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Grade 9 Reproduction Unit Review
1.What is an organelle? What does it do?
2.What is the cytoplasm? What does it do?
3.What is the cell membrane? What does it do?
4.What is the cell wall? What does it do?
5.What are the mitochondria? What do they do?
6.What kind of cell has chloroplasts?
7.What are ribosomes?
8.What do proteins do in the cell?
9.What is the Endoplasmic Reticulum? What does
it do?
10. What is the Golgi Body? What does it do?
11. What are vesicles?
12. What is the nucleus? What does it do?
13. What is the nucleolus? What does it do?
14. Where in the cell is DNA?
15. What does DNA do?
16. What is the nuclear membrane? What does it
17. Where do I find nuclear pores? What are
they there for?
18. What is chromatin?
19. What are adenine, thymine, guanine, and
20. How do adenine, thymine, and guanine, and
cytosine behave together?
21. What shape is DNA?
22. What are genes?
23. What are chromosomes?
24. What do enzymes do in the body?
25. What is RNA? What is its job?
26. What is a mutation?
27. What kind of mutation is shown below:
28. What are the three possible mutations in
genetic code?
29. True or False: All mutations are harmful.
30. True or False: A neutral mutation is one that
helps the organism survive.
31. What is a negative mutation?
32. What do you call factors that can cause
33. Name two common mutagens.
34. Explain the basic of gene therapy.
35. What is the goal of mitosis?
36. What are the three stages of the cell cycle?
37. Name two things the cell does in interphase.
38. Name the four steps of mitosis.
39. What happens in cytokinesis?
40. What are sister chromatids?
41. What happens to a cell if it does not perform
mitosis properly or stops being able to
perform its duties during interphase?
42. What is cancer?
43. What are stem cells?
44. Explain why stem cells are valuable/how they
can be used?
45. Where can we get stem cells?
46. What is asexual reproduction?
47. Name the five types of asexual reproduction.
48. What type of reproduction occurs when an
asexual organism is ripped or cut apart and
manages to regrow clones from the pieces of
its body?
49. What type of reproduction occurs when a
plant uses specialized cells to create a clone
of itself?
50. What type of asexual reproduction involves a
single-celled organism splitting itself apart
into two clones?
51. What type of asexual reproduction involves
an organism growing a small offshoot that
breaks off as a clone of the parent organism?
52. What kind of asexual reproduction involves
creating single cells that can divide to
become a clone of the parent organism?
53. What kind of offspring do I get from asexual
54. What is one advantage of asexual
55. What is one disadvantage of asexual
56. What is the difference between reproductive
and therapeutic cloning?
57. Explain the steps in reproductive cloning.
58. Why might we want to clone embryos to
make them grow?
59. What is the goal of meiosis?
60. What are gametes?
61. How many times to cells divide in meiosis?
62. What is one advantage of sexual
63. What is one disadvantage of sexual
64. True or False: Humans contain two complete
sets of genes: one from their father, one
from their mother.
65. Name two differences between meiosis and
66. What are homologous chromosomes?
67. What kind of cells do I get at the end of
meiosis? How many chromosomes will they
68. What are diploid cells?
69. What are haploid cells?
70. What is chromosomal crossover and why is it
important to sexual reproduction?
71. What are the names of female and male
gametes in humans?
72. What is a zygote?
73. What is an embryo?
74. What is a fetus?
75. What is external fertilization?
76. What is internal fertilization?
77. What is pollination? How does it work?
78. What is a gastrula?
79. What are embryos, blastulas, and morulas
made of?
80. What is differentiation?
81. Explain how one type of assisted
reproductive technology works.