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- Michelson’s Interferometer -
Author: Giovanni Ruffino, teacher high school
- Genoa (Italy)-
Chapter 1
In search of lost ether
Experiment of Michelson & Morley
Explanation Fitzgerald - Lorentz
Unobservability and non-existence
Doppler effect and aberration of light
Difficulties of definition of the ether and
Inconsistency of previous models
Perplexity and inconsistency of the void
Quantum vacuum
The Higgs boson
Contradictions between classical physics
and quantum physics on vacuum
Dielectric and magnetic induction of vacuum and displacement current
Re-emergence of ether
Einstein, his postulates and the ether
Speed of light and ether
Chapter 2
Other considerations in support of the ether
New Einstein’s ether
Particles and objects as events in the ether
Analogy of the motion of a drop of water in the ice mass and others
Forces at a distance or interactions
Forces like the tendency of the ether to assume the status minimum
potential energy.
Corpuscular and wave nature of particles
Chapter 3
Quantum theory of actions at a distance
Twin paradox
Principle of inertia
Energy and religions
Principle of indeterminacy
Chapter 4
Properties of the mass and of energy.
Field and vacuum
Mutual connection between mass and energy
Variation of mass with other energetic phenomena
Energy, particles and field
Final remarks
Simple experiment
Modern physics, after deletion of the ether, asserts that space is
completely empty.
In this vacuum, however, there are a lot of physical phenomena: there
are fields that can exert forces at a distance, there is the curvature of
space, there are dielectric and the magnetic polarizations and the
displacement current, there is the energy associated with fields, there
is a potential difference between two points in space, there is also the
temperature of the vacuum.
In addition, modern telecommunications technology shows us that the
vacuum can contain and to travel within itself infinite information, so to
several years, we have the absolute vacuum with inside dozens of
television news in as many different languages and a hundred other
television channels as well as a multitude of other telecommunications
modulated in various ways.
And quantum mechanics teaches us that the vacuum is a ferment of
energy and it can generate and annihilate virtual particles.
If you ask to some professor of university for clarification how can this
happen in the nothingness, almost certainly they will answer – with the
field! - As if it were enough to pronounce the magic word to explain all
these phenomena that occur in the "empty". And then they add all
depends from the intrinsic physical properties of the vacuum, but
space is absolutely empty because the famous experiment of
Michelson and Morley showed that ether doesn’t exist and, moreover,
the theory of relativity of Einstein denied the opportunity of the
existence of a privileged reference frame related to the ether and,
consequently, also denies the existence of the ether.
If, however, does not convince you that the vacuum (the nothingness)
have all these physical properties, because they can not be attributed
to nothingness, and try to study about it, soon you will find that the
Michelson-Morley experiment, in fact, didn’t show anything (to see
chapter 1°) and that the same Einstein after 1916 introduced some
new models of ether for which we can’t establish an absolute system
of reference, that are consistent with his theory of relativity.
In fact, in 1915 Einstein explained the theory of general relativity
which deals of accelerated motion and gravitation. In particular, the
gravitation is proposed as a result of the curvature that space
assumes for the presence of masses. Curving space shows a further
proof of owning physical property (in addition to the electromagnetic
properties already known since the days of Faraday and Maxwell),
making it also capable of interacting with matter and that can not be
attributed to the void, as a space with nothingness inside, as that
nothingness can not change state, and we can not have a
nothingness different from how it was before or different to another
nothingness in another point in space. Therefore Einstein set out to
return to the ether, he repudiated earlier in 1905, and later presented
at least three new models of ether.
This work takes up precisely the kind of ether proposed by Einstein in
the years more mature in his life, developing it according to present
knowledge. In it matter is seen as an effect of energy in the space
containing the ether, and not as a foreign body. This will overcome all
contradictions of all previous models of the ether (principally the wind
of ether) and found a rational and acceptable explanation to many
phenomena of vacuum.
Among the reasons that support this new proposal of the ether, there
is a rational and credible explanation of the forces at distance, also
called interactions.
Unfortunately, even today, many people believe that to explain the
forces that acting at distance between two bodies, is sufficient to
exclaim: - with the field! - And then draw two vectors on a sheet of
paper, or on the board.
But it is not so, because the field is only the map of the forces and not
the explanation. And it is necessary to understand the difference
between a region of space with the field and another where the field is
null, and how the space with the field interacts with matter, and these
answers can’t be found in nothingness.
For the current physic, the field is defined as a state of vacuum, so it's
a purely abstract concept (Feynman's words). But since nothingness
of the vacuum doesn’t exist, while the field exists, and produces real
effects in the world of matter, should cast doubt on the vacuum as it is
understood today.
Newton already stated in his time: - to thought that two bodies can act
on distance each other without the presence of an intermediate
medium, it is complete nonsense -. And here we invite the lector to
read the relevant chapter for not have to repeat what has just fully
exposed beyond.
Not even the exchange of particles between two bodies (QED theory)
is the real answer to the interactions, because it simply translates the
problem from large objects to smaller objects.
There are also the phenomena came to light in the late nineteenth
century through Fitzgerald and Lorentz, which express the increase in
mass, the length contraction and time dilatation depending on the
speed, expressed by formulas:
l = lo√(1-β²), m = mo/√(1-β²) t '= to/√(1-β²), with β = v/c
(v speed of the object, c the speed of light, mo rest mass, lo length at
rest, to rest time).
These three phenomena, even if they have been checked and
accepted as real fact by science for many years, continue to create
wonder and disbelief. In fact we are accustomed to consider the
mass, the size of the object and the time’s rhythm immutable, because
our experience includes motions of bodies that occur at speeds much
less than c. But these three formula as well say it explicitly, and
unequivocally, that if the velocity of an object reaches values that are
not negligible compared to the speed of light, then its dimensions
parallel to the motion are contracted, all its particles move more slowly
and its mass is increased compared with the values of rest.
Of the three, the increasing of mass with velocity generates more
reluctance, although in reality it was the first to be verified since the
early years of '900.
In fact, the contraction of bodies is within our physical experiences,
and in the case specifically, it can be explained by the contraction in
the direction of motion of electromagnetic fields according to the
speed of charged particles, called - Lorentz contraction - and
because the fields are the link between core and electrons cloud and
between atom and atom, these contracting, contracts also objects.
As for time dilation, for many years with the television we see events
(especially sports) at reduced speed, then we can imagine that the
same thing could happen in reality to the motion of particles that make
the object and they move more slowly than when the body is
stationary to the observer; and this fact is called as "time dilation",
although it would be fairer to call it "slowing of time".
While the increase of the mass of an object moving in empty space,
really seems inexplicable. Because we have to ask ourselves: where
can never come the increase in mass, if there is emptiness all around
the object ?
And the question is more than legitimate. But since the mass
increment really happens, because it is determined experimentally,
then to fall doubt, again, must be just the vacuum, and the historical
concept, but still rooted to these days, of the independence of object
from the space that surrounds it.
With this new model of the ether, whereas the particles of the object
are an effect of energy in the ether, then, we find a clear and easy
explanation for the increase of mass with velocity, as well as the
formula E = mc ², which then leads us back to the Lorentz’s formula,
as clearly set out in the relevant chapter.
From many years, quantum mechanics defines the vacuum as a
fluctuating energy and a dense swarm of virtual particles. And the
standard model currently presents a unified field that reminds to a
continuous medium. Looks like we need only the courage to call it by
its historic name.
Even corpuscular and undulatory properties of particles and
interference phenomena, can’t be explained by considering the
particles as foreign objects to the empty space that surrounds them.
While they become fully interpretable with our hypothesis.
To summarize briefly the innovative concepts proposed by the book,
we say that the new model of ether is presented as a substance
isotropic and continues, in which, due to energy, particles are
produced in some way, perhaps as infinitesimal thickening, or clots.
Each particle is not a foreign body to the ether, but is an "event" that
happens in it following the fluctuations of energy, taking shape where
the energy exceeds the quantum levels and annihilating when falls
below these levels. The bodies macroscopic (including ourselves,
being made of particles) also they are generated by the energy in the
ether, and entirely belong to it.
The energy contained in the ether is seen as a perturbed state
compared to the ether state of rest (like a spring). Matter and energy
are two states of ether those can move in it, in the sense that the
particles are formed where the energy is moved and where this
exceeds the quantum level. (See the example of the motion of a drop
of water in a mass of ice, described forward).
This new concept allows us to understand the motion of bodies
through the "medium" without encountering any resistance (the wind
of ether). Expresses perfectly the equivalence between mass and
energy, and the corpuscular and wave nature of the particle. The
interactions, or forces at distance, are clearly explained like the effect
of the tendency of the ether to assume the state of minimum potential
The current physics, however, is still anchored to the notion of the
nineteenth century that consider the particles, and the objects, as
bodies autonomous and foreign to the space in which they move. But
many discoveries of the twentieth century contradict these
assumptions. For example we know that the electron during its motion
can disappear in one place and to reappear in another place, in other
words can move from one point to another without passing through
intermediate. And it is practically impossible to give a rational physical
explanation with the current assumptions, so that this motion is
interpreted only with abstract mathematical equations.
Considering the particle as an effect of energy in space, not empty but
full of this new model of ether, instead we find a rational and logical
explanation to this and other phenomena already said before, as is
widely exposed in the book.
We also know that the volume of protons, neutrons and electrons,
which are made all atoms of a macroscopic body, is very minute. For
example, for a man we have about a millionth part of a cubic
millimetre of these particles arranged in an orderly fashion throughout
its volume. If we consider these particles as "belonging to the ether,"
then we see that we ourselves are not strangers to the space around
us, but in reality belong entirely to this substance.
