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Chapter 15
Evolution on a Small Scale
15.1 Natural Selection
Process resulting in adaptation of a population to the biotic (living) and abiotic (nonliving)
Darwin’s mechanism for evolution
Most fit individuals become more prevalent in a population
Leads to change in population over time
Most fit individuals reproduce more than others because they are better adapted.
Types of selection
Most traits are polygenic and are controlled by more than one pair of alleles located at
different gene loci.
Such traits have a range of phenotypes resembling a bell-shaped curve.
Directional selection
Stabilizing selection
Disruptive selection
Directional selection
Occurs when an extreme phenotype is favored
Distribution curve shifts in that direction
Can occur when a population is adapting to a changing environment
Industrial melanism
Drug resistance in bacteria
Pesticide resistance in insects
Malaria—Plasmodium becoming resistant to chloroquine and mosquitoes resistant to
Equus adapting from forest conditions to grassland conditions
Stabilizing selection
Occurs when an intermediate phenotype is favored
Extreme phenotypes selected against
Individuals near the average are favored
Most common form of selection because the average individual is well adapted to its
Swiss starlings lay 4–5 eggs because this has the highest survival rate for young
Disruptive selection
2 or more extreme phenotypes are favored over any intermediate phenotype
British land snails are found in fields and forests
In fields, thrushes eat the snails with dark shells that lack light bands
In forests, thrushes feeds mainly on snails with light-banded shells
Adaptations are not perfect
Natural selection does not produce perfectly adapted organisms.
Evolution is constrained by the available variations.
Imperfections are common because of necessary compromises.
Success of humans attributed to freeing hands but walking upright puts stress
on the spine
Maintenance of variations
A population always shows some genotypic variations.
Population with limited variation may not be able to adapt to changing environmental
Forces promoting variation constantly at work
Mutations, recombination, independent assortment, and fertilization create
new combinations
Gene flow
Natural selection favors certain phenotypes but other remain
Diploidy and the heterozygote
The heterozygote advantage
Only alleles that are expressed are subject to natural selection.
Expressed = cause phenotypic differences
Heterozygotes can protect recessive alleles.
Recessive allele might have greater fitness in a changing environment
Balanced polymorphism—when natural selection favors the ratio of two or more
phenotypes in generation after generation
Sickle-cell disease
Sickle-cell disease
Individuals with sickle cell disease HbSHBS
Tend to die early
Heterozygotes carry the trait HbAHBS
Red blood cells only sickle at low oxygen concentrations
Ordinarily the normal genotype is most fit HbAHBA
Recessive allele HbS has a higher frequency in regions in Africa where malaria is present
Malaria is caused by parasite that invades and destroys normal red blood cells
Parasite unable to live in heterozygote red blood cells
Each of the homozygotes is selected against but is maintained because the heterozygote
is favored in those parts of Africa
15.2 Microevolution
Individuals do not evolve.
As evolution occurs, genetic and phenotypic changes occur within a population.
A population is all the members of a single species occupying a particular area at the same time
and reproducing with one another.
Microevolution—small measurable evolutionary changes within a population from generation to
Darwin stressed that members of a population vary.
Each gene in sexually reproducing organisms has many alleles.
Reshuffling of alleles during sexual reproduction can result in a range of phenotypes.
Evolution in a genetic context
Gene pool—the various alleles at all the gene loci in all individuals of a population
Described in terms of genotype and allele frequency
Peppered moth color example
D = dark color d = light color
From the genotype frequencies, you can calculate the allele frequencies of a
Assuming random mating, we can use allele frequencies (gamete frequencies) to
calculate the ratio of genotypes in the next generation using a Punnett square.
Allele frequencies remain the same—sexual reproduction alone does not bring about a
change in allele frequencies
Dominance does not cause an allele to become a common allele.
G. H. Hardy and W. Weinberg used the binomial equation to calculate the genotypic and allele
frequencies of a population.
p = frequency of dominant allele
q = frequency of recessive allele
p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
Hardy-Weinberg principle states that an equilibrium of allele frequencies in a gene pool will
remain in equilibrium as long as 5 conditions are met
No mutations
No gene flow
Random mating
No genetic drift
No selection
These conditions are rarely if ever met.
Allele frequencies do change from one generation to the next.
Therefore microevolution occurs
Hardy-Weinberg equation is significant because it tells us what factors cause evolution
Evolution can be detected and measured by noting the amount of deviation from a HardyWeinberg equilibrium of allele frequencies in the gene pool of a population.
Industrial melanism example
Increase in the frequency of a dark phenotype due to pollution
Before soot darkened tree trunks, light moths escaped detection of birds and were
more common.
After the advent of industry, dark-colored moths became more common as light moths
were detected and eaten.
Natural selection can occur within a short time frame.
Change in gene pool frequencies occurs as microevolution occurs
Causes of microevolution
Any condition that deviates from the list of conditions for allelelic equilibrium causes
evolutionary change
Genetic mutation
Gene flow
Nonrandom mating
Genetic drift
Natural selection
Genetic mutations
Ultimate source for allele differences
Without mutation there would be no new variations among members of a population
for natural selection to act on
Adaptive value of mutation depends on current conditions
2. Gene flow
Also called gene migration
Movement of alleles among populations by migration of breeding individuals
Can increase variation within a population by introducing novel alleles from another
Continued gene flow reduces differences among populations—can prevent speciation
3. Nonrandom mating
Selection of mate according to genotype or phenotype (not chance)
Assortative mating—tend to mate with individuals with the same phenotype
Homozygotes increase in frequency
Sexual selection—favors characteristics that increase the likelihood of obtaining mates
4. Genetic drift
Refers to changes in the allele frequencies of a gene pool due to chance
Allele frequencies “drift” over time depending on which members die, survive, or
More likely in small populations
More likely to lose rare alleles
Two types
Bottleneck effect
Founder effect
Bottleneck effect
Species suffers a near extinction and only a few survivors go on to produce the next
Cheetahs—extreme similarity
Infertility due to inbreeding
Founder effect
Rare alleles occur at a higher frequency in a population isolated from the general
Alleles carried by founders are dictated by chance alone.
Amish—1 in 14 carries recessive allele for unusual form of dwarfism compared to 1 in
1000 in most populations