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P1: FUI August 11, 2000 11:18 Annual Reviews AR110-24 Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2000. 54:799–825 c 2000 by Annual Reviews. All rights reserved Copyright HOLINS: The Protein Clocks of Bacteriophage Infections Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2000.54:799-825. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO LIBRARY on 01/20/11. For personal use only. Ing-Nang Wang,1 David L. Smith,2 and Ry Young1 1Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas 77843-2128; e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; 2VAGLAHS, Lipid Research, Los Angeles, California 90073; e-mail: [email protected] Key Words lysis, endolysins, membranes, peptidoglycan ■ Abstract Two proteins, an endolysin and a holin, are essential for host lysis by bacteriophage. Endolysin is the term for muralytic enzymes that degrade the cell wall; endolysins accumulate in the cytosol fully folded during the vegetative cycle. Holins are small membrane proteins that accumulate in the membrane until, at a specific time that is “programmed” into the holin gene, the membrane suddenly becomes permeabilized to the fully folded endolysin. Destruction of the murein and bursting of the cell are immediate sequelae. Holins control the length of the infective cycle for lytic phages and so are subject to intense evolutionary pressure to achieve lysis at an optimal time. Holins are regulated by protein inhibitors of several different kinds. Holins constitute one of the most diverse functional groups, with >100 known or putative holin sequences, which form >30 ortholog groups. CONTENTS OVERVIEW: Strategies for Lysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LESSONS FROM THE LYSIS PARADIGM IN LAMBDOID PHAGES . . . . . . . . . Lysogenic Induction and Lysis Phenotypes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Saltatory Nature of Lysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Evolutionary Forces Shaping Holin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Mosaicism of Lysis Cassettes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sλ and S21 Represent the Two Major Classes of Holins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dual-Start Motifs: Setting the Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Probing the Structure of Sλ in the Membrane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Genetic Analysis of Sλ Function and Regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oligomerization of the Holin and the Nature of the Hole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Physical and Biochemical Analysis of the Holin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . What Makes the Lysis Clock Tick? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HOLINS IN NONLAMBDOID SYSTEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Extragenic Holin Regulation in Coliphages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Functional Tests of Holins in Other Phages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Biotechnology and Holin/Endolysin Lysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0066-4227/00/1001-0799$14.00 800 801 801 802 803 803 804 805 806 807 809 809 810 812 812 814 815 799 P1: FUI August 11, 2000 800 11:18 WANG ¥ Annual Reviews SMITH ¥ AR110-24 YOUNG SURVEY OF HOLINS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preliminary Identification of Holins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Distribution of Holins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prevalence of the Dual-Start Motif . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Organization of Holin and Endolysin Genes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EVOLUTIONARY CONSIDERATIONS AND APPROACHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PERSPECTIVE AND SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 815 815 816 817 817 818 819 Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2000.54:799-825. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO LIBRARY on 01/20/11. For personal use only. OVERVIEW: Strategies for Lysis Except for filamentous phages, which extrude from the host, bacteriophages are lytic. There are at least two general strategies for host lysis (95). Some simple phages of Gram-negative hosts, like single-stranded DNA and single-stranded RNA phages, accomplish lysis with a single lysis gene that does not encode a muralytic enzyme activity. Recent results suggest that, in at least one of these systems, the lysis protein is an inhibitor of murein synthesis (8a). To achieve lysis, doublestranded DNA phages of eubacteria resort to active degradation of the peptidoglycan with a muralytic enzyme or endolysin (93, 94). The endolysin, which has one or more of four different muralytic activities but no secretory signal sequence, accumulates in a fully folded and active state in the cytosol. At minimum, lysis requires another gene that encodes a small membrane protein called a holin. At a time that is “programmed” into the structure of the holin gene, the endolysin suddenly gains access to its substrate, the cell wall; destruction of the murein and bursting of the cell are immediate consequences. The interesting questions are, “What does the holin do to the membrane?” and “How is holin function scheduled so precisely?” It is important to define terms carefully. Holin function is associated with a collapse of the membrane potential and permeabilization of the membrane (93). Throughout this review, the term hole is used as a convenient substitute for “holinmediated permeabilizing lesion,” and the term hole formation is used for the saltatory holin-dependent permeabilization event. However, we emphasize that it is not known whether endolysin actually passes through a defined hole or channel; all that is known is that, before lysis, the bulk of endolysin activity is found in the soluble fraction, and chemical permeabilization of the bilayer by CHCl3 can substitute for holin function. In at least one case, it has been reported that holin function can activate a muralytic enzyme that is already exported from the cytosol but remains inactive for unknown reasons (27; see Functional Tests of Holins in Other Phages below). Thus it is important to emphasize that the hole is completely uncharacterized at the molecular level. In any case, the holin certainly controls the functional access of the endolysin to the murein and, perforce, the length of the vegetative cycle. From this perspective, the holin can be considered the simplest molecular clock. Since the last reviews (93, 94) there has been an explosion of new information about the sequence, function, and regulation of holins. This work organizes and summarizes these advances. For more comprehensive listings, P1: FUI August 11, 2000 11:18 Annual Reviews AR110-24 HOLINS AS PROTEIN CLOCKS 801 please refer to Table 2, a catalog of all holin genes and their characteristics, and Table 3, which lists the amino acid sequences of all known or putative holins and holin inhibitors [see the Supplemental Materials section of the Annual Reviews home page (http://www.AnnualReviews.org)]. LESSONS FROM THE LYSIS PARADIGM IN LAMBDOID PHAGES Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2000.54:799-825. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO LIBRARY on 01/20/11. For personal use only. Lysogenic Induction and Lysis Phenotypes The induction of a thermosensitive λ lysogen offers a useful system for studying lysis because it allows the experimenter to initiate the vegetative cycle synchronously in an entire culture. Under exactly specified physiological conditions of aeration and culture density, a cIts lysogen will undergo a sharply defined lysis event at 50 min after thermal induction (Figure 1), liberating a burst of 100 virions. Lysis Figure 1 Lysis phenotypes and virion accumulation in an induced λ lysogen. Cell density is measured as absorbance at 550 nm (A550) at times after induction of a λ lysogen with various S and R lysis gene alleles. Symbols: open triangle, S+ R+; open circle, S− R+; closed diamond, S− R+, with CHCl3 added at 70 min; open diamond, S+ R−; closed box, S+ R+ with 5 mM KCN added at 30 min; open box, Sa52g R+ (93); star, approximate intracellular content of virions, as determined previously for a thermally induced S− lysogen with the same normal lysis time (70). P1: FUI August 11, 2000 Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2000.54:799-825. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO LIBRARY on 01/20/11. For personal use only. 802 11:18 WANG ¥ Annual Reviews SMITH ¥ AR110-24 YOUNG requires two genes, S and R, which are the first two cistrons of the sole late transcriptional unit of λ (Figure 2, see color insert). The late promoter p0 R is activated ∼8 min after infection, and thus the lysis genes and all late genes are expressed constitutively for the rest of the vegetative cycle. R encodes the endolysin, in this case an 18-kDa soluble muralytic transglycosylase (9). Rz and Rz1 are nested genes that encode outer membrane proteins that are auxiliary lysis factors. When either Rz or Rz1 is defective and the medium contains millimolar concentrations of divalent cations, cell lysis stops at a spherical cell stage, apparently maintained by the stabilized outer membrane. It has been proposed that Rz and Rz1 are involved in cleaving the oligopeptide linkages between the peptidoglycan and the outer membrane lipoprotein Lpp (98). Whatever the Rz/Rz1 function is, it is not required for lysis under standard laboratory conditions and is restricted to some phages of Gram-negative hosts (47, 96, 98). S spans 107 codons and encodes two proteins—the holin and the holin inhibitor, designated Sλ105 and Sλ107, respectively, for their lengths in amino acid residues (see Dual Start Motifs: Setting the Clock below). A null allele of S has a distinctive phenotype that is diagnostic for a holin gene; for >2 h after the normal lysis time, culture mass continues to increase, and the number of intracellular virions increases to1000/cell (70). Holin action can be complemented chemically, by the addition of CHCl3, which directly permeabilizes the membrane, resulting in immediate and total lysis of the culture and demonstrating that the R endolysin lacks access only through the membrane to its murein target (Figure 1). In contrast, a null R allele is characterized by cessation of culture growth and respiration at the normal lysis time, without detectable lysis. Thus, the endolysin can be thought of as a reporter gene for holin function. The Saltatory Nature of Lysis Bacteriophage λ is a paradigm system for studying holin function because the induced culture continues to grow right up until lysis. Recently, microscopy of motile Escherichia coli cells after induction of the λ lysis genes from a plasmid vector revealed that the cells are fully motile until, suddenly, swimming and tumbling stops, and then, within a few seconds, the cell bursts and disappears as a refractile body (A Gründling, M Manson, R Young, manuscript in preparation). Moreover, under carefully controlled conditions, almost all of an induced lysogenic culture undergoes lysis within minutes of lysis onset. This precise temporal regulation likely involves the energy state of the membrane because adding an energy poison (i.e. cyanide or dinitrophenol) sufficiently late in the infective cycle can instantly trigger premature lysis with λ (Figure 1) and in other holin-dependent systems (28). Any model that is presented to explain the timing function of holins must also explain the premature lysis that is effected by energy poisons. P1: FUI August 11, 2000 11:18 Annual Reviews AR110-24 HOLINS AS PROTEIN CLOCKS 803 Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2000.54:799-825. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO LIBRARY on 01/20/11. For personal use only. Evolutionary Forces Shaping Holin If phage lysis is considered from first principles, the tight scheduling of holin action is not unexpected. In the bacteriophage λ vegetative cycle, it takes ∼20 min before the first progeny virion has been assembled, which means that, in the last 30 min of the vegetative cycle, intracellular virions increase 100-fold. If, instead of triggering at 50 min, the holin did not trigger until 3 h, there would be a further 10-fold increase (70; Figure 1). Assuming that, after lysis, each progeny virion immediately infects a new host, a single phage with the 50-min holin would multiply to a level of >106 virions, which is >103-fold higher than the phage with the 3-h holin. It is clear that wastage of progeny virions and the stochastic aspects and kinetics of absorption to new hosts would reduce this advantage, but the evolutionary pressure to curtail the infective cycle is also clear. It is equally disadvantageous to undergo lysis too early, while virion assembly is still maximally robust. The contrasting phenotypes of two S alleles, Sλa52g and Sλa52v, illustrate this point perfectly at the extremes of holin phenotypes. Neither allele permits plaque formation, for opposite reasons. The latter is an absolute lysis-defective allele, whereas the former causes saltatory lysis at 20 min; thus, in neither case is there a productive release of progeny virions. Therefore, the hole-formation and clock functions of the holin are equally essential. Similar considerations explain the suddenness of the lytic event at the level of the individual cell. The ideal holin would exert no toxic effect on the physiology of the host until the time to trigger lysis, thus maximizing the rate of progeny production. Then, at the time that is programmed into the structure of holin by natural selection (90), the ideal holin should trigger and release an excess of endolysin, thereby ensuring prompt release of accumulated progeny. If the holin permeabilized the membrane and then allowed slow release of endolysin, energy metabolism would be compromised, and the progeny phage would in effect be trapped in a rotting corpse until murein degradation is at last effected. This fact would surely handicap the phage, compared with another with a more decisive lysis mechanism. The Mosaicism of Lysis Cassettes All lambdoid phages have their four lysis genes arranged like those in λ, that is, SRRzRz1. All of the auxiliary RzRz1 genes belong to the same ortholog family, but there are three ortholog families of holins and two ortholog families of endolysins (Figure 2, see color insert). The lysis cassettes of λ, P22, 21, and PS3 represent four of the six possible combinations of these holin and endolysin gene families, and one of the other two combinations, S21 with Rλ, has been shown to be functional (15). This mosaicism indicates that holin function is nonspecific for endolysin, a notion that has now been tested many times because complementation of the plating or lysis defect of λSam7 has become a diagnostic test for identifying holins (see Functional Tests of Holins in Other Phages below). P1: FUI August 11, 2000 Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2000.54:799-825. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO LIBRARY on 01/20/11. For personal use only. 804 11:18 WANG ¥ Annual Reviews SMITH ¥ AR110-24 YOUNG Four different muralytic-enzyme activities are found in endolysins. There are glycosidase (also muramidase or lysozyme) and transglycosylase activities that attack glycosidic bonds and amidase and endopeptidase activities directed against the peptide cross-links (95). Crystal structures for the T4 gene e glycosidase, T7 gene 3.5 amidase, and the λ gene R transglycosylase reveal nothing in common structurally other than that all three are monomeric, globular, and, at ∼18 kDa, relatively small (23, 30, 92). Recently, mosaicism within endolysin genes has been documented in a Staphylococcus phage, where different murein-binding domains and two muralytic activities were found in endolysins ranging up to 70 kDa in size (31, 49, 61). Despite this heterogeneity in endolysin activity and structure, every holin-endolysin pair tested has proven to be lytically competent, even if the sources of holin and endolysin genes are phages of hosts from different bacterial kingdoms. The simplest interpretation is that there is no essential interaction between the holin and the endolysin. It is not known what other proteins may escape by way of the hole, mainly because of the technical difficulties imposed by the existence of the murein-linked outer membrane in E. coli, where almost all of the functional studies of holins have been done. (For one report of the release of a heterologous protein from a Gram-positive host, see Functional Tests of Holins in Other Phages below.) Sλ and S21 Represent the Two Major Classes of Holins The Sλ and S21 holins share no sequence similarity but have some resemblance in terms of distribution of polar, charged, and hydrophobic residues, and predicted secondary structure (Figure 3A, see color insert). Both sequences have C-terminal domains that are rich in basic residues, both have short polar amino-terminal sequences that precede a hydrophobic domain, and both have a short sequence that is strongly predicted to be a β-turn domain between two putative helical transmembrane (TM) domains (15). However, Sλ has three domains that are predicted to have no net charge on side chains and are long enough to span the membrane (Figure 3A, see color insert), whereas S21 has only two. Many nonorthologous holin sequences have been identified in recent years, to various levels of certainty; Figure 3B lists a single representative of >30 apparently unrelated holin families. Most holins can be assigned to one of two classes, based on the number of putative TM domains: class I, like Sλ, with three potential TM domains [entries 1–7 and 14–20 (Figure 3B, see color insert)], and class II, like S21, with only two [entries 8–13 and 21–26 (Figure 3B, see color insert)]. [See also Table 1 and, on the Annual Reviews home page (http://www.AnnualReviews.org), Tables 2 and 3.] There are a number of interesting exceptions, including the t holin of phage T4 [Figure 3B (see color insert), entry 28]. In any case, the apparent distinction based on inspection of the primary structure of class I and class II holins now has compelling experimental support (see below). Why there are so many different kinds of holins (with only four different kinds of endolysins), why there are at least two fundamentally different classes of holins, and what functional differences are P1: FUI August 11, 2000 11:18 Annual Reviews AR110-24 HOLINS AS PROTEIN CLOCKS 805 TABLE 1 Summary of holins Hosta type Classb Gram negative I II Unknown 7 6 2 15 20 4 5 8 0 Gram positive I II Unknown 5 8 5 21 29 9 8 5 0 1 7 0 34 105 26 Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2000.54:799-825. