the rise and fall of General George B. McClellan.
... Many military leaders have had problems with their superiors and subordinates. What made General McClellan compelling was his disregard for all other views that did not fit into his view of the world. Instead of working within the contextual framework given, he complained, cajoled, and strong-armed ...
... Many military leaders have had problems with their superiors and subordinates. What made General McClellan compelling was his disregard for all other views that did not fit into his view of the world. Instead of working within the contextual framework given, he complained, cajoled, and strong-armed ...
... the holocaust of civil war. In the end, after enduring four unendurable years, he himself became a casualty of that conflict, gunned down by John Wilkes Booth just when the war was won and popular government preserved for humankind the world over. The man who died that dark and dismal day had flaws ...
... the holocaust of civil war. In the end, after enduring four unendurable years, he himself became a casualty of that conflict, gunned down by John Wilkes Booth just when the war was won and popular government preserved for humankind the world over. The man who died that dark and dismal day had flaws ...
They Fought the War Together: Southeastern Ohio`s
... Americans. While some historians have focused solely on the importance of the home front, this research shows that the home front and the battle front worked in unison. The reciprocal relationship between the two actually contributed to Union success. This dissertation builds on the point made by th ...
... Americans. While some historians have focused solely on the importance of the home front, this research shows that the home front and the battle front worked in unison. The reciprocal relationship between the two actually contributed to Union success. This dissertation builds on the point made by th ...
lincoln and mcclellan: a marriage of convenience turned sour
... When observing the relationship between President Abraham Lincoln and General George B. McClellan, it is tempting to approach the story as a common one of hero versus villain. As Joseph Harsh explains in his essay on McClellan, the General’s “role in the Unionist scenario is all but predetermined. H ...
... When observing the relationship between President Abraham Lincoln and General George B. McClellan, it is tempting to approach the story as a common one of hero versus villain. As Joseph Harsh explains in his essay on McClellan, the General’s “role in the Unionist scenario is all but predetermined. H ...
"The Naples of America," Pensacola during the Civil War
... Reconstruction and attracted a large following. Most of the works produced by the “Dunning school” examine state histories, and Davis falls directly in this category. This school of thought portrays carpetbaggers and Radical Republicans as wretched characters only looking to take advantage of the So ...
... Reconstruction and attracted a large following. Most of the works produced by the “Dunning school” examine state histories, and Davis falls directly in this category. This school of thought portrays carpetbaggers and Radical Republicans as wretched characters only looking to take advantage of the So ...
Mercer Museum and Spruance Library of the Bucks
... The Museum has made major advances in collections management and care, exhibitions, and interpretation; bringing the Museum in line with contemporary standards, while at the same time respecting the historical integrity of the site. In 1985, the Mercer Museum was recognized as a National Historic La ...
... The Museum has made major advances in collections management and care, exhibitions, and interpretation; bringing the Museum in line with contemporary standards, while at the same time respecting the historical integrity of the site. In 1985, the Mercer Museum was recognized as a National Historic La ...
... considering the paucity of actual treason cases that went to trial during the Civil War. To gain a more complete understanding of how Civil War era Americans defined treason, this study borrows from the sources and methods of social, cultural, intellectual, and military history. It employs sermons, ...
... considering the paucity of actual treason cases that went to trial during the Civil War. To gain a more complete understanding of how Civil War era Americans defined treason, this study borrows from the sources and methods of social, cultural, intellectual, and military history. It employs sermons, ...
the First Battle of Bull Run and its Impact on Connecticut
... After the loss at Bull Run the Peace Democrats struck while the iron was hot and dissent against the war high. The Union’s loss greatly affected Connecticut politics by awakening the Peace Democrats and inspiring them to fervently air their grievances about the war. They now had a solid reason to fi ...
... After the loss at Bull Run the Peace Democrats struck while the iron was hot and dissent against the war high. The Union’s loss greatly affected Connecticut politics by awakening the Peace Democrats and inspiring them to fervently air their grievances about the war. They now had a solid reason to fi ...
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. Essay
... him butter, “fresh meat” and olives, plus a carpet bag and some handkerchiefs. He sounded as if he was already on the front-line. But in May, when he wrote to his mother, he was only in Boston Harbor. By the end of that month, it looked as though he was not going to get much further. On May 25 the F ...
... him butter, “fresh meat” and olives, plus a carpet bag and some handkerchiefs. He sounded as if he was already on the front-line. But in May, when he wrote to his mother, he was only in Boston Harbor. By the end of that month, it looked as though he was not going to get much further. On May 25 the F ...
Word document
... (Catton, 449) But he knew McClellan’s style and thought that he could win against him. Catton in “Terrible Swift Sword” wrote that “Antietam Creek wasn’t much of a stream and Sharpsburg was not much a town, and the army that Lee planted behind the creek on September 15 was then not much of an army. ...
... (Catton, 449) But he knew McClellan’s style and thought that he could win against him. Catton in “Terrible Swift Sword” wrote that “Antietam Creek wasn’t much of a stream and Sharpsburg was not much a town, and the army that Lee planted behind the creek on September 15 was then not much of an army. ...
General George Brinton McClellan: The Cautious
... (Catton, 449) But he knew McClellan’s style and thought that he could win against him. Catton in “Terrible Swift Sword” wrote that “Antietam Creek wasn’t much of a stream and Sharpsburg was not much a town, and the army that Lee planted behind the creek on September 15 was then not much of an army. ...
... (Catton, 449) But he knew McClellan’s style and thought that he could win against him. Catton in “Terrible Swift Sword” wrote that “Antietam Creek wasn’t much of a stream and Sharpsburg was not much a town, and the army that Lee planted behind the creek on September 15 was then not much of an army. ...
Baltimore riot of 1861

The Baltimore riot of 1861 (also called the Pratt Street Riot and the Pratt Street Massacre) was a conflict on April 19, 1861, in Baltimore, Maryland, between anti-War Democrats (the largest party in Maryland), as well as Confederate sympathizers, and members of the Massachusetts militia en route to Washington for Federal service. It produced the first deaths by hostile action in the American Civil War.