In practice we are “ flames of energy” in the ether. And here we can
also find a meeting point between science and the interpretation that
some religions give of the world.
And the phrase :-- we are made of the same substance that dreams
are made – is not so far from reality.
Chapter 1°
In search of lost ether
Until the beginning of the twentieth century all the great men of
science believed that the space emptiness is so only for our senses
and our instruments of investigation, but in reality it was full of ether, a
substance subtle and difficult to define.
Before Aristotle, and after many dark centuries, Newton, Descartes,
Huygens, Fresnel, and others, argued and tried to define the cosmic
ether as a solid and elastic substance. There were subsequent
processing by W. Thomson, Faraday, Maxwell, Hertz and H.A.
Lorentz. Until defining the ether as a vehicle for all the gravitational
and electromagnetic forces and the displacement current contained in
the famous equations of Maxwell, with identification concept of space
and ether, as already proposed by Descartes.
In particular, Maxwell, who is considered the greatest scientist
between Newton and Einstein, was a passionate advocate of the
ether in a period in which already began to emerge the champions of
empty space, with "nothingness" inside.
We see what he wrote in 1890 in "Field and Ether": - The immense
regions planetary and interstellar space will no longer be regarded as
deserts of universe that the Creator did not think it suitable to be
occupied by the symbols of the manifold order of His kingdom. We
find that they are occupied by this wonderful ether…. it extends the
same from star to star….The hypothesis of an ether has been
supported by various thinkers for reasons very different. For those
who supported the existence of a plenum as principle of philosophical
nature, the horror of nature for the vacuum was a reason to imagine
an ether that pervades everything, even if all the evidence was
against it. For Descartes, who made the substance a necessary
condition for the extension, the mere existence of the bodies distant
from each other (and that interact with each other) proved the
existence of a continuous medium interposed --.(From: - Field and
ether - contained in – Relatività, esposizione divulgativa - Editions
Boringhieri). Maxwell and Descartes thought so, two of the greatest
figures in science of all time.
For supporters of the ether forces act at a distance through the
physical medium, the electromagnetic and gravitational fields were
considered as states perturbed with respect to the ether state of rest;
the waves were considered oscillations of the polarization of the ether,
as well as the waves sound are air pressure fluctuations; the potential
gravitational energy could think contained in the volume of the ether
curved by gravitational fields, such as the elastic energy of a spring is
contained in its mass deformed by stress. The same thing was for the
energy contained in volume of space subject to the polarization of the
electric or magnetic fields. And the displacement current, produced by
the change of dielectric polarization of vacuum, was considered a real
current that occurred in the medium.
On the other hand it was difficult to explain the motion of bodies
through the ether, for example, the planetary motion, without any
dissipation of kinetic energy by viscous friction with the wind of ether.
We could not even evaluate the speed of the Earth respect to the
ether, in other words absolute motion with respect to the absolute
reference considered property of the ether in space. Although, in
reality, the speed of light in space is independent from the motion of
the source that generated it, so itself is an absolute motion.
However, to measure the speed respect the ether have been made
several experiments, all with fail.
The most famous of these is the Michelson & Morley experiment.
Experiment of Michelson and Morley
Michelson’s interferometer
Michelson, staunch supporter of the ether, wished to prove its
existence and built the instrument shown in Figure, just known as
Michelson interferometer, in which a beam of monochromatic light has
sent to a semitransparent mirror tilted by 45 degrees, able to split the
beam in two parts, one goes in a straight line, while the other is
reflected, so obtain two beams perpendicular one to another. The two
beams are reflected by two mirrors and both come to the eyepiece of
the interferometer, so to allow an observer to assess the possible
phase shift. The beam parallel to the motion of the earth should take a
little time higher on its way between the mirror and the
semitransparent reflection, and this would cause a phase
displacement with the other beam. Orienting the interferometer in
different directions respect the motion of the earth, the observer
should detect variations of the phase difference between the two rays
of light.
Michelson in 1887, with the help of E. W. Morley, made several
attempts to this type, but the interference fringes were always the
same. Similar experiments were carried out later by other
researchers, all with negative results.
Explanation of Fitzgerald - Lorentz
In 1893 the Irish G. F. Fitzgerald proposed a curious and ingenious
explanation of the experiment. He argued that the side of the
interferometer parallel to the travel speed of the Earth is shortened as
a function of same speed, according to the formula: l = lo√(1-β²) in
order to make exactly equal the same journey times of two beams.
This hypothesis very daring for his time but absolutely true, as was
demonstrated later, was the first concept of the modern theory of
Shortly after Fitzgerald, by independent way, Lorentz introduced
himself the formula of length contraction and the two other relativistic
phenomena, which are: the increase of mass and time dilation,
expressed by the following formulas: m = mo/√(1-β ²), t = to/√(1-β ²),
with β = v/c
(v speed of the object, c the speed of light, mo mass at rest as regards
the observer, to time at rest as regards the observer).
The length contraction with the speed, then, seemed an assumption
made just for the circumstance, but in the second half of last century,
was confirmed in countless experiments with particle accelerators,
and currently is recognized as true all over the world.
It is also the first of the basic concepts of the theory of relativity, known
as a "contraction of the length with the motion" contained in the
transformations of Lorentz.
Since the three formulas of Lorentz-Fitzgerald are also the basis of
Einstein's theory of relativity, so they are also supported by the
completeness of this theory.
Clear descriptions of the experiment and the causes of its failure are
even in some books, for example - Space, Time and Gravitation – of
Eddington, or - Laws of nature - R. E. Peierls. Or the famous – Six not
s easy pieces - of R.P. Feynman.
Other books (such as Halliday-Resnick) and some encyclopaedia
rather brutally omit the contraction of the interferometer’s side,
however, in all other chapters expose the contraction of the moving
Also Einstein and Infeld in: -The Evolution of Physics - say: .- Forget
the ether - and they didn’t apply the “contraction of the length with the
motion" to Michelson & Morley experiment; but in all the others
chapters they consider this contraction true.
These days should be well known and accepted by all that the
experiment of M & M. committing the systematic error of neglecting
the contraction of the side of the interferometer parallel to the travel
speed of the Earth and therefore its negative conclusions on the
existence of the ether are not valid. Michelson, in fact, continued to
believe strongly in the ether until last moment of his life.
We can therefore say that the M & M experiment failed to demonstrate
the existence of the ether, but it did not demonstrate that the ether
does not exist.
It 's surprising (and disconcerting) to note that the experiment of M. &
M. by some writers is defined as "the most important experiment with
failure in the history of science“ (forgetting the contraction of the
interferometer). But, in so doing they commit a serious
misrepresentation and, consequently, their interpretation becomes:
the worst imposture of the history of science.
This is not the fault of Michelson, but of many people that have
subsequently used his experiment, and still continue to use it, to deny
Indeed the experiment was useful to science, because discovering the
length contraction as function of speed, gave a turn fundamental to
Unobservability and non-existence
From the three phenomena described by the three laws of Lorentz
(verified in countless experiments in accelerators particle and
accepted for many years as objective facts from all world’s physical),
which is subject all matter, all our instruments and ourselves, comes
the "unobservability of the ether."
The "unobservability of the ether" was described by the same Lorentz
in his " Principle of Corresponding States", and later by Poincare.
It was turned into "non-existence of the ether," according to the
Einstein’s criterion argued that what is unobservable does not exist, or
is as if it did not exist.
This policy is highly debatable, but it had accepted by most physicists
which soon forgot the unobservability, so in the first decades of the
'900 claimed the hypothesis of non existence of the ether and had
success the empty space, with nothingness inside.
What is - not observed - depends only on the state of science and
technology of the moment.
Many things have been not observable for a long time: bacteria, virus,
electrons, protons, neutrons, quarks. Even the planets of other star
systems were not observable until a few decades ago.
Physics has often suggested the existence of particles - not observed
– but conceivable with theories well-defined, whose existence is
verified experimentally after years of research and technological
progress only when provides new and more powerful means of
investigation. It 'happened with the quarks, it happens still with the
Higgs bosons, with the neutrinos, with the gravitons and other
particles, first provided by the theory and then observed only after
years, some not still observed.
A perfectly analogous fact occurred with the discovery of remote
planets of the solar system, Neptune and Pluto, expected theoretically
examining the perturbations of Uranus' orbit, before being observed
The ether, is currently - not observable -. But it is not absolutely
excluded that in future we can devise an experiment that allows to
observe it.
It should then say that the observer can’t determine its motion with
respect to the space if he looks only inside his own laboratory, without
looking outside. If instead he looks outside, then he can extend his
domain of investigation even at far away stars, and from their
observation he can obtain useful information for the study of its motion
in space by means of two physical phenomena, which are: the effect
Doppler and the aberration of starlight. These two phenomena make
manifest the motion of the observer with respect to far away stars (the
so-called "fixed stars"), as described in the next paragraph.
The effects of ether, however, are already very evident, and perhaps -
total - as will be described later.
The actual unobservability of the ether directly implies the impossibility
to define a reference system bound to it, called absolute, or privileged
over the other inertial reference systems; so there is no incompatibility
with the first principle of the theory of relativity, and it is wrong to claim
that the first principle excludes the existence of the ether.
It 'should be noted that, in contrast, is the first principle that descends
from unobservability of the ether and motions with respect to it and the
inability to define an absolute system of reference (without looking out
of our laboratory).
Doppler effect and aberration of light
As we just said, there are two phenomena for which the speed
between the observer and the “fixed stars” has two definite effects that
can be estimated, and they are: the aberration of starlight and the
Doppler effect.
