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Infectious Diseases
Infectious Diseases
What does Infectious or Contagious mean?
You can “catch” it
Communicable, Transferrable, Spreadable
 Can spread from one person to another
 Can spread from one part of the body to
Infectious Diseases
What causes Infectious & Contagious Diseases?
 Bacteria
 Viruses
 Rickettsias
 Protozoa
 Fungi
Infectious Diseases
How do you get an Infectious or Contagious Disease?
 Direct Contact
When an uninfected person comes in contact with an infected person.
Sexually transmitted diseases
Pregnant woman to her unborn child
 Indirect Contact
Breathing contaminated air in to the lungs
Colds, influenza, and tuberculosis are spread this way
Infectious Diseases
How Diseases are Spread
People: Many infectious diseases are spread as a result of direct
or indirect contact with an infected person
Animals: Animals and insects spread many infectious diseases.
The bit of an infected dog or other animal can spread rabies and
can be fatal. Malaria and dengue fever are spread this way
Contaminated Objects: Pathogens are spread when an
uninfected person touches objects that an infected person has
used. Eating utensils, glasses, toothbrushes, shared drug
Environment: Food, water, soil, and air we breathe contain
potentially harmful pathogens. Careless handling of food is the
main source of food poisoning.
Infectious Diseases
How does your body prevent you from getting sick?
Your Immune System
Physical Barriers against
Skin is your body’s 1st line of defense against pathogens
Chemical Barriers against
Enzymes in tears, saliva, and digestive
juices destroy pathogens
Blood Cell Barriers against
White Blood Cells group together
to destroy pathogens
Inflammatory Barriers against
Heat, redness, and swelling are the body’s “red alert,”
indicating when pathogens break through other barriers
Infectious Diseases
Common Infectious & Contagious Diseases
Flu (Influenza)
Mono (Mononucleosis)
Strep Throat
Infectious Diseases
Diseases of the Nervous System
(Not so common Infectious & Contagious Diseases)
 Encephalitis
 Meningitis
 Polio (Poliomyelitis)
Common Cold
 Viral Infection
 Stuffy, runny nose
 Sneezing
 Sore Throat
 Headache
Contracted by breathing in
the virus droplets or by
touching the virus and
rubbing the eyes or nose
and transferring the virus by
Flu (Influenza)
 Viral Infection
 Chills
 Fever
 Headache
 Muscle Ache
Flu is spread by virus-infected
droplets coughed or sneezed
into the air by an infected
Bacterial Infection
Chest pain
Shortness of breath
Loss of appetite
Weight loss
Spread by airborne droplets produced by
coughing or sneezing
Strep Throat
Spread by droplets coughed
or breathed into the air.
Bacterial Infection
Sore throat
General feeling of illness
Enlarged lymph nodes in neck
 Swelling of the brain
 Virus spread by
Speech disturbances
Memory loss
Gradual loss of
Swelling of the membranes
(meninges) of the brain & spinal
Viral & Bacterial types
Severe Headache
Nausea & vomiting
Sensitivity to light
Stiff neck
Infection is life threatening
 More commonly known
as polio
 Virus of the central
nervous system
 Has a vaccine to prevent
 Extensive paralysis of
muscles used for
 Can lead to death
Mono (Mononucleosis)
 Viral infection
 “kissing disease”
 Common among teens
 Chills
 Fever
 Sore throat
 Fatigue
 Swollen lymph nodes
Spreads through direct
 Highly contagious viral
Rash (over entire body)
Runny nose
Sore eyes
Ear & Chest infections
Has a vaccine to prevent
Swelling of the liver
Hepatitis A-from eating food or
drinking drinks that have been
Hepatitis B-spread by
contaminated medical
instruments and sexual
contact with infected people
Hepatitis C-spread through
infected blood
Viral Infection
Loss of appetite
Abdominal pain
Aching muscle
Preventing Infectious
Immunity: The body’s defenses against disease
Active Immunity: Your body remembers the
pathogens it meets and attacks them when
Passive Immunity: Temporary immunity. The immunity
that babies get from their mothers and lasts a few
Immunization: A way to help the body have immunity
against pathogens
 Live virus vaccines:
Made from weakened viruses.
Measles, mumps, rubella, and oral polio vaccines all contain
live virus.
 Killed virus vaccines:
Contain viruses that have
been killed. The vaccine causes the body to produce
antibodies. Cholera, typhoid fever, rabies, and polio vaccines
contain killed viruses.
 Toxoids:
Treated toxins stimulate the production of
antibodies and establish active immunity against diseases.
Infectious Diseases
Don’t get Sick! Use Common Sense
 Stay Healthy: good nutrition, exercise, adequate sleep, good healthcare
 Bathe Daily: keep skin, hair, and fingernails clean
 Don’t Share Food/Drinks: sharing straws, utensils, and drinking out of
the same glass as others spreads germs
 Carefully Handle Food: prevents food poisoning
 Wash Your Hands: after using the bathroom, changing diapers, preparing,
serving, or eating food.
 Stay Away from People: when YOU are sick, when THEY are sick
Journal Entry #8.1
Pick three-(3) infectious diseases to investigate, answer the following
questions concerning each in your health journal:
 Write a paragraph about the disease. Explain what happens when a
person contracts the disease; is the disease a result of direct or
indirect contact
 Is the disease communicable, transferrable or spreadable? Explain
your answer (it may be all three but you will need to explain how it
is all three)
 What causes the disease? (Bacteria, Virus, Fungi, Rickettsia, or
 What is the best way to prevent the disease?
 What would be the best method to prevent the disease?
(You must answer all of these questions for each of the three-(3) diseases
that you choose!)
 Merki, M.B. & Merki, D. (1999). Glencoe health a guide
to wellness. New York, New York. Glencoe McGrawHill Publishing