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ADV 1100 Principles of Advertising 3 credits
An introduction to the principles of advertising and public relations as related to
marketing and business management practices in enterprise. In this course students will
participate in a detailed study of the principal functioning groups of advertising
professionals: advertisers/clients, advertising agencies, advertising media, and
advertising suppliers of special services such as artists, photographers, talent,
production suppliers, and research. Students will study how each group is
interdependent and how all are vital parts of the process of commercial marketing
communications. Students will also again an understanding and appreciation of the
roles of professionals in terms of strategies, tactics, execution, and results, as well as
how advertising relates to the public, government, and consumers. Additionally, the
course will take a comprehensive and practical look at the nature, scope, and use of
public relations skills.
By the end of this course, Northwood wants students to:
1. Know and understand the definitions and differences related to advertising,
marketing and public relations.
2. Understand what advertising media are and how they reach directed target
3. Gain an understanding of PR and the different methods used to obtain
positive press coverage.
4. Understand the "agency/client" relationship and responsibilities.
5. Be familiar with suppliers of special services to advertising agencies and
6. Understand how marketing (and advertising and PR as a part of marketing)
fits into the private enterprise structure of business; consider the ethical
concerns of the advertising industry.
7. Be familiar with the regulatory agencies associated with advertising as well as
advertising's self-regulatory functions.
8. Understand the various functions and associated tasks of advertising agency
and PR personnel.
9. Be familiar with the global concept of advertising (Integrated Marketing
Communications) used in multinational companies.
10. Be aware of the need for product, market, competition and consumer
research input for strategy development.
11. Understand the interdependence of agency, client, consumer, product (or
service), and media.
12. Take an in-depth look a crisis control and public relations.
ADV 1110 Advertising Research and Copywriting
3 credits
Orients students to the purpose and role of research in making conceptual and creative
recommendations. Included in this course are the development and implementation of
research (primary and secondary) to create effective copy for printed and electronic
media. This course takes an in-depth look at how research is used to build a strategy
and how data is then used to create proper messaging/copywriting for ads,
commercials, and promotional materials. This is a writing course, therefore, students will
write advertising copy for various media. Students will also gain an orientation to the
developmental steps of creative thinking, strategy, and copywriting for ads,
commercials, and promotion materials.
By the end of this course, Northwood wants students to:
1. Understand the nature and use of advertising research and its role in decisionmaking.
2. Apply primary and secondary research techniques.
3. Apply creative copy strategies and tactics, their purposes and variations.
4. Write and understand copy objectives and full advertising strategies.
5. Implement research techniques to quantify communication effectiveness.
6. Use various creative thought processes to enhance creative thinking.
7. Apply various headline and body copy formats for print and electronic media.
8. Know the differences between special-interest copywriting; public service
announcements, corporate issue advertising, classified versus display ads, sales
promotion, etc.
9. Use research techniques to understand the needs of the consumer before writing
the copy.
ADV 2100 Advertising Sales and Media Planning 3 credits
Students examine various media available to the contemporary advertiser, including
traditional media newspapers, magazines, out-of-home, radio, television, direct mail,
and new media opportunities in the constantly evolving digital environment, as well as
related initiatives such as viral marketing and guerrilla marketing. In addition to analysis
of the message delivery platform, research techniques that support message placement
including primary and secondary research methodologies are examined as students
become familiar with construction of a media plan. Students will discover the
relationship between financially accountable budget planning and the media mix with
the goal of reaching maximum communications objectives. Students will experience
what it’s like to be on the other side of the table, as they learn how to sell the various
media outlets and media planning strategies to buyers.
By the end of this course, Northwood wants students to:
1. Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of various advertising media.
2. Understand how to buy media and create an appropriate media mix for a client.
3. Set media goals and objectives.
4. Perform a media analysis for current media campaigns.
5. Write a complete media campaign.
6. Apply appropriate techniques to help solve marketing problems with creative
media plans.
7. Apply of advertising and agency media strategic planning.
8. Understand the financial accountability and need for documentation of media
budget recommendations and decisions.