We know that the speed of light in space is independent from the
motion of the source that generates it; and if, for example, the
observer is watching a star five hundred light years away, he does not
see where it is now, but where it was, and how it was, five hundred
years ago.
Let's examine the first phenomena: to observe a star the angle of
orientation of a telescope must be adjusted according to the vector
sum of the speed of light of the star and the speed of the Earth, that is
not fully negligible compared to the speed of light.
The vector sum must be made according to the formulas of Lorentz,
however, since the term relativistic (v/c)² is very small (v travel speed
of the Earth, c the speed of light), it coincides almost with the sum
performed by the vector classical method.
To better illustrate this phenomenon sometimes exposes the example
of the rain in a day without wind: for an observer standing on the
roadside raindrops fall vertically, while another observer in motion, for
example in a car, the rain seems to hit the windshield with the
direction inclined. A similar fact happens to photons of light coming
from the stars and received by the Earth that moves in space.
It should be noted that this involves only a change in the direction of
speed of light perceived by the observer on the Earth, and not a
variation of the module. However, for proper interpretation is
necessary to consider the velocity of the observer, as a variation on
the angle of incidence of light.
The aberration of light was discovered by Bradley in 1726 and has
provided further evidence of the mobility of the Earth in the space,
particularly important at the time. Also allowed to calculate fairly
accurately the value of c.
The Doppler effect shows the relative speed between the source of
electromagnetic waves and the observer, just as a change in
frequency, not as a change in velocity of the waves received. It is very
important and is known in astronomy as in the field of optical
frequencies and in that of radio frequencies.
It also occurs for sound waves and is easily detected, for example,
with the passage of a helicopter or a train whistles.
Difficulties of definition of the ether and
inconsistency of previous models
At that time there were also some objective difficulties in defining
properties of the ether, and this contributed to his downfall.
In fact, in addition to the concerns about the ether wind, there were
the following questions: light waves are transverse waves, their
oscillation is perpendicular to the direction of propagation, and only
solid medium can transmitting transverse waves. In addition, to travel
inside with the speed of light, the medium should be much more hard
than steel. It also should permeate all substances transparent to light
and should not hinder any movement at all of no one corps, from the
rotation of the planets around the Sun, to the trembling leaves.
The affirmation of the vacuum arrived because the previous model of
ether had all made of materialistic type with objects such as foreign
Abandoned all the old materialistic models, the sky broke free from
the “cobwebs" that had built its supporters with their interpretations of
the mechanistic and atomistic medium, but at once legitimate doubts
arose on the vacuum. Let us examine some.
Perplexity and inconsistency of the void
Immediately poses a long-standing philosophical doubt, in fact,
propose a space with nothingness inside is like claiming that exists
what does not exists. Descartes, in fact, argued that the existence of
the spatial extension needs a substance.
We propose some simple examples: define a cubic meter of matter
has sense, while defining a cubic meter of nothingness could seem a
contradiction. So, if I have to go through a certain section one cubic
meter of water, or, in another case, 1000 cubic meters of water, then
the difference between the two situations is obvious and well valuated
for different aspects. While the difference in having to be routed
through the same previous section, a cubic meter of nothingness, or
1000 cubic meters of nothingness, or zero cubic meters of
nothingness, it seems unclear and not measurable. In other words,
the difference between a space with a thousand cubic meters of
nothingness and a space of one cubic meter of nothingness, or zero
cubic meters of nothingness, is not evaluated. While we know that this
vacuum contains energy due the fields.
In fact, eliminated the ether, was left the field. So it came the field
defined in a vacuum, or rather, as the field like perturbed state of the
So we have an empty space with the nothingness a little strange, that
doesn’t remains identical to itself (in the nothingness there is nothing
that can change, but if its status changes mean that there is
something with characteristics that may change).
In fact, eliminated the ether, we have now the space done with the
nothingness, but it may bend, which is polarized like matter, which
leads the displacement current, which may have a potential difference
between two of its points, which exerts forces at a distance, which can
store various types of energy, which generates and absorbs particles,
which has its own temperature, which can contain and to travel in it
forty television news even in forty different languages.
And this all in the vacuum with nothingness!!
For classical physics all these powers are attributed to the field,
however, always strictly in the nothingness, and are defined: intrinsic
physical properties of (empty) space.
We, frankly, seem that this "vacuum" we are a bit too much things.
With regard to the field in a vacuum, Feynman write:-The best way
(easiest) is to use the abstract idea of the field. That it is abstract is
unfortunate, but necessary. (The Feynman Lectures on Physics. Ed.
This is really what is the field in a vacuum: only an abstract idea to
overcome some fundamental thing of space that physics don’t know.
For other authors, less known, is suffice to say: - the field is all that we
need to know of the space - and close the discussion.
And to explain the forces at a distance they believe that it is enough to
draw two forces on a sheet of paper and exclaim: - with the field!
Quantum vacuum
After 1920, finally, some physicists realized that the nothingness as
support of the field was actually a bit too little.
Then worked out the theory of quantum fields and stated that in reality
each type of field fills the space of particles agent such as mediators
of forces. It came to define: photons for the fields electromagnetic,
gravitons for the gravitational, gluons for the strong nuclear forces,
bosons for the weak.
All these particles assumed have been found, with the exception of
At this point, however, note that the fact to assign the exchange of
forces at a distance to the particles that make up the quantum field, it
means simply shift the problem to large objects to objects a little more
small, and does not solve the underlying problem. (Of the forces at a
distance is written in more extensively in the relevant chapter).
About after 1930, always with the quantum theory, the vacuum has
filled with a continuous appearance and disappearance of virtual
particles, formed by particle-antiparticle pairs. But physicists say that
they, like quantum field, always and only appear and disappear from
nothingness, are generated and annihilate into nothingness.
The virtual particles are produced by the vacuum fluctuations of
energy and are called "virtual" because they exist for a short time so
that you can’t measure them directly. However, they produce effects
well evaluable as alterations of the energy levels of atoms and the
Casimir effect.
In 1948, Casimir showed that two metal plates, very near and
electrically neutral, they alter the spatial distribution of virtual particles
decreasing it inside. The result is that the virtual particles remain
outside are more numerous, and perhaps larger, have more pressure
on the external surfaces and then has a force of attraction, very weak,
between the two plates.
So, for the quantum theory the vacuum energy has continued
fluctuation and in the apparent calm of vacuum state appear and
disappear continuously pairs of particles - antiparticles. The
antiparticles have mass equal to the corresponding particles but
opposite charge.
Frequently we have pairs of electron - positron, which immediately
annihilate each other, but are immediately replaced by other pairs.
So the quantum vacuum is not empty, but it is a bubble of energy and
For the Standard Model, the total density of the vacuum energy is the
sum of three terms. The first is the gravitational term, due to the
energy associated with gravitational fields. The second contribution
comes from the quantum fluctuations of virtual particles, like electron positron and another particle, the Higgs boson, which is associated
with its own field, known as the field Higgs.
The third term is yet to be determined and represents the
contributions of additional particles and fields that might exist, but that
we don’t yet known.
There is also the, the zero-point energy (ZPE): it is the lowest energy
level possible in a quantum system of vacuum.
In the most famous magazines of physic is curious to read the articles
of physical "well-thinking", which of course deny the ether
(misrepresenting brutally the Michelson-Morley experiment) but are
forced to admit all these vacuum’s properties.
They start with a little embarrassed saying: - the idea that the vacuum
may contain energy and can generate particles may appear contrary
to intuition and logic, but .... but ..our vacuum is actually a continuous
bubbling energy and particles, like a substance continuous that can
generate and absorb these particles inside it.
Of course, we think it is contradictory to attribute to the nothingness all
these phenomena that occur in the "empty". But instead, they
demonstrate the presence in the space of this substance, called ether,
difficult to define, but however existing.
The theory that describes the interactions between electrically
charged particles is quantum electrodynamics, QED (Quantum
Electro-Dynamics acronym) founded by Feynman and his
collaborators in the 40's.
For it the electromagnetic interaction happens via exchange of
photons. These particles act as mediators of the forces. These
interactions are graphically represented by Feynman diagrams in
which shows the trajectories of the particles that combine in strange
In these diagrams some particles would return back in time??
Exchange of photons between the protons in the nucleus and an
electron, second QED.
The discovery of quantum particles as mediators of the forces is
certainly a step ahead respect the field in the nothingness, but we
have already said that in this way it translates simply the problem by
objects to objects a little smaller and, at most, it may explain the
repulsive forces and not the attractions.
Also according to the QED, vacuum is populated by electron-positron
pairs and photons. The photon, in fact, has no charge, so its
antiparticle is identical to the same photon. Couples electron - positron
are polarized as the matter, and this adds support to the polarization
of the vacuum and make logical sense, when polarization changes, to
the displacement current.
The strong interactions, acting between the quarks and between
protons and neutrons in nucleus of atoms, are mediated by gluons.
Since quarks have charge colour (which can be of three types, green,
red and blue) the theory that studies these interactions is called
quantum chromo dynamics, QCD. It says that the vacuum is
populated by virtual pairs quark-antiquark that form and annihilate in a
flash. Both QED and QCD theories do not explain how the particles
are able to mediate forces on other particles, however, are framed in a
mathematical model that allows to do very precise calculations,
especially QED.
To expose these questions more broadly we think, for example, just to
protons and neutrons in the nucleus. We know that between the
protons exert repulsive Coulomb forces, which, for the very small
distance, take very high intensity, such that the core itself should blow
up, which however remains united and very compact, as if on the
protons also acted much more attractive forces than repulsive forces.
