1987) were able to
confirm these findings. However, using endocytosed fluorescent microspheres to pre­
label the entire trophectoderm, these workers found no evidence that displacement of
HRP-injected cells was accompanied by recruitment of ICM cells into the polar
region. A notable feature of both studies was that the labelled cells seldom divided
during the first 24 h after injection with enzyme, although they normally did so
thereafter. It is conceivable, therefore, that temporary interruption of the cycling of
injected cells led to their displacement as a result of the sustained proliferative
activity of their uninjected neighbours (Copp, 1978; Dyce et al. 1987; Gardner,
1988). Dyce et al. (1987) did, in fact, find evidence of a two-way traffic of cells
between the trophectoderm and ICM , albeit in only a small proportion of
blastocysts. Interestingly, they were unable to enhance the movement of cells from
ICM to polar trophectoderm by destroying one or two cells in the latter tissue.
Caution is warranted in interpreting such short-term in vitro experiments for two
reasons. First, the blastocysts were cultured for up to two days on a surface to which
they could not adhere. In vivo, blastocysts normally attach to the uterine epithelium
within 2 4 h of cavitation: they enter a quiescent state if this is prevented by
Multi-lineage ‘stem’ cells
ovariectomy or concurrent lactation (McLaren, 1968; Bergstrom, 1978). Second,
where cells did appear to have moved between the ICM and trophectoderm, proof is
lacking that they actually survived to contribute to the growth of their adoptive tissue
or, indeed, even underwent an appropriate change in phenotype.
The only experiments bearing on the question of what happens in vivo are those in
which blastocysts, reconstituted from genetically dissimilar trophectoderm and
ICM , have been transferred to the uterus. The chorionic ectoderm, ectoplacental
cone and secondary giant cells of resulting 9th day or mid-gestation conceptuses
typically consist entirely of cells of the trophectoderm donor in genotype (Gardner et
al. 1973; Papaioannou, 1982; Barton et al. 1986). Hence, if the ICM does indeed
contribute cells to the polar trophectoderm during normal development in vivo it
probably does so only sporadically and at an early stage following blastulation
(Rossant & Tamura-Lis, 1979; Rossant & Croy, 1985).
As the blastocyst implants, the polar trophectoderm transiently loses its epithelial
organization and grows inwards, thereby displacing the ICM into the blastocoelic
cavity. Once inside the conceptus it rapidly becomes re-established as a cylindrical
columnar epithelium, the extra-embryonic ectoderm, which is closed at its outer
extremity where a secondary outgrowth called the ectoplacental cone soon forms
(Snell & Stevens, 1966). It is from the periphery of this cone that secondary giant
cells emerge which will eventually surround the conceptus. Later the extraembryonic ectoderm accquires a mesodermal lining and becomes reflected against
the base of the ectoplacental cone as the chorionic ectoderm which is then gradually
incorporated into the structure of the nascent chorioallantoic placenta (Snell &
Stevens, 1966). Following union of the distal tip of the allantois with the chorion and
formation of the extra-embryonic endodermal sinuses (Duval, 1892), the various
tissues of the placenta are too intimately intermingled to be resolved by dissection.
Some progress in unravelling cell lineage relationships of the chorioallantoic
placenta later in development has been made by Rossant & Croy (1985). These
workers employed a probe specific for a Mus musculus satellite DNA sequence on
placental sections of conceptuses developing from blastocysts composed of M. caroli
ICM and M. musculus trophectoderm. Using this in situ marker in conjunction with
a second intra-specific marker giving much poorer spatial resolution, they showed
that a substantial majority of foetal cells in the placenta, including spongiotrophoblasts, were of trophectodermal origin. The ICM contribution was confined mainly
to the endothelial and mesenchymal components in the labyrinth. However, as noted
elsewhere (Gardner, 1985a), an in situ marker that can be visualized by electron
microscopy seems essential if the provenance of all mature cell types in the placenta is
to be determined.
