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Marketing international
Sarah Mischler – M1 ISA
Objectifs, organisation, évaluation
Découvrir les concepts clés du marketing, du marketing sportif et
du marketing international
Être capable d’analyser et comprendre les marques et les marchés
Les 4P du marketing mix d’un point de vue international
Objectifs, organisation, évaluation
Organisation 14h de cours magistral
6h de travaux dirigés
Evaluation 100% contrôle continu
Evaluation : 100% CC (1 écrit, 1 étude de cas en TD (en groupe), 1
mini dossier de 4 pages)
Ecrit : le 6 décembre de 14h30 à 15h45 (1h15) en français
Etude de cas en TD : le 22 novembre de 14h30 à 17h30 (3h) Mini dossier : à rendre par mail, format pdf, le 6 décembre au plus
Rendre au moins un des 2 travaux en anglais (étude de cas et/ou
Objectifs, organisation, évaluation
Mini dossier
4 pages : analyse de la statégie marketing d’une marque de sport
au niveau international.
Choisissez une marques et en faire l’analyse au niveau
international. Quelle est son origine géographique ? Quels sont les
pays où cette marque est présente ? A-t-elle le même
positionnement (nom, image, noms de produits…) dans les
différents pays, le même marketing mix (produit (packaging,
fonctionnalité, couleurs…), prix (quels types de prix pour quels
pays), distribution (type de magasins où le produit est
commercialisé), communication (les supports, les thèmes) dans
tous les pays où elle est présente ou existe-t-il des spécificités ?
Globalisation ou adaptation ?
Objectifs, organisation, évaluation
Il ne s’agit pas de faire un texte de 4 pages mais varier la
présentation, encadré, images, photos, graphiques, texte…
Obligation de faire apparaître une bibliographie avec les 5
références principales utilisées
Vous pouvez utiliser des articles de presse, des ouvrages, des
articles de revue scientifiques…
Theme 1 :
What are marketing and sports
marketing ?
What marketing is, what marketing is not
Marketing = identify and meet needs profitably
2 important issues in marketing
Know the needs and the market
Have influence on the demand
persuade the demand to buy/use
Who do marketing ?
Companies from profit private sector
Organizations from not profit private sector
Organizations from public sector
Brands in public sector in France
Brands in public all over the world
What sports marketing is
Definitions from Sam Fullerton, G. Russel Merz, The four domains
of sports marketing, Sport Marketing Quarterly, 2008, vol.17
2 dimensions for sports marketing
The type of products
Sport products
Nonsport products
The level of sport integration
What sports marketing is
Gray and McEvoy (2005). Sport marketing strategies and tactics. In B.
Parkhouse (Ed.), the management of sports : its foundation and
application. NY
First definition :
« The activities of consumer and industrial product and service
marketers who are increasingly using sport as a promotionnal
vehicle »
= Marketing through sport
What sports marketing is
Second dimension :
L’application des principes et processus marketing sur des marchés
de biens ou de services directement liés aux pratiquants sportifs
ou au spectateurs.
Michel Desbordes, Fabien Ohl et Gary Tribou (1999), Marketing du
sport, Economica
What sports marketing is
Mullin B., Hardy S., Sutton W (2000), Sport Marketing. Champaign,
Human Kinetics
2 issues of sports marketing
« Sport marketing consists of all activities designed to meet the
needs and wants consumers through exchange processes. Sport
marketing has developed two major thrusts : the marketing of
sports products and services directly to consumers of sport, and
the marketing of other consumer and industrial products or
services through the use of sports promotions » Domains of sports marketing
G. Russel Merz,The four domains of sports marketing, Sport Marketing
Quarterly, 2008, vol.17
4 domains of sports marketing based on :
-  Sport products vs nonsport products
-  Level of sport integration
Domains of sports marketing
Sport product : 3 categories
-  spectator sports : live audience/media-based
-  participation sports,
-  sporting goods, apparel, and sports related products
Nonsports products :
Marketers of nonsports products have used sports plateforms or
themes as part of their marketing strategy
Nonsports Products
In contrast to the various sports products, marketers of
nonsports products have used sports platforms or
themes as part of their marketing strategy as well.
Examples of nonsports products that have used sports
strategies involve no official relationship with a sports
entity such as a league, team, or player. Using a traditional marketing strategy, the marketer identifies target
markets and develops corresponding product, distribution, pricing, and promotion strategies that are
Tabie i.
Products Sold by Sports MarHeters
Sports Products
Spectator Sports Products
• The game or event itself
Tickets for attendance
Viewership and listenership on electronic media
Participation Sports Products
• Organized participation (leagues & tournaments)
• Casual participation
• Access to public and private athletic facilities
Sporting Goods, Apparel, Athletic Shoes, & Sports-Related Products
• Sports equipment (skis, golf clubs, & soccer balls)
• Sports apparel (hunting clothing, swimwear, & team uniforms)
• Athletic shoes
• Sports-related products (souvenirs, lessons, & refreshments)
Nonsports Products
Goods and services not directly related to a sport
94 Volume 17 • Number 2 • 2008 • Sport MarHeting Quarterly
S. Fullerton & G. Russel Merz,The four domains of sports marketing, Sport Marketing Quarterly, 2008,
Domains of sports marketing
Level of sport integration :
-  Traditional integration
-  Sponsorship integration :
-  Traditional sponsorship
-  Venue naming right
-  Endorsements
-  Licensing
and Adidas now
se value far exceeds
sociation with
s also noteworthy
Olympic Games is
ringent set of rules
early, the literature
he terms sponsors
ms reasonable to
d as a special form
as a wide array of
o implement a
ishes to integrate a
tegy there are two
use a traditional
on the selection of
of a corresponor alternatively the
in a more formal
of the four sponreceding pages
ming rights,
principles are releanding of today's
Theme-based strategies can be defined as the use of
traditional marketing strategies that incorporate a sports
theme into the marketing program for nonsports products. The marketer might opt to use a sports-related
copy platform or advertise products in sports-related
Tabie 2.
rtie Basic Principles of Sports MarHetIng
Nature of Sports Marketing Focus
• Marketing of Sports
• Marketing through Sports
• Sports Products
Spectator Sports
Participation Sports
Sporting Goods, Apparel, Athletic
Shoes, and Sport-Related Products
• Non-Sports Products
Level of Integration
• Traditional
Target Market Selection
Marketing Mix Decisions
• Sponsorship-Based
Venue Naming Rights
port MarHetIng Quarterly
G. Russel Merz,The four
domains of sports marketing,
Sport Marketing Quarterly,
2008, vol.17
The 4 domains of sports marketing
Theme-based strategies
Product-based strategies
Alignment-based strategies
Sports-based strategies
Basic principles of sports marketing
Figure 1.
The Four Domains of Sports MarHeting
Sports Marketing
Sports Marketing
Strategic distinctions
in sports marketing
media to effectively reach customers. A key aspect of
such a way so as to create a sports overla
that will appeal to its own target market
Product strategies can incorporate spo
themes as a way to provide resonance w
customers. Sports bars use the promise
televised sports programming as a way t
sell food and beverages; fashion labels cr
ate clothing that features a sports motif
such as polo or golf; and credit card ma
keters may provide access to member-on
sporting events as part of their product
offering. Most marketers accept the prem
that packaging represents part of the pro
uct strategy, so packaging will frequently
feature a sports design or motif
It is common
overlays are
G. Russel that
The four
efforts f
of promotional
variety of
products. For exam
tie-ins with
event through the use
tents at the event; TV advert
2008, vol.17
ments that feature kids being treated to
trip to a favorite fast-food restaurant af
winning their game; and commercials suggesting th
Theme-based strategy
Incorporate a sports theme into the marketing program for
nonsports products
Example : a company that advertises in a sport magazine or during
a TV broadcast of a sport event
This domain represents the lowest level of integration of sport
Product-based strategy
Marketers has no official relationship with the sports entity being
used in its marketing efforts.
Example : a sporting goods retailer who chooses to give away free
caps at a baseball game in an effort to create awareness of its
The staregy is the result of the retailer providing compensation for
the right to distribute the caps and not on the basis of an official
Alignment-based strategy
Many marketers of nonsports products officially align themselves
with sport properties via one or more of the fours forms of
sponsoring previously described.
This strategy reflects a higher level of integration of sport within
the sports marketing environment.
A common strategy involves a sponsor who use an association
with sports to market non sports products.
Aligment-based strategies : traditional
Aligment-based strategies : venue naming
Aligment-based strategies : endorsement
Aligment-based strategies : licensing
Sport-based strategies : venue naming rights
Sport-based strategies : endorsement
Sport-based strategies : licensing