One might say, somewhat jokingly, that the nucleons are held together
by glue some special.
Well, as we have just written, the attractive forces are attributed to the
mediating particles called precisely "gluons", with other words:
particles with glue. And this seems almost a joke, but in fact it must be
said that the gluons have been found with the accelerators, although
remains unclear, the physical mechanism by which these generate
attractive forces, unless you resort to purely mathematical algorithms.
Or as usual the slogan: - with the field! (Or really believe that they
have the glue).
However, we must keep in mind that we explain the same forces of
Coulomb drawing two forces on a sheet of paper and exclaiming: with the field! (of course in the "nothing"). And many of us still consider
this as a reasonable and comprehensive explanation.
Or we might say:- if the protons are exchanged the attractive forces
via gluons, then between gluons and gluons, how is the exchange of
forces? Perhaps with other even smaller particles? And among the
latter particle interactions as they occur? Perhaps even more with
other particles previous smaller? - And so on.
It 'obvious that the QED and QCD do not give satisfactory answers
from physical point of view, but translate this problem on new particles
or reduce it to abstract-mathematical
The discussion, however, is included in chapter: Quantum Theory and
actions distance.
The Higgs boson
The vacuum has some apparent inconsistencies that, in some way,
must be filled. In this sense, special attention deserves the theoretical
hypothesis on the Higgs boson, which was introduced to fill some
gaps in the basic standard model and not yet found experimentally.
According to this theory it is believed that the Higgs bosons are
generating the mass of all other particles fundamental. They say that
the particles absorb the Higgs boson as a piece of blotting paper
absorbs the ink.
At this point the theory, however, should only learn from what has
originally the mass of the Higgs boson itself!
But neither Higgs nor others, give an answer to this question.
Contradictions between classical physics and
quantum physics on vacuum
Let's recap briefly. For the classical Physics the void contains only and
only nothingness.
This representation is based:
1) up a false interpretation of the Michelson-Morley experiment.
2) having exchanged unobservability with the - non-existence – of
3) up an erroneous interpretation of the first postulate of relativity
In fact, the actual unobservability of the ether directly prevents to
define an absolute reference system, so there is no conflict with the
first principle of relativity.
The void with nothingness inside led to very abstract concepts (not
real) as the field in the nothingness, the polarization of nothingness,
the nothingness that produces forces at a distance, nothingness that
swings, the temperature of nothingness, the energy of nothingness,
etc..For quantum physics instead of the "emptiness" is a dense swarm
of virtual particles and a bubble of energy. Moreover, every field
creates " the particles that are its "quanta" of the field.
The vacuum, seen on macroscopic scales, is quiet and calm only
because the creation and annihilation of all particles occurs in and
very short distances. A little like a stormy ocean appears smooth and
flat if it is seen from an airplane at high altitude.
Recently, the standard theory proposes a unified field that is very next
to a continuous medium. In addition modern physics continues to fill
the void with new and ever more mysterious particles, such as the
Higgs boson, so that it is legitimate to ask how we can still be able to
see stars on a clear night.
Aristotle had said: - Nature abhors the vacuum -. (And we think it is
just one of the few right things that he said).
Modern science says that the vacuum contains all of physics, in the
sense that everything that exists is created and shaped by the
Dielectric and magnetic induction of vacuum
and displacement current
Classical physics defines the dielectric and magnetic permeability of
vacuum without posing the slightest doubt about how the nothingness
can have properties defined by physical constants with own
For quantum physics, instead, the polarization of the vacuum is a
seriously phenomenon, described by recent discoveries about empty.
In the vacuum quantum virtual particle-antiparticle pairs, which
continually create and annihilate, assume a preferred orientation
because of inducing electromagnetic fields, similarly the polarization
induced in a material dielectric.
In fact, between the dielectric and magnetic constant of vacuum μo
and εo, and those of materials there are only the coefficients of
proportionality, dimensionless εr and μr. And this means that the
polarization of matter and the vacuum must be qualitatively
phenomena of the same type.
Thanks to quantum physics, now we are no longer tied to an abstract
concept (and also absurd) of a vacuum induction as a state of
nothingness polarized, or state polarized what does not exist. But,
finally, the electromagnetic field in vacuum can acquire a concrete and
real physical meaning. We can also view the alignment of these
dipoles virtual. For example, if we apply a voltage constant to a plane
capacitor, then the induction permittivity of vacuum is generated with
the alignment preferential of electron-positron pairs in the volume
between the capacitor plates (neglecting the edge effect), in an
amount proportional to the intensity of the electric field.
Similarly, the magnetic flux density will be achieved by preferential
aligning of the spins possessed by the virtual particles along the lines
of inductor magnetic field.
Almost we back to the representations that Faraday and Maxwell gave
to the field like polarized ether. Of course they don’t know yet the
quantum vacuum with the particle-antiparticle pairs, but just imagine
the dipoles created by the electromagnetic field in the ether.
Modern physics, however, argues that virtual particle-antiparticle pairs
are formed and annihilate, not in the ether, but in the nothingness.
Yesterday argued that the induction exist in space with nothingness,
but today we know that space empty is a bubble of energy and virtual
particles, and the induction of the void is related to their alignment.
Further, if we could get to a level of investigation even more deep, will
find that the origin of the virtual particles, but also of all real particles,
takes place, not into nothingness, but in a particular continues
substance different from matter, which can generate the mass and
charge due to energy: the ether.
The displacement current in a vacuum, contained in the famous
Maxwell’s equation and defined by the partial derivative with respect
to time of induction δD/δt, is now interpreted: a variable electric field
will induce a variable polarization of these virtual dipoles, resulting in
"empty" a real movement of electric charges. This current, which
exists in what we call vacuum, in turn create a magnetic field so
perfectly analogous to an electron current that runs through a
Fig Displacement current through S2 (fig.a) and through S1 (fig. b)
In fact, the displacement current has all the properties of a current
material: it produces the magnetic field and gives continuity to the
electron current, for example in a capacitor with vacuum between the
plates, or with an antenna radio, satisfying Kirchhoff's current law.
Reemergence of the ether
As you can see, with particle physics, the concept of empty space,
with the nothingness in it, loses more and more meaning. And this is
perhaps the signal that really is not simple to get rid of the ether with
an experiment (Michelson-Morley), whose performance was affected
by a systematic error.
Although the study clearly indicates that the infinitely large space
vacuum is not empty, because there are questions not yet resolved,
as the dark matter of universe and the cosmological constant
universal returned to discussion after Einstein had left her, and that
would indicate the amount of energy of the universe some 120 orders
of magnitude greater all the energy we know.
In short, Descartes, Newton, Maxwell, Lorentz and others want to
believe ether even though there is a lot of evidence against the
models of their epochs. Today, scientists don’t want to believe in the
ether even though there is much evidence for it.
Einstein, his postulates and the ether
Let us return to Einstein's theory of relativity.
He enunciated what is considered the first postulate of relativity theory
and which says: - It 'impossible to define or detect motion (and
location) of a body compared to the space (or ether) -. (Affirmation
already made a few years earlier by Lorentz in the "principle of
corresponding states").
In other words, means: it is impossible to define a system of absolute
reference and then all inertial reference systems are equivalent.
(Statement made about three centuries before, by Galileo).
Of course, we repeat, this is true for the observer who looks only into
his own laboratory, because if he can look out, then it is true what we
have already written in the paragraph - aberration of starlight and the
Doppler effect -.
Since the ether, was, and is still undetectable and not observable to
anyone, it is perfectly clear that it is impossible to define a reference
system bound to it. Therefore the existence of ether does not
contradict the first postulate of relativity theory that, instead, is often
used to deny the existence of the ether. While it is the postulate that
the resulting from the unobservability of the ether and movement
reported to it. In fact, Einstein proposed, from 1916 onwards, almost
three models of the ether ultra-referential in which the matter was
seen as an effect of energy in the ether itself. Even in 1935, in his full
maturity, at a congress of physics in Wien, Einstein proposed clearly
to return to consider valid the existence of ether as a medium that fills
all space. In this regard it is interesting to read the book: Einstein and
the ether, author Kostro, in which, with Einstein's original writings, this
is confirmed.
The second postulate of Einstein says: the speed of light in vacuum is
a constant independent of the motion of the source and the observer
and can’t be exceeded. And this is another property of the space.
Speed of light and ether
The second assumption, however, seems in favor to the ether, for
analogy with the sound. In fact, the sound is a disturbance of the
medium, for example, air or water, which propagates with constant
velocity and independent from the speed of the source that produced
sound waves. So the light would seem an electromagnetic
perturbation that propagates in the ether and its speeds is
independent of the motion of the source that generated it.
The speed of light is an insuperable barrier, and this seems supports
the existence of a medium in which the movement takes place.
In fact, if the movement happens in a vacuum, a particle with nothing
around it, appropriately accelerated, could reach a speed limit to
infinite, or, in any event, multiple of c. Since it does not interact with
anything, there is nothing that could put an upper limit to its speed.
(Instead the photons behave like poor swimmers that more than a
certain speed can’t do.)
Regarding the independence of the speed of light by the motion of the
observer, it should be noted that the observer in motion has a meters
shorter and a clock that runs slower than the observer in rest,
according to the phenomena discovered and enunciated by Fitzgerald
and Lorentz . The sum of the speed must be performed by the method
of Lorentz and the relative velocity from light and the observer in
motion remains the same.