So far, the origin and fate of the polar trophectoderm as a whole has been
considered. Recently, however, early trophectoderm cells have been cloned by
blastocyst injection (R. L . Gardner, unpublished data). The cloning efficiency of
these cells is low compared with those of the ICM , partly because a significant
proportion end up in the mural rather than polar trophectoderm. Nevertheless,
individual clones have been found which span the extra-embryonic ectoderm,
R. L. Gardner and R. S. P. Beddington
ectoplacental cone and secondary giant cells in early post-implantation host
conceptuses. Hence, it is indeed likely that the polar trophectoderm represents a
population of multi-lineage progenitor cells. Colonization of blastocysts has also been
obtained with extra-embryonic ectoderm cells from early post-implantation con­
ceptuses although, so far, only small clumps of tissue rather than single cells have
been transplanted (Rossant et al. 1978).
It is evident from both cell transplantation experiments (Rossant et al. 1978) and
biosynthetic studies (Johnson & Rossant, 1981) that the extra-embryonic ectoderm/
chorionic ectoderm constitutes the primary pool of trophectoderm-derived cells in
the post-implantation conceptus. It is composed entirely of diploid cells, as is the
core of the ectoplacental cone, and exhibits a high mitotic index (Rossant & Ofer,
1977). However, at all stages up to the 9th day of gestation when this diploid
mitotically active trophoblast tissue can be isolated cleanly, it behaves in essentially
the same way following removal from the conceptus. There is a rapid decline in the
incidence of mitoses accompanied by the onset of endoreduplication of DNA and
enlargement of a substantial proportion of cells (Gardner & Papaioannou, 1975;
Rossant & Ofer, 1977; Ilgren, 1981; Rossant & Tamura-Lis, 1981; Varmuza et al.
1988). Throughout the period of development in question and beyond, the
proliferative component of the trophoblast is associated with the I CM or certain of its
derivatives. This has prompted speculation that maintenance of the cycling of
trophoblast cells depends on ICM tissue from the blastocyst stage onwards (Gardner
et al. 1973; Gardner, 1975). As noted by Rossant 8%Ofer (1977), the role of the ICM
might be to hold adjacent trophoblast in a particular configuration rather than to
secrete molecules necessary for its growth. So far, however, attempts to distinguish
between these possibilities have yielded inconclusive results (Ilgren, 1981; Rossant &
Tamura-Lis, 1981). Exploiting mutations that affect the growth of trophoblast may
offer another approach to this problem. One of a series of deletions affecting the
albino locus on chromosome 7 seems particularly promising in this connection.
When homozygous, this deletion results in deficient growth and disorganization of
the extra-embryonic ectoderm (Lewis et al. 1976). Consequent failure of normal
elongation of the egg-cylinder may account for the concomitant apparent overgrowth
of the parietal endoderm (Niswander et al. 1988). However, development of ICM
derivatives may also be impaired (Niswander et al. 1988), possibly via another locus
lying within the deletion.
An obvious question is whether ICM control of trophoblast growth is a general
phenomenon in eutherian mammals. This is difficult to answer because of the dearth
of relevant comparative studies and also because the term ‘trophectoderm vesicle’ is
often used rather loosely to include structures that have already acquired a lining of
endoderm derived from the ICM . Until recently, the only other species in which the
fate of ‘pure’ trophectoderm had been investigated was the guinea-pig, which gave
similar results to the mouse (Ilgren, 1980). However, comparable experiments have
now been done using blastocysts of the common marmoset (Summers et al. 1988). In
this species vesicles of mural trophectoderm showed a marked increase in cell
number on culture in vitro providing they contained at least 30 cells initially. Those
Multi-lineage ‘stem ’ cells
containing less than 20 cells at explantation formed monolayers in which only limited
proliferation was observed. Whether the situation in the human resembles that in this
lower primate rather than the rodent remains to be seen.
