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Chapter 20 – Advertising Media
Objectives 20.1
Advertising is any paid form of non-personal promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an
identified sponsor. The purpose of advertising is to present its message so well that he
customer will buy the product or accept the idea presented. The two types of advertising
are promotional and institutional.
Media is the vehicle used to carry the advertising message and there are 3 forms:
 Print Media
 Broadcast Media
 Specialty Media
Terms 20.1
 Promotional Advertising – is designed to increase sales.
 Institutional Advertising – attempts to create a favorable impression and goodwill
for a business or an organization.
 Media – are the agencies, means or instruments used to convey messages.
 Print Media – are done in written form.
 Broadcast Media – includes radio and television.
 Specialty Media – are relatively inexpensive, useful items with an advertiser’s
name printed on them.
Objectives 20.2
Media rates vary greatly amongst the different types of media and are set using a variety
of factors.
Costs for media print ads can be calculated by taking (the cost of the ad x 1000) /
circulation = cost per thousand (CPM)
Suggestion for selecting promotional media:
 Reach the greatest number of customers at the lowest cost
 Provide opportunity for illustrating product
 Opportunity to present an adequate selling message
 Cover the targeted geographical area
Terms 20.2
 CPM – is (the cost of the ad x 1000) / circulation = cost per thousand (CPM)
 Network radio advertising – is broadcast to all affiliated radio stations throughout
the country.
 National spot radio advertising – advertises on a local station by station basis and
is used to target select markets in the country.
 Local radio advertising – is done by local business for its target market.