Chapter 2°
Other consideration to support the ether
Let us now expose other concepts in favor of the existence of the
For example, the change of time unit with the speed, can not be
explained if we consider the moving body in space empty and the
body alien in the space that surrounds it.
We now consider the Lorentz law, which expresses the increase in
mass in function of speed: m = m0/√(1-β²). If the motion happen in the
ether would be easier to justify the increase in mass as material
released by medium to object. Instead, if we consider the motion
through empty space, in the nothingness, how can I justify the
increase in mass, if there's nothing around the body that might give
The same is true of the famous equation E = mc², which then leads
mass gains seen before. And is evident that in physics today is
missing the means that can express mass and energy, and in it mass
and energy are corresponding.
We know that virtual particles, but also photons, electrons and other
particles appear from nothingness and in nothingness are annihilated,
in other words disappear and then reappear at another point. If this
happened in the ether, would be logical to imagine this particular
substance that generates and reabsorbs the particles. While
considering that generate and annihilate into nothingness is much less
rational and seems to belong more to the field of magic then to the
field of physics.
Other evidence in favor the existence of the ether.
The particles of the same type are all exactly the same in all parts of
the world and the known universe.
The protons of the atoms in New Zealand are absolutely identical to
the protons found in America, or China, or moon rocks, or on Mars.
This happens of course for neutrons, electrons, quarks, etc..
This identity of subatomic particles, even in places far away, clearly
confirms the existence of a "common matrix" present in every place.
Observations of events occurring in the solar system, in our galaxy
and also in other galaxies, are indicating that they are all subject to
the same physical laws. The constants contained in these laws, such
as universal gravitation constant and the speed of light, are invariant
in space, as well as over time. The spatial invariance of physical laws
and of constants seems to indicate the existence of a common
element present in space, as a means continuous, homogeneous and
isotropic of infinite extension.
By contrast, as mentioned before, the motion of a foreign body
through the ether should meet the objective difficulty of viscous friction
resulting in dissipation of kinetic energy, while the movements of the
planets and all the bodies show that doesn’t occurs. In other words,
for the object in motion should be the "wind ether ", but that just does
not exist.
The assumptions made in ‘800 to overcome this point, related to
materialistic models of the medium with objects foreign to it, so all
were unsatisfactory and even contradictory.
Instead of ether models proposed by Einstein go well beyond these
New Einstein’s ether
We review the models proposed by Einstein from 1916 onwards and
we see now to reconcile them with modern knowledge of physics.
In them the matter is produced by energy in the ether itself, and is no
longer a foreign body. In this way we no longer have the wind of ether
and pass the other contradictions of nineteenth-century models.
Einstein combined the concepts of electromagnetic field and the
photon, in the sense as a quantum of energy produced by the
electromagnetic field in space, for get the third: the quantum field, as a
continuous medium that fills the whole space and forming particles
with its states.
Writes A. Einstein - The particles are condensations of the local field,
concentrations of energy produced by the quantum field. We consider
the matter as a region of space-time where the field is extremely
intense, which a very large amount of energy is concentrated in a very
small portion of space-time. This node of energy, that is quite distinct
from the rest of the field propagates in it ... This theory forces us to
abandon the classical distinction between matter and vacuum ---.
Returning to us, we just have to correspond the quantum field with the
local state of the ether and its stored energy, and everything are fully
agree with Einstein's ideas, it is only to use different terms.
Think of a particle in motion and the equivalence of mass and energy:
according to the above you can think of the particle as a particular
state of thickening caused by the energy in a point of ether, and which
in reality is to move in it. (The word point here and in following means:
an infinitesimal size, but not zero).
The ether is thus a continue substance in which due energy, like
coagulates or, in some way, the particles are formed. They do not
have a proper motion respect to the ether, but would only shift the
energy and the point at which the concentration produces the
thickening of the ether, which creates the particle.
Around the point, where the particle is produced, we also have a
curvature of the ether. If the particle has also charge, we will have
dielectric polarization of the ether.
The curvature and polarization are states perturbed with respect to the
ether state of rest, to which they are associated, respectively, the
gravitational field and the electromagnetic field with their relative
Particles and objects as events in the ether
We are accustomed to consider the mass and charge of the objects
as sizes autonomous and independent of space that surrounds them.
In these pages instead they are referred as "effects" or "events" in the
ether products by the corresponding energies, with correspondence
between the ether status its local energy.
In other words, is not the particle that produces the state of the
perturbed medium, but is the energy that creates the particle and its
charge in the medium.
The concept of the ether of Descartes like a continuous medium of
infinite extension that gives logical sense to the spatial extension, now
also acquires the property of Mother Substance from which it takes
the form each particle, each charge, each atom and all objects
macroscopic, including ourselves.
Matter and energy are two states of ether with fully correspondence.
The ether is the medium that gives meaning and logical sense to the
extension of the space, and allows matter and energy to move in it.
The point state of the ether, which forms the particle, moves along the
fluctuations of a very complex dynamic equilibrium. It takes form
where the energy is such as to create it, where it formed a "wave
packet" of energy that exceeds the quantum levels, and annihilates
when and where the energy falls below these levels with equivalent
energy release in space (ether).
Thus the relative motion of particles and bodies formed with respect
ether would be only apparent. For this reason the wind’s ether does
not exist.
Even macroscopic objects consist of a multitude of atoms are not
distinct from the ether, but an integral part of the ether itself, as
defined by its multiple states of polarization in a dynamic equilibrium
between them.
Under these conditions, the light can travel through transparent
bodies, because is the ether that generated them within itself, and that
permeates them.
Each particle (and every body) acquires mass, charge, shape and
existence in function of the energy that creates it, and not for the
observer who studies it, such as it is often claimed.
Let us now try to find a logical explanation to the three formulas of
We examine first the increase in mass and the contraction of the
length according to their speed. They appear to be fully interpreted
with the assumptions above. In fact, considering the body part of the
ether and defined by the state local energy, it is clear that changing
the speed will change the kinetic energy and consequently the total
energy that generates the mass and shapes the body. (It is also
covered in chapter 4 °).
And, as a result of the movement, the energy and spatial distribution
of the field will be "squashed" or compressed, because energy can’t
translate with infinite speed, but only at speeds equal to c.
As a result of these changes qualitative and quantitative distribution of
energy in the space with ether will also change the shape and mass of
the object.
Even the change of time unit acquires now a logical sense, in fact,
increasing the travel speed of the energy that generates particles that
make up the object, they find a new dynamic equilibrium with elliptical
orbits more flattened in the direction of movement and lower relative
velocities. For example, the electrons will turn around their nuclei
more slowly and, in general, the movements of all particles will be
more lenses.
Analogy of the motion of a drop of water in the
ice mass and others examples.
The following example is used to describe how it could be the motion
of a particle in the ether.
Imagine a mass of ice that contains within it a drop of water and make
an analogy between ice and ether, and between droplet and particle.
In the volume where there is water, thermal energy is higher than that
of ice surrounding. Greater is the amount of thermal energy and the
greater will be our drop of water, just as happens between matter and
Now move this thermal energy through the ice. With an ideal heat
pump subtract heat from the drop and transfer it unchanged in another
point of the ice. Will happen that where before there was water, it
forms progressively compact ice and, at the same time, the drop of
water forms gradually in the place where the heat is transferred. The
drop has not travel through the ice, but is generated where the energy
was moved and disappeared from the place where it is no longer
present. Thus was an apparent motion of our drop of water through
the mass of ice, without the slightest obstacle to the motion.
In the ether the energy travels very well, often at the speed of light. As
a result is the motion of material particles: according to the
fluctuations energy and taking shape at the points where the energy
exceeds the quantum levels forming the "wave packets", and without
meeting resistance from ether, and also jumping by one point to
another without going through those intermediate, just as did the drop.
As the energy moves in ether like waves, so the particles that are
generated by this energy, have the dual wave and corpuscular nature,
well-evidenced by interference phenomena.
Taking another example of how can be the energy to move and
produce effects at different points: imagine a concentrated beam of
light, produced by a spotlight powerful enough, in the darkness
through the air charge of moisture illuminating the steam molecules
encountered along its path and making themselves visible as a bright,
straight track. When the beam light moves in the space than
illuminates other steam molecules, while those earlier have remained
where they were and are no longer visible. Has moved only the light
energy and now manifests itself in another area of space.
Another example would be the bright picture projected on a screen, it
shows where it affects the light and moves with it (no illuminated
points screen moving).
Similarly, the objects are "energy effects" or "events" materialized by
means of the energy in the ether, which take shape following the
movement of energy.
Forces at distance or interactions.
The fields that produce forces at distance are: the gravitational,
the electromagnetic, and those associated with strong and weak
nuclear forces. By many years the physicists are trying
(unsuccessfully) to unify the forces produced by these fields.
Physic has always been in difficulties in having to explain the "forces
at distance".
Some books of classical physics bypass the obstacle by saying that
the field gravitational exists because there is a gravitational force, and
(on another page) the force of gravity exists because there is a
gravitational field!
Of course with the field that extends itself into the "nothingness".
It is obvious that is a pun, but it is proposed and accepted very often
like true, as an explanation.
We have already written that some people believe that to explain the
interactions between two distant bodies is sufficient to exclaim: - with
the field! -. And draw two vectors on a sheet.
While it is necessary to understand how the field exerts forces at
distance on objects and what is the field in space.
And these responses there are not in the abstract concept of the field
in the vacuum.
There is also the well-known Newton's law: F = G M1 M2/d^2.
This formula, however, is only the calculation tool that allows us to
assess the intensity of strength.
