Download Study Guide for the Genetics: Structure of DNA, Replication

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Study Guide for the Genetics: Structure of DNA, Replication, Transcription, Translation, & Gene Expression Test The test will be VERY similar to the quizzes that you’ve taken in this section. Therefore, you should notice that this study guide is very similar to the quiz study guides. You basically need to know everything covered in the note sheets, but below are some pointers for each section. Structure of DNA Section You should… 1. Focus on the Discussion Questions at the end of the note sheet, as many of the problems will be similar to those. 2. Be familiar with the work of each of the scientists. 3. Be able to differentiate between a purine and pyrimidine (i.e. know which are which and also know which group has a double carbon ring and which group has a single carbon ring.) 4. Know what type of macromolecule DNA is 5. Know the monomer that makes up DNA as well as its structure (like you drew in the HW) 6. Know what forces hold the two strands of DNA together 7. Know how sunlight energy can damage the DNA strands (thymine dimers) and how this damage is fixed (i.e. know the enzymes inviolved: nuclease, DNA polymerase, and DNA ligase) DNA Replication Section You should … 1. Know WHY cells need to replicate their DNA 2. Know the difference between semi‐conservative and conservative replication AND know which one is actually correct. 3. Know the enzyme responsible for DNA replication (adding the nucleotides on to the growing strand) AND the major limitation of this enzyme. 4. Know how DNA polymerase “knows” which nucleotide to add onto the growing DNA strand (Hint: this is from the notes you took in class onto a sheet of loose leaf; also uploaded to the main class webpage.) 5. Given a replication fork, determine which strand is leading, which is lagging and which has Okasaki fragments. 6. Know what enzyme joins the Okasaki fragments to create a continuous strand. 7. Be able to answer questions just like #7‐9 on the Genetics DNA Replication Worksheet (For your reference, the answers to those WS questions are… #7:B, #8: A, #9: A ) Transcription Section You need to … 1. Know the enzyme responsible for transcription 2. Be able to tell which strand is the coding (template) strand when given a picture similar to the one shown in the note sheet (below) 3. Be able to do problems JUST like the Practice Problems in the note sheet and on the Genetics Transcription WS I (the answer key is online). Translation Section The test questions will be JUST LIKE questions #4‐10 on the “Genetics: Transcription & Translation WS” that you did for homework. (The answer key is online.) Gene Expression Section You should… 1. Know what it means to express a gene. 2. Know how to test for gene expression (i.e. as in the “Thought Question” from the note sheet) 3. Know what makes each cell type in your body different if they all have the same genes 4. Be able to compare and contrast differentiated vs. undifferentiated (stem) cells. 5. Be able to predict the types of disorders that could be potentially cured using stem cells.