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The Civil War
Essential Questions
• What social, political, and economic issues tended to
divide Americans in the period prior to the
Civil War?
• Why did the election of Abraham Lincoln seem to
exacerbate sectional tensions in the prewar period?
• What impact did political and military leadership
have on the conduct of the war?
• How did the war affect minorities during the period
(women, free blacks, slaves, immigrants)?
• How did the Civil War “make” modern America?
Fundamental Causes of the War
• Sectionalism and states’ rights
• Slavery
• Economic issues
The Dividing Union
Missouri Compromise (1820)
Compromise of 1850 and the Fugitive Slave Law
Kansas–Nebraska Act (1854)
Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857)
Dred Scott
Cartoon criticizing the Fugitive Slave Law
The Election of 1860
John C.
Stephen A.
John Bell
Electoral Votes in 1860
• South Carolina
was first
to secede
• Several other
states followed
soon after
• Virginia
seceded after
the Battle of
Fort Sumter
Seceding states appear in green
Discussion Questions
1. What were the three fundamental causes of the
Civil War? Which do you think was the most
important? Why?
2. How did the Dred Scott decision help bring the
country closer to civil war? Do you think the
decision made civil war inevitable? Why or
why not?
3. While running for president, Abraham Lincoln said
that he had no plans to abolish slavery. Why then
did Southerners fear his election so much?
The Creation of the Confederacy
• Delegates met in
Montgomery, Alabama
• Formed the Confederate
States of America
• Jefferson Davis elected
president, with
Alexander Stephens as
vice president
CSA President Jefferson Davis
Buchanan’s Inaction
• Believed secession was
illegal, but that acting
to prevent it was
also illegal
• Decided to let the
incoming administration
handle the problem
President James Buchanan
Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address
• March 4, 1861
• Promised not to
interfere with slavery
where it already existed
• Attempted to reconcile
with the South
A crowd listens to Lincoln’s speech at the
Capitol building
Lincoln and Fort Sumter
• Confederates demanded that the fort be surrendered
• Lincoln received urgent message from Ft. Sumter’s
• Lincoln faced with dilemma of resupplying Sumter
• Decided to send only “food for hungry men”
Fort Sumter
The War Begins
• Bombardment began on April 12, 1861
• Anderson surrendered to Gen. Beauregard, a close
friend and colleague
Painting depicting
the bombardment of
Fort Sumter
The “Anaconda Plan”
The Union’s strategy:
• Naval blockade
from Louisiana
to Virginia
• Control of the
Mississippi River
Confederate strategy
primarily defensive
Cartoon about the “Anaconda Plan”
Advantages & Disadvantages:
The Union
A Massachusetts factory
• Industry and railroads
• Larger population
• Legitimate government
• Strong political leadership
• Funding difficulties
• Offensive war
• Lack of skilled
military leaders
Advantages & Disadvantages:
The Confederacy
• Defensive war on home turf
• Common cause
• Strong military tradition and
outstanding leaders
• Weak economy
• Smaller population
• Ineffective central
government and leadership
Generals Robert E. Lee and
Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson
War Aims: North and South
• The North: to preserve the Union
• The South: safeguarding states’ rights, as well as
protecting the South from “Northern aggression”
Discussion Questions
1. Pretend you are a member of Buchanan’s cabinet.
How would you advise him to deal with the
secession crisis in the period before the next
president took office?
2. Do you think the “Anaconda Plan” was an effective
strategy for subduing the Confederacy? If not, what
strategy would you have recommended?
3. Which side’s goals for the war seem more
reasonable to you? Why?
Recruiting Soldiers
• Lincoln called
for 75,000
volunteers for
three months’
• Response was
• Union also
with bounties
New Yorkers line up to enlist
Bull Run
• First major battle of
Civil War
• About 25 miles from
Washington, D.C.
• “Stonewall” Jackson
became famous
• Confederate victory
Gen. Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson
• Union forces led by
Ulysses S. Grant
• Confederate attack
nearly wiped out
Union forces on
first day
• Grant counterattacked the
next day
• Union victory
A view of Shiloh after the battle
New Technologies in Warfare
Minie ball
Heavy artillery
• Gatling gun
• Trench warfare
A Gatling gun
A New Union Commander
• McClellan selected as
commander after
Bull Run
• McClellan popular
with troops
• A thorough
• Overly cautious
Gen. George B. McClellan
Lee Takes Command
• General Joseph E.
