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Presenter Name
Presenter Title
Presenter Date
Better Marketing Drives Company Value
“By 2010 over 50% of marketing staff
in companies worldwide will be using
“The report found that 58 percent of
enterprise software (marketing
‘Best in Class’ organizations use
automation) as opposed to less than
marketing automation technologies,
20% today. Additionally, the reports
and are realizing increased annual
projects that these tools will cut
revenue and decreased marketing
creative production cycle times by
spend year over year and achieve
greater than 100 percent ROI”.
Gartner Group
The Aberdeen Group
Gartner Research Report
“Successful Strategies in Marketing Automation”
(reprinted in Destination CRM)
Typical Business Challenges in Marketing
Difficulty in demonstrating marketing ROI
Lack of real-time insight into campaigns
Poor data quality in marketing databases
Difficulty in leveraging external data sources
Inefficient processes
Industry Views
“Currently, most large companies have
“Marketing’s credibility within the
physically separate marketing
departments in different parts of the
world, leading to no clear succinct
global company “voice” – or unified
marketing effort... It is time for
marketing departments across the
boardroom is being damaged because
of difficulties in demonstrating its
true value… The number one issue is
measurement and reporting which
stops them from demonstrating the
value they are actually delivering.”
world to join hands.“
DM News,
January 2007
“The Marketing Credibility Gap”
December 2006
Change the Game in Marketing
Achieve greater
marketing impact
with less
Transform every touch
point into a marketing
Discover the
untapped potential
of customers
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Marketing Solution
Marketing Capabilities
 Full feature set
 Marketing Workflow
 Designed for
 Users
 Managers
 Executives
Planning and Budgeting
Comprehensive capabilities for designing,
defining and re-using of marketing
campaigns and programs
Microsoft Advantage
• Campaign templates for
easy re-use
• Intuitive tracking of
estimated vs. actual
costs for easy ROI
• Product catalogs and
price lists allow for offer
Planning and Budgeting Components
• Campaign definition
• Campaign templates
• Product catalogs
• Target list
• Campaign budget management
• Workflow based approvals
Data and List Management
Seamless management of customer data
and lists and the intuitive segmentation
of that data
Microsoft Advantage
• Data cleansing tools
geared for the
business user
• Easy manipulation of
lists and views for better
• Workflow for triggers on
external data sources
Data and List Management Components
• Data import/export
• Data cleansing
• Query tools
• Data views
• List management
• Activity association
Campaign Management
Easy execution of campaigns and seamless
tracking of all related communications, and
tasks for increased follow-up and results
Microsoft Advantage
• Closed-loop campaign
• Seamless tracking of
communications between
Outlook and Dynamics CRM
• New campaigns just a “Next”
button away
Campaign Management Components
• Quick Campaign Wizard
• Bulk operation support
• Offer management
• Collateral management
• Email templates
• Outlook integration
Response and Lead Management
End-to-end management of responses via
guided wizards and automated conversion
and follow-up of those responses
Microsoft Advantage
• Response conversion one click away
• Seamless connection to lead
management enables appropriate
• Powerful rules for response and
lead scoring
Response & Lead Management Components
• Email tracking
• Response tracking
• Multi channel comms support • Response conversion
• Workflow (i.e. response scoring) • Lead management
Marketing Analytics
Full spectrum of sales analysis capabilities
ranging from basic reporting to OLAP/data
mining and dashboards
Microsoft Advantage
• Custom reports just
“Next” button away
• Easy report sharing
and editing
• Collaboration with
Sharepoint for audience
specific portals
Marketing Analytics Components
• Dashboards
• Trending and historical
• Report Wizard
• Standard and Custom reports • Drill-through capabilities
Impactful Marketing Scenarios
Tools that
users to
manage and
cleanse data
across the
Holistic Lead
tracking and
conversion of
leads across
all parts
of the
and Up-Selling
360° campaign
with easy
seamless MS
integration and
analysis for
of key trends
and discovery
of hidden
Powered By Microsoft
Robust Workflow Tools
Native Outlook Client
Powerful Remote Capabilities
Point & Click Customization
Comprehensive Business Intelligence
Key Benefits of Microsoft Dynamics CRM
True 360°
Greater Marketing
campaign cycles
marketing ROI
into leads,
across the
by automating
from unknown
the planning
to known by
cycles and
clearly measuring
responses and
response rates,
reliance on IT
conversions and
and brand
key metrics
Key Benefits for Marketing
VP of
• Clearly define the optimal marketing mix and pricing
• Drive new lead and revenue opportunities
• Deftly articulate the ROI of marketing programs
• Rapidly launch new products and offers
• Efficiently plan and manage budgets of campaigns
• Enforce consistent branding and messaging
• Achieve real-time visibility into campaign success
• Effectively mange vendor and partner relationships
• Seamlessly track customer comms. and interactions
Key Benefits for IT
• Achieve rapid time to value
• Realize low total cost of ownership (TCO)
• Leverage consistent IT architecture & standards
• Adapt to the company as it evolves and changes
• Easily integrate existing applications and data
• Extend the power of the Dynamics CRM
IT Project
• Adapt to the ever-changing business requirements
• Track key KPIs and cross-team workflows
• Improve relevancy via point & click customization
Global Customer Base in Marketing
Small Businesses
Mid-size Companies
Large Enterprises
Customers in Action
Cold Stone Creamery
Jones Lang & LaSalle
Specialty ice cream
High-end fitness club corp.
