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Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________________
Biology, Pd. ______
Demonstration of Mastery Unit 2 Exam
Honor Pledge: I certify that I have neither given nor received help of any kind in the completion of this examination. ________________________________
DIRECTIONS: Take your time. Be sure to read each question carefully. Start with the easy questions first. Eliminate answers you know are wrong. Take your best
guess after that. Sign the Honor Pledge above before you turn in your Demonstration of Mastery. Good luck! YOU CAN DO THIS!
Standard & Objective
SB1a1: Compare prokaryotic
and eukaryotic cells.
1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7
# Correct
/ Total
_____ / 7
SB1a4: Compare and contrast
plant and animal cells.
8, 9,10,11,
12, 13, 14,
15, 16, 17,
18, 19, 20
21, 22, 23,
24, 25
SB1a3: Explain the role of the
plasma membrane.
26, 27, 28,
29, 30
_____ / 5
SB1d: Explain the impact of
water on life processes
31, 32, 33,
34, 35
_____ / 5
SB1a2: Explain the role of the
cell organelles.
Areas for Improvement:
_____ / 13
_____ / 5
____ / 35
Next Steps
Name _________________________________________ Date ________________________ Block ____
Multiple Choice Directions: Read the question and carefully select the best answer. (2 pts. each)
SB1a1: Compare prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
1. Take a look at the cell to the right. What feature in this cell can help you identify
whether it is a prokaryotic cell or a eukaryotic cell?
a. the cell wall
b. the cell membrane
c. the cytoplasm
d. the nucleus
2. What is the primary (main) difference between prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells?
a. Prokaryotic cells have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles that eukaryotic cells lack
b. Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles that prokaryotic cells lack
c. Prokaryotic cells make up multicellular organisms and eukaryotic cells only make up unicellular organisms
d. Prokaryotic cells are larger than eukaryotic cells
3. Which of the following organisms is an example of a prokaryotic cell?
a. Plants
b. Bacteria
c. Animals
d. All of the above
4. Which statement is not a part of the cell theory?
a. Cells are the basic unit of living things
b. Cells are the basic unit of structure and function of living things
c. Cell parts such as chloroplasts are self-replicating
d. Cells come from preexisting cells
5. Which of the following statements are TRUE regarding unicellular and multicellular organisms:
a. Humans are made of many cells and are therefore considered unicellular
b. Bacteria are made of many cells and are therefore considered unicellular
c. Humans are made of many cells and are therefore considered multicellular
d. Bacteria are made of one cell and are therefore considered multicellular
6. Scientists believe that the first organisms that appeared on Earth were prokaryotic. Which of the following best
represents what the cell structure of these organisms may have looked like?
7. Which of the following best describes the endosymbiont/endosymbiotic theory?
a. The theory that states that prokaryotic cells derived from larger prokaryotic cells.
b. The theory that states that prokaryotic cells derived from eukaryotic cells.
c. The theory that states that eukaryotic cells derived from smaller eukaryotic cells.
d. The theory that states that eukaryotic cells derived from prokaryotic cells.
SB1a2: Explain the role of the cell organelles.
8. Which of the following cell structures has the primary role of synthesizing proteins in eukaryotic cells?
a. endoplasmic reticulum and ribosomes
b. endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria
c. nucleus and vacuoles
d. Golgi vesicles and cell membrane
9. Cellular respiration is the process in which glucose is broken down into carbon dioxide and water, releasing
cellular energy in the form of ATP to be used for life processes. In which of the following organelles is this
energy created?
a. lysosomes
b. Golgi vesicles
c. mitochondria
d. ribosomes
10. The function of this cell organelle is to use the energy from the sun to make energy-rich food molecules like
glucose (photosynthesis). What is the name of this organelle?
a. chloroplast
b. ribosome
c. centriole
d. mitochondria
11. If I did not do my job properly, no proteins would be packaged or transported to their appropriate destinations.
What cell component am I?
a. peroxisome
b. lysosome
c. vacuole
d. Golgi apparatus
12. What part of the body is analogous (similar) to the cell organelle known as the nucleus?
a. the brain
b. the heart
c. the skin
d. the blood
13. Muscle cells must expend a lot of energy in order to move your body. Based on this information, which
organelle would be more abundant in a muscle cell?
a. plasma membrane
b. mitochondria
c. vacuole
d. chloroplast
14. The organelle most closely associated with the destruction of worn out cell organelles is the
a. Lysosome
b. Mitochondria
c. Vacuole
d. Chloroplast
Refer to the picture below for questions 15-17.
