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Budny 1:00
Disclaimer—This paper partially fulfills a writing requirement for first year (freshman) engineering students at the
University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering. This paper is a student, not a professional, paper. This paper is
based on publicly available information and may not provide complete analyses of all relevant data. If this paper is used for
any purpose other than these authors’ partial fulfillment of a writing requirement for first year (freshman) engineering
students at the University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering, the user does so at his or her own risk.
Samiyah Basir ([email protected])
Climate change is one of the most alarming
environmental issues in our global community, with
pollution and landfilling as the main sources of the
greenhouse gas effect. The impacts of climate change
would ultimately affect our everyday lifestyle, and as a
future engineer, I believe that this issue should be a
priority for the development of new technologies.
Such technologies would include improving and
expanding the production of biodegradable materials.
The amount of waste in landfills around the world
cannot be reduced, but the nature of the decomposition
of the waste can be improved with the help of engineers
and scientists. Biodegradable plastics are becoming
more desirable for the production of food containers,
automobile parts, and bags. These plastics decompose at
a faster rate and have generally shown to be less
harmful in terms of emissions. Some of the applications
of biodegradable plastics, such as photodegradable and
oxydegradable bags, have proven that this innovation
can fundamentally help address climate change with its
distribution at the consumer level.
As one of the most threatening issues in our global
environment, climate change has yet to be successfully
alleviated. Climate change, also known as global
warming, is the gradual increase of the temperature of
Earth’s atmosphere. Scientists have closely studied this
issue, identifying the emissions of greenhouse gases as
the primary cause. The greenhouse gases cause the
radiation in the atmosphere, ultimately causing the
Earth’s surface temperature to rise [1].
The impacts of climate change on the future global
environment would eventually lead to the destruction of
natural habitats for thousands of species of plants and
animals. The increase of the temperature of oceans
would melt ice glaciers, leading to increasing sea levels
and cities submerging underwater. The rising sea levels
would force millions of people to seek new homes to
areas of higher elevations, which will eventually result
in greater overcrowding in concentrated areas of land.
University of Pittsburgh, Swanson School of Engineering 1
Submission Date 11.01.2016
These environmental impacts would affect everyone,
and I would take such an issue seriously. The U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been
working to reduce methane emissions from solid waste
landfills, and educate others about the importance of
their efforts. Enesta Jones of the EPA writes, “Climate
change impacts threaten our health—by exposing us to
extreme heat waves, degraded air quality, and diseases
spread though food, water, and insects—and they
threaten our economy—by increasing insurance
premiums and food prices, and damaging our
infrastructure and ecosystems. The most vulnerable
among us—including children, older adults, people with
preexisting medical conditions, and people living in
poverty—are most at risk from the impacts of climate
change” [2]. Over the last decade, the EPA, along with
many other environmental organizations, have enforced
recycling laws and practices to help reduce pollution.
Although recycling reduces the need for the use of
energy to produce new products from raw materials, I
believe that non-recyclable materials that remain in
landfills are more of a problem.
The effects of waste disposal on climate change is
becoming an increasing threat to our global community.
Many waste treatments, such as combustion and
landfilling, contribute to the excess amount of
greenhouse gas emissions in the Earth’s atmosphere.
These greenhouse gases include methane, carbon
dioxide, and nitrous oxide. Researchers found that the
burning of fossil fuels were one of the most common
sources of carbon dioxide and methane emissions [3].
Waste treatments, however, have also grown immensely
in their contribution to greenhouse gas emissions.
Landfilling and incineration are the two main types
of waste treatments used throughout the world. Landfills
contain millions of tons of waste, which takes as many
as four-hundred fifty years to completely decompose
[4]. The decomposition of organic waste is the source
of the excess methane produced, with plastic as a one of
the most harmful types of waste when decomposed [3].
Engineers and scientists have identified the more
specific problem with landfilling– the chemical makeup
of waste. As space for landfills are becoming more
scarce and the waste humans produce is increasing, I
can see that the most effective solution would involve
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paying more attention to how the waste can decompose
in a less harmful way. From an engineering standpoint,
taking it step further and concentrating on the source of
waste and working to improve the composition of
everyday items that are found in the landfills would be a
more strategic approach.
that would be able to degrade into the soil in the
landfills [8].
