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Physics 4 – Jan 17, 2017
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Review of vector addition:
Add 50 N @ 35 and 60 N @ 110
5.1 Electrostatics
 p205
About Charge
Coulomb’s Law
Electric Field Diagrams
Electron drift
Potential difference
About Charge
Charge is a fundamental quantity of nature and is a feature of
all matter because matter consists of electrons and protons.
1) Charge comes in two varieties: positive and negative
(arbitrary names)
Electrons are negative, protons are positive.
Neutral matter has approximately equal numbers of electrons and
About Charge
2) Charge is quantized. The charge of one electron is
the smallest amount of charge you can have. All
charges are some multiple of 1.6 x 10-19 C.
Charge is measured in Coulombs and given the symbol Q or q.
3) Charge is conserved.
Charge is neither created nor destroyed
Touching two objects together instantly equilibrates and evenly
distributes their charges.
Coulomb’s Law
Two charges will exert a force on one another.
Opposite charges attract
Force is proportional to both charges and inversely proportional to the square of
the distance between the two charges.
Proportionality constant is k = 9.0 x 109 N m2/C2 (To make the units work)
k = 1/4𝝅𝝐o O = permittivity of vacuum = 8.85 x 10-12 C2/Nm2
𝑸𝟏 𝑸𝟐
Same charges repel
A force just like any other. Added just like any other.
Electric Field Diagrams
Mechanism for how charges act over a
distance: Electric field.
Direction of electric field is in the same
direction as the force on a small
positive test charge q+
Strength indicated by arrow length
Direction: tail of field lines begin at +
and radiate outward.
Direction: Arrow heads point toward a –
charge and radiate inward.
Similar to gravitational field
Electric field formulas
F = qE
As a result, there is a formula of electric field based on Coulomb’s Law.
Can calculate electric field knowing the force and test charge or
the magnitude of the electric field present at a given distance from
an isolated charge.
Moving charges within a medium creates a current.
Current is measured as a rate of transfer of charge per time.
Symbol: I
1) Positive charge moves in the opposite direction as electrons
2) A charge can move faster than actual matter can move.
3) The only thing that physically moves to transfer charge is the
electron. Positive charge is the absence of an electron.
Q = It
Unit: Ampere, A
1 A = 1 C/s
(SI base unit)
Electron Drift
So how fast do the electrons actually move? = Electron drift, v
Distance across a given segment of wire = vt
The volume of the cross section is the cross sectional area A times the
length or Avt
If there are n electrons in a given volume (#electrons/m3), the number
of electrons in the volume is nAvt
Q is created by n electrons, each with q charge, so Q = nqAvt
Current is the charge that passes in a given time I = Q/t
I = nqAvt/t
So I
= nqAv
v = electron drift speed and A is the cross sectional area of the wire
I = current,
n = number of e/m3
Electron Drift calculation
How fast are electrons moving in a copper wire with a diameter of
1.5 mm when a current of 0.350 A is applied?
Density of copper is 8.96 g/cm3. (Assume about 10 electrons per
copper atom are available for metallic bonding.)
Compare this to the speed of charge on the wire?
Electric Potential Energy
The electric force is a conservative force so there is a potential energy that
corresponds to the opposite of the work done by the conservative force.
The state for 0 electrical potential energy is if a test charge is infinitely far away from
an isolated positive charge.
As the charge moves closer to the charge, it is more and more repelled and the
electric force is doing negative work. The charge therefore is experiencing a positive
potential energy change.
Positive charges are at a high potential energy
The work done by the electric force is equal to r times the force or W= −𝒌
The potential energy is the U = 𝒌
Electric potential
The potential energy per unit charge is known as the electric
potential or V = 𝒌
and is measured in volts.
W = QV
1 V = 1 J/C
Electric potential is to electrical potential energy as height is to
gravitational potential energy. The test charge is akin to the mass.
Electric potential
Positive charges create a relative high potential state.
Negative charges create a relative low potential state.
Moving from a lower to a high potential is a positive voltage.
Just like height, the word potential can refer to both a fixed state
and a difference in states.
Wherever there is an electric field there will be a potential
The electron Volt (eV)
Because electrons are so small, the associated energies are very small,
much smaller than a J.
1 eV is the energy of one electron charge over 1 volt
1 eV = (1.6 x 10-19 C) (1 J/C)
1 eV = 1.6 x 10-19 J
If you get a very small amount of energy, convert to eV. Or you may be
given information in eV.
Exit slip and homework
Exit Slip – What is the electrostatic force (magnitude and direction)
between a positive charge of 1.3 x 10-3 C and a negative charge
of 6.2 x 10-3 C when they are separated by a distance of 15.0 cm?
What’s due? (homework for a homework check next class)
 P205
# 1-14
What’s next? (What to read to prepare for the next class)
 Read
5.2 p 207-226