Primitive endoderm
The primitive endoderm or hypoblast differentiates on the blastocoelic surface of the
ICM shortly before the blastocyst begins to implant (Nadjicka & Hillman, 1974;
Gardner et al. 1988). Like the trophectoderm, this tissue evidently gives rise only to
extra-embryonic components of the post-implantation conceptus, namely the
endoderm of both the parietal and visceral yolk sac (Snell & Stevens, 1966; Gardner,
19856). Clones obtained by transplanting primitive endoderm cells between blasto­
cysts can span both these extra-embryonic endoderm layers (Gardner, 1982, 1984).
Hence, assuming regional heterogeneity within the two layers reflects phenotypic
modulation rather than the existence of distinct types of cell (Dziadek, 1978), the
primitive endoderm would appear to be composed of bi-potential progenitors.
According to the results of recent cloning experiments, the majority of cells
comprising the visceral endoderm remain bi-potential for between 1 and 2 days after
the primitive endoderm is first evident (Cockroft & Gardner, 1987). In certain
experimental situations the visceral endoderm has been found to retain the option of
forming parietal cells for at least the first 3 days of its existence (Solter & Damjanov,
1973; Diwan & Stevens, 1976; Hogan & Tilly, 1981; R. L . Gardner, unpublished
observations). Impressed by the transitional cellular morphology of the junction
between the two tissues, Hogan & Newman (1984) have argued that recruitment of
cells to parietal from visceral endoderm may take place during normal development.
This possibility has been explored by examining the junctional region in conceptuses
in which the visceral endoderm was either chimaeric or selectively labelled in vivo by
uptake of maternally injected HRP (Gardner & Davies, unpublished). The results
suggest that such movement of cells may indeed occur, but only within 18 h or so of
the beginning of parietal endoderm formation.
Primitive ectoderm
The primitive ectoderm or epiblast accounts for all remaining cells in the mature
blastocyst that belong neither to the trophectoderm nor the primitive endoderm. It is
first discernible as a discrete population of cells within the ICM following
differentiation of the primitive endoderm on the 5th day of gestation. Contrary to
various earlier claims, the primitive ectoderm appears to be restricted in develop­
mental potential from the outset (Gardner, 19856). In common with the other two
tissues of the blastocyst, it makes a contribution to certain extra-embryonic
components of the conceptus by providing all their mesoderm as well as the ectoderm
of the amnion. It is, in addition, the founder tissue of both the entire foetal soma and
the germ-line (see Beddington, 1986, for a review). These conclusions regarding the
normal fate of the primitive ectoderm are based mainly on data obtained by injecting
5th day tissue or cells into blastocysts (Gardner & Rossant, 1979; Gardner, 19856,c).
R. L. Gardner and R. S. P. Beddington
Single cell injections were particularly instructive in demonstrating that individual
primitive ectoderm clones can contribute to all derivatives of the parent tissue
(Gardner, 1985c; Gardner et al. 1985). Hence, when it first differentiates the
primitive ectoderm is probably composed of a homogeneous population of multi­
lineage progenitor cells. .
Unfortunately, attempts to investigate the fate of post-implantation primitive
ectoderm by blastocyst injection have been unsuccessful. Even using in situ markers
which would enable detection of very low levels of chimaerism (Lo, 1986; Varmuza
et al. 1988), no evidence of survival of such cells following transplantation has been
found (R . S. P. Beddington & J. Rossant, unpublished results). Since the retroviral
stratagem outlined earlier has yet to be tested on primitive ectoderm, the develop­
mental status of cells in this tissue beyond the 5th day is uncertain. As one might
expect, different prospective foetal tissues show an orderly topographical origin
which can be mapped on the primitive ectoderm during gastrulation (Beddington,
1981, 1982; Tam & Beddington, 1987). However, this map does not seem to be
correlated with any prior restriction in developmental potential of cells within the
tissue (Beddington, 1982, 1983). Indeed, in terms of its behaviour in various
experimental situations, primitive ectoderm isolated during gastrulation on the 8th
day of gestation is indistinguishable from its counterpart in the blastocyst (Bedd­
ington, 1986).