15. The organelle labeled #2 is the:
a. Cytoplasm
b. Golgi Body
c. Nucleus
d. Mitochondria
16. The organelle labeled #5 is the:
a. Cytoplasm
b. Smooth ER
c. Rough ER
d. Mitochondria
17. The organelle labeled #9 is the:
a. Cytoplasm
b. Nucleolus
c. Nucleus
d. Mitochondria
18. You observe a cell in a sample of heart tissue. The cell has lots of ribosomes in it. What is this cell specialized
to do?
a. make proteins
b. make sugar
c. produce energy
d. provide structure
19. A scientist treats a cell with a chemical that destroys the chloroplast. As a result, which cell process will be
a. osmosis
b. photosynthesis
c. protein synthesis
d. cellular respiration
20. A cell has a defect that results in the loss of its ability to regulate the passage of water, food, and wastes into
and out of the cell. In which of the following cell structures is this defect most likely to be located?
a. ribosomes
b. chloroplasts
c. cell membrane
d. endoplasmic reticulum
SB1a4: Compare and contrast plant and animal cells.
21. Which of the following statements best describes the cell shown to the
a. It is a plant cell because it has a mitochondrion
b. It is an animal cell because it has a mitochondrion
c. It is a plant cell because it has a cell wall
d. It is an animal cell because it has a chloroplast
22. The rigidity (structure and support) of a plant cell is due primarily to the
presence of the
a. DNA
b. Cell Wall
c. Lysosome
d. Cell Membrane
23. What type of cell are plant and animal cells?
a. Both are Eukaryotic Cells
b. Both are Prokaryotic Cells
c. Plant cells are prokaryotic and animal cells are eukaryotic
d. Plant cells are eukaryotic and animal cells are prokaryotic
24. What three cellular structures are found in plant cells but not animal cells?
a. Mitochondria, ribosomes, and a cytoskeleton
b. Cell wall, chloroplasts, and a large vacuole
c. Cell wall, mitochondria, and a plasma membrane
d. Chloroplasts, stems, and a nucleus
25. A plant cell contains a large membrane-bound, sac-like structure that stores materials such as water, salts,
proteins, and carbohydrates. When this sac is full, it makes the cell rigid, which enables a plant to stand up
straight. This sac-like structure is most likely what organelle?
a. Nucleus
b. Vacuole
c. Chloroplast
d. Mitochondrion
SB1a3: Explain the role of the plasma membrane.
26. What is an important function of the cell structure pictured to the right?
a. Controlling the passage of materials.
b. Packaging cell products for export.
c. Transferring hereditary information to offspring.
d. Preventing a cell from bursting due to osmosis.
27. The plasma membrane is composed of two layers of ______________ called a ___________.
a. Protein molecules, protein bilayer
b. Phospholipid molecules, phospholipid bilayer
c. Nucleotides, nucleotide bilayer
d. Phospholipids molecules, organic bilayer
28. In the diagram of the plasma membrane shown below, which structures are indicated by letters A and B?
A — protein; B — phospholipid
A — fat; B — carbohydrate
A — cellulose; B — fat
A — phospholipid; B — protein
29. The plasma membrane functions in each of the following EXCEPT
a. Regulation of materials in/out of cell
b. Protection of the contents of the cell
c. Synthesis of enzymes for the cell
d. Support of the cell
30. Where is water least likely to be found in the diagram to
the right?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
SB1d. Explain the impact of water on life processes
31. Which type of cellular transport requires a cell to use energy?
a. active transport
b. osmosis
c. facilitated diffusion
d. diffusion
32. A cell in salt water shrivels because water leaves the cell. This movement of water is best known as….
a. homeostasis
b. endocytosis
c. osmosis
d. hypotonic solution
33. Skin cells lose water and shrivel up when placed in a salt water solution. Which of the following BEST
describes the type of solution in which these cells have been placed?
a. Isotonic
b. hypertonic
c. hypotonic
d. ionic
34. Kidney cells are placed in a hypotonic solution of pure water. What do you expect will happen to the cells?
a. stay the same size
b. shrink
c. swell
d. dissolve
35. Which of the following statements summarize the differences between active and passive transport?
a. Only active transport requires energy (ATP) and moves molecules from low to high concentration
b. Only passive transport requires energy (ATP) and moves molecules from low to high concentration
c. Passive transport requires energy (ATP), while active transport does not
d. Active and passive transport are basically the same thing.
Essay: Choose TWO (2) of the following 4 questions to answer in COMPLETE SENTENCES. Clearly mark which
questions you are choosing to answer. An incomplete sentence is an incomplete answer. (5 points each)
Option 1. In Jakita’s Biology class she is asked to come up with an analogy for the selectively permeable nature of
the plasma membrane. She decides that a bouncer checking IDs at a club shows selective permeability. What is
selective permeability? Does Jakita’s analogy work? Why or why not?
Option 2. Why would a plant cell that transports water against the force of gravity contain many more mitochondria
than other plant cells?
Option 3. For the science fair project Daria wants to create a cell. She approaches her science teacher, Ms.
Moncrease, and asks if she can use her laboratory chemicals to make her cell. Ms. Moncrease informs Daria that
her project is impossible according to the Cell Theory. Why can’t Daria make a cell?
Option 4. When Ms. Moncrease taught the different parts of the cell and their jobs, Jose found himself relating
them to things in school. For example, the nucleus is the control center of the cell just like the principal is the
control center of the school. Help Jose expand his analogy. Compare three more cell parts to things at Wheeler.
Choice 1: Option #______ ( _____/5)
Choice 2: Option #______ ( _____/5)