Global real estate services
200 users
900 users
Use Dynamics to run online
marketing campaigns,
promotions and targeted email
communications (Birthday Club
Online form automatically
populates data in Dynamics
• Uses Dynamics to identify
trends, create tailored
promotions (i.e. other gym
member campaign) and
initiate proactive
• Uses workflow functionality to
automate paper-based
• Merged disparate databases
into Dynamics DB for global
customer profile.
• Use Dynamics to conduct
holistic needs analysis and
create tailored campaigns
(both locally and globally).
Segment data for crosssale/up-sale opportunities in
diverse customer base.
Customer Perspective
“Microsoft Dynamics CRM provides
“Microsoft CRM is delivering
us the ability to better serve our
Pumpkin Patch with more targeted
customers by delivering relevant
and effective direct marketing
communications and the innovative
campaigns, resulting in high levels of
products they desire.”
customer service and satisfaction.”
Cold Stone Creamery
Pumpkin Patch
“Microsoft helps us understand not only our own capabilities, but
also new opportunities we can present to clients, so that we can
channel them more effectively”
Jones Lang LaSalle
Customer ROI
• 95% reduction in access time to customer data
• 98% reduction in time to create mass mailings by over
• 184% ROI achieved in 8 months
• 100% achievement of email capture of customers which
reduced costly direct mail costs
• 650% increase in membership in Birthday Program from
200,000 to 1.5 million
• Significant reduction in costs of key marketing program
per person from 80 cents to pennies
• “Instead of making hundreds of phone calls we used the
Microsoft CRM bulk e-mail system to accomplish this
project. Talk about saving time and money!”
Partnering for Success
Software and Services Partners for Marketing
Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Marketing:
Building a Marketing Solution
Core components of a marketing application include:
• Data Import and Cleansing
• List Management and Segmentation
 Operational
• Campaign Planning and Execution
• Campaign Response Management
 Analytical
• Workflow across Teams and Groups
• Tight Microsoft Office Integration
 Collaborative
• Marketing Reporting and Analytics
Commonly integrated components include:
• Email sending and response handling
• Complex marketing resource management modules
Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Marketing:
Leveraging External Data for Marketing
• Goal: Easily integrate multiple data sources
to support more accurate marketing campaigns
– Easily leverage data from multiple internal and external sources
• Third-party lists, legacy databases, billing systems, and more
– Import large amounts of data easily and at non-peak hours
• Key Capabilities in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0
– Easy to use Data Import Wizard
– Web services interfaces for bulk data import
– Intra-team and cross-team workflow
Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Marketing:
Coordinated Campaign Planning
• Goal: Enable consistent campaign planning
within or across teams and regions
– Support for complex cross-group and cross-region campaigns
– Configurable workflow to coordinate campaign process steps
– Ability to coordinate with external planning/execution vendors
• Key Capabilities in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0
Multi-language, multi-currency, and multi-time zone support
Numerous UE enhancements in Office and Outlook
Campaign and Quick Campaign enhancements
Presence integration for real-time communication
Email management enhancements
Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Marketing:
Effective Reference Management
• Goal: Manage key marketing and sales references
to better match to activities and to avoid overuse
– Manage reference information consistently across the organization
– Enforce consistent workflow process for reference usage,
including rules to prevent the excessive use of specific references
– Score and rank references based on impact, and
match references to fit specific prospect or campaign needs
• Key Capabilities in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0
– Intra-team and cross-team workflow
– Easy-to-use Report Wizard for flexible reporting and analysis
Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Marketing:
Ensuring High Quality in Marketing Data
• Goal: Maintain clean and consistent marketing data
that enable accurate prospect/customer targeting
– Easily import legacy and third-party data
– Identify, merge, and purge duplicate data
– Enforce customer data privacy and contact preference policies
• Key Capabilities in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0
– Integrated data migration tools
– Batch/bulk operation support
– Real-time data de-duplication and data cleansing capabilities
Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Marketing:
Real-Time Marketing Insight
• Goal: Deliver real-time marketing insight and analysis
across campaigns and interaction channels
Enable business users to easily create reports without IT involvement
Share, edit and store reports across teams and regions
Adjust campaigns easily based on reports and analysis
Clearly measure success of marketing programs
• Key Capabilities in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0
Easy-to-use Report Wizard for flexible reporting and analysis
Ability to report on custom entities and across multiple entities
Multi-language reporting options
Improved mail-merge functionality
Additional Customer Quotes
“We chose Microsoft Dynamics CRM because it’s a flexible tool
that integrates easily with other systems. It also provides a
familiar interface and is easy for our employees to learn and use.”
Cold Stone Creamery
“Microsoft helps us understand not only our own capabilities,
but also new opportunities we can present to clients …”
Jones Lang Lasalle
““One of the things that really attracted us to Microsoft CRM is
that, combined with Microsoft Outlook, it’s just like one product.”
“In anything else, you’d be duplicating efforts in two separate
Whistler Tourism
Top 5 Reasons to Choose Microsoft for
Marketing Automation
Microsoft Dynamics CRM delivers:
• Seamless tracking of customer communications
• Cross-channel, workflow-driven marketing processes
• Easy collaboration with inside & field sales processes
• Superior data import and cleansing tools
• Business intelligence tools geared for the marketing