Newton himself, in this regard, was very clear and prudent and wrote
that the formula is only used to quantify the value of the force gravity,
but it is not the explanation of the force, and it doesn’t give capacity to
the masses to exert forces at a distance.
That capacity, according to Newton, resides in the ether that
permeates all space.
We can say: the mass of the Earth creates a certain curve in space
environment that puts a force on the mass near, and this curvature
defines the gravitational field.
Sure, but then how can I consider the surrounding empty space, with
the nothingness inside (as claimed by the classical physics) if it
assumes physical characteristics accurate in function of the masses in
the vicinity?
In other words, the curvature of nothingness proposed by current
physics, like the field, is just an abstract concept, not real.
And also, this nothingness in which way it can to exert forces at
distance on masses?
For example, the Earth and Moon are average 400,000 kilometers
away, and between them exercise mutual gravitational attraction
which is easy to calculate with the Newton's formula above. The result
is: F = 20 * 10^19 N, i.e. a force of 20 million of billion tons,
The question is: how the field is able to convey this force in the
vacuum between the two bodies? But you can’t find the answer in
vacuum, because in the nothingness there isn’t something that can
transmit the force.
While the field is just an abstract idea into empty space (as wrote
Feymann) the strength of gravity, instead, is very real and concrete
and can’t be explained with an abstract concept. Between the two
obviously missing something.
As we said, Newton had taken up the concept of the ether by the
ancient Greek and argued that the forces were transmitted through
this medium, although, very concretely, he wrote that he didn’t have
the knowledge to explain how this happened, and wrote:-I don’t
pretend hypotheses-. He stated that mutual forces of attraction
between two masses were done by the medium interposed, as
determined by respecting the volition of God.
Also all the other greats of science, including Maxwell and Lorentz,
considered the ether the vehicle of the forces at a distance, some of
them call into question the divine will, while others, like Laplace,
claiming that they don’t need this hypothesis
Forces like the tendency of the ether to
assume the status of minimum potential
All particles and all charges are effects produced by the energy in the
ether with consequent perturbed local status resulting in the ether.
When there are two (or more) bodies, the two states perturbed
overlap and the ether, then, tends to evolve towards the state of
minimum potential energy varying its total condition. This trend is the
cause of all the forces at a distance.
We try to explain in more detail by examining first the gravitational
Think to a macroscopic object in space, far enough from all other
bodies. As we have already written, we consider the particles make up
its mass like ether thickening point, i.e. events or processes that occur
as a result of energy in the ether. For generate the particles the ether
thickens and loses its uniformity. The overall result of the numerous
particles of a body is a curvature of the ether, which is defined by the
metric tensor gravitational, accentuated around the object, which
extends to infinity and attenuated with distance, and for all practical
purposes becomes negligible beyond a certain distance.
To view this curvature we refer to classical representations of the
curvature of space produced by gravitational fields, now giving it the
meaning of the actual distortion of the ether, which corresponds to a
definite state distributed in space with associated potential energy.
The ether tends to return to the state of rest or minimum potential
energy changing its status, just like a compressed spring has the
tendency to return to his extended of rest.
If the body is far away from other masses (strictly speaking, infinitely
far away) and is at rest, the ether’s status disturbed tends to remain
stable at the same place, in fact, even if they move he remains
identical to itself. Then the particles that are formed by this energy,
and make the object, tend to form in the same place and on the body
does not act any forces.
Now we place another mass nearby, we have that the two curvatures
of ether overlap with local variation of the total curvature and the
energy distribution.
In this new situation, the ether can take a less disturbed status
corresponding to a lower potential energy level. And if the two objects
are initially at rest relative to each other, the two states curved tend to
move along the axis joining the two centers of gravity, toward the
inside. Of consequently, it also shifts the energy associated with
curvature. Now we know that the two bodies are not foreign objects to
the ether, but their particles are effects of energy in the ether, so if the
energy tends to move, then the particles will tend to form in the new
place where the energy tends to go. All this occurs, at a macroscopic
level, as the tendency to move bodies, i.e. as an external force, called
gravity, which acts on them. If the bodies are free, they will move
toward each other with accelerated motion. If they are bound then
they will transmit these forces to links.
Of course we know that to have appreciable gravitational forces at
least one of the two masses must be enormous. And we know that if a
body arrives with speed in the vicinity of a much larger body, the force
of gravity will make a curved trajectory to a smaller body.
An equivalent speech can be made to the Coulomb forces acting up
the bodies. In fact, an electric charge produces around him dielectric
polarization, which we consider as a real polarization of the ether.
Now we have minimal curvature of the ether, because the bodies are
small, but we have also polarization. However, since there is a change
compared to the quiet state, we still have a spatial distribution of
energy associated with the polarization of the ether and the resulting
tendency to assume a less perturbed configuration. With only one
charged object, far away from all the other, even if it moves, its
polarization would move too keeping the exact same spatial
distribution and the same value total energy. Then its tendency to
displacement is zero and on the object does not act any force.
Placing another charged object near the first, the two polarizations are
overlap by changing the total energy distribution and, in this new
configuration, the ether may tend to assume a less perturbed
condition. The two polarizations tend to move along the axis of
conjunction, to the inside if the charges have opposite signs and to the
outside if they have equal sign. The charged particles then tend to
form in the new points occupied by the two polarizations. This
tendency of the charges to take shape at different points from the
previous manifests itself with the Coulomb’s forces.
We can extend the same reasoning to magnetic fields, with ether
tendency to reduce its perturbed status defined by the magnetic
polarization due to the preferential orientation of the spins of the
virtual particles, which corresponds the tendency to vary the position
of moving charges with the electromagnetic forces acting on them.
This theory of action at a distance is not inconsistent with the theory of
exchange of the mediating particles, but only supplementing it
overlaps. In fact, together electromagnetic fields we found the photons
as their quanta.
The same goes for other types of forces, and others quanta.
Corpuscular and wave nature of particles
The energy thus appears as a perturbed state of ether compared to
the quiet state, so as to define a field in space and creates the
particles and the charge. Since the ether tends to return in the quiet
state, it does not remain fixed in one spot, but participates in a
dynamic equilibrium that is realized with the motion of the various
mutual forms of field and matter, typically with rotational motions,
translational and oscillators.
This state of general equilibrium in which they are involved and
overlap many oscillations of energy, with different frequencies,
producing interference, non-stationary, but constantly moving. In
places where the constructive interference forms a wave packet,
whose density of energy is billion times greater than the energy of the
other points, the particles are formed, probably as a thickening of the
ether, or clots. As these wave packets are constantly moving, each
particle (i.e., every condensation point of the ether) also moves and
when the energy falls below the quantum level it annihilates in the
ether, in the sense that dissolves the densification of the ether that
forms the particle, and the ether becomes imperceptible to our tools
again, and then reform and reappear at another point where it is
formed again a new wave packet energy whose exceeds the quantum
level. The particle, therefore, exists and translates (in the sense
before told that moves the densification of the ether which is the
particle) only for the time that the energy, that creates it, remains
above the quantum level.
The proximity of two particles produces the superposition of
oscillations, hence the interference.
Where the energy fluctuations reach and exceed the quantum levels
are forming particles, and any charges. So the matter manifests with
corpuscles as we all know. This is also a reasonable interpretation of
the wave and corpuscular nature of all subatomic particles, as
evidenced by the phenomena of Interference of electrons and photons
and expressed very well for photons by the famous phrase of De
Broglie: - to condense the light on matter and vanish the matter on
light -.
This aspect a little strange of particle was really a discovery
surprising. Also is always explained by compromise.
In fact, it is not possible to give a rational explanation when one
considers the particles as foreign bodies in motion through empty
But the individual particles, once formed, are always "objects"
compounds and complex, each type with its own structure and
physical properties and the concept of indivisible particle is
We with our senses and our instruments (made of matter) can’t
perceive the mass of the ether, but only that of the particles that have
formed and their aggregates, so our concept of mass and movement
is reported to them.
All the known matter belongs to the ether. Even we humans and all
other living are part of the ether. Therefore we can’t be observers
external of ether. We can only perceive the states of the ether that
make up ordinary matter and evaluate the relative motions between
matter and matter.
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Chapter 3°
Quantum theory and actions at a distance
QED and QCD theories propose an interpretation of the quantum field
in which interactions between particles would occur by exchange of
other particles mediating forces: the electromagnetic force by photons,
the gravitational with gravitons (not yet found experimentally) the
strong nuclear forces with gluons, the weak with bosons W and Z.
It's actually very difficult to interpret the interactions only in this way,
especially for the attractive forces. Also because these forces can’t be
producing by shock, otherwise there would be dissipation of energy,
while the forces of fields are perfectly conservative.
There are formulas to calculate the quantum forces very accurately,
there are diagrams Feymann where you see the particles that
intertwine trajectories, but is never explained the mechanism of
iterations through the exchange of the mediating particle.
Sometimes there is the example of two players each throw a ball, or
playing tennis, thus exerting forces on each other at a distance. But
this method is dissipative because the collision may never be
perfectly elastic. In addition, we can explain only the repulsive forces,
and not the attractive.
To have attractive forces each of the players should throw the ball
from the opposite side to that of the other player, so that, after making
the rounds Earth, the ball should reach the partner from the back. But
this is very unlikely.
Or there should be a "boomerang effect". But to have a curved
trajectory of the launched object, the motion must be done in a
medium that physics excludes previously.
We think now two electrically charged spheres and near enough: say
that Coulomb forces would act only for the exchange of photons
means translating the problem for large objects to smaller particles. In
fact, as would the photon exchange forces between the particles and
between themselves? Perhaps with even smaller particles? And the
even smaller particles as would .... And so on.
