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 Helpful in identifying the different types of reactions
 Endothermic: Energy is absorbed. Energy is needed
for this reaction to occur
 These reactions feel cold
 Exothermic: Energy is released by the reaction
 These reactions feel hot.
 Catalyst: A substance that speeds up the reaction. It
lowers the activation energy (amount of energy
needed for a reaction to take place)
 Inhibitor: A substance used to combine with a reactant
so the reaction is prevented from occuring.
 There are five main types of chemical reactions
 Two or more substances combine to form one new
 Ex: A + B  AB
A + B + C  ABC
AB + C  ABC
 One substance breaks down into two or more simpler
 Ex: AB  A + B
ABC  AB + C
ABC  A + BC
ABC  A + B + C
 One element replaces another element in a compound
(one switch)
 Ex: A + BC  AB + C (A replaces C)
A + BC  AC + B (A replaces B)
 Elements from two different compounds replace each
other (two switches)
 Ex: AB + CD  AC + BD
AB + CD  AD + BC
** A double replacement with an acid and
base is called a neutralization reaction
 Oxygen combines with another compound to form
water and carbon dioxide
 Commonly called “burning”
 Exothermic Reaction (gives off heat)
 Identify the following reaction types:
 2KClO3 --> 2KCl + 3O2
 CaBr2 + NaCO3 --> CaCO3 + 2NaBr
 Zn + S --> ZnS
 Ba + FeBr2 --> BaBr2 + Fe
 2H2 + O2 --> 2H2O
 Identify the following reaction types:
 2KClO3 --> 2KCl + 3O2
 Decomposition
 CaBr2 + NaCO3 --> CaCO3 + 2NaBr
 Double Replacement
 Zn + S --> ZnS
 Synthesis
 Ba + FeBr2 --> BaBr2 + Fe
 Single Replacement
 2H2 + O2 --> 2H2O
 Synthesis