It would be mistaken, however, to assume that retention of multipotency depends
on the maintenance of complete developmental stasis in the primitive ectoderm. Not
only does the tissue begin to grow rapidly once implantation is under way, but it also
exhibits other changes including conversion from a solid mass of cells to a pseudo­
stratified epithelium (Jolly & Ferester-Tadie, 1936; Snell & Stevens, 1966; Batten &
Haar, 1979). This structural reorganization which leads to the formation of a central
proamniotic cavity, may involve extensive cell mingling within the tissue (Gardner,
1986). Certain antigenic determinants on the cell surface also change following
implantation (Stinnakre et al. 1981; Pennington et al. 1985) and minor changes can
be detected in the profile of newly synthesized polypeptides resolved by
2-dimensional gel electrophoresis (Evans et al. 1979). In addition, X-chromosome
inactivation occurs in the primitive ectoderm of female conceptuses soon after
implantation, but probably before gastrulation commences (Kozak & Quinn, 1975;
Monk & Harper, 1979; Rastan, 1982; Gardner et al. 1985). Finally, as mentioned
earlier, the ability of primitive ectoderm cells to colonize the blastocyst is lost, a
change that is presaged by a decline in their cloning efficiency as implantation
progresses during the 5th day (Gardner et al. 1985).
Growth of the primitive ectoderm accelerates once implantation begins (McLaren,
19766; Snow, 1977), the cell cycle time averaging about 6h during gastrulation
(Solter et al. 1971; Snow, 1976, 1977; Poelmann, 1980). There may, however, be
certain regional differences in its proliferative activity. For example, lateral ectoderm
has a high mitotic index and in contrast to the frontal region, all its cells appear to be
cycling (Poelmann, 1980). Furthermore, a population of cells with a cycle length of
only 2 -3 h has been identified just in front of the primitive streak (Snow, 1977).
Multi-lineage ‘stem’ cells
While such regional variations in cell proliferation may play a role in morphogenesis
during gastrulation (Poelmann, 1980), evidence that they are also implicated in the
segregation of specific lineages remains circumstantial (Snow & Bennett, 1978).
When exposed before gastrulation, or during its early stages, to teratogens which kill
cells indiscriminately, embryos typically either die or make good the losses so
effectively that no specific defects become apparent later (Austin, 1973). The extent
to which the primitive ectoderm can regulate its development is dramatically
illustrated by experiments in which a majority of gastrulating embryos was found to
be able to withstand destruction of approximately 85 % of cells following maternal
injection of mitomycin C (Snow & Tam, 1979). It is unlikely in view of such findings
that sub-sets of cells are already assigned to particular lineages, or that there is any
fixed relationship between number or pattern of cell divisions and allocation of cells
to different lineages within the primitive ectoderm.
A primitive ectoderm derivative which might be expected to show precocious
segregation is the germ-line. As is well known, primordial germ cells are set aside
early in the development of nematodes, insects, and certain amphibians (see Eddy,
1975, for a review). In mammals, however, there is no distinctive germ plasm to
assist in localizing the germ cell lineage. The earliest convincing sighting of
primordial germ cells in the mouse is at the posterior end of the late primitive streak
and base of the adjoining allantoic bud (Mintz & Russell, 1957; Ozdzenski, 1967).
Obviously, failure to detect such cells earlier by current means does not exclude the
possibility that the germ-line segregates before gastrulation is well advanced. Fifth
day primitive ectoderm cells can form clones which colonize the germ-line as well as
somatic tissues following injection into blastocysts. Furthermore, more than one cell
from a donor blastocyst is capable of doing so (Gardner et al. 1985). Therefore, the
germ-line evidently does not segregate until after the conceptus has implanted. What
is less clear is whether it does so before the definitive germ layers of the foetus are
formed. Indirect evidence from studies on genetic mosaics is somewhat conflicting.
