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LA 7 -- Grammar and Sentence Mechanics Unit Exam Review
Noun, Verb, Pronoun:
 define and explain the function of a noun
 identify and/or provide examples of proper nouns
 identify and/or provide examples of different types of common nouns (singular; plural; collective;
define and explain the function of a verb
explain the difference between a main verb and/or a helping verb
provide examples of main and helping verbs
understand the purpose and relation of singular/plural verbs and verb tense
define and explain the function of a pronoun is
define and identify the antecedent
be able to explain and identify the following pronouns (person subjective and objective; possessive;
demonstrative; indefinite; interrogative; reflexive)
Adjective, Adverb, Article, Conjunction, Preposition:
 define and explain the function of an adjective
 identify, use and/or provide examples of adjectives
 identify and/or provide examples of different types of adjectives (comparative; superlative)
define and explain the function of an adverb
identify, use, and/or provide examples of adverbs
define and explain the function of an article
identify, use, and/or provide examples of articles (only 3 of them)
define and explain the function of a preposition
identify, use, and/or provide examples of prepositions
define and explain the function of a conjunction
identify, use, and/or provide examples of conjunctions
identify and/or provide examples of different types of conjunctions (coordinating; subordinating)
End Punctuation:
 2 reasons why end punctuation is used
 identify the 3 sentence types and the proper end punctuation associated with each
 be able to edit sentences and/or paragraphs for proper usage of end punctuation
Capitalization, Commas, Quotation Marks:
 list the 5 functions/reasons why we use commas
 be able to edit sentences and/or paragraphs for proper comma usage
 explain where we use quotation marks
 know where to use commas and end punctuation properly when dealing with quotation marks
 be able to edit sentences and/or paragraphs for proper quotation mark usage
 know what things should be capitalized
 be able to edit sentences and/or paragraphs for capitalization usage
Sentence Structure/Types:
what is a subject? a predicate?....why are they important to sentence structure
be able to identify a sentence fragment or a complete sentence
be able to identify and define what a simple sentence is (simple subject; simple predicate; compound
subject; compound predicate)
be able to identify and define what a compound sentence is
know how compound sentences are joined (coordinating conjunctions - FANBOYS; semicolons)
o know when to use the appropriate coordinating conjunction
be able to identify and define what a complex sentence is
o what is the difference between an independent clause and a dependent clause?
o what is a subordinating conjunction? how are they connected to dependent clauses?
o what are some common subordinating conjunctions?
o when is a comma used and not used in a complex sentence?