As for the gravitational forces, sustain that these forces are caused
only by the action of particles (gravitons) is simply grotesque: try to
imagine the Sun and Jupiter, the Sun and Saturn or the Sun and the
Earth that exchange gravitational forces by exchange of particles, i.e.
as if they were united by a "chain of gravitons," or as if they were
playing tennis together with gravitons, making them the lap of half
solar system to hit the other object on the opposite side!?
It 'clear that this theory is incomplete because it lacks the main vehicle
of actions at a distance, that is the medium that fills all space.
The mediating particles are only visible sign of the presence of fields,
but is the ether that produces forces with its curvature or polarization
that tend to evolve into states of lower potential energy.
Since the problem of forces at a distance is still open, it is interesting
to read important journals of physics articles of famous authors,
university professors, trying to give an interpretation without consider
an intermediary medium.
Here below a "sample" faithful of these theories.
It begins with the fourth dimension of Kaluza-Klein, continue with the
grand unified theory which, however, would require the presence of
several hundred different types of bosons to mediate all the forces;
meet models of space-time in eleven dimensions, with ropes or other
models with superstrings, which, in a complicated sequence of
Feynman diagrams, they are rolled up on themselves to form twentysix dimensions space-time, and that would be formed immediately
after the hypothetical big - bang, when entire observable universe was
the size of Planck, a ball with diameter of about 10^35 meters. Also
appear fleeting magnetic monopoles; parallel universes in other
dimensions are coming, passing only a millimetre away from ours!
These are currently the official position that science has reached one
hundred years after deletion of the ether and replaced it with the
abstract concept of the field in the vacuum.
Really, the collection of hypotheses and theories is even more strange
rich and varied. In some articles of researchers increasingly famous
and respected, there is also a space-time with (approximately) twenty
dimensions and full of communicating passages!
All authors, however, agree that the space is all a seething energy,
virtual particles, etc., but with all this arises from nothingness.
Let us also give an interpretation of interactions, returning ether and
remain with three spatial dimensions.
Twin paradox
The equivalence of inertial reference systems is certainly valid for
physical systems studied by Galileo, with bodies that have much lower
speed of c and remain almost unchanged at varying speeds.
For relativistic systems, with speeds non-negligible compared c,
depending on the velocity occur three phenomena already written: the
increase in mass, length contraction and the slowing of time. The
absence of an absolute reference system then leads to the famous
twin paradox.
So if we have two twins, that after two curve and symmetric
trajectories meet themselves with straight and uniform velocity but
opposite each of the other, they both can say: - I am stationary and
you move, your watch runs slower than mine, your mass is greater
than mine, your parallel dimensions to speed are contracted
compared to mine. With evident contradiction.
We have seen that we are not able to experimentally detect the
motion through the ether. However, if the ether exists, such motion
must logically exist, as Lorenz argued (even though actually we can
not determine it) and this would be an absolute motion, erasing the
previous inconsistency.
Principle of inertia
The principle of inertia states: if a body is moving and there are not
external force in acts, then it will always continue to travel at speeds
continued in a straight line.
We don’t know why, but it is so. (words of Feynman).
The above concepts, however, allow us to make some considerations
on inertial properties of mass, considering the effect of speed on his
field gravitational.
The gravitational field of an object at rest has spherical symmetry, this,
at least far enough away from the object, in close proximity depends
by the shape of the object. The field of the object in motion loses the
spherical symmetry and is "compressed" as a function of speed
(Lorentz contraction). But the field contains energy and, by varying its
spatial distribution, this energy varies, in function on the speed of the
Mass and field are not separable, so in considering the inertia
principle we must be considered the relationship between mass and
space surroundings, as the seat of the field and associated energy.
In this logic, the inertia is no longer refers to an isolated object in
motion in an unfamiliar space, but to an object which is closely related
to space, his field and the energy associated with the mass and field.
It also appears a link between inertial and gravitational ownership of
the mass, as inertia can be seen as dependent of variation of the
energy of gravitational field in space in function of speed.
We also know that if speed is not negligible compared to c, the space
(ether) can also change the weight, size of the object and reciprocal
velocity of its particles.
Energy and Religions
The energy, which gives origin to matter, very reminiscent of the
concept of physical Pneuma - of the ancient philosophers, that is the
vital breath (or spirit) that penetrates and forms the matter in the
universe; or prana of Hinduism: the universal energy present in every
object and every organism. Other Eastern religions express similar
concepts in the world, as the Tao and Chi. Yoga also has a base
religion of this kind.
Modern physics, with the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics
(although in some points contradict each other), has revealed similar
aspects of nature.
Fritjof Capra in his book "The Tao of Physics" writes: - In recent
decades, with high-energy experiments we have found in the most
extraordinary nature of the dynamic and ever-changing world of
particles; matter has proved capable of total transformation. All
particles can be transformed into other particles, can be created by
energy and can disappear into energy. In this context, classic
concepts such as "elementary particle", "material substance", or
"isolated object" have lost their meaning: the whole universe appears
as a dynamic network of energy configurations non separable --.
All the modern science claims to exclude every transcendental aspect
of reality. Physic of particles, however, says that they are formed by
anything, for the effect of energy, and in nothingness they are
annihilating, i.e. vanish or disappear. And this is not at all a rational
analysis of their behavior, or rather seems to belong more to the field
of magic that the field of science.
Reconsidering the ether, however, we return to a rational argument
with the formation of the particle due to energy in the ether.
Moreover, in this way, recognizing the existence of energy as a
principle of all matter, and of living organisms, and consideringthey no
longer isolated objects independent of space, but events generated by
energy and belonging to the ether, we overcome the purely
materialism of classical physics and materialistic ideologies, and we
can perceive the transcendent aspect of the world.
Principle of indeterminacy
In order to observe the particle we must inevitably interfere with it.
The most "delicate" system that you can use is to illuminate, or radiate
with an electromagnetic field and evaluate its reflection.
Electromagnetic radiation carries energy and the energy of its
quantum is: E = h c/λ, where h is Planck's constant, c is the speed of
light, λ the wavelength of the incident field on the particle.
To determine the location of a small object λ must be even necessarily
small, should be smaller than the size of the particle. But because the
energy is inversely proportional to the wavelength, and having to use
wavelengths extremely small, it becomes high and interferes with the
state of kinetic energy of the particle.
If, by hypothesis, we use very small wavelengths, we, accurately
determine its position, but the high energy photons will change the
speed of the particle in way significantly; but if we use longer
wavelengths, we will not change appreciably the particle's velocity, but
we can’t determine its position accurately, since the particle quickly
passes through the waves of the field, the imagine will result a line, or
a flash, and not allow us to see the exact point where it is.
This inevitable interference of the observer with the object very small
is the basis of Heisenberg’s principle of indeterminacy, which basically
says that you can’t know simultaneously with precision speed and
position of the particles.
Unfortunately, ignoring the observer-particle interference, it has also
given a different interpretation, namely the uncertainty of position and
speed is considered an intrinsic property of the particle.
And this way of thinking like a lot to the worshipers of the nothingness,
of the chaos, of the "God who plays dice ", which made it a
cornerstone of their philosophy.
We are not able to follow the fluctuations of energy under quantum
levels, then we can’t predict at what points will be exceeded. The
formation of particles and their annihilation seem so completely
random. But if we succeed, then we would see that really "God
doesn’t play dice with nature," as Einstein stated. In fact, his dream
was to overcome the uncertainty highlighted by the quantum
mechanics and the principle of indeterminacy and to reach a theory
that express these phenomena accurately.
Chapter 4°
Properties of mass and energy
The relativistic mass increase with speed, the energies indicated for
elementary particles are the kinetic energies. Currently exceeds
0.9999 c.
The experimental data agree perfectly with the graph of the theoretical
In this chapter we try to clarify and strengthen the arguments in
support of new model of the ether.
We know that nuclear reactions produce heat by reducing the mass of
fissile material according with the formula E = mc^2.
We also know the formula that expresses the Lorentz variation of the
mass with speed (m = m0/√(1-β ²)).
The experimental tests of Lorentz formula were made in the early
years of the twentieth century. In the following decades was verified
also the time dilation and length contraction.
It was also discovered the properties quantized of matter and energy
and interference phenomena of particles, represented in the figure
Fig a and b: electrons incident on a screen with one slit open.
Fig c: incident electrons with both slits open, the graph shows
the interference.
There is also the link between object and field, and the interaction that
two objects are giving distance through the field, which are often
presented as a fait, but instead require reflections and deepening.
All these facts reveal, as written by the Russian Ovcinnikov, that
reasoning with purely materialistic way, it should be noted that the
existence of an object and the link between object and field, in fact,
make part of a framework of phenomena much richer and more
complex than presented by the current physics and, of course, of our
sensory perceptions.
Field and vacuum
The gravitational forces at a distance between the masses are
actually interpreted with the abstract concept of field in the
A preview of the field took place at the ancient with the concept of
"Pneuma." While the first modern ideas were expressed by Fresnel
explaining the phenomena of light waves. But the definitive statement
of field theory is due to Faraday and Maxwell to describe the
phenomena electromagnetic.
The field is considered one of the greatest insights of science. With it
physics has been enriched by a new entity to be add to mass.
Before the equations of physics was intended only related to the
matter; Maxwell's equations instead refer to the field electromagnetic
in the space, then it was imagined as an ether, associated with this
substance not well defined, but existents and different from the matter.