Analysis of X-inactivation mosaics suggest that the foetal soma and germ-line are
derived from a common, fairly large, pool of primitive ectoderm cells (McMahon et
al. 1983). However, cases of germ-line mosaicism without accompanying somatic
mosaicism have been found among genetic mosaics produced by irradiation (Searle,
1978), infection of preimplantation embryos with retroviruses (Soriano & Jaenisch,
1986), or injection of DNA into pro-nuclei (Wilkie et al. 1986). Mosaics produced by
these methods might be expected to provide a more sensitive screen for lineage
segregation than those resulting from X-inactivation because they exhibit a greater
range in mosaicism. However, while these exceptional mosaics raise the possibility
that the germ-line originates from a different group of cells than the foetal soma, it is
important to note that not all primitive ectoderm derivatives were examined for
mosaicism. The principal omission was the extra-embryonic mesoderm. This arises
from the posterior end of the primitive streak where, it will be recalled, primordial
germ cells are first seen (Snow, 1981; Beddington, 1982; Copp et al. 1986; Tam &
Beddington, 1987). Furthermore, cases of chimaerism in either the extra-embryonic
mesoderm or foetus, rather than both, have been encountered among conceptuses
R. L. Gardner and R. S. P. Beddington
produced by aggregating morulae or injecting ICM cells into blastocysts (West et al.
1984; R. L . Gardner, unpublished observations). Therefore, restriction of mo­
saicism to the germ cells post-natally may be due to limited cell mingling between the
region destined to form both primordial germ cells and extra-embryonic mesoderm
and the remainder of the primtive ectoderm rather than segregation of the germ-line
per se.
Up to gastrulation the primitive ectoderm probably continues to grow and, to a
limited extent, differentiate as a homogeneous population of multipotential cells.
Hence, in terms of growth kinetics, this tissue appears to behave more like a
collection of transition cells than true ‘stem’ cells. However, if transplanted
ectopically prior to the end of gastrulation, it can give rise to transplantable tumours
called teratocarcinomas (Stevens, 1970; Damjanov et al. 1971; Diwan & Stevens,
1976; Beddington, 1983). These tumours contain nests of embryonal carcinoma
(EC) cells as well as an assortment of differentiated tissues. When cloned either
in vivo (Kleinsmith & Pierce, 1964) or in vitro (Jami & Ritz, 1974; Kahan &
Ephrussi, 1970; Rosenthal et al. 1970; Martin & Evans, 1975), EC cells clearly
reproduce themselves in addition to generating more differentiated progeny. More
recently, similar cells known as embryonic stem (ES) cells have been obtained from
preimplantation embryos maintained in culture (Evans & Kaufman, 1981; Martin,
1981). These too are multipotential tumorigenic cells which, like EC cells, resemble
stem cells (in the restricted sense) in terms of their mode of growth.
The developmental status of EC and ES cells is uncertain. While it has been
argued that their closest counterpart in the embryo is 6th day primitive ectoderm
(Evans et al. 1979; Evans & Kaufman, 1981), they evidently do not share the
restriction in developmental potential exhibited by cells of this tissue (Hogan et al.
1983; Gardner & Rossant, 1979; Gardner, 1985a,b). This is particularly true of ES
cells which have been reported to produce trophoblast giant cells as well as extraembryonic endoderm in vitro (Evans & Kaufman, 1983; Robertson & Bradley, 1986;
Robertson, 1987; Doetschman et al. 1985). However, such claims are based mainly
on the gross appearance of the cells rather than use of more specific markers of
Recently, the developmental potential of ES cells derived from a delayed
blastocyst has been assayed more critically by determining the distribution of their
progeny in host conceptuses following blastocyst injection (Beddington & Robert­
son, 1989). A total of 12 clones were obtained in single cell transplantations in which
the cloning efficiency was 17% . Eleven of the clones were found exclusively in
primitive ectoderm derivatives, while the 12th had contributed to the extraembryonic endoderm as well. In terms of both the frequency and extent of
chimaerism, a marked bias towards primitive ectodermal colonization was also
evident in multiple cell injections. Sixteen out of 43 conceptuses were chimaeric in
these experiments. While one chimaera showed colonization of trophoblast only,
each of the remaining 15 were chimaeric in derivatives of the primitive ectoderm.
