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7.5: Punnett Squares and Pedigrees
Key Concepts
Choose the letter of the best answer.
1. Which of these choices best describes
A. a comparison that shows the relationship
between quantities
4. Alisha and Rob would like to have children. A
genetic counselor tells them that they are both
carriers of a certain genetic disease. What does
this mean?
A. They are both immune to the disease, and it
is very likely that their children will also be
immune to it.
B. the most likely outcome of a given cross
C. how likely a given outcome will happen
compared to all possible outcomes
B. There is a very high probability that one or
both of them will develop the disease at some
point in the future.
D. a way to calculate exactly which alleles an
offspring will inherit from its parents
C. They both have an allele for the disease and
could pass this allele on to their children,
even though neither of them has the disease.
2. Anya and Greg are working in their research
laboratory. Anya tells Greg that one of the mice
has a 50% probability of having the alleles DD
and a 50% probability of having the alleles Dd.
What does Anya mean by this?
A. In two out of 50 times, the mouse has the
alleles DD or Dd.
B. The probability that the mouse has the alleles
DD is equal to the probability that it has the
alleles Dd.
D. They both have the disease, but there is a
very low probability that they will pass it on
to their children.
5. Which of these statements correctly describes a
difference between sex-linked disorders and
other inherited genetic disorders?
A. Sex-linked disorders can be passed on from
parent to child, but other inherited genetic
disorders cannot be passed on.
C. The mouse is twice as likely to have the
alleles DD than it is to have the alleles Dd.
D. There are two more possible outcomes
besides the mouse having DD or Dd alleles.
B. Only males can be affected by sex-linked
disorders, but both males and females can be
affected by other inherited genetic disorders.
3. Which of these choices best describes a
C. The inheritance of a sex-linked disorder
within a family can be traced using a
pedigree, but other inherited genetic
disorders cannot be traced using a pedigree.
A. an illustration that shows the genetic
diversity among different species
B. a hypothesis that explains why genes are
recessive or dominant
D. The genes for sex-linked disorders are found
on a sex chromosome, but the genes for other
inherited genetic disorders are found on other
C. a diagram of family relationships that
includes several generations
D. a diagram that lists alleles of two parents and
shows the possible allele combinations of
their offspring
Lesson Quiz
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
Grade 8 • Assessment Guide • Indiana