We know that in the early twentieth century, failing to define models
ether satisfactory and having failed all attempts to observe it, ether
was removed, but maintaining all its properties and were assigned to
the empty space. So with a little of disconcert and in an original way,
the field became: perturbed state of nothingness. Or the condition of
what doesn’t exist.
Is very evident that it is an abstract concept, that is not rational and
unrealistic, but very often it is presented as true.
Also the energy contained in the "empty" space, for classical physics,
has the support of nothingness (the curvature of the void, the
polarization of nothingness) so also it is a concept abstract and even
We also know that Einstein at the beginning of ‘900 said: -what is not
observable it is as it doesn’t exist, so we forget the ether -. But from
1916 onwards, he presented at least three new models of the ether
compatible with the theory of relativity, which is based our model of
Although by the end of the thirties years onwards Einstein preferred to
write about "the physical properties of the continuous space time"
rather than ether. But it must be recognized that the two terminologies
mean practically the same thing, because when it is recognized that
the continuous space-time has physical properties, scalar and vector,
then the space becomes a plenum, not a vacuum, since "nothingness"
can not have property.
However in the end prevailed the supporters of the vacuum and was
set aside even Einstein's ether (perhaps because some physicists are
reluctant to admit that there may be something fundamental that
eludes them knowledge).
Mutual connection between mass and energy
The law that relates the mass with energy is the already mentioned:
E = m c^2 of Einstein.
This formula expresses the "mass energy", i.e. a mass has energy for
the simple fact of its existence, but also states that energy
corresponds mass.
With simple calculations we find that the complete conversion into
energy of a single gram of matter is equivalent to the energy produced
by the combustion of about 2000 tons of gasoline, so a ratio of one
part in two billion.
It is clear that such a small fraction of the mass could not be detected
Lavoisier's time, and is negligible under normal energy
transformations, but not in nuclear reactions.
Einstein fused the law of conservation of mass and that of
conservation of energy and obtained a single law of transformation of
In modern physics the mass is far from immutable, but it appears in
connection with changes that involve energy and, through the his field,
even with the surrounding space.
Einstein wrote in 1921: - The body of mass m must be considered a
lump of energy of quantity mc^2.
Variation of
The variation of the mass occurs normally in reactors fission, in which
fissionable fuel, releasing enormous amounts of energy annihilating its
mass to the extent of several units per cent of the total mass.
With nuclear fusion, as occurs in stars, hydrogen is transformed into
helium, and there is a loss of mass in even greater proportions and
development energy even more abundant.
Practical demonstrations of the conversion of mass into energy took
place, unfortunately, even by nuclear explosions.
When there is a collision between the positron and electron, the two
particles annihilate and produce a gamma ray that has energy exactly
equal to the mass of the two particles. It can happen the opposite
phenomenon: a gamma ray energy can disappear and create a
suitable pair positron - electron.
In accelerator experiments happen that some particles traveling next
c, can be transformed into other particles of greater mass.
The simplest method to generate particles is to turn on a lamp. In fact,
in the space with the light are generated photons, which are precisely
the quantum of the electromagnetic field. The photon has mass zero
at rest, that simply means that there are no photons still.
While it was created by an electromagnetic field and travels to the
speed of light, its mass, while remaining very small, is no longer zero.
But this is good to dedicate a specific section.
The photon always travels at the speed of light, so there are no
photons still, it has zero mass at rest, which means, precisely, that
don’t exist photons in state of rest.
On the zero mass (at rest) is, unfortunately, a big misunderstanding,
because many people continue to consider no mass exists even when
the photon travel at speed c. And moreover this is a contradiction
because it is like saying that there is what doesn’t exist.
Feynman in QED and in "Six easy pieces", it was very clear: - What is
this zero mass? The fact that a particle has zero mass at rest means
that it can’t stay at rest (that doesn’t exist at rest). A photon is never
still, always moves at 300,000 km/s ---.
At this speed, its mass is not null, as show by the emission
photoelectron, by Compton effect and the pressure exerted by the
light on surfaces that illuminates.
The photon is created by a group of localized electromagnetic
oscillations formed by constructive interference, a wave packet that
propagates to speed of light.
But all other subatomic particles have the same nature: they are
created by wave packets of the quantum field. However, unlike the
photon, they can stay in one place (so they have non-zero rest mass)
and never reach the speed of light.
Energy, particle and field
We have already seen that the field is associated with energy, but also
to the mass corresponding energy. Field and mass thus have a
"common matrix" which is the energy.
Einstein and Infeld in "The evolution of physics" in this regard have
written a very nice page that is summarized here. The authors say: The theory of relativity teaches us that the matter has large reserves
of energy and that energy is also matter. But also the field contains
energy. We can’t therefore carry out a qualitative distinction between
matter and field, because the distinction between mass and energy is
not qualitative. The vast majority of energy is concentrated in the
matter, but the field surrounding the particle is also energy, though in
incomparably lower. Hence, we can say: we have matter where the
concentration of energy is great, we have field where the
concentration of energy is weak. But if so, then the difference between
matter and field is of quantitative rather than qualitative order. The
same difficulty has in respect of electric charge and its field. It does
not seem therefore possible to establish a simple qualitative criterion
to distinguish both between matter and field, and between charge and
field --.
We know also the three phenomena that accompanying the increase
of particle velocity. In addition, the particle "elementary" (photons,
electrons, etc..) have the interference phenomenon also occurs that
demonstrates their dual nature corpuscular and wavelike.
We therefore affirm that (as stated Ovcinnikov) even the smallest
particle known, in fact, is a complex object and inexhaustible.
(In fact, today said that inside the quarks there is a "string" that
vibrates). And that the existence of an object, its motion in space, and
the link between field and object, show that all this belongs to a much
richer and complicated picture that the simplistic and reductive
description of today's physics, which instead proposes independent
and autonomous objects in a space alien joined by an abstract field in
the empty.
Even groped to explain the principle of inertia, it must imagine the
nature of body based on the relationship between mass, field and
energy associated with the field in space and its change with the
And various aspects of nature: energy, mass, inertia, gravity, charge,
magnetism, temperature, pressure, etc.., with their countless quality
transformations, show clearly that in the great diversity of nature there
is a fundamental unity within which all these qualities can mutate.
In particular, the mutual correspondence between mass and energy
indicates that must exist a medium, or a substance which, with its
state, it can express both the mass and energy, and in it they can be
transformed both in either.
And the early twentieth century concept of vacuum, intended only as a
pure space with an algid emptiness inside, was completely overcome
by modern physics, re-evaluating Aristotle when he said that the
nature abhors vacuum .
In fact today, the space appears as a plenum in which there is the
physics more violent, with the widespread presence of virtual particles
and the creation of real particles when there is enough energy to
overcome the quantum levels. So today the old adage of Aristotle can
be replaced with: - The vacuum contains all of physics - (phrase taken
from the book: The cosmic code. Of H. Pagels)
Final Remarks
In summary, the ether is not directly observable, but the evidence of
his existence are numerous and very clear. While conceptual
inconsistencies of abstract empty space, with nothingness inside,
increased clearly with modern physics.
In particular, attempts to explain the forces at a distance without an
intermediate medium seem only puns, or a house of cards, or abstract
Instead, think of the objects as energetic effects in the ether, further
giving a rational sense at all relativistic phenomena and of classical
physics, it also offers a window of opportunity to interpret issues
transcend of matter and life.
In fact, the object is no longer seen for the purely materialistic aspect,
but it is function of the energy that created it and that is always
present in the object. And the object is the expression of this energy
and is not an autonomous body, alien to the space, but rather is an
integral part of the medium, like all others bodies.
And in this logic, the energy, as an entity that generates all matter, can
remember the creative breath described by the sacred texts.
While the strongest opposition to the faith of scientific materialism is
established first by the material object, that exists because exists,
considered independent and autonomous from space, and second by
the concept of empty space with nothingness inside, where nothing
can exist.
Only to realize after, that in this nothingness there may be forty
television news in forty different languages, and having to give many
physical properties to it.
There are still fundamental questions such as: - what is the ether
made? - how is the formation of particles and charges in it? - when
and how the energy began? -.
We hope to find soon an answer to these questions.
Second author’s note:
Thank you very much for reading (and for the free contribute).
Simple experiment
As we have seen, the motion of light in space is independent from the
motion of the source. Than we can try a simple experiment.
We project a perfectly collimated laser beam on a fixed screen few
hundred meters away, so that it forms the point of incidence a bright
and well-defined circular track of a few millimeters in diameter.
With the Earth's rotation, the beam will be at a certain time of day,
parallel to the travel speed of the Earth, and six hours later,
perpendicular to it. As a result we should have a displacement of the
point incidence on the screen of at least one centimetres for every
hundred meters of the beam path. And this should show the motion of
the observer respect the space.
Be advised that the practical realization of the experiment is not easy,
because we must be quite certain of our non-deformability system,
from the light source to the point of incidence, caused by variations in
temperature or stress of external forces.
This dimensional stability should be guaranteed for as long as the test
expected to last several days and should be repeated after six
months, with the speed of the Earth reversed from the previous
In our case, the contraction of the path, when it is parallel to the
motion of the Earth, has no influence on the point of incidence.
You can also try with a rigid and rotating frame , in which the beam
path laser is obtained by an appropriate number of reflecting mirrors.
In this device the rotation of the beam can be obtained immediately by
turning the frame, without having to wait for the Earth's rotation of six
or twelve hours, which is inevitably accompanied by changes in
However, these are just conceptual experiments quite difficult to
implement and until will not be realized these and other real
experiments, will apply the first principles of relativity.