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1 Name: AP Psychology Answer the following questions in your notebook as you read the assigned sections of the Social Psychology unit. Pages 673-675 1. What is social psychology? 2. Give one personal example of you using the fundamental attribution error: 3. How does our author describe the different viewpoints of political conservatives and liberals? Pages 675-679 4. What relationship is there between attitudes and actions? 5. Describe the foot-in-the-door phenomenon: 6. Describe Zimbardo’s prison study: 7. Think of an instance in which you suffered with cognitive dissonance: Pages 680-686 8. Give an example of the chameleon effect: 9. Why do humans have such a strong desire to conform? 10. How does one’s culture impact their frequency of conformity? 11. What does Milgram’s study tell us about human nature? Pages 687-691 12. Why does social facilitation increase performance is some situations but not in others? 13. What are the two main reasons for social loafing? 14. Why does deindividuation occur? 15. How could group polarization be used to increase grades at MRHS? 16. List some things that leaders can do to overcome groupthink: 17. What are some things that individuals can do to make an impact on the group? Pages 691-697 18. What impact does prejudice have on our society? 19. Describe the blame-the-victim dynamic: 20. How does prejudice lead to anger? 21. Is there any truth to the belief that people of other ethnic groups all look alike? Why or why not? 22. How does the just-world phenomenon distort our views of victims? Pages 698-705 23. What evidence is there for a genetic link to aggression? 24. What relationship is there between testosterone and aggression? 25. What effect does heat have on our responses to stressful situations? 26. What impact does modeling have on violence in society? 27. What effect does pornography have on male aggression towards women? 28. What impact do social scripts have on our behavior? 29. Explain the correlation between playing violent video games and committing violent acts: 2 Pages 705-712 30. Why is proximity so conductive to liking? 31. Why does there not seem to be a correlation between attractiveness and self-esteem or happiness? 32. Why is an “averaged” face more attractive than those that compose it? 33. What effect does adrenaline have on attraction? 34. What effect does self-disclosure have on intimacy? Pages 712-719 35. During an emergency people will usually helps when: a. b. c. 36. Describe the social exchange theory: 37. What solutions are psychologists finding for social traps? 38. How do superordinate goals help us to reduce conflict? 39. How does GRIT work?