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CLCV 1003 A
Rachel C
It is most beneficial to you to write this mock midterm UNDER EXAM CONDITIONS.
This means:
• Complete the midterm in 2 hour(s).
• Work on your own.
• Keep your notes and textbook closed.
• Attempt every question.
After the time limit, go back over your work with a different colour or on a separate piece
of paper and try to do the questions you are unsure of. Record your ideas in the
margins to remind yourself of what you were thinking when you take it up at PASS.
The purpose of this mock exam is to give you practice answering questions in a timed
setting and to help you to gauge which aspects of the course content you know well and
which are in need of further development and review. Use this mock exam as a
learning tool in preparing for the actual exam.
Please note:
Come to the PASS workshop with your mock exam complete. During the
workshop you can work with other students to review your work.
Often, there is not enough time to review the entire exam in the PASS workshop.
Decide which questions you most want to review – the Facilitator may ask
students to vote on which questions they want to discuss in detail.
Facilitators do not bring copies of the mock exam to the session. Please print out
and complete the exam before you attend.
• Facilitators do not produce or distribute an answer key for mock exams.
Facilitators help students to work together to compare and assess the answers
they have. If you are not able to attend the PASS workshop, you can work alone
or with others in the class.
Good Luck writing the Mock Exam!!
Dates and locations of mock exam take-up:
Office Hours: Weds 19th-11am (Fourth Floor Lib). Take-ups: 21st 5:30-7:30, 23rd 1012. Both in Makenzie 3356
CLCV 1003 A
Rachel C
Part A: Each of the following statements is either true or false, indicate beside the
question T or F. (20 marks)
1. The ancient Romans had a idea of economy as an overall structure
2. Cheap grain requisitioned from the Provinces flooded the Roman market, making
it hard for the small family farm to compete.
3. The cities were productive as well as heavy consumers of goods and food.
4. The Roman census took place every 5 years, in theory it was a fair system but
they were unable to tax large accumulations of wealth so the rich got immunity.
5. Augustus’ expansion opened trade up to the East, looking for mainly luxury items
for the elites from Syria, Palestine and India.
6. In the West Roman wealth flowed out, the higher quality of production lead to
more trade.
7. China knew about Rome, they made it as far as Antioch on the Silk Road and
Red Sea.
8. Travel and trade on land was made simple because of the Roman invention of
the horseshoe.
9. Slaves legally couldn’t marry but they could have relationships, the head of the
household would decide what happened to the baby.
10. Senatorial members bypassed bot being allowed to do business by using
freedmen to do it for them.
11. Roman citizenship was easy for an outsider to get because they had similar
interest to the elites. In the Second Century A.D there was a revolutionary
change in citizenship that opened the process up.
12. Augustus ruled with a diarchy, there was no definition of his office because it had
never been seen before in Rome. He combined previous titles to create the
13. Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antinous Pius and Claudius are known as ‘the fiver good
CLCV 1003 A
Rachel C
14. The Roman treasury was strained following Trajan s Dacia conquest.
15. The Roman families worked together to make Rome a better place, this included
hosting feats for the Gods together.
16. The new mystery cults from the East promised salvation in the afterlife, like the
Romans, but had a very exotic way of practicing.
17. The original Roman law was illiterate but as it developed it became the
Praetorian Guards responsibility to enforce it.
18. During the Republic the 12 Tables codified the laws but did not establish
practices for dealing with them.
19. Before the 2nd Punic War the relationship between Greeks and Romans was
based in commerce, after the War the Romans began to discover Greek culture
and began imitating it.
20. The threat the East was Persia.
Part B: In the following one of each three statements is correct. Indicate which
statement is correct by circling the correct answer. (15 marks)
1. What is the chain of mountains along the coast of Italy? A. Rocky B. Alps C.
2. What Italian plain is Rome located on? A. Etruia B. Latium C.Campania
3. Where is Magna Gracia? A. Mainland Greece B. Macedon C. Gaul D. Italy
4. The Comitia Centuriata was the assembly based on, A. Land B. Wealth C. Fame
5. What position did the King-ly power go to in the Republic? A. Dictator B. Consul
C. Senate D. Quaestor
6. How many Praetors did the Romans have after the first Punic War to lead the
armies? A. 2 B. 10 C.4
7. What Roman General defeated the German Tribes 3 times when they tried to
enter the Italian Peninsula? A. Marius B. Cesar C. Lepidus
CLCV 1003 A
Rachel C
8. Who was not a member if the first Triumvirate? A. Octavian B. Pompey C.
9. Who was the last Julio-Claudian Emperor? A. Tiberius B. Claudius C. Nero
10. Who taught Roman children how to read the classics, their place in society and
the meaning of mythology? A. Litterator B. Grammaticus C. Rhetor
11. Who were responsible for producing goods from small artisans? A. Slaves B.
Freedmen C. Relatives
12. What deity is NOT part of the Capitoline Trinity? A. Bacchus B. Juno C. Minerva
13. Originally in who’s hands was the law in? A. The praetor B. Priests C. Senate
14. What was the function of literature? A. Discourse for the elites B. Impress the
ladies C. Education
15. What was a huge issue in the Roman legal and economic systems? A:
Favoritism B. Bribery C. Concentration of power into the few
Part C: Identify in once sentence 10 of the following terms. (20 marks)
Hannibal, Romanization, Bacchus, Latium, Phalanx, Appia, Trasimene, Gracchas,
dictator,imperium infintum, ius gentium
Part D: Discuss the characteristics, where appropriate, the importance of four of
the following. Write no more than one page, about 250 words on each. (40 marks)
1: Freedmen in Roman Society
2: The structure of the Roman family
3: The evolution of the dictatorship at Rome
4: The importance of cities in the Roman Empire
5: War and politics in the Republic after the second Punic War
6: Education at Rome
7: Law and lawcourts at Rome
8: The Roman Legion under Augustus
9: Roman Private religion during the Republic
10: Roman roads and land transportation
When you are done please fill out this survey about PASS:
Good Luck!!!!!
CLCV 1003 A
Rachel C