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Review Sheet: Use the CD to answer the questions. Remember click on the RED
word to find out more information!
Study Questions on Anatomy Review: The Heart:
1. (Page 4.) What's the difference between the blood in the right side of the heart and the left side of
the heart?
2. (Page 5.) a. Where does the blood go that is pumped out of the right heart? b. What happens to
the blood in the lungs?
c. Where does the blood go that is pumped out of the left heart?
3. (Page 5.) Where is the pulmonary circuit: ___________________ the systemic circuit? ____________
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Study Questions on Anatomy Review: Blood Vessel Structure & Function:
1. (Page 3.) What is the central blood-containing space of a blood vessel called?
2. (Page 3.) What are the names of the three distinct layers of a blood vessel from innermost to
3. (Page 3.) What is the tunica intima composed of?
4. (Page 3.) What two structures is the tunica media composed of?
5. (Page 3.) What is the tunica adventitia composed of? What is its function?
6. (Page 4.) Tell if the following are characteristic of arteries (A), capillaries [C] or veins(V):
a. Lumens are largest. ______
b. Role: the exchange of materials between the blood and the interstitial fluid. ______
c. Exposed to the highest pressures of any vessels. ______
d. The link between arteries and veins in the pathway of blood. ______
e. Experience the least pressure. ______
f. The smallest vessels. ______
g. Vessels that transport blood away from the heart. ______
h. Walls consist of just a thin tunica intima. ______
7. (Page 7.) What are the three types of arteries classified by relative size and function? List from
largest to smallest.
8. (Page 8.) What is the aorta?
9. (Page 9.) What vessel has the highest blood pressure?
10. (Page 13.) What are the smaller arterioles that allow blood to flow to capillary beds called?
11. (Page 14.) Does the blood pulsate in arterioles?
12. (Page 14.) Which of the three types of arteries offers the greatest resistance to blood flow?
13. (Page 16.) What are capillaries made of? How does that affect their function?
Study Questions on the Cardiac Cycle:
1. (Page 1.) What is a cardiac cycle?
2. (Page 3.) What opens and closes the heart valves?
3. (Page 7.) What closes the AV valves?
Sound: LUB
4. (Page 8.) What opens the semilunar valves?
Sound@closing: __
Study Questions on Intrinsic Conduction Cycle:
1. [Page 4] What is the pathway of depolarization?
2. [Page 5] Atria contract during = _________ wave
Ventricles contract during =_________wave
3. [Page 5-6] What is happening to the heart during QRS spike?
Chapter 10 Review Questions:
1. List the granulocytes:________________________________________________________
2. List the agranulocytes: ______________________________________________________
3. Allergies increase ________________________, B and T cells produced by ____________________
4. Produces histamine: ______________________, Fights chronic infection ____________________
5. What protein transports oxygen in the blood? ___________________
6. Lifespan of RBCs: ____________________________
6. Lower than normal RBC count: _________________ Higher than normal RBCs ________________
7. A clot that broke away and freely floats in the bloodstream is called __________________.
8. Process of that causes RBCs to clump is called ___________________.
9. ABO Blood Types- A can give to _________________ and receive from _______________
10. Increase in WBC? ______________ Decrease in WBC? __________________
11. Antigen blood type A has on its cells: _____________________
12. Universal Donor: _____________
Receiver? _________________
Chapter 11 Review Questions (in addition to the computer questions)
1. Where are the atria located? ____________________________________________________
2. Why a lub-dup sound? _______________________________________________________________
3. Covering around the heart is called ___________________________________
4. What is the pacemaker of the heart? __________________
5. Lower than normal heart beat is called ____________________
6. Where is the tricuspid located? ____________________ The bicuspid? ___________________
7. What chamber receives blood directly from the pulmonary veins? __________________
8. Vessel carrying deoxygenated blood from the lower portion of the body ____________________
9. An embolus can cause a _______________
10. Where is the carotic artery? _______________ Popliteal? _____________ Femoral?____________
Hepatic?_____________ Jugular? _____________
Renal?_______________ pulmonary?_____
11. What does systole mean? _________________
Diastole? ________________
12. Artery that supplies the heart with blood? ____________________
13. What is a pulse? ______________________________
Places you can find it: _______________
14. Thickest wall of the heart is found where? _____________________
15. What chamber has the SA node? _____________________
16. Largest artery in the body? _______________ White cords that anchor valve flaps ___________
17. Hypotension __________________ Hypertension ________________
18. Arteries carry blood __________ and ____________ carry blood to! Oxygen exception___________
19. Name of the heart muscle, also called middle layer? ___________________________
20. What is the flow of blood through the vascular system?
Be able to label a picture! And which parts have deoxygenated and oxygenated blood!