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Learning Objectives
Upon completion of CHAPTER 16, the student should be able to:
16.1 What is social psychology? (p. 544)
16.2 Describe the process of attribution and its two key errors. (p. 546)
16.3 Describe how culture affects attributional biases. (p. 548)
16.4 Define attitude and identify its three key components. (p. 548)
16.5 What is cognitive dissonance, how does it change attitudes, and how does culture affect it?
(p. 548)
16.6 Define prejudice, identify its three key components, and differentiate between prejudice and
discrimination. (p. 551)
16.7 Discuss the five major sources of prejudice and discrimination. (p. 551)
16.8 What are the three key factors in attraction? (p. 553)
16.9 Describe cultural and historical similarities and differences in judgments of attractiveness.
(p. 554)
16.10 Discuss scientific research on flirting. (p. 555)
16.11 Differentiate between romantic and companionate love, and discuss problems with
romantic love. (p. 557)
16.12 Define conformity, and explain the three factors that contribute to this behavior. (p. 560)
16.13 Define obedience and describe Milgram’s classic study. (p. 561)
16.14 Identify the four key factors in obedience. (p. 562)
16.15 Discuss the importance of roles and deindividuation in Zimbardo’s Stanford prison study.
(p. 564)
16.16 How do group polarization and groupthink affect group decision making? (p. 566)
16.17 Define aggression, and identify the biological and psychosocial factors that contribute to
its expression. (p. 568)
16.18 Describe three approaches to reducing aggression. (p. 569)
16.19 Define altruism, and describe the three models that attempt to explain it. (p. 570)
16.20 Describe Latane and Darley’s decision-making model, and other factors that help explain
why we don’t help. (p. 570)
16.21 List four major approaches useful for reducing prejudice and discrimination. (p. 573)
16.22 Describe recent research on implicit biases. (p. 575)
16.23 Identify six ways to reduce destructive obedience. (p. 577)