Three of the 15 also exhibited chimaerism in primitive endoderm derivatives, two in
trophectoderm derivatives and, in one case, derivatives of all three tissues were
Multi-lineage ‘stem’ cells
colonized. These findings suggest that ES cells resemble early ICM cells more
closely in pattern of colonization than those of the primitive ectoderm (Gardner,
1985c). Hence, in deriving E S lines one may either be selecting for the retention of
any persisting early ICM cells, or encouraging reversion of the primitive ectoderm to
a more primitive state. It is relevant to note that while primitive ectoderm clearly
exhibits restriction in developmental potential following both blastocyst injection
and maintenance in short-term culture (Gardner, 1985a,b), there is no evidence that
this state can be propagated clonally in vitro : indeed, the fact that E S cells exist
argues that it probably cannot.
The stage at which cells contributing to the somatic lineages of the foetus finally
lose their multipotency is difficult to define. This is because, unlike organisms whose
body plan is laid down fairly rapidly while they are still composed of relatively few
cells, the mammalian embryo continues to extend its anteroposterior axis over several
days (Rugh, 1968; Theiler, 1972). Thus, when the head already possesses its full
complement of tissue primordia the tail has yet to form. Gastrulation, as defined by
the continued presence of a primitive streak, lasts until closure of the posterior
neuropore on the 10th day of gestation. Even then undifferentiated tissue persists in
the tail bud which, in the chick embryo, has been clearly shown to generate a variety
of axial structure such as neural tube, gut endoderm and somitic mesoderm
(Schoenwolf, 1977, 1978, 1979; Bellairs & Sanders, 1986; Sanders et al. 1986; Tam,
1984; Shedden & Wiley, 1987). It is interesting to consider what determines the final
cessation of axial elongation. However, even in the chick where this problem has
been studied more extensively, it is not clear whether it is due to mechanical factors,
tissue interaction or an intrinsic ageing process in the cells involved.
During preimplantation mouse development there is clearly a sequential segregation
of tissue lineages such that in the 5th day blastocyst there are three distinct tissue
compartments: trophectoderm, primitive endoderm and primitive ectoderm. Within
each compartment there is good evidence for the existence of multi-lineage
progenitor, or stem cells. In the case of trophectoderm these appear to be
maintained, at least initially, by continued interaction with the ICM and its
derivatives. Likewise, the persistence of developmental lability in the primitive
endoderm probably depends on local tissue interactions since only visceral endo­
derm, and not parietal endoderm, has been shown to be bipotent. In both these
extra-embryonic tissues, progression of cells away from a particular location, and
consequent alterations in their relations with neighbouring tissues, seems to result in
a restriction in potency. This is reminiscent of the situation found in many adult stem
cell systems. Primitive ectoderm cells may also retain their multipotency by virtue of
their environment. However, little is known about this apart from the fact that
continued production of new germ layer tissue is confined to the posterior end of the
embryo. If the exacting tissue culture requirements for maintaining EC and ES cells
are relevant, the key to sustained multipotency in primitive ectoderm cells may lie in
R. L. Gardner and R. S. P. Beddington
their homotypic interactions and insulation from communication with other cell
types in the conceptus.
We wish to thank Mrs Jo Williamson for help in preparing the manuscript, and the Royal
Society, Imperial Cancer Research Fund and the Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine for
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