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO LIBRARY on 01/20/11. For personal use only. Unconventional Total Familiesc Sequences Dual-start motifsd a Type of host of the phage, prophage, or cryptic prophage in which the holin gene is identified; unconventional, the LrgA family [see Tables 2 and 3 (http://AnnualReviews.org)] b Class I and II, distinctions are based on whether the primary structure has 3 or 2 predicted transmembrane domains, respectively. Unknown, the predicted number of transmembrane domains within one ortholog family is neither 2 nor 3 c Number of holin sequence families d A sequence is recognized as having a dual-start motif if it has the M–Xn–M... structure at its N terminus, where n is arbitrarily chosen to be <8, and at least one of the intervening residues is arginine (R) or lysine (K) implied by the topological distinctions of classes I and II holins are all unanswered questions. Dual-Start Motifs: Setting the Clock A remarkable feature of Sλ is that it encodes two proteins with opposing functions: Sλ105, the actual lethal holin, from translational initiations at codon 3; and Sλ107, a holin inhibitor, from translational starts at codon 1. This feature has been recently reviewed (13) and thus is only briefly treated here. The inhibitory character is derived from the extra positively charged residue (Lys2) in Sλ107. The proportion of S105 to S107, normally ∼2:1, is determined by an RNA-stem loop structure at the ribosome-binding site of Sλ. Mutations in this region change the proportion and also the lysis time in the predicted direction [i.e. more S107 gives slower onset of lysis, whereas more S105 accelerates the lysis time (11, 22)]. The S107 inhibitor, which normally cannot spontaneously trigger lysis, is converted to a functional holin when the membrane is depolarized (11). However, an Sλ allele that produces only Sλ105 still has precisely defined lysis timing, albeit earlier than that of Sλ+, and this allele still can be triggered by the addition of CN−. The dual-start motif thus appears to be a fine-tuning system for the scheduling of lysis. Although it is attractive to think that this regulatory motif might be responsive to growth conditions, it has not yet been demonstrated that the proportion of holin to holin inhibitor is ever altered. Apparent dual-start motifs are also found in almost all class II lambdoid holin sequences and in many other holins [Table 1; also see columns 10 and 11 in Table 2 (http://www.AnnualReviews.org)]. Recently, it was demonstrated that the dual start of S21 also serves the same general functions as in P1: FUI August 11, 2000 806 11:18 WANG ¥ Annual Reviews SMITH ¥ AR110-24 YOUNG Sλ, resulting in the expression of a holin–holin-inhibitor pair (in this case, S2168 and S2171, respectively) again at an ∼2:1 ratio in favor of the holin. Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2000.54:799-825. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO LIBRARY on 01/20/11. For personal use only. Probing the Structure of Sλ in the Membrane Regardless of class, it was obvious early on that the most conserved feature of holins is the highly charged C-terminal domain, which, with its multiple basic residues, seemed likely to be disposed into the cytoplasm. Gene fusion and protease accessibility experiments confirmed this prediction (12). Based on this result, the membrane topology of Sλ mandates either a periplasmic location for the N terminus (three TM domains) or a cytoplasmic location (two TM domains) (Figure 4, see color insert). The existence of dual starts in both class I and class II holin genes lent support to the latter model because one would expect a common regulatory feature to operate from the same side of the bilayer. Recently, however, a landmark experiment by Graschopf & Bläsi has provided strong evidence for the 3-TM model (36). In this work the secretory signal sequence (SS) of the coat protein of M13 was fused to the N terminus of the S λ105 sequence. It is significant that the resultant SS-Sλ105 retained lytic function but acquired leader peptidase (Lep) dependence. Moreover, lysis triggering was shown to be concomitant with the accumulation of the processed chimera in the membrane. It is remarkable that the isogenic SS-Sλ107 chimera also exhibited Lep-dependent lysis and processing. These data strongly suggest that the N terminus of the λ holin must be externalized during the pathway to lysis and that, accordingly, the functional form of the holin has three TM domains with N out and C in (Figure 4, see color insert). Also, the fact that the inhibitor character of Sλ107 was abolished by the signal sequence suggests that it is the penetration of the membrane that is differentially blocked by the presence of the extra positive charge on the longer protein. The requirement that the N terminus of Sλ107 must traverse the bilayer explains the effect of adding an energy poison because it has already been shown that the energized membrane opposes the export of the N termini of other membrane proteins with analogous topology (24). Direct probing of the membrane topology by extensive cysteine-scanning mutagenesis of Sλ and chemical modification studies with a thiol-specific reagent have provided convincing support to the three-TM model (37). Moreover, these studies have suggested that the highly charged C terminus is bound to the inner surface of the membrane by Coulombic interactions. phoA, lacZ, and bla gene fusion studies, the traditional methods for investigating membrane topology, have been less useful with S because the small size of holins militates against the construction of chimeras that lack the cognate C-terminal topology determinants. However, a new “sandwich” fusion that carries a bifunctional phoA-lacZα reporter activity (4) has been used on Sλ, confirming that the TM2-TM3 connector loop is periplasmic (I-N Wang & R Young, manuscript in preparation). Similar fusion gene analysis has shown that the C terminus of S21 is in the cytosol (I-N Wang & R Young, manuscript in preparation), but otherwise S21 is P1: FUI August 11, 2000 11:18 Annual Reviews AR110-24 Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2000.54:799-825. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO LIBRARY on 01/20/11. For personal use only. HOLINS AS PROTEIN CLOCKS 807 uncharacterized. However, its simple primary structure makes it inconceivable that it can have anything but the 2-TM structure, with N in and C in (Figure 4, see color insert). The S21 inhibitor is different in several respects from that of Sλ (7). Expressed from a multicopy plasmid in trans to the holin, an allele of S21 that produces only the S2171 inhibitor retards the lysis time of the wild-type holin gene by only ∼10 min, whereas, in analogous conditions, the Sλ107 protein is able to abolish lysis entirely (A Gründling, DL Smith, U Bläsi, R Young, manuscript in preparation). Moreover, cyanide does not trigger lysis with an allele that elaborates only S2171, nor does replacement of the N-terminal Lys residue of the inhibitor convert it to a holin effector. These differences are consistent with the idea that the class II inhibitor exerts its lysisretarding effect in a manner that is distinctly different from Sλ107. Thus, despite the apparently unifying similarity in primary structure, the dual-start motifs in class I and class II holins are fundamentally different regulatory adaptations, presumably arising from the extraordinary evolutionary pressure to optimize holin function. Genetic Analysis of Sλ Function and Regulation Sλ and, potentially, all holins have especially facile genetics for several reasons: (a) One can select for and against holin function by using phage or plasmid vectors; (b) holin genes are small and easily sequenced; and (c) the holin and the endolysin are the only essential genes that can be mutated without affecting virion structure. An extensive collection of Sλ mutants has been generated and mapped to its 321-base-pair reading frame (68, 69; Figure 3A, see color insert). Most S mutations that were selected for loss of lethality map to TM1, TM2, and the connecting cytoplasmic loop, and TM2 appears to be especially crucial for Sλ function. For example, three Ala residues, Ala-48, Ala-52, and Ala-55, which would all be on the same face of TM2, give rise to lysis-defective alleles as a result of changes that increase side-chain bulk. Two adjacent residues, Cys-51 and Ala-52, give rise to early lysis phenotypes as a result of changes that decrease side-chain mass by 16 [Cys-51 Ser (37)] and 14 [Ala-52 Gly] Daltons, respectively. As noted above, in the latter case, the timing is so early that production of progeny virions is abolished (44). When transferred back to the phage context, the phenotypes ranged from absolute lysis defective to lysis delayed, which indicates that a particular holin variant might not be lethal at the lower expression level of Sλ in the plasmid context but still be capable of causing lysis at the normal levels of expression of the vegetative phage. Presumably, some of these mutations change the critical concentration in the membrane at which Sλ exerts its saltatory lethal function, whereas others may cause reduced stability and thus retard lysis simply by requiring a longer time to accumulate. To form a membrane lesion that is capable of allowing escape of endolysin molecules, Sλ or any holin must oligomerize, and thus it was not surprising to find that both dominant and recessive alleles were present in the mutant collection. P1: FUI August 11, 2000 Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2000.54:799-825. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO LIBRARY on 01/20/11. For personal use only. 808 11:18 WANG ¥ Annual Reviews SMITH ¥ AR110-24 YOUNG What was surprising was that some alleles exhibit “antidominance ”(earlier defined as early dominance) (Figure 3A, see color insert). This phenotype was discerned in inductions of double lysogens. If a double lysogen with two S+prophages is induced, lysis occurs earlier than if an S+, Sam double lysogen is induced, because the lysis clock depends on the rate of accumulation of functional holin. The antidominant alleles are all lysis-defective mutations when tested alone, but in the presence of the wild-type allele in double-lysogen tests, they accelerate lysis as well as a second wild-type allele or better. Originally, it was suggested that this phenotype reflects differential effects on the S105 holin and S107 holin-inhibitor gene products, so that in the dominance tests, the effector form of the mutant might titrate out the wild-type inhibitor and thus accelerate the onset of lysis. However, the same behavior is seen in alleles that produce only Sλ105 (A Gründling & R. Young, manuscript in preparation). We favor the idea that the antidominant mutant proteins are defective in the ability to undergo a critical conformational change that leads to hole formation. This change would have to be propagated within an oligomeric aggregate of S proteins, and the antidominant proteins, although unable to nucleate the change, would be capable of propagating it. Genetics has clarified the role of the N-terminal and C-terminal domains of the Sλ holin. Informed by the inhibitory properties of Sλ107, Steiner & Bläsi (85) found that, in general, alterations of the N-terminal sequence of the holin gene, resulting in more net anionic charge, result in faster lysis times. Rigorous interpretation of these results is difficult in the absence of information on synthesis rates. Nevertheless these data are consistent with the proposed model in which the N terminus must be externalized for holin function (Figure 4, see color insert). In Sλ, the highly charged C-terminal domain is nonessential for hole formation but instead constitutes a regulatory feature. The first evidence for this came from a second-site mutation isolated as an intragenic suppressor to the earlylysis Ala-52 Gly mutation (44). The suppressor turned out to be a frame-shift in the C terminus, which scrambled the sequence and increased the net positive charge by +4 (12). Moreover, a nonsense mutant lacking all but one of the basic residues at the normal C terminus of Sλ (Figure 4, see color insert) was found to be fully lytic but, similarly to Ala-52 Gly, triggered lysis so early that burst size and plaque-forming ability were compromised (12).Thus probably the N-terminal and certainly the C-terminal hydrophilic domains appear to be regulatory decorations, in which the number of positive charges somehow modulate the lysis clock. As more physical and structural information becomes available, the phenotypic richness of this extensive mutation collection should help narrow the choices of models to explain holin function. Meanwhile, the mutants already provide reagents that are invaluable for biochemical and physical analysis (see below). It seems clear, then, that genetics should be the starting point for investigation of other holins, and the excellent genetics and small size of holin genes should make similar mutational analyses a rewarding undertaking. P1: FUI August 11, 2000 11:18 Annual Reviews AR110-24 HOLINS AS PROTEIN CLOCKS 809 Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2000.54:799-825. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO LIBRARY on 01/20/11. For personal use only. Oligomerization of the Holin and the Nature of the Hole Treatment of membranes with oxidizing agents results in nearly quantitative conversion of Sλ into covalent dimers by disulfide bond formation at the single Cys residue at position 51, near the middle of TM2. Cys-scanning mutagenesis and studies of disulfide bond formation in vitro have provided strong evidence that Sλ dimers are the building blocks of hole formation and that a dimerization interface extends along the face of the TM2 helix (A Gründling & R Young, manuscript in preparation). Treatment of S-containing membranes with cross-linking reagents revealed homomeric Sλ ladders up to n = 6 (97). Similar experiments have shown that Sλa52v has a specific molecular defect; it has a normal propensity for dimer formation but does not form higher oligomers in the membrane (A Gründling & R Young, manuscript in preparation). So what is the hole? All evidence indicates that it is a homo-oligomer of S, but the state of oligomerization in the hole is unknown. Gel-filtration analysis of octyl-glucoside extracts of Sλ from membranes suggests that 8-mer to 10-mer aggregates of S survive detergent extraction (J Deaton, unpublished data). The simplest Sλ hole, if it is an aqueous pore walled by all three TM helices of the holin, would need at least an 8-mer to achieve the minimum 5-nm diameter required by the folded R protein. As emphasized above, the structure of the hole is still unknown, or even whether there is a single structure or a population of different structures, related stoichiometrically or dynamically. Holins can also be thought of as membrane-disrupting proteins, conjuring up the notion of a soaplike function. However, the purified Sλ protein appears to be an unremarkable integral membrane protein with three helical transmembrane domains, which is difficult to model into micellar structures, especially at the low levels (∼103/cell) at which holeformation is triggered. Thus, in the absence of a definition of “disruption,” the hole concept, poorly defined as it still is, seems preferable. The hole must be quite large to accommodate native endolysins ≥70 kDa (61). Recent results with gene fusions between R and lacZ revealed that endolysins with masses of >100 kDa are efficiently released by Sλ (I-N Wang & R Young, manuscript in preparation). This would require the inside diameter of the channel to be ≥10–12 nm, comparable with the aqueous channels formed from the outside of cell membranes by the streptolysin O/listerialysin O cytotoxins (19, 76). Physical and Biochemical Analysis of the Holin Although Sλ is lethal at 1–3 × 103 molecules/cell (22), attempts to overproduce Sλ with a T7-based hyperexpression system have been surprisingly successful, achieving 50-fold overproduction during the 10 min after induction, before complete death of the culture (81). Moreover, all of the protein was localized in the membrane and was uniformly extractable with nonionic or mild zwitterionic detergents. This has made biochemical and physical analysis of Sλ feasible, and the lesson is likely to be applicable to other holin systems. Although multiple P1: FUI August 11, 2000 Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2000.54:799-825. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO LIBRARY on 01/20/11. For personal use only. 810 11:18 WANG ¥ Annual Reviews SMITH ¥ AR110-24 YOUNG different positions within Sλ had to be tested first, ultimately it was found that an oligohistidine tag could be inserted between codons 94 and 95 without unacceptable change of the holin phenotype. This permitted facile purification, yielding 1–3 mg of purified tagged Sλ105/liter of induced culture (83). The CD spectrum of the purified protein was found to be detergent dependent. In octyl glucoside, the holin was unstably soluble and had ∼40 residues in α-helical conformation, consistent with two TM domains (80). However, in a relatively new, mild zwitterionic detergent, Empigen-BB, Sλ is stably soluble and has ∼60 residues in α-helix, consistent with three TM domains. Neither the Ala-52 Val nor the Ala-55 Thr lysis-defective proteins showed any defect in helical content, even when the latter, which has a temperature sensitive lysis defect (68), was examined at the permissive and nonpermissive temperatures (J Deaton & R Young, manuscript in preparation). The availability of purified protein has permitted the first steps in biochemical analysis of holins. In one assay, the holin diluted out of a chaotrope was shown to cause release of a fluorescent dye from liposomes (82). That this in vitro hole formation reflects the same properties as those required for hole formation in vivo is shown by the fact that the Ala-52 Val variant is defective in this dye release, and the Ala-55 Thr variant is defective at 42◦ C, but not 30◦ C (J Deaton, unpublished data). These data constitute the first unambiguous proof that the Sλ holin, on its own, is capable of permeabilizing membrane bilayers. Further analysis of the stoichiometry of these liposome holes and the kinetics of their formation should provide mechanistic insights into holin function. Other biochemical approaches are possible with holins. A powerful method for studying hole-forming proteins is to measure the electrical currents across a “black-lipid membrane” (46). Recently, relatively stable single-channel currents have been obtained when purified holin in detergent was diluted into the cis chamber of a black-lipid membrane apparatus. No channels were obtained when the Ala-52 Val variant was added at the same concentration (Z Yong, O Braha, H Bayley, personal communication). This promising methodology is probably the best approach for determining the size of the holin-mediated lesion. Ultimately, however, despite the powerful genetics and physiology of holins and the promising new biochemical approaches, progress in understanding holin function at the molecular level will remain slow until significant structural information is available. Recently, protein crystals of the purified Ala-52 Val variant have been obtained (J Deaton & J Sacchettini, personal communication), perhaps making a crystal structure of the solubilized Sλ holin a realistic goal. Another promising approach is NMR, especially in view of the recent landmark success with the detergent-solubilized dimer of the glycophorin TM domain (55). What Makes the Lysis Clock Tick? We now know several parameters that set the Sλ lysis clock. As discussed above, the inhibitor-effector ratio and the charges at the N and C termini influence lysis P1: FUI August 11, 2000 11:18 Annual Reviews AR110-24 Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2000.54:799-825. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO LIBRARY on 01/20/11. For personal use only. HOLINS AS PROTEIN CLOCKS 811 time, and this is also true for the rate of expression of the holin gene, as has been demonstrated by cloning the lysis cassette into various transcriptional contexts (12, 22, 32). However, the major determinant is still in the hydrophobic core, where single missense changes can alter the spontaneous triggering time from 20 min (after only 12 min of late gene expression) to 120 min (44, 69). Even without knowledge of the structure of the hole, we know that holins must exist in at least two conformations—a chronic or prehole state, in which the holin protein accumulates in the membrane, and an acute state, the hole itself. It is also clear that the conversion from prehole to hole is opposed by the energized membrane, which makes holin function inherently saltatory, because the first hole that is formed will collapse the membrane potential and thereby trigger all of the remaining holes to be formed. The question thus reduces to what determines when the first hole is formed. The simplest timing model presumes nothing other than the idea that, as the holin accumulates in the membrane, it forms higher oligomeric states. Genetic and biochemical data cited above indicate that, for Sλ, the incremental unit is the dimer. We can postulate that dimers form and then tetramers, hexamers, and higher n-mers, until the crucial N-mer is formed, where N is the size required to make the hole. In this simplest timing mechanism, the N-mer will, within a certain average lifetime, undergo a spontaneous, concerted conformational change that results in hole formation. A prediction of this N-mer model is that, if different holins are accumulating within the membrane and populating independent N-mer pools, the lysis time will be determined by whichever of the two holins populates the critical N-mer state first. That is, the timing of different, noninteracting holins should be essentially independent, as long as the accumulation of the two holins is independent. This prediction was tested by using Sλ and T4 t, which are about as unlike as two holins can be in terms of primary structure, and the result was clear. Expression of the two holin genes simultaneously resulted in much faster onset of lysis than did expression of either one independently (E Ramanculov & R Young, submitted for publication). Assuming that the two holins do not interact, this result effectively rules out the simple N-mer population model. Is the assumption of noninteraction valid? After all, the holins accumulate in the two-dimensional arena of the cytoplasmic membrane, and there are no useful rules yet for defining what determines or limits specific versus nonspecific interactions in the bilayer. (In fact, holins may be an ideal system for determining such rules!) One experiment has been done that addresses this subsidiary question. When the Sλ and S21 holins were tested for cross-sensitivity to the inhibitor form of each holin, no lysis delay was detectable in either case (M Barenboim & R Young, unpublished data). This result suggests that either the holins do not interact or the interaction has no effect on the timing of holin function. In either case, this result supports the validity of the assumption underlying the t/Sλ experiment and reinforces the conclusion that timing involves more than formation of a critical N-mer. What then is the next simplest model for holin timing? The t/S λ experiment suggests that, in the prehole state, both holins are doing something to the cell and P1: FUI August 11, 2000 Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2000.54:799-825. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO LIBRARY on 01/20/11. For personal use only. 812 11:18 WANG ¥ Annual Reviews SMITH ¥ AR110-24 YOUNG that the effects are additive. Holins are clearly not enzymes, and the simplest notion would be that the effect on the cell has to be some effect on the integrity of the cytoplasmic membrane. Unless we are misled by the effects of detergent, the business part of Sλ appears to be three α-helical TM domains with short interhelical linkers. This would seem to exclude the formation of mysterious holes like those associated with the incomplete pores of the cholesterol-dependent cytolysins, which perforate the membrane with β-strands (8, 77). All known cellular ion and proton channels in the cytoplasmic membrane are helical bundles. Thus a simple model is that the holins, in one or more oligomeric states, cause a leakage of protons and that, as the holin population builds up, ultimately the ability of the cell to resist this drainage and maintain the membrane potential is exhausted. This would lead to a precipitate collapse in the membrane potential and triggering of all the holins into the hole conformation. This scheme is particularly attractive because it puts the energetic state of the cell into the equation for timing. Ultimately, the evolutionary fitness of the holin is thus determined by how well the critical timing achieved by this leakage catastrophe mechanism matches the optimum time for virion accumulation. Note that it would be critical in this kind of mechanism for the effects of the holin on the energy metabolism of the cell not to be manifested until after the rate of virion assembly in the cytoplasm is no longer maximal. Moreover, remembering that holin accumulation does not cause a gradual slowing of the flagellar motor, it seems likely that the host compensates for the leakage and maintains the membrane potential for most of the time leading up to the lytic catastrophe. The leakage catastrophe model makes a number of predictions, chiefly that the prehole state leaks protons. Ideally, a mutant holin blocked in the final prehole-tohole conversion could be purified and tested in an in vitro system (i.e. black-lipid membranes or liposomes). Clearly, then, genetic analysis of holin function is still an essential component for further understanding of the timing mechanism, especially considering that only Sλ has been studied to any serious degree. There is a need for intensive genetic study of other holins among the >100 now identified. The phage or prophage of origin is apparently irrelevant, because either one can be imported into the λ system as a substitute for Sλ, where superb genetic handles are provided by λ and its well-characterized host. The opportunity is especially great for the simple class II holins, some of which are so small that they could realistically be synthesized in vitro. HOLINS IN NONLAMBDOID SYSTEMS Extragenic Holin Regulation in Coliphages In contrast to the intragenic holin regulation of lambdoid phages, extragenic regulation is featured in three well-studied coliphages: P1, P2, and T4. In P1, separate loci define the lysis genes (75). Gene 17 encodes the endolysin, a muramidase, P1: FUI August 11, 2000 11:18 Annual Reviews AR110-24 Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2000.54:799-825. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO LIBRARY on 01/20/11. For personal use only. HOLINS AS PROTEIN CLOCKS 813 and the distant lydAB locus encodes a class I holin, LydA, and LydB (formerly gene 2). Nonsense mutations in lydB cause disastrously early lysis. In P2 the holin (Y) and endolysin (K) genes are adjacent and just upstream of lysA, where amber mutations cause lysis somewhat earlier than in the wild type (99). In both cases, the accelerated lysis phenotype of the nonsense mutants was attributed to the loss of a holin antagonist. The dual lysine residues at the N terminus of LysA, which has several predicted TM domains, is reminiscent of the lambdoid antiholin. In contrast, P1 LydB does not appear to be a membrane protein, based on hydropathy analysis and distribution of charges. As a caveat, however, it remains to be demonstrated that lysA and/or lydB can inhibit the holin in trans without affecting holin gene expression. Also, it is interesting that, among the four other P2-related phages and cryptic prophages including the well-studied phage 186, the structure of the lysis gene region is always holin-endolysin-Rz/Rz1, so the lysA lysis inhibitor gene appears to have been inserted between the holin and endolysin genes soon after P2 diverged (67). That such closely related phages as P2 and 186 could have such a fundamentally different mode of timing the lytic cycle is consistent with the idea that P2 and 186 have evolved to fill primarily lytic and lysogenic niches, respectively (67). The oldest and most advanced phage genetics work is that with T4, and the earliest genetic analyses of phage biology centered on the study of lysis inhibition (LIN), a complex and venerable phenomenon that is reviewed in detail elsewhere (93). The LIN state, in which lysis is blocked and phage continue to accumulate in the infected cell for hours, results from secondary infections by T4, presumably to avoid further dispersal of progeny into a host-deficient environment. Somehow, LIN is established by a signal transduction process in which the