9. Understand the resources provided by syndicated and media research sources.
10. Integrate strategy objectives to client marketing plans.
11. Understand the selling process and communicate the benefits of the various
media outlets to a buyer.
ADV 2150 Creative Process and Design 3 credits
An examination of the nature and importance and applications of the creative process,
complemented by a series of exercises, discussions and exposure to a variety of stimuli
organized and presented in such a way as to help each student maximize his/her
creative abilities at work, at home, and in the community. In this course students will
analyze elements of an ad, including layout, fonts, color, casting, lighting, images, and
how this also communicates with a target audience.
By the end of this course, Northwood wants students to:
1. Have confidence in the power of his/her own inherent creativity.
2. Use and apply a creative process.
3. Appreciate applied creativity, with special attention to the advertising discipline.
4. Incorporate the unique creative dimension that punctuates the business/arts
5. Analyze various layouts for the specific target audience and product.
6. Apply the elements of an ad and strategic decision making in terms of layout
creation, font selection, psychology of color, impactful images, casting, etc.
ADV 2310 New Media Strategies and Tactics 3 credits
The advertising field today deals with communicating with a target audience thru many
other adverting vehicles rather than the traditional print and broadcast. Guerilla
marketing, the digital age of advertising, and interactive and viral advertising are now
consider mainstream media and needed when communicating with a target audience.
This course introduces students to the concepts and use of new media including: viral
marketing, digital media, guerilla marketing, social networking, and viral advertising.
Through this course students will learn forms of media and unconventional systems for
communication/promotions that rely on time, energy and imagination rather than a big
marketing budget.
Prerequisites: ADV 1100
By the end of this course, Northwood wants students to:
1. Gain an understanding of nontraditional media.
2. Demonstrate use of nontraditional media and how it relates to advertising
3. Evaluate when and what kind of nontraditional media is necessary when
communicating to a particular target audience.
4. Execute an advertising campaign using viral marketing, digital media, guerilla
marketing, social networking, and/or viral advertising.
ADV 3850 Special Topics
1 – 3 credits
Various topics in advertising. These may be one-time or occasional course offerings.
Prerequisite: Dependent on specific course content
ADV 4100 Advertising Campaigns 3 credits
Students will review historical and contemporary advertising and marketing
communication campaigns, analyze of consumer, business-to-business, national, and
local campaigns including volunteer, not-for-profit public service advertising. Students
work in team groups to create and present a completely integrated advertising
campaign supporting and coordinating all strategy, creative, media, and sales promotion
aspects for final recommendation. Students on each team grade the work of their
teammates within the group. This is the capstone course of Northwood’s Advertising
Program. This is a practical knowledge and hands-on course.
Prerequisites: ADV 1110 and ADV 2100
By the end of this course, Northwood wants students to:
1. Explain the conceptual and developmental process of specific types of
advertising and advertising campaigns.
2. Apply advanced creative process techniques.
3. Use research to create a strategy to meet client advertising objectives.
4. Demonstrate critical thinking skills through creation of media planning,
copywriting, and layout.
5. Effectively communicate in writing and in person with a client and “sell” one’s
6. Enjoy an educational experience that can (a) benefit each student’s professional
life, and (b) enhance the student’ awareness of and appreciation for advertising
and the promotional process (c) prepare students for the kinds of work they will
be involved in should they pursue a career in advertising
ADV 4790 Current Issues in Advertising
3 credits
Examination of and discussion about major issues confronting the advertising industry –
especially those issues being fueled by the traumatic changes that are sweeping over
business generally and the advertising industry specifically. This is a discussion-based
course that requires student to be aware of the changes happening daily in the industry.
By the end of this course, Northwood wants students to:
1. Be cognizant of how the advertising industry they inherit tomorrow is likely to be
different from the one they are studying today.
2. Develop concepts of how to respond to those changes in such a way as to make
change an ally, not an enemy.
3. Synthesize and apply everything they have learned in the studies at Northwood,
with emphasis on the marketing and advertising disciplines.