54. Adverbs and adverbials
... The term “adverb” refers to a specific word class or lexical category and therefore contrasts with other word classes, such as nouns, adjectives, verbs, or prepositions. On the one hand, both adverbs and prepositions are uninflected, with adverbs differing from prepositions in having phrasal status. ...
... The term “adverb” refers to a specific word class or lexical category and therefore contrasts with other word classes, such as nouns, adjectives, verbs, or prepositions. On the one hand, both adverbs and prepositions are uninflected, with adverbs differing from prepositions in having phrasal status. ...
Inner aspect and telicity
... process, and whether this process is characterized by a certain stage that determines its end. This stage is referred to by different terms: the culmination, the termination, the telos, etc. and predicates involving such a stage are usually called culminating, terminating or telic processes. Involvi ...
... process, and whether this process is characterized by a certain stage that determines its end. This stage is referred to by different terms: the culmination, the termination, the telos, etc. and predicates involving such a stage are usually called culminating, terminating or telic processes. Involvi ...
University of Pardubice Faculty of Arts and Philosophy
... 1. Personal pronouns ...........................................................................................................6 2. Demonstrative pronouns ..................................................................................................7 3. Relative pronouns ....................... ...
... 1. Personal pronouns ...........................................................................................................6 2. Demonstrative pronouns ..................................................................................................7 3. Relative pronouns ....................... ...
The Realization and Function of Focus in Spoken English by
... corresponds to the wh-element what (taken together with happens) in the question that the sentence answers. The sentence appearing in (4b), (6b) and (7b) is thus potentially ambiguous with regard to its focus structure: it could answer any of the questions in (4a), (6a) and (7a), given the right co ...
... corresponds to the wh-element what (taken together with happens) in the question that the sentence answers. The sentence appearing in (4b), (6b) and (7b) is thus potentially ambiguous with regard to its focus structure: it could answer any of the questions in (4a), (6a) and (7a), given the right co ...
German Adverbial Adjectives: Syntactic Position and
... We heard, that loudly the people for help screamed have ...
... We heard, that loudly the people for help screamed have ...
German Adverbial Adjectives: Syntactic Position
... We heard, that loudly the people for help screamed have ...
... We heard, that loudly the people for help screamed have ...
Copula Variation in African American Vernacular English: an investigation... individual- and stage-level predicate hypothesis
... copula as the standard 3rd person form despite the fact that it is prohibited in environments like ellipsis, tag questions, and inversion, and we argue later that the null copula is in fact a marked form contrastive to the contracted copula. Labov (1969) also shows that the null copula is the more ...
... copula as the standard 3rd person form despite the fact that it is prohibited in environments like ellipsis, tag questions, and inversion, and we argue later that the null copula is in fact a marked form contrastive to the contracted copula. Labov (1969) also shows that the null copula is the more ...
Leísta Spanish and the Syntax of Clitic Doubling
... dative and accusative clitics should receive different analyses. Dative clitics are agreement markers (a la Sportiche 1993); accusative clitics are determiners (see Torrego 1988; Uriagereka 1988). The questions raised by Chapter 2 are: (1) How should dative-form accusative clitics in Leísta Spanish ...
... dative and accusative clitics should receive different analyses. Dative clitics are agreement markers (a la Sportiche 1993); accusative clitics are determiners (see Torrego 1988; Uriagereka 1988). The questions raised by Chapter 2 are: (1) How should dative-form accusative clitics in Leísta Spanish ...
Absolute Clauses in the Literature
... construction is always nominative, or at least the subject of the English absolute clauses is nominative; it is participle because the logical predicate is always participial. Jespersen (1937: 126) considers that the two names are both inappropriate and consequently uses the term “nexus tertiary.” T ...
... construction is always nominative, or at least the subject of the English absolute clauses is nominative; it is participle because the logical predicate is always participial. Jespersen (1937: 126) considers that the two names are both inappropriate and consequently uses the term “nexus tertiary.” T ...
