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Name:________________________________________________________ Date:______________________
Unit 14 Social Psychology
Use SQ3R: Survey, Question, Read, Rehearse, and Review every section you read.
Introduction and Social Thinking (pp 643-650)
1. Describe the three main focuses of social psychology, and discuss how the fundamental attribution
error affects our judgments of others.
Define attitude, and explain how attitudes and actions affect each other.
Social Influence (pp 650-664)
3. Describe the chameleon effect, and discuss Ash’s experiments on conformity, noting the difference
between normative and informational social influence.
4. Describe Milgram’s experiment on obedience, and explain how the conformity and obedience studies
can help us understand our susceptibility to social influence.
5. Describe conditions in which the presence of others is likely to result in social facilitation.
6. Discuss how group interaction can facilitate group polarization and groupthink.
7. Describe how behavior is influenced by cultural norms.
8. Identify the characteristic common to minority positions that successfully sways majorities.
Social Relations (pp. 664-692)
9. Identify the three components of prejudice, and contrast overt and subtle forms of prejudice.
10. Discuss the social factors that contribute to prejudice, and explain how scapegoating illustrates the
emotional component of prejudice.
11. Cite three ways that cognitive processes help create and maintain prejudice.
12. Explain how psychology’s definition of aggression differs from everyday usage, and describe various
biological influences on aggression.
13. Outline psychological and social-cultural triggers of aggression, noting the relationship between
violent video games and aggressive behavior
14. Describe the influence of proximity, physical attractiveness, and similarity on interpersonal
15. Describe the effect of physical arousal on passionate love, and identify two predictors of enduring
companionate love.
16. Define altruism, and describe the steps in the decision making process involved in bystander
17. Explain altruism from the perspectives of social exchange theory and social norms.
18. Explain how social traps and mirror-image perceptions fuel social conflict, and discuss effective ways
of encouraging peaceful cooperation and reducing conflict?
Define in 5 words or less:
Social Psychology:
Attribution Theory:
Fundamental Attribution Error:
Central Route Persuasion:
Peripheral Route Persuasion:
Foot-in-the-door Phenomenon:
Cognitive Dissonance Theory:
Normative Social Influence:
Informational Social Influence:
Social Facilitation:
Social Loafing:
Group Polarization:
Personal Space:
Ingroup Bias:
Scapegoat Theory:
Other-race Effect:
Just-world Phenomenon:
Frustration-aggression Principle:
Mere Exposure Effect:
Passionate Love:
Companionate Love:
Bystander Effect:
Social Exchange Theory:
Reciprocity Norm:
Social-responsibility Norm:
Social Trap:
Mirror-image Perceptions:
Self-fulfilling Prophecy:
Superordinate Goals:
Solomon Asch:
Stanley Milgram:
Philip Zimbardo:
Leon Festinger: