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Evolution - Diversity of Life
Biological Evolution
Essentially the process whereby _______________________ arise from earlier species by
accumulated changes
Often referred to as ___________________________________
The change in the inherited traits (genotypes/phenotypes) of a species over a period of time is
sometimes called ___________________________
The process of __________________ proceeds with time
Increasing numbers of species appear, becoming increasingly ____________________
The pattern of this, over time, looks like a branching tree
Close clusters of branches/tips are most _____________, or most closely related
History of Evolutionary Thought
Early Ideas On Earth’s Organisms
________________ believed species were _______ creations arranged by their complexity
Early Ideas On Earth’s Organisms
Idea lasted 2000 years
________________ – 1st to group similar organisms and assign them __________ names
Two word name (Genus species)
Known as Binomial nomenclature
Contributor’s to Darwin’s thinking included:
James Hutton - ______________________
Scottish geologist who studied invertebrate fossils in Paris Museum
Changes in the Earth’s crust were due to slow _________________ processes
___________ changes over a long period of time will produce vast changes
Charles ______________ - Uniformintarianism
The processes that alter the Earth are ____________ through time...they are still
happening today (erosion of mountains, volcanoes, etc.)
First proposed that the Earth was ___________ of years old, rather than thousands.
Published his work right before Darwin set sail on his voyage.
It helped Darwin understand some of the strange things he discovered
Ex: Sea shells in the Andes Mountains at 12,000+ feet __________ sea level
Georges Cuvier – ________________________
Studied fossils in rock strata in Paris
Found that some _____________ completely disappeared in more recent layers
Proposed that entire species of organisms had become ______________ due to
catastrophic natural events (erupting volcanoes, floods, etc.)
Thomas ______________ – Struggle for existence
English cleric and scholar, focusing on political economy & demography
Effects of __________________ growth on society
Proposed that population size is regulated and limited by available ______________
John Baptiste ________________ – Inheritance of acquired Characteristics and Law of Use
and Disuse
Alfred Russel Wallace – organisms evolved from _______________________________
Lamarck’s Theory of Evolution
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, 1809
One Of First Scientists To Understand That _______________ Occurs Over ____________
Stated that Changes Are __________________ To Environment acquired in an organism’s
Said acquired changes were passed to offspring
Law of _________________________________
If a body part were used, it got stronger
If a body part NOT used, it deteriorated
Use & Disuse - Organisms Could ____________ The Size Or Shape Of Organs By Using
Them Or Not Using Them
Blacksmiths & Their Sons (muscular arms)
Giraffe’s Necks (Longer from stretching)
Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics
Proposed That By Selective _______________________ Of Organs, Organisms
Acquired Or Lost Certain Traits During Their Lifetime
These Traits Could Then Be Passed On To Their Offspring
Over Time This Led To _____________________
_____________________ Of Acquired Traits
Traits Acquired During Ones Lifetime Would Be Passed To Offspring
Tendency Toward ___________________
Organisms Are Continually Changing and Acquiring Features That Help Them Live
more ________________________ In Their Environment
Example: Bird Ancestors Desired To Fly So They Tried Until Wings
Developed. Then their offspring were born with wings.
Lamarck’s Mistakes
Lamarck Did NOT Know how traits were _____________ (Traits are passed through genes)
Genes Are _______ Changed By Activities In Life
Change Through ________________ Occurs Before An Organism Is Born
Charles Darwin the Naturalist
Born Feb. 12, _________
Joined Crew of HMS Beagle, ________
_____Year Voyage around world
Avid Collector of Flora & Fauna
Astounded By Variety of Life
Darwin did not foresee himself getting into the field of evolutionary biology.
He wanted to be a ___________ like his father, but he could not stand the sight of blood and the
savagery of surgery.
He then wanted to be a ______________, but he did not want to study. He preferred riding and
shooting to studying.
He eventually became interested in ______________ through his fascination with such animals as
barnacles, beetles and pigeons.
He changed his path at college and took more biology courses as he developed a great love of
_________________ (yes, the classification stuff!)
A professor recommended Darwin for work as an unpaid ______________ on a voyage around the
world upon the ____________________, under captain Robert Fitzroy.
This journey not only changed Darwin’s life, but also the face of biology forever…
Darwin Left England in 1831 and returned 5 years later in 1836
The Galapagos Islands
Small Group of ________________________ 1000 km West of South America
Very Different Climates from the surrounding area
Animals on the Islands were Unique
Island species ____________ from mainland species & varied from island-to-island
Each island had tortoises with different __________ types and ___________ lengths
They were unique to their particular island
________________ on the islands resembled a mainland finch
_____________________ of finches appeared on the islands where the available food was
different (seeds, nuts, berries, insects…)
Finches had different types of _____________ adapted to their type of food gathering
Darwin’s Observations & Conclusions - The Struggle for Existence
Darwin’s Observations
Patterns of _____________________ were seen
He observed Unique ______________________ in organisms
Species Were Not Evenly ________________________
Australia had Kangaroos, but No Rabbits
S. America had Llamas
Both Living Organisms & _____________ were collected
Fossils included:
Giant _______________________ of South America
Left unchecked, the number of organisms of each species will increase
____________________, generation to generation
But in nature, populations tend to remain ____________ in size
Environmental resources are ________________
Individuals of a population _________ extensively in their characteristics with no two
individuals being ______________________.
Much of this variation between individuals is ____________________.
Darwin’s Conclusion
Production of more individuals than can be supported by the environment leads to a
________________________________ among individuals
Only a fraction of offspring survive each generation
Individuals who inherit characteristics ________________ for their environment are likely to
leave more offspring than less fit individuals
Called _________________________________
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution - Organisms Change Over Time
The unequal ability of individuals to __________ and _________________ leads to a gradual
change in a population, with favorable characteristics accumulating over generations (natural
New ______________ evolve
Evolution is the __________________________ change in a population of organisms
Common Descent with Modification
Darwin proposed that organisms descended from _________________________________
The idea that organisms ___________ with time, diverging from a common form
Caused evolution of new ______________
Descent With Modification
Takes Place Over _________ Periods of Time
______________________________ Can Be Observed As Changes In
Body Structures
Ecological Niches
Species Today Look _________________ From Their Ancestors
Each Living Species Has
With Changes
From Other Species
All Living Organisms Are _______________
All Species, Living & Extinct, Were Derived From ______________________
Single Tree of Life
Natural Selection
_____________________________ is the Driving force for evolution.
During the struggle for resources, the strongest (most fit) survive & reproduce
He had the idea that at least some of the differences between individuals, which impact their
survival and fertility, were ____________________
Survival of the Fittest
Ability of an Individual To ________________________________
Central To The Process Of Evolution
Inherited Characteristic That Increases an Organisms Chance for Survival
Adaptations can be
Speed, Camouflage, Claws, Quills, etc.
Solitary, Herds, Packs, Activity, etc.
Evolutionary Time Scales
_______________________ - Long time scale events that create and destroy species.
_______________________ - Short time scale events (generation-to-generation) that change the
genotypes and phenotypes of populations.