In contrast to the microscopic level of biodegradable
electronics, engineers are also working on producing
renewable fungus-based alternatives for structural
components in the automotive industry. There are also
packaging materials serving as foam alternatives, with
Ecovative’s Eco-cradle and Greensulate products as
prime examples [9]. These developments are great
innovations, but they don’t capture the essence of
biodegradable materials for their intended everyday use.
Biodegradable plastics, on the other hand, can be
applied to a myriad of products, and possibly replace the
current harmful plastics in the environment.
As engineers worked to identify ways in which
various materials behaved while breaking down into
smaller substances, they adopted the term
biodegradation. Biodegradation is the breakdown of
organic materials in soil by microorganisms such as
bacteria and fungi. The U.S. EPA defines it as, “A
process by which microbial organisms transform or alter
(through metabolic or enzymatic action) the structure of
chemicals introduced into the environment” [5]. This
process occurs in both aerobic conditions, with the
presence of oxygen, and anaerobic conditions, with the
absence of oxygen. Under the right conditions, organic
materials would also decompose at a faster rate than
inorganic materials. A study from the Bioscience and
Biotechnology Department at the University of Roorkee
revealed that the half life of the biodegradable
substance, Baygon, when placed in soil, was fifteen
days [6].
The idea is that new, environmentally friendly
products, that are composed of biodegradable materials,
would decompose back into natural elements and feed
nutrients to microorganisms in the earth’s soil. In turn,
the amount of greenhouse gas emissions would decrease
and the waste in the landfills would decompose at a
faster rate. As materials made from renewable sources,
biodegradable products seem to be a better for the
environment overall. This type of technology not only
addresses the central issue of climate change by way of
reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, but it also
addresses the growing problem of congested landfills
[7]. If the waste in the landfills decomposed at a faster
rate, then there would be more room for the additional
waste added each day. Depending on the type of
biodegradable material, its role prior to its position in
the landfill can also serve multiple purposes.
Biodegradable materials are currently being
developed in the form of food, packaging, electronics,
tissues, and other everyday substances. Researchers
have found ways to develop and manufacture such
materials into products that serve beyond their
environmental impact. Biodegradable electronics, for
instance, have been tested in the form of dissolvable
catheters for surgical procedures. There are also sensors
being developed for disposable electronic applications
In lieu of the need for sustainable, eco-efficient
plastic alternatives, engineers and scientists have
developed biodegradable plastics to replace petroleumbased polymers. Biodegradable polymers and packaging
not only yield environmental benefits, but also
economic and functional benefits to society. While
regular plastics that contain Polyethylene Terephthalate
(PET) require oil for their manufacturing, biodegradable
plastics are made with biomass, allowing for the
recovery of fossil fuels without harming the earth with
the release of toxic gases. This type of technology is
important to engineers because it can eliminate the
harmful processes of manufacturing plastics, saving
time and money. Without the burning of fossil fuels,
this alternate means of production would reduce the
greenhouse gas emissions and the dependence on other
countries for oil.
The time it takes for biodegradable plastics is also
significantly less than that of normal plastics. As a
result, the landfills wouldn’t contain as much of an
overwhelming amount of plastics. The organic materials
of the biomass in chemical makeup of these plastics
allow them to be renewable resources and reduce carbon
emissions. This can benefit society as whole while
playing a role in our everyday lives. Biodegradable
plastic cups, for example, can be disposed in a landfill
and converted back to natural elements and nutrients in
the soil. In addition to plastic cups, plastic food
containers can benefit the environment as biodegradable
materials, along with plastic water bottles which would
normally decompose at a much slower rate. [10]
Despite the evidence of benefits shown in current
technology, many scientists are questioning the
effectiveness of these biodegradable plastics. In his
essay, Dr. Tadahisa Iwata talks about the prospects of
biodegradable plastics blending with other polymers in
the environment. He notes, “When a non-biodegradable
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plastic is blended with a biodegradable plastic, only the
biodegradable components will be degraded in the
environment. As a result, non-biodegradable plastics
that are broken up into smaller particles diffuse into the
environment and will cause environmental pollution.
Furthermore, the usage of copolymers that consist of
biodegradable and non-biodegradable monomers might
cause more serious pollution, and these copolymers
should never be used as biodegradable plastics” [11].
His observations, along with many other criticisms,
create many discrepancies between the pros and cons of
biodegradable plastics.
Some criticisms reveal that many biodegradable
plastics that are still made from oil actually release
harmful carbon dioxide in the air, in addition to a small
amount of biomass. The other problem is the fact that
certain biomaterials require specific conditions to
decompose properly, and may not provide much benefit
to the environment if they are not managed in the right
way [12]. If the issue revolves around the management
of the biodegradable waste conditions, I’d rather see
more time put into making sure those plastics
biodegrade, since conventional plastics often take much
longer to decompose anyway. If engineering
professionals are able to assess and keep track of
optimal conditions for biodegradable waste, it would
save space, time, and money in comparison to the
current system of waste management of nonbiodegradable plastics. Waste management of one of the
most abundant forms of biodegradable plastics would be
plastic bags.
bonds to aid in the (much faster) degradation of the
material through the rupture of various polymer chains
[15]. Although the production of these types of plastics
involve the burning of fossil fuels, I believe it’s
important for engineers to continue researching ways to
develop this material without harming the environment
to begin with. Both oxo-degradable and
photodegradable plastics are works in progress, and
engineers and researchers are working to improve these
technologies as they should.
From an engineering standpoint, I find it crucial that
engineers continue to work with scientists to develop
better materials to help the environment. Despite the
controversy surrounding the reverse effect of
biodegradable plastics, I still believe that engineers
should develop other forms of biodegradable materials
if the plastic form continues to present evidence of
methane emissions. The form and function of strong,
durable plastics while helping the environment is
appealing on all levels. I would love to work on a
project involving some form of biodegradable material,
as my concern for the effects of climate change on the
environment intensifies. Our society should be more
aware about the seriousness of landfilling and the
materials of our recycled products. As professional
engineers continue to develop more technological
advancement in environmentally friendly products, they
should pay more attention to the products that would be
used in our day-to-day lives, rather than products for
special circumstances such as silicon computer chip
sensors for advanced communication.
The two main types of biodegradable plastics
currently in use are plant-based hydro-biodegradable
plastics and petroleum-based oxo-biodegradable plastics
[13]. Hydro-biodegradable plastics decompose through
hydrolysis processes, while the more prevalent form,
oxo-degradable plastics, decompose by oxidation with
the help of chemical additives. The main issue with oxodegradable bags is that they would require aerobic
conditions, which aren’t abundant within deeper parts of
a landfill. However, studies show that these types of
plastic bags would fully degrade within eighteen to
twenty-four months at minimum [14]. This proves that
with the right conditions, oxo-degradable plastic bags
can decompose at faster rates, and help alleviate the
landfilling issue at hand.
In contrast to the need for oxygen, photodegradable
plastics are decomposed with sunlight. The carbonyl
groups in its chemical structure contain bonds that
absorb UV radiation, and trap energy to break nearby
[1] "Climate Change and Waste." EPA. Environmental
Protection Agency, 29 Sept. 2016. Web. 29 Oct. 2016.
[2] "EPA Issues Final Actions to Cut Methane
Emissions from Municipal Solid Waste Landfills." EPA.
Environmental Protection Agency.
[3]"GRID-Arendal." Climate Change and Waste.
[4] "How Long Does It Take a Plastic Bottle to
Biodegrade?" Educational Articles and Tips from
Budny 10:00
[5] "What Is Biodegradation?" What Is Biodegradation?
[6]"Biodegradation." Biodegradation.<http://www.hawa>.
[7] "Types of Biodegradable
26 June 2010. Web.
[8] Thilmany, Jean. "Absorbable
Electronics." Bioengineering News, Conferences and
Careers. Jun. 2016. Web.
[9] MacRae, Michael. "Biomaterials Start-Up Finds
'Shroom at the Top." Biomaterials Start-Up Finds
'Shroom at the Top. Sept. 2012. Web.
[10] "7 Advantages of Biodegradable Plastics – Updated
Article with New Information." Biostockspro 7
Advantages of Biodegradable Plastics Updated Article
with New Information Comments. Web.
[11] Iwata, Tadahisa. "Biodegradable and Bio-Based
Polymers: Future Prospects of Eco-Friendly Plastics.
[12] "Biodegradable Plastics: Are They Better for the
Environment?" Biodegradable Plastics: Are They Better
for the Environment? Web.
[13] Harris, William. HowStuffWorks. Web.
[14] BASF."CIEC Promoting Science at the University
of York, York, UK." Degradable Plastics. Web.
[15] "Rapid Response." PPRC What Are the Benefits
and Drawbacks to Oxodegradable Bags Comments.
Web. <>.
I’d like to thank my writing center consultant, Grace
Cooper, for helping me organize my thoughts into a
logical essay.