attempted injection of the superinfecting phage DNA is detected and relayed to the lysis system by products of the famous phage r genes (41). The LIN state eventually collapses if new superinfection events stop occurring, or it can be subverted by the addition of CN−, which indicates that LIN depends on inhibition of the holin. LIN-defective r (rapid-lysis) mutants are easy to isolate as large, distinct plaque formers, compared with the small, indistinct plaques of the LIN+ wild-type phage, and LIN− mutations were mapped to the genes rI, rIIA, rIIB, rIII, and rV (3). The endolysin gene, e, of T4 is the canonical lysozyme (86). In contrast, the holin gene t, although phenotypically identified long ago (45), was revealed to have a decidedly noncanonical sequence that is >200 residues long, with only one identifiable TM domain and lacking any of the hallmarks of other holins [58, 72; Figure 3B (see color insert), entry 28]. Doubts about t as a bona fide holin were alleviated when a plasmid clone of t was shown to restore lysis to induced λSam7 lysogens. Moreover, the t protein was identified as a membrane protein species that could be converted into oligomers to about n = 4 by chemical cross-linking (54). Recently, the sequencing of some ancient mutants revealed that rV is allelic to t, which demonstrates that the recipient of the r-mediated signal ultimately is the t holin (29). Abedon (1, 2) and Paddison et al (65) have formulated a detailed model for LIN. According to this model, the key role is played by the rI protein, P1: FUI August 11, 2000 814 11:18 WANG ¥ Annual Reviews SMITH ¥ AR110-24 YOUNG Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2000.54:799-825. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO LIBRARY on 01/20/11. For personal use only. which is thought to be located in the periplasm and to be activated by the injection of the DNA of superinfecting T4. The activated rI is proposed to interact with the holin t to inhibit its hole-forming ability. Recently, t has been substituted for S in the λ lysis cassette and shown to support very saltatory lysis, as well as to undergo LIN by superinfection with T4 or, more significantly, by induced expression of a cloned rI gene (E Ramanculov & R Young, manuscript in preparation). These developments suggest that T4 LIN, one of the most venerable problems of molecular genetics, may at last be amenable to molecular analysis, and they illustrate again the evolutionary forces mandating the control of holin function. Functional Tests of Holins in Other Phages Since the last review of holins, many new holin sequences have been identified but not all have actually been characterized for their lysis phenotype. In those cases in which experimental data were reported [see Garcia et al (31)], usually the most convincing functional tests were done in E. coli [column 17 in Table 2 (http://AnnualReviews.org)], because suitable tightly regulated, inducible plasmid vector systems are not often available in other hosts (10, 21, 40, 50, 63, 64, 100). In these cases, the usual result is inducible lethality when the holin is expressed alone and lysis when the holin is expressed with its cognate endolysin or with a different endolysin. The tandem lysis genes cph1 and cpl1 of Streptococcus phage Cp-1 were also tested in the cognate host (57). Relying on an apparent growth phase induction of the lysis genes cloned into a low-level constitutive shuttle plasmid, Martin et al (57) found the holin-endolysin gene pair to cause efficient lysis in the Gram-positive host. They also reported that isogenic constructs carrying only the cph1 holin gene did not cause lethality, but expression data that would allow interpretation of this observation were not provided. In any case, this work also addressed the question of whether other proteins can escape through the holinpermeabilized membrane. Pneumolysin, a soluble 52-kDa hemolytic toxin (59), is released from the Streptococcus cells carrying the cph1 plasmid without the endolysin gene. However, no assessment was made of what fraction of the total pneumolysin is released, and so it is not clear whether the released protein comes from a minority of the host cells undergoing slow “rotting” after the lethal effect of the holin. Obviously, if a sufficiently well-controlled inducible-expression system could be established in a Gram-positive host, the absence of the outer membrane might make it simpler to address the question of what else besides the endolysin escapes via the hole. Diaz et al (27) described lytic induction in E. coli and Pseudomonas putida with plasmid clones of the tandem holin-endolysin genes ejh-ejl of the pneumococcal phage EJ-1. A surprising finding was that lawns of an E. coli plating strain carrying the inducible holin plasmid could be grown at limiting levels of inducer and used in plating tests with λSam7, in which nearly unit-plating efficiency was observed. Use of a partially suppressing supE host for the plating tests burdens the interpretation of these unexpected results. Moreover, the authors’ explanation that, in the P1: FUI August 11, 2000 11:18 Annual Reviews AR110-24 Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2000.54:799-825. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO LIBRARY on 01/20/11. For personal use only. HOLINS AS PROTEIN CLOCKS 815 infected cells, the λ R endolysin contributes to the lethality of the constitutively expressed subcritical levels of the Ejh holin seems unlikely because R does not contribute to Sλ lethality (33). Another interesting observation by these authors for Ejh and by Martin et al (57) for Cph is that the LytA amidase, the major autolysin of Streptococcus species, can serve as the endolysin for these heterologous holins. A report that LytA actually accumulates in an inactive state on the outside face of the cytoplasmic membrane of E. coli (26) led Diaz et al (27) to the interesting proposal that holins can activate LytA directly by an unspecified membrane disturbance. However, it is unclear how LytA, which has no signal sequence or other distinguishing feature than numerous basic residues, could be localized in such a way in E. coli. Moreover, the data suggesting this unusual localization are based on an unprecedented pattern of subcellular fractionation in an osmotic-shock protocol, which may not be unambiguously applicable to murein-binding proteins. Nevertheless, testing the holin-endolysin system of the lactococcal phage φadh in E. coli, Henrich et al (40) also found that the endolysin (in this case, a muramidase ortholog) was associated weakly with the total membrane fraction. Thus, it is unresolved whether the unexpected localization of these muralytic activities reflects an artifact of endolysin synthesis in a heterologous (Gram-negative) host or a clue to at least one pathway for holin-mediated activation of murein degradation. Biotechnology and Holin/Endolysin Lysis Biotechnological applications have played a major role in stimulating the study of holin/endolysin functions in Gram-positive bacteria. These efforts have led to the identification or cloning of lysis genes for a number of bacteriophages involved in food production; for example, Streptococcus thermophilus (18, 79), Lactococcus lactis (25, 73), and Oenococcus species (34). Dairy product ripening involves the late release of enzymes from fermentative bacteria. To this end, the holin/endolysin gene pairs from phages φUS3 and rlt have been cloned under inducible promoters in plasmids of L. lactis and shown to cause efficient lysis not only in liquid (74) but in model cheeses (25). SURVEY OF HOLINS Preliminary Identification of Holins Table 2 (see http://www.AnnualReviews.org) contains our current compilation of putative holin genes. Basically, sequences that were annotated as holins or holinlike lysis proteins were collected by key word searches. At a minimum, all such submissions found to date have at least one predicted TM domain, and many putative holin genes are found adjacent to endolysin genes. Whenever a resulting open reading frame (ORF) shows significant sequence identity to the known endolysin sequence, it is tentatively considered to encode an endolysin function. Our analysis suggests that every completed DNA sequence of a double-stranded DNA P1: FUI August 11, 2000 Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2000.54:799-825. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO LIBRARY on 01/20/11. For personal use only. 816 11:18 WANG ¥ Annual Reviews SMITH ¥ AR110-24 YOUNG eubacterial phage has been found to contain one or more of the four known types of endolysins. Frequently, an adjacent or nearby ORF, usually upstream, can be assigned as a holin gene if it is small (<150 residues), has one or more clearly discernible TM domains with no net predicted charge, and has a hydrophilic, highly charged C-terminal sequence. Obviously, there is bias in this search strategy. For example, a potential holin gene that is not linked to an endolysin cistron, as in P1 and T7, would certainly be missed. Homology searches with known holins have been useful, although the number of orthologous groups already known suggests that this is a limited approach. Holin sequences occur in phages and prophages but also in bacterial chromosomes, either in cryptic prophages or in isolated loci. Clearly, the greatest confidence in holin identifications is placed on those with an experimentally determined lytic phenotype. We have the least confidence in sequences that appeared only in the bacterial chromosome and have not been phenotypically characterized (e.g. the LrgA family). By combining both search strategies, we have identified 105 unique and complete holin sequences [>110, including partial sequences, in various databases (as of November, 1999; see Table 2 at http://www.AnnualReviews.org)]. Based on the sequence homology determined by application of the gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST algorithms (5, 6), these holin sequences are classified into 34 families [Table 1; see also column 6 of Table 2 (http://www.AnnualReviews.org)], of which one representative of each is shown in Figure 3B. Distribution of Holins Of these 105 identified holin genes, the majority are from bacteriophages or prophages [82/105 (78%)], some are from cryptic prophages [5/105 (5%)], and the remaining are found in bacterial chromosomes [18/105 (17%)], possibly remnants of cryptic prophages. Of the families, 19 have more than one sequence member, whereas the rest have only one sequence so far. The largest of these holin ortholog families is that of 80α [Table 3 (http://www.AnnualReviews.org)], which contains 12 orthologs. These holin families are distributed almost equally between Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria (Table 1). There is not a confirmed holin from an archaeal phage, although several lytic phages have been identified, and the endolysin of the phage psi-M2 Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum was shown to be a pseudomurein endoisopeptidase encoded by peiP (66). Within the eubacteria, all of the holins identified so far are either from phages or chromosomes of the gamma subdivision of proteobacteria or the low-G+C Gram-positive bacteria, except for the holins from φC31, a Streptomyces phage, and the mycobacteriophages D29 and L5. Clearly, the distribution of holin sequences is not even and reflects both the historic legacy and economic and medical importance of the hosts. As a criterion for determining whether a holin sequence belongs to class I or class II, the TM hidden Markov model was used (84; for exceptions, see legend to Figure 3). In general, this algorithm determined that holins within the same P1: FUI August 11, 2000 11:18 Annual Reviews AR110-24 HOLINS AS PROTEIN CLOCKS 817 ortholog family had the same topology. There are almost equal numbers of families in the two different classes of holins (Table 1). In addition, there are several examples of holins for which the TM hidden Markov model algorithm predicts only one TM domain, including T4 t. Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2000.54:799-825. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO LIBRARY on 01/20/11. For personal use only. Prevalence of the Dual-Start Motif The dual-start motif, leading to the synthesis of the holin and holin inhibitor, is found in all lambdoid holins, regardless of class, except for two interesting exceptions: the S21 orthologs of the lambdoid prophages, which carry the determinants for Shiga-like toxin secretion. In these prophages, the toxin gene complex is inserted between p0 R and S, and there is some evidence that efficient release of the toxin may involved the lytic functions of the prophages (62). Many other holin sequences have two N-terminal Met residues separated by at least one positive charge (see Table 1; see also Table 2, columns 10 and 11 (http://www.AnnualReviews.org)]. However, in only one case outside the lambdoid holins is there some experimental evidence for a dual-start, the class I holin gene 14 of the Bacillus subtilis virulent phage φ29. Gene 14 begins with MetLys-Met. . ., and both start codons are used in vitro and in vivo (87). Ablation of codon 1 accelerates lysis in a plasmid clone, which indicates that the short form, gp14129, is the effector and the long form, gp14131, is the inhibitor, although inhibition has not yet been demonstrated in trans. It seems strange that the nearly identical holin sequence of the closely related phage PZA lacks a basic residue between the two start codons. Organization of Holin and Endolysin Genes For lambdoid phages, the essential lysis genes are clustered and transcribed in the order holin-endolysin. This is also true for the majority of the holin/endolysin pairs presented here (86%), but it is certainly not required. In many cases, the genes are not linked (i.e. T4), and, in T7, the endolysin gene is also separated in time, being expressed as an early gene (39). No holin-like sequence precedes the Mu endolysin, and functional analysis will be required to see if any of several downstream reading frames encode a holin (GenBank accession AF083977). An unusual holin-endolysin arrangement is found in many phages of S. thermophilus. Sequence and Southern blot analyses reveal two holin-like sequences, a class I and a class II, respectively, immediately upstream of the endolysin gene (18, 79). High-level expression of either of these putative holin genes in E. coli is lethal and causes some leakage of the cytoplasmic marker enzyme isocitrate dehydrogenase. An intriguing notion is that the two holins respond to different environmental conditions, but the simplest interpretation is that one of the two proteins is an antiholin, as is thought for the P2 LysA protein, and that it is lethal under these conditions because of the level of overexpression (79). An even more confusing picture has emerged from the study of the lysis genes of the PBSX, an inducible prophage of B. subtilis, which appears to have a canonical type II holin gene, xhlB, P1: FUI August 11, 2000 Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2000.54:799-825. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO LIBRARY on 01/20/11. For personal use only. 818 11:18 WANG ¥ Annual Reviews SMITH ¥ AR110-24 YOUNG adjacent to an amidase-type endolysin gene, xlyA; however, deletion analysis in B. subtilis indicates that XhlB requires a protein, XhlA, encoded upstream, to allow endolysin release and also that there is at least one other endolysin gene, unlinked to xlyA, in the PBSX chromosome (48, 53). Probably the most unusual holin-endolysin gene structure has been described in the Staphylococcus phage 187. Loessner et al (49) have presented evidence that the holin is encoded in a short 57-codon reading frame (hol187) that is embedded in the +1 register within the N-terminal region of the endolysin gene. Moreover, these authors report that hol187 can complement the Sam7 null allele for plaque formation. Although again the use of a supE strain muddies the interpretation, nevertheless it is tempting to think that this might represent a holin gene in the process of evolving from a fortuitous membrane-toxic reading frame. Another unexpected result came from sequence analysis of the Bacillus cereus phage TP21, in which Loessner et al (51) suggest that the endolysin gene has a signal sequence. In support of this heretical idea, recent studies with the endolysin of oenoccocal phage fOg44 found that its N terminus engages the SecA-dependent secretory system and is processed in E. coli (C São-José, R Parreira, G Vieira, & M Santos, submitted for publication). This is very puzzling, especially, as the authors note, considering the close similarity of the putative signal sequence of the fOg44 endolysin with the N termini of the endolysins of the lactococcal phages Tuc2009 and φLC3, which have canonical holins. Considering the apparent universality of the holin-endolysin story, the idea that endolysins can evolve the ability to accomplish properly timed lysis is intriguing and worth serious study. EVOLUTIONARY CONSIDERATIONS AND APPROACHES Mathematical modeling shows that, under any combinations of host quantity and quality, there exists an optimal lysis time that maximizes the fitness (90). That is, given enough time and the persistence of conditions, only one clone of the phage will eventually dominate any local scene. It seems clear that the decision of “when to lyse” is constantly under tremendous evolutionary pressure to track the optimal time. From the example of λ, we know that the timing of lysis is entirely dependent on the holin activity. As discussed above, the lysis time can be widely varied, according to the quantity and the structure of the holin. The logical hypothesis is that the holin is the target of evolutionary tinkering to achieve the optimal lysis time. There are two ways to test this idea: the first is to demonstrate the potential for selection among various holin alleles, and the second is to show the presence of a population genetic signature left on the sequences of the holin gene. The simplest and the most direct way to show that different holin alleles result in different fitness is to perform competition experiments with isogenic phages that differ only in their holin genes. In this way, it can be demonstrated that, under a specific and stable environment, differences in lysis time (caused by different P1: FUI August 11, 2000 11:18 Annual Reviews AR110-24 Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2000.54:799-825. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO LIBRARY on 01/20/11. For personal use only. HOLINS AS PROTEIN CLOCKS 819 holin alleles) will result in differences in fitness. This approach can be extended by a long-term evolutionary experiment. One would predict that the phage clone that emerges after a long series of transfer experiments would possess a mutated holin gene that lyses at the optimal time. Besides showing the potential for selection in the laboratory, a “molecular population genetic” analysis of holin alleles collected in the field could also bear witness to selection. If the evolution of phage holin is shaped by the dynamics that we stated in the laboratory condition, then two patterns should be evident. The first is that there is only one or there are very few holin alleles in any given geographic area because most are derived from the one allele that outcompeted the others. Consequently, the sequence variation in this area would be low owing to purifying selection. Under such circumstances, most of the variation that we observe would be in the synonymous sites of the codons. The second pattern is that each geographic area may have its own collection of holin sequences; that is, different locales usually have different quantity and quality of host populations, thus resulted in selection of different lysis times and, hence, different holin alleles. Therefore, by comparing holin sequences from different locales, we would expect to see that the sequence variation is concentrated at the nonsynonymous sites of the codons, from which we could conclude that positive selection is driving the sequence variation. PERSPECTIVE AND SUMMARY The explosion of prokaryotic and phage genomic information has revealed an astonishing variety of putative holin sequences, apparently with many variations in terms of structure, function, and regulation. Thus, although the concept of the holin is not yet a decade old, it is already manifest in the largest collection of nonorthologous functional homologs known in biology. Although genetic analysis of a few holins is advanced, and many different holin genes have been tested for lytic function, biochemical analysis has been seriously undertaken in only one case, and structural studies have not yet borne fruit. We hope that this review will stimulate interest in these small, lethal membrane proteins that define the clock of the phage vegetative cycle. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank the other members of the Young laboratory, past and present, for their support and encouragement and members of the entire phage biology community for their traditional mode of open and interactive science. The clerical support of Sharyll Pressley is gratefully acknowledged. This work was supported by PHS grant GM27099 and funds from the Robert A. Welch Foundation and the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station. P1: FUI August 11, 2000 820 11:18 WANG ¥ Annual Reviews SMITH ¥ AR110-24 YOUNG Visit the Annual Reviews home page at www.AnnualReviews.org Annu. Rev. 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Microbiology 141:2577–84 P1: FDS Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2000.54:799-825. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO LIBRARY on 01/20/11. For personal use only. September 11, 2000 14:57 Annual Reviews AR110-CO Figure 2 Structure and mosaicism of the lambdoid “lysis cassette”. The lysis genes of the coliphages λ and 21 (93) and the Salmonella phages P22 (20) and PS3 (Genbank accession AB008550) are shown, downstream of the late promoter (p’R in λ; arrow) and named as in λ. The size of each reading frame in codons is shown above each ORF and unambiguously orthologous relationships are indicated by identical colors. (p’R of PS3 has not been mapped.) Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2000.54:799-825. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO LIBRARY on 01/20/11. For personal use only. P1: FDS September 11, 2000 14:57 Annual Reviews AR110-CO 14:57 Annual Reviews B. Representative sequences of holin protein families. The predicted amino acid sequence of one member of each orthologous group of known or putative holins (see text for details) is shown. Class I (Gram-negative hosts): 1. λ S [J02459] (94); 2. Pl LydA (X87674) (94); 3. P2 Y [AF063097] (94); 4. φCTX ORF9 [AB008550] (60); 5. φCTX ORF10 [AB008550] (60); 6. PRD1 m [M69077] (94); 7. PS3 13 [AJ011579]. Class II (Gram-negative hosts): 8. 21 S [M65239] (94); 9. P. aeruginosa PML14 Hol [AB030826]; 10. N4 ORF63 (LB Rothman-Denes per. comm.); 11. N15 53 [AF064539]; 12. S. marcescens NucE [U11698] (43); 13. T7 17.5 [V01146] (94). Class I (Gram-positive hosts): 14. A118 Hol118 [X85008] (52); 15. c2 117 [L48605] (91); 16. Cp-1 Cph1 [Z47794] (57) (56); 17. φ29 14 [X04962] (94); 18. sk1 ORF19 [AF011378] (21); 19. 80α Holin [U72397] (14); 20. BK5-T ORF95 [L44593] (16); Class II (Gram-positive hosts): 21. Dp-1 Dph [Z93946] (78); 22. L5 ORF11 [Z18946] (38); 23. LL-H ORF107 [M96254] (89); 24. φadh Holin [Z97974] (94); 25. φC31 ORF1 [X91149] (42); 26. rlt ORF48 [U38906] (88); Atypical or unclassified holins or putative holins; 27. φ6 P10 [M17462] (35); 28. T4 t [AF158101] (94); 29. 187 Hol187 [Y07740] (49); 30. 10MC P98 [AF049087] (34); 31. A511 Hol511 [X85010] (52); 32. PBSX XhlA [L25924] (53); 33. SPbeta BhlA [AF021803] (71); and 34. S. aureus Lrg A [U52961] (17). Color coding: Yellow, predicted TM domains; Red, acidic residues; Turquoise, basic residues. TM domains predicted using the TMHMM algorithm (84), except for LL-H and T7, which were determined by inspection. September 11, 2000 Figure 3 A. Primary structure of prototype class I (Sλ) and class II (S21) holins. Sλ mutants with lysis phenotypes are shown as lower-case single letter codes above the wild-type sequence of Sλ. The putative TM and connector loop (L1, L2) domains are indicated below the sequence, and acidic/basic residue colors are as in A. Brown and yellow highlighting indicates severe lysis-defective phenotype. Yellow indicates “anti-dominant” alleles. Green indicates early-lysis alleles. X indicates nonsense mutation. Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2000.54:799-825. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO LIBRARY on 01/20/11. For personal use only. P1: FDS AR110-CO September 11, 2000 14:57 Annual Reviews Figure 4 Potential membrane topologies of holins. (A) Chimeric holin with signal sequence (red) fused to N-terminus of holin, requiring Lep cleavage for function and (B) the putative N-terminal externalization of Sλ predicted in the model of Graschopf et al. (36). (C) 3 TM model and (D) 2 TM model for Sλ. (E) predicted membrane topology of S21 and other class II holins. Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2000.54:799-825. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO LIBRARY on 01/20/11. For personal use only. P1: FDS AR110-CO Annual Review of Microbiology Volume 54, 2000 Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2000.54:799-825. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO LIBRARY on 01/20/11. For personal use only. CONTENTS THE LIFE AND TIMES OF A CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGIST, Albert Balows ROLE OF CYTOTOXIC T LYMPHOCYTES IN EPSTEIN-BARR VIRUS-ASSOCIATED DISEASES, Rajiv Khanna, Scott R. Burrows BIOFILM FORMATION AS MICROBIAL DEVELOPMENT, George O'Toole, Heidi B. Kaplan, Roberto Kolter MICROBIOLOGICAL SAFETY OF DRINKING WATER, U. Szewzyk, R. Szewzyk, W. Manz, K.-H. Schleifer THE ADAPTATIVE MECHANISMS OF TRYPANOSOMA BRUCEI FOR STEROL HOMEOSTASIS IN ITS DIFFERENT LIFE-CYCLE ENVIRONMENTS, I. Coppens, P. J. Courtoy THE DEVELOPMENT OF GENETIC TOOLS FOR DISSECTING THE BIOLOGY OF MALARIA PARASITES, Tania F. de Koning-Ward, Chris J. Janse, Andrew P. Waters NUCLEIC ACID TRANSPORT IN PLANT-MICROBE INTERACTIONS: The Molecules That Walk Through the Walls, Tzvi Tzfira, Yoon Rhee, Min-Huei Chen, Talya Kunik, Vitaly Citovsky PHYTOPLASMA: Phytopathogenic Mollicutes, Ing-Ming Lee, Robert E. Davis, Dawn E. Gundersen-Rindal ROOT NODULATION AND INFECTION FACTORS PRODUCED BY RHIZOBIAL BACTERIA, Herman P. Spaink ALGINATE LYASE: Review of Major Sources and Enzyme Characteristics, Structure-Function Analysis, Biological Roles, and Applications, Thiang Yian Wong, Lori A. Preston, Neal L. Schiller INTERIM REPORT ON GENOMICS OF ESCHERICHIA COLI, M. Riley, M. H. Serres ORAL MICROBIAL COMMUNITIES: Biofilms, Interactions, and Genetic Systems, Paul E. Kolenbrander ROLES OF THE GLUTATHIONE- AND THIOREDOXINDEPENDENT REDUCTION SYSTEMS IN THE ESCHERICHIA COLI AND SACCHAROMYCES CEREVISIAE RESPONSES TO OXIDATIVE STRESS, Orna Carmel-Harel, Gisela Storz RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN MOLECULAR GENETICS OF CANDIDA ALBICANS, Marianne D. De Backer, Paul T. Magee, Jesus Pla FUNCTIONAL MODULATION OF ESCHERICHIA COLI RNA POLYMERASE, Akira Ishihama BACTERIAL VIRULENCE GENE REGULATION: An Evolutionary Perspective, Peggy A. Cotter, Victor J. DiRita LEGIONELLA PNEUMOPHILA PATHOGENESIS: A Fateful Journey from Amoebae to Macrophages, M. S. Swanson, B. K. Hammer THE DISEASE SPECTRUM OF HELICOBACTER PYLORI : The Immunopathogenesis of Gastroduodenal Ulcer and Gastric Cancer, Peter B. Ernst, Benjamin D. Gold PATHOGENICITY ISLANDS AND THE EVOLUTION OF MICROBES, Jörg Hacker, James B. Kaper DNA SEGREGATION IN BACTERIA, Gideon Scott Gordon, Andrew Wright 1 19 49 81 129 157 187 221 257 289 341 413 439 463 499 519 567 615 641 681 POLYPHOSPHATE AND PHOSPHATE PUMP, I. Kulaev, T. Kulakovskaya ASSEMBLY AND FUNCTION OF TYPE III SECRETORY SYSTEMS, Guy R. Cornelis, Frédérique Van Gijsegem PROTEINS SHARED BY THE TRANSCRIPTION AND TRANSLATION MACHINES, Catherine L. Squires, Dmitry Zaporojets Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2000.54:799-825. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO LIBRARY on 01/20/11. For personal use only. HOLINS: The Protein Clocks of Bacteriophage Infections, Ing-Nang Wang, David L. Smith, Ry Young OXYGEN RESPIRATION BY DESULFOVIBRIO SPECIES, Heribert Cypionka REGULATION OF CARBON CATABOLISM IN BACILLUS SPECIES, J. Stülke, W. Hillen IRON METABOLISM IN PATHOGENIC BACTERIA, Colin Ratledge, Lynn G Dover 709 735 775 799 827 849 881