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#____ Evolution Unit Objectives
Use this as a guide to what you should understand for this unit.
16.1 Darwin’s Voyage
 What did he notice during his trip to the Galapagos Islands?
Why were these observations significant? (What did they lead him to conclude?)
What is Pangaea? How does Pangaea support Darwin’s conclusion?
16.2 Ideas that Shaped Darwin’s Thinking
 Hutton and Lyell argued that Earth is millions of years old and continues to change today. What did
Darwin conclude based on Hutton and Lyell’s theory?
Lamarck hypothesized that an organism could gain or lose a trait during its lifetime by using or not
using certain parts of its body. This acquired characteristic can then be passed on to its offspring. Is
Lamarck’s hypothesis correct? Explain.
What did Malthus predict about unchecked population growth? Explain how his prediction affected
Darwin’s conclusion.
16.3 Darwin Presents His Case
 What are the principles of natural selection?
How does variation occur?
What determines whether or not a characteristic is an adaptation?
What is “fitness” in evolutionary terms?
What is “survival” in evolutionary terms?
Does natural selection act on the genotype or the phenotype of an organism? Explain.
What is the principle of common descent?
16.4 Evidence of Evolution
 How does the geographic distribution of species relate to their evolutionary history? (biogeography)
How does the fossil record support evolution? (You may wish to give an example.)
Differentiate between homologous and analogous structures. Analogous structures do not provide
any evidence for evolutionary descent. Why not?
How does embryology relate to homologous structures?
How does molecular biology provide evidence of common descent?
17.1 Genes and Variation
 Differentiate between allelic frequency (a number) and gene pool (a concept)?
Explain how each of the following leads to genetic variation:
o Mutations
o Genetic recombination in sexual reproduction
o Lateral gene transfer
17.2 p. 490 Genetic Drift
 How does each example of genetic drift affect population diversity? (bottleneck effect, founder
17.3 Speciation
 What is reproductive isolation?
Name three ways reproductive isolation can develop and give an example of each.
19.2 pp. 550-551 Adaptive Radiation and Convergent Evolution
 What does adaptive radiation assume about recent common ancestry?
What does convergent evolution assume about recent common ancestry?
Briefly differentiate between adaptive radiation and convergent evolution.