Abbreviations 1 1st person 2 2nd person 3 3rd person acc
... 2.1.6 Strategies for other clausemate environments - If there are any additional reflexive strategies known to you (from grammars, or from your linguistic knowledge), list them now. Name each new strategy with a short name or label, and give one example. Take a few minutes to consider other variatio ...
... 2.1.6 Strategies for other clausemate environments - If there are any additional reflexive strategies known to you (from grammars, or from your linguistic knowledge), list them now. Name each new strategy with a short name or label, and give one example. Take a few minutes to consider other variatio ...
Subjunctive Obviation: an Interface Perspective
... bedded subjunctive verbs due to the consecutio temporum (that is, Sequence of Tense – henceforth, SOT). Finally, do verbs inflected in the first and second person instantiate obviation? With respect to point (b), do other subjunctive tenses instantiate obviation? With respect to (c), may phonologic ...
... bedded subjunctive verbs due to the consecutio temporum (that is, Sequence of Tense – henceforth, SOT). Finally, do verbs inflected in the first and second person instantiate obviation? With respect to point (b), do other subjunctive tenses instantiate obviation? With respect to (c), may phonologic ...
Why are there no reciprocal uses of German sich in PPs
... ‘Paul and Mary called each other every day at home.’ The ban on reciprocal sich in PPs is quite robust. It applies to PPs in both argument and adjunct positions. In (3)–(5) above the PPs containing sich were arguments. The PP in (6) is ...
... ‘Paul and Mary called each other every day at home.’ The ban on reciprocal sich in PPs is quite robust. It applies to PPs in both argument and adjunct positions. In (3)–(5) above the PPs containing sich were arguments. The PP in (6) is ...
... encapsulated and sent off, at the end of each phase, to the interface components for phonological and semantic interpretation. Whichever approach one might adopt, one still needs to state what exactly would force LF movement, i.e. one has to make additional assumptions to explain why LF movement tak ...
... encapsulated and sent off, at the end of each phase, to the interface components for phonological and semantic interpretation. Whichever approach one might adopt, one still needs to state what exactly would force LF movement, i.e. one has to make additional assumptions to explain why LF movement tak ...
Verb Movement and Constituent Permutation in Basque
... However, the use of relative frequency to determine which order is most basic in a particular language has been criticized by many (e.g. Lehmann 1976, Dryer 1998). Moreover, it should be emphasized that linguistic constructions in which a sentence has all its nominal arguments overtly specified are ...
... However, the use of relative frequency to determine which order is most basic in a particular language has been criticized by many (e.g. Lehmann 1976, Dryer 1998). Moreover, it should be emphasized that linguistic constructions in which a sentence has all its nominal arguments overtly specified are ...
Using an Ontology for Guiding Natural Language
... different modes and media. Help tools that guide the user with respect to the interface possibilities have been incorporated. Following this evolution, significant improvements in communication with simple applications have been achieved. There are, however, important problems still to be solved in ...
... different modes and media. Help tools that guide the user with respect to the interface possibilities have been incorporated. Following this evolution, significant improvements in communication with simple applications have been achieved. There are, however, important problems still to be solved in ...
The distribution of pronoun case forms in English
... of pronoun case forms in Modem English and argues that the alternation between nominative and objective pronoun forms is a surface phenomenon best captured in a probabilistic constraint-based approach, where constraints are weighted and the combined weight of constraint violations determines the pro ...
... of pronoun case forms in Modem English and argues that the alternation between nominative and objective pronoun forms is a surface phenomenon best captured in a probabilistic constraint-based approach, where constraints are weighted and the combined weight of constraint violations determines the pro ...
1. Introduction - UCL Phonetics and Linguistics
... interpretation and in their syntactic distribution. In particular, contrastive topics, just like noncontrastive topics, are interpreted as what the rest of the sentence is about and must appear in clause-initial position. In other words, my claim is that contrastive wa-phrases in clause-initial posi ...
... interpretation and in their syntactic distribution. In particular, contrastive topics, just like noncontrastive topics, are interpreted as what the rest of the sentence is about and must appear in clause-initial position. In other words, my claim is that contrastive wa-phrases in clause-initial posi ...
... is better than the other. Your student will probably let you know which works best for him. I think it's a good idea to correct the test with the student so mistakes are immediately apparent. If a student answers at least 70% in each section of the assessment (that's the Competency level) correctly, ...
... is better than the other. Your student will probably let you know which works best for him. I think it's a good idea to correct the test with the student so mistakes are immediately apparent. If a student answers at least 70% in each section of the assessment (that's the Competency level) correctly, ...
Morphological recoverability in Gapping
... whether and how agreement information is used on-line in retrieving a Gapping antecedent, and in identifying an ambiguous Gapping site, respectively, before concluding in Chapter 6. ...
... whether and how agreement information is used on-line in retrieving a Gapping antecedent, and in identifying an ambiguous Gapping site, respectively, before concluding in Chapter 6. ...
The development of relative clauses in spontaneous child speech*
... like the ones in examples (1) to (4) (e.g., Smith 1974) or a comprehension task in which children acted out the meaning of such sentences using toy animals (e.g., Sheldon 1974). The errors that children produced in these experiments (which were not always consistent across studies; cf. de Villiers e ...
... like the ones in examples (1) to (4) (e.g., Smith 1974) or a comprehension task in which children acted out the meaning of such sentences using toy animals (e.g., Sheldon 1974). The errors that children produced in these experiments (which were not always consistent across studies; cf. de Villiers e ...
20_chapter 8
... As you have already learnt, clauses are mainly divided into two namely independent and dependent clauses. Independent clauses always do the same function. They convey the central idea in a sentence. If a sentence is made up of more than one independent clause^, all the independent clauses in it has ...
... As you have already learnt, clauses are mainly divided into two namely independent and dependent clauses. Independent clauses always do the same function. They convey the central idea in a sentence. If a sentence is made up of more than one independent clause^, all the independent clauses in it has ...
fulltext - LOT Publications
... Like most quests, mine has been a lonely one. Fortunately, there were numerous places to rest a little and many persons have contributed to this project by their support and encouragement. If the names of these persons are not mentioned here, then this is for reasons of limited space only, not becau ...
... Like most quests, mine has been a lonely one. Fortunately, there were numerous places to rest a little and many persons have contributed to this project by their support and encouragement. If the names of these persons are not mentioned here, then this is for reasons of limited space only, not becau ...
A Sentential Stress Parameter? Emma Shaw
... structure, I will further limit my analysis to a discussion of stress assignment in focusneutral contexts. The first chapter is dedicated to providing an overview of the core concerns, goals and proposals of the Minimalist Program. Chapter 2 reviews some of the problems with phonological accounts of ...
... structure, I will further limit my analysis to a discussion of stress assignment in focusneutral contexts. The first chapter is dedicated to providing an overview of the core concerns, goals and proposals of the Minimalist Program. Chapter 2 reviews some of the problems with phonological accounts of ...
syntax and processing of scrambling constructions in russian
... ended with the first introductory class in sentence processing I took with her. I am indebtfully grateful to Janet for her constant positive encouragement from my first crude term papers to complex dissertation experiments, for endless hours spent in linguistic discussions, for reading numerous vers ...
... ended with the first introductory class in sentence processing I took with her. I am indebtfully grateful to Janet for her constant positive encouragement from my first crude term papers to complex dissertation experiments, for endless hours spent in linguistic discussions, for reading numerous vers ...
Writing Workbook for the New SAT
... that it takes failure to achieve success? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations. Adapted from www.collegeboard.com/newsat/hs/writing/essay.html ...
... that it takes failure to achieve success? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations. Adapted from www.collegeboard.com/newsat/hs/writing/essay.html ...