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Scientific Method
Cell Division
Molecular Biology
250 pts. TOTAL
10 pts.
10 pts
10 pts
10 pts
10 pts
10 pts
10 pts
10 pts
40 pts.
15 pts.
15 pts.
15 pts.
15 pts.
15 pts.
15 pts.
15 pts.
15 pts.
15 pts.
135 pts.
Over week 1 (5 pts.)
Over week 2 (10 pts.)
Over week 3 (10 pts.)
Over week 4 (10 pts.)
Over week 5 (10 pts.)
Over week 6 (10 pts.)
Over week 7 (10 pts.)
Over week 8 (10 pts.)
75 pts.
Learning goals
1. Understand the scientific method
2. Understand differences between dependent,
independent & controlled variables
3. Distinguish controlled variables from control condition
4. Construct and interpret graph
and Cells
1. Understand how a microscope works
2. know the relationship between magnification and
3. know the cell organelles visible in a light microscope
4. distinguish protozoan, plant and animal cells
and Osmosis
1. Understand solute, solvent, diffusion, osmosis,
semipermeable membrane, osmotic pressure, and tonicity
2. understand that diffusion, osmosis, osmotic pressure,
and tonicity are driven by and illustrate the 2nd Law of
3. understand the graph of the “potato punch”
1. Understand the relationships between substrate,
product, enzyme, competitive inhibitor and noncompetitive
2. Understand that every unique enzyme works best
under different conditions and that the optimal conditions
are related to the role of the enzyme in the organism
1. State a hypothesis, a prediction and design an
experiment when given an observation or question
2. Given a set of variables, separate them into dependent,
independent & controlled variables
3. Define and give examples of controlled variables and
control conditions
4. Given a data set, construct a data table, construct a
graph, plot the data & describe the relationship shown by
the graph
1. Define, diagram the interactions between, give examples
from the lab, and identify each chemical used in the lab as
substrate, product, enzyme, substrate, product, enzyme,
competitive inhibitor and noncompetitive inhibitor
2. Describe the experiment and the lab results that
distinguish a competitive from a noncompetitive inhibitor
3. Diagram and describe the lab results that show that
different enzymes work best under different conditions
1. Label the parts of the microscope in a diagram or a
photograph and state the function of each part
2. describe the changes in the image as the magnification is
3. accurately draw and label the drawing, a diagram or a
photograph of any of the cells used in this lab, including the
cell organelles
4. state the function of each organelle
5. compare and contrast protozoan, plant and animal cells
1. Define solute, solvent, diffusion, osmosis, semipermeable
membrane, osmotic pressure, and tonicity and draw a
diagram illustrating each of these
2. state the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
3. describe and draw a diagram showing how diffusion,
osmosis, osmotic pressure, and tonicity illustrate the 2 nd
Law of Thermodynamics
4. understand how cellular responses to media of
different tonicity indicate the solute concentration of the
cell’s cytoplasm
1. Understand the basis for chromatography
2. Understand the relationship between a molecule’s
absorption spectrum and the energy that it takes in and
3. Understand the spectrophotometer and the
4. know the controlled, dependent and independent
variables and the control condition in the manometer
5. understand the graph of the manometer experiment
6. understand the basis of the manometer experiment
and its relevance to the pigment absorption spectra and to
Cell Division
1. Know the names of the parts of the cell cycle, mitosis
and meiosis
2. know the events in sequence that occur during each
parts of the cell cycle, mitosis and meiosis
3. understand the differences between the processes and
the products of mitosis and meiosis
4. understand genotype, phenotype, gene, allele
5. know the role of mitosis and of meiosis in the organism
and in inheritance
1. Understand gene, dominant and recessive alleles,
genotype, phenotype, incomplete dominance
2. understand segregation, independent assortment and
test cross
4. accurately graph the “potato punch” results
5. describe the “potato punch” experiment and the results
that indicate the solute concentration of the cell’s
1. Predict the relative position of pigments when
chromatographed using a poar or a nonpolar solvent
2. when given a spectrum, predict the wavelengths or colors
that will be tranmitted and absorbed
3. diagram each instrument, describe how it operates and
what it can be use to measure
4. diagram the manometer apparatus and label each of the
variables and the control condition
5. predict the results of the manometer experiment,
describe the results your lab obtained, discuss any
differences from your prediction and state what this study
shows about the process of photosynthesis
6. accurately graph the results of a perfect manometer
experiment and your lab’s results; derive the rate of
photosynthesis from this graph
7. Predict the outcome of the manometer experiment if the
Elodea is dead, if the room lights are left on, if there was
no tin foil covered tube, and if the manometer had a leak
1. Diagram, label and state the events in each part of the
cell cycle, mitosis and meiosis
2. given a diagram or photograph of a cell, state the phase
of the cell cycle, mitosis or meiosis of the cell and the
features of the cell the show this
3. Given the genotype of a daughter cell, diagram how it
was produced by mitosis or meiosis
1. Define each of these terms and state the relationship
between any set of them
2. given the results of a cross, state a hypothesis that
might explain the results, use this hypothesis to construct a
3. understand sex linkage and unlinked and linked genes
4. understand Chi-square analysis
Biology and
the Control
of Gene
Evolution of
Alleles and
1. Understand the relationships between replication,
transcription, translation
2. Understand the relationships between DNA, origin of
replication, helicase, DNA polymerase, primase,
transcript, promoter, RNA polymerase, terminator, mRNA,
operator, transcription factor, repressor, inducer, codon,
anticodon, tRNA, ribosome, start and stop codons, protein
1. Understand the Hardy-Weinberg Theorem
2. understand allele fixation and extinction
3. understand bottleneck, founder effect, industrial
melanism and sickle cell anemia
3. understand the use of isozymes to analyze population
heterozygosity and the importance of population
heterozygosity in analyzing evolution
Punnett Square, state the results predicted if this Punnett
Square is correct and use Chi-square analysis to determine
if this prediction fits the results of the cross
3. use the analysis in #2 to determine if the results you
were provided demonstrate dominance, recessiveness,
incomplete dominance, linkage, sex linkage
1. Define and diagram each of these processes
2. Define each of these terms including the specific role of
each in replication, transcription, translation and the control
of gene action
3. Label diagrams of replication, transcription, translation
4. State the results of mutations in promoter terminator,
operator, transcription factor, repressor or inducer
1. State the Hardy-Weinberg Theorem, what it predicts,
its five important conditions and its utility
2. define and recognize allele fixation and extinction
3. Describe bottleneck, founder effect, industrial melanism
and sickle cell anemia, and demonstrate the analysis of each
by application of the Hardy-Weinberg Theorem
4. Define and label on diagrams of isozyme gels: zones of
activity, isozyme, allozymes, gel patterns of monomeric,
dimeric, trimeric, monomorphic and polymorphic proteins
5. Describe the relationship between population
heterozygosity, variation, natural selection and evolution