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Ch.16, 17, 19 Test Regular Biology
Know the definition of evolution
Know why Darwin was credited with the theory of evolution
Know where Darwin believed the plants and animals of the Galapagos Islands came from
Know what artificial selection is and some examples
Know why Darwin believed the finches on the Galapagos Islands evolved different beaks
How were Darwin and Lamarck’s ideas similar
Know how Malthus’ ideas about human populations influenced Darwin
Know the major idea presented by Darwin in his book The Origin of Species
Know what natural selection is, basic ideas that make up this concept
Know what an adaptation is , and how they influence evolution
Know what a fossil is
Know what a homologous structure is, an example, what they show
Know what developmental biology is, how this supports evolution
Know how similarities in biochemistry support evolution
Know what biogeography is, how it supports evolution
Know what Darwin’s ideas combined with modern ideas/studies is called
Know the definition of speciation is
Know difference between microevolution and macroevolution
Know the difference between punctuated equilibrium and gradualism
Know how microevolution/genetic change can be measured
Know what Hardy and Weinberg predicted, and what was needed for this to be maintained
Know the difference between directional, stabilizing, and disruptive selection is, how this affects a
Know what the biological species concept is, what types of organisms this doesn’t work for
Know what adaptive radiation is
Know how reproductive isolation can occur
Know what extinction is
Know why Miller and Urey’s experiment was important
Know where energy might have come from to make the first organic molecules
Know different theories on where/how first organic molecules were produced
Know what microspheres are, what they are important
Know what a ribozyme is, what the first likely genetic molecule was
Know they different ways fossils may be preserved, how fossils are preserved in sedimentary rocks
Know what index fossils are, why they are important
Know what the geologic time scale is based on
Know how mass extinctions are used in the geologic time scale, when most recent mass extinction occurred,
cause of
Know the three eras, from oldest to most recent
Know why cyanobacteria are important
Know what theory of endosymbiosis is
Know why ozone layer was important to the evolution of life
Know where arthropods first evolved