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World History
Mr. Kerensky
World History Fall Final Exam Review
Chapters: 3.1, 3.3, 4
CHAPTER 3.1 & 3.3
Key Terms: Fill in the blank for the following vocabulary terms.
1. The Aryan invaders of India developed their first writing system, known as ________________,
by 1000 B.C allowing Indians to write down the legends and religious chants and rituals
previously passed down orally.
2. The _____________________________ of ancient India was a set of rigid social categories that
determined not only a person’s occupation and economic potential, but also his or her position
in society. It was based in part on skin color.
3. _______________________ is the major Indian religious system, which had its origins in the
religious beliefs of the Aryans who settled India after 1500 B.C.
4. _______________________ is the belief in Hinduism that the individual soul is reborn in a
different form after death.
5. The force generated by a person’s actions that determines how the person will be reborn in the
next life is called _____________________.
6. The concept of karma is ruled by the ______________________, or divine law, which requires
all people to do their duty.
7. In the sixth century B.C., a new doctrine founded by Siddhartha Guatama, called
_____________________, appeared in northern India and soon became a rival of Hinduism.
8. In Buddhism, achieving wisdom is a key step to achieving ___________________, or ultimate
reality- the end of the self and a reunion with the Great World Soul.
9. An ______________________ is an upper class whose wealth is based on land and whose
power is passed on from one generation to another.
10. The system of political and ethical ideas formulated by the Chinese philosopher Confucius
toward the end of the Zhou Dynasty, known as _______________________, was intended to
help restore order to a society that was in a state of confusion.
11. ______________________ was a system of ideas based on the teachings of Laozi. Its followers
believe the best way to act in harmony with the universal order is to act spontaneously and let
nature take its course by not interfering with it.
World History
Mr. Kerensky
12. A philosophy of China, ____________________, proposed that human beings were evil by
nature and they could only be brought to follow the correct path by harsh laws and stiff
Key Events and Ideas: For the multiple choice questions, select the best answer available. For the short
answer questions, please write in complete sentences.
1. Which of the following religions/philosophies did NOT originate in ancient China?
a. Buddhism
b. Legalism
c. Confucianism
d. Daoism
2. India and China have two of the world’s most unique cultures. What allowed these cultures to
flourish independently?
a. Donald Trump
b. The Aryan Invaders
c. Geographical Isolation
d. The various religions and philosophies that emerged from these early civilizations
3. The period from the sixth to the third century was an age of significant economic growth and
technological change for ancient China, which of the following is NOT a technological advance
that encouraged this growth?
a. Irrigation (the control the flow of rivers and spread water evenly to the fields)
b. Confucian ideals
c. Iron plowshares made it possible to plow land that had not yet been used for farming.
d. The discovery of silk lead to a massive increase in trade.
4. How does Buddhism differ from Hinduism?
World History
Mr. Kerensky
Key Terms: Fill in the blank for the following vocabulary terms.
1. The Iliad and the Odyssey were the first great _________________, a long poem that tells the
deeds of a great hero, of early Greece.
2. _____________, author of the Iliad and the Odyssey, is credited for not only for recording Greek
history, but creating it. His poems came to be used as basic texts for the education of
generations of Greek males.
3. A Greek hero strove for excellence, which the Greeks called _______________. This is won in a
struggle or contest. Through the willingness to fight, the hero protects his family and friends,
preserves his own honor and that of his family, and earns his reputation.
4. The city-state, or what the Greeks called a _______________- became the central focus of
Greek life. Our word politics is derived from it.
5. Inside the Greek city-state, an _______________ was open area that served as a place where
people could assemble and as a market.
6. By 700 B.C. the Greek military system was based on _________________, who were heavily
armed infantry soldiers, or foot soldiers.
7. Foot soldiers went into battle as a unit, marching shoulder to shoulder in a rectangular
formation known as a __________________.
8. A _______________________ is a government by the people or rule of the many.
9. A government that is ruled by a small number of people, usually aristocrats is called an
10. In a ________________________________________, the people participate directly in
government decisions making through mass meetings. In Athens, every male citizen
participated in the governing assembly and voted on all major issues.
11. In order to learn the will of the Gods, the Greeks made use of the _________________, a sacred
shrine where a god or goddess revealed the future through a priest or priestess.
12. The first Greek dramas were _______________________, which were presented in a trilogy
built around a common theme such as the nature of good and evil, the rights of the individual,
the nature of divine forces, and the nature of human beings.
13. ________________________ refers to an organized system of thought. The term comes from
the Greek word that means “love of wisdom.”
World History
Mr. Kerensky
Key Events and Ideas: For the multiple choice questions, select the best answer available. For the short
answer questions, please write in complete sentences.
1. Greece consists of a mountainous peninsula and numerous islands. How did this impact Greek
a. It allowed for small communities which helped encourage people to participate in
political affairs.
b. The mountains and Islands isolated the Greeks from each other creating fiercely
independent communities.
c. Forced Greeks to become expert seafaring traders.
d. All of the above
2. _______ was an oligarchical Greek city-state with a rigidly organized and tightly controlled
military state. They discouraged their citizens from studying philosophy, literature, or the arts
(except for the art of war) in order to solidify their control over their people. On the other hand,
the city-state of ______ is known for its democracy during the Age of Pericles and their love of
philosophy, dramatic plays, and arts. These two city states would constantly oppose one
a. Athens; Sparta
b. Sparta; Athens
c. Sparta; Thebes
d. Athens; Corinth
3. What was the major impact of the Persian Wars for Ancient Greeks?
a. The Greeks were defeated by the Persians, never to rise again.
b. Athens, Sparta, and other city-states went to war against each other, ignoring a growing
threat in Phillip II and Macedonia in the North.
c. The Persian invasions were the only times that Athens, Sparta, and other city-states
could unite and exhibit the full potential of their military power.
d. All of the above.
4. Alexander the Great helped usher in the __________, a word derived from a Greek word
meaning “to imitate Greeks,” by conquering almost the entire known world. During this period,
there was an expansion of the Greek _________ to the non-Greek world of Southwest Asia and
a. Hellenistic Age; Culture
b. Hellenistic Age; Slave Trade
c. Age of Pericles; Culture
d. Age of Pericles; Borders
World History
Mr. Kerensky
5. Near the end of the “Dark Age” of Ancient Greece, a great writer named _______ began writing
epic poems, or long poems that tell the deeds of a great hero, such as the Iliad and the Odyssey.
In these epic poems, the author taught many values in his writings, none was more important
than ______, or the excellence a hero strives for and is obtained during a struggle of contest.
a. Homer; Oracle
b. Homer; Arete
c. Homer; Ritual
d. Trump; Golden Hair
6. What was the role of the Delian League in the creation of the Athenian Empire?
a. Sparta took control of the league, allowing Athens to ostracizing them, eliminating their
only rival city-state
b. Athens led the city-states in the creation of the Delian League in order to defend all of
Greece against Persian invasions, which all the city-states were grateful for.
c. After the Persians were defeated, Athens moved the treasury from the Island of Delos
to Athens, giving them the ultimate economic power over other city-states.
d. Both B and C
7. How did the Great Peloponnesian War weaken the Greek State?