Johnston wounded
• Robert E. Lee takes
command of
Confederate army
• Lee proves an able
Gen. Robert E. Lee
• Attempt by Lee to invade the North
• Near Sharpsburg, Maryland
• McClellan tipped off to Lee’s plans when a soldier
found secret orders wrapped around cigars
• Single bloodiest day in American history
Artillery Hell, a
painting of
early morning
hostilities at
Prelude to Emancipation
• At first, Lincoln did not
believe he had the
authority to end slavery
• However, every slave
working on a plantation
allowed a white
Southerner to fight
• Lincoln saw
emancipation as a
strategic issue as well as
a moral one
Slaves on a South Carolina plantation, 1862
Advantages to Emancipation
Lincoln discussing emancipation with his cabinet
• Cause “union” in
the North by
linking the war to
abolishing slavery
• Cause disorder in
the South as slaves
were freed
• Kept Britain out of
the war
The Emancipation Proclamation
• Lincoln announced
proclamation after Antietam
• Took effect on January 1, 1863
• Freed slaves only in “territories
in rebellion”
A cartoon celebrating emancipation
Gettysburg: Prelude
• Lee crossed
• Sent troops for
• Confederates
Union force
Gettysburg battlefield: view from Culp’s Hill
Gettysburg: Day One
• Small Union force led
by Buford delayed a
larger Confederate force
• Buford held
high ground at
Seminary Ridge
• Buford’s stand allowed
time for reinforcements
to arrive
Gettysburg: Day Two
• Col. Joshua Lawrence
• Defense of Little
Round Top
• 20th Maine repelled
Confederates and saved
Union position
Colonel (later Major General)
Joshua L. Chamberlain
Gettysburg: Day Three
Artist’s rendition of the battlefield during
Pickett’s charge
• Lee believed Union
lines were still
• Ordered Pickett’s
forces to attack
center of
Union lines
• “Pickett’s Charge”
resulted in over
6500 Confederate
Impact of Gettysburg
• Confederates lost 28,000
men (one-third of army)
• Union lost 23,000 men
(one-quarter of army)
• Town overwhelmed by
dead and wounded soldiers
• Lee unable to rebuild army
• Turning point of the war
A Confederate soldier lies dead at
“Devil’s Den”
Siege of Vicksburg
Union troops surround Vicksburg during
the siege
• Key to total Union
control of the
Mississippi River
• Several attempts by
Grant to take the
city failed
• Grant barraged the city
for two months
• Vicksburg fell on
July 4, 1863
The Gettysburg Address
• Lincoln invited to attend
cemetery dedication
• Everett the principal
• At the time, Lincoln’s
two-minute speech was
considered great by
some, a failure by others
The only known picture of Lincoln
(lower center) at the Gettysburg
Cemetery dedication
Discussion Questions
1. Why do you think the loss of Stonewall Jackson was
so devastating to the Confederacy?
2. Why was the Battle of Gettysburg such an important
victory for the Union? How might things have been
different had the Confederacy won the battle?
3. Should Lee have been relieved of command because
of his strategy at Gettysburg? Why or why not?
The “Wilderness Campaign”
• Grant came to support
“total war”
• Sought to crush Lee’s
army in Virginia
• Fought in dense forest
near Fredericksburg
• Grant criticized for
taking high losses
Grant at Cold Harbor during
the Wilderness Campaign
Sherman’s “March to the Sea”
• Sherman sought to
break the South’s ability
to make war
• Captured Atlanta in
September 1864
• Led the March to the
Sea from Atlanta
to Savannah
• Took Savannah by
Christmas 1864
Maj. Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman
The Fall of Richmond
• Lee told Davis the
capital was in danger
• Davis ordered
• Union forces took
• Lincoln toured the city
soon after
The remains of buildings after the
Union invasion, April 1865
Surrender at Appomattox
Lee realized his position was hopeless
Asked to meet with Grant
Met in Appomattox on April 9, 1865
Lenient surrender terms
An artist’s
rendition of the
Lincoln’s Assassination
• April 14, 1865, at
Ford’s Theater
• Shot by actor John
Wilkes Booth
• Booth killed
12 days later
• Vice President Andrew
Johnson became
An illustration of Lincoln’s
The Road to Reconstruction
President Andrew Johnson
• Lincoln’s assassination
led to rise of “Radical
• Conflict over how to best
deal with the former
Confederate states
• Reconstruction period
brought about great
political upheaval
• South “punished” for
causing the war