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When a product is manufactured, its existence needs to be made known to the general
public, otherwise the product will not sell.
Advertising draws the attention of potential consumers to a product.
Advertising is a way persuading potential customers to buy the product.
Advertising informs potential customers of the products functions and features.
Good advertising creates a demand for a product.
Good advertising may even create a brand identity for a product or series of
Advertising seeks to create an image surrounding a product, so that customers
feel that they need it.
Advertising can promote a new product and increase sales of existing products.
Scope of advertisement
1) Effectiveness of messages: The terminology used in advertising
may be new, but must prove effective in the attainment of the
objectives. The existing ,messages on similar products are evaluated
before new and effective advertising messages are launched. Thus,
the success of advertising depends upon the effectiveness of the
2) Appropriate media: The selection of a medium should be made (i) on
the basis of the type of customer to be approached; and (b) the
capacity of the organization to bear the cost.
3) Merchandise: Advertising covers the attributes of the products.
the merchandise, i.e., the product (or) service to be sold, has its own
distinct advantages. The advertiser should concentrate in explaining
the distinctive features of his products and avoid criticizing similar
products of the competitors.
4) Advertising functions: Advertising create demand, promotes the
marketing system, helps middlemen, builds up the image of the
organization. Consumer demand can be assessed by researchers so
that effective methods of advertising may be adopted. If new
products are made known to customers, the market for them will
expand. Advertising has become more economical than the other
forms of promotion. It builds up the image of the producer.
1. Product Introduction - When a business introduces a new
product, advertising provides a means to make a large market aware
of the product.
2. Product Sale Events - Advertising provides an effective way to
inform the market about limited-time product sale events.
3. Product Differentiation - Businesses frequently use advertising
to show how their product has more benefits, or is more effective,
than similar competitors; products.
4. Institutional Advertising - When a business communicates
information about its operations, or illustrates why its product is the